64 research outputs found
Biodegradation of Pig Manure by the Housefly, Musca domestica: A Viable Ecological Strategy for Pig Manure Management
The technology for biodegradation of pig manure by using houseflies in a pilot plant capable of processing 500–700 kg of pig manure per week is described. A single adult cage loaded with 25,000 pupae produced 177.7±32.0 ml of eggs in a 15-day egg-collection period. With an inoculation ratio of 0.4–1.0 ml eggs/kg of manure, the amount of eggs produced by a single cage can suffice for the biodegradation of 178–444 kg of manure. Larval development varied among four different types of pig manure (centrifuged slurry, fresh manure, manure with sawdust, manure without sawdust). Larval survival ranged from 46.9±2.1%, in manure without sawdust, to 76.8±11.9% in centrifuged slurry. Larval development took 6–11 days, depending on the manure type. Processing of 1 kg of wet manure produced 43.9–74.3 g of housefly pupae and the weight of the residue after biodegradation decreased to 0.18–0.65 kg, with marked differences among manure types. Recommendations for the operation of industrial-scale biodegradation facilities are presented and discussed
Protecting the environment through insect farming as a means to produce protein for use as livestock, poultry, and aquaculture feed
Securing protein for the approximate 10 billion humans expected to inhabit our planet by 2050 is a major priority for the global community. Evidence has accrued over the past 30 years that strongly supports and justifies the sustainable use of insects as a means to produce protein products as feed for pets, livestock, poultry, and aquacultured species. Researchers and entrepreneurs affiliated with universities and industries, respectively, from 18 nations distributed across North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia contributed to the development of this article, which is an indication of the global interest on this topic. A brief overview of insects as feed for the aquaculture industry along with a review of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), as a model for such systems is provided
Redukování množství mateřského jazyka ve výuce angličtiny
Autorka na základě svých zkušeností hodnotí vhodnost používání mateřského jazyka při výuce angličtiny. Vychází také ze studií J. Hamera a S. Halliwelové. V experimentálních hodinách vyzkoušela, zda je možné osvojit si jazykové struktury bez nadměrného poutání pozornosti k jejich tvaru a funkci.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo
Prevence rizik při provozu plastových potrubí plynovodů
Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství. Katedra (040) bezpečnostního management
Risk Assessment Using the PFDA-FMEA Integrated Method
Purpose: The paper aims to introduce risk assessment in new product development as an important activity for a successful new product launch. A practical example is presented to demonstrate the integration of tools Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Pythagorean Fuzzy Dimensional Analysis (PFDA) at new product development process, which is a machined component.
Methodology/Approach: Individual steps for creating a case study were carried out: create a Subject Matter Expert (SME) team, identify product failure modes, use linguistic values to assess the FMEA, compute and obtain the PFDA-FMEA and determine the product failure modes ranking.
Findings: Minimized uncertainty in the final evaluation of the FMEA and improvement in the decision-making process based on the risks already identified in the new product development process.
Research Limitation/Implication: The PFDA-FMEA method was based on the risk assessment of a machined part development process. Nevertheless, this method can be used for application in many other areas of industry that require high precision in risk analysis.
Originality/Value of paper: The aim of this paper is to reveal a new integrated method in which FMEA, Pythagorean Fuzzy Sets (PFS) and Dimensional Analysis (DA) are coherent in one model
The paper is focused on specific location-allocation problem aimed to determine a set of scrap yardsfor vehicle decommissioning in Slovakia. The goal is to determine scrap yards network so that itis not prohibitive to pass old car for dismantling and further processing wherever former ownerlives. Two approaches are considered. Once we consider the case when it is necessary to constructa completely new network of scrap yards, which results to setting of their minimum numbers andalso their location. In the latter case, the already existing network of scrap yards is considered,while the model provides its extension, in order to achieve the desired values of accessibility forall residents. The results were applied to an existing network of scrap yards identifying locationsto build new scrap yards. Areas where whole new network of scrap yards must be built were alsoidentified
Zastosowanie wielokryterialnego modelu teorii gier w zagadneniu alokacji przestrzennej uwzględniającej wpływ operatora
The consideration of space in economic analysis and economic theory has continuously been gaining more attention. Location is essential from the point of view of companies in terms of their operations in the market where companies try to operate as efficiently as possible. Therefore, companies have to make strategic decisions about the location of their operations. Faced with the need for financial support, companies often turn to state subsidies. However, subsidies are not just important for companies, but are also a key tool for providers of subsidies so that they can pursue their own interests. This paper focuses on a specific game theory problem situation in which companies decide on the location of their operations, a decision, however, which is also influenced by the pertinent regulatory authority which, in its turn, is striving to implement its own goals. The regulator selects effective tools in order to achieve its goals. In the paper, two tools are considered, namely, subsidizing the product price for the regulator's preferred area and influencing consumers' behavior through active advertising campaigns. This paper sets forth an original model of spatial competition using game theory, its effectiveness residing in the competitive character of the situation outlined. The model’s results serve as information for decision-making about the final allocation decisions of companies’ operations, the cost of financial subsidies in cases where the first tool is utilized, or the costs of advertising campaigns in cases where the second tool is utilized. The mining regions' support analysis is presented as a concrete case study. It is a current heated topic because of the current situation in the Slovak Republic, where coal mines are scheduled to be closed. The proposed spatial competition game theory model is unique, and its novelty can be considered as a contribution to the current state of the art of game theory knowledge.Uwzględnienie przestrzeni w analizie ekonomicznej i teorii ekonomii stale zyskuje większą uwagę coraz więcej uwagi. Lokalizacja jest istotna z punktu widzenia przedsiębiorstw w zakresie ich działalności na rynku, na którym firmy starają się działać jak najbardziej efektywnie. W związku z tym przedsiębiorstwa muszą podejmować strategiczne decyzje dotyczące lokalizacji swojej działalności. W obliczu potrzeby wsparcia finansowego firmy często sięgają po dotacje państwowe. Dotacje są jednak ważne nie tylko dla firm, ale są również kluczowym narzędziem dla podmiotów udzielających dotacji, dzięki którym mogą realizować własne interesy. Niniejszy artykuł skupia się na specyficznej sytuacji problemowej z zakresu teorii gier, w której przedsiębiorstwa decydują o lokalizacji swojej działalności, na którą jednak wpływ ma również odpowiedni operator, który z kolei dąży do realizacji własnych celów. Operator dobiera skuteczne narzędzia do realizacji swoich celów. W artykule rozważane są dwa narzędzia, a mianowicie subsydiowanie ceny produktu dla obszaru preferowanego przez operatora oraz wpływanie na zachowania konsumentów poprzez aktywne kampanie reklamowe. Artykuł przedstawia autorski model współzawodnictwa przestrzennego z wykorzystaniem teorii gier, którego skuteczność wynika z konkurencyjnego charakteru przedstawianej sytuacji. Wyniki modelu służą jako informacja do podejmowania decyzji o ostatecznych decyzjach alokacyjnych działalności firm, kosztach dotacji finansowych w przypadku wykorzystanie pierwszego narzędzia lub kosztach kampanii reklamowych w przypadku wykorzystania drugiego narzędzia. Analiza wsparcia regionów górniczychb jest przedstawiona jako konkretne studium przypadku. Jest to aktualnie gorący temat ze względu na obecną sytuację na Słowacji, gdzie planowane jest zamknięcie kopalń węgla.Proponowany model teorii gier konkurencji przestrzennej jest unikalny, a jego nowatorstwo można uznać za wkład w aktualny stan wiedzy z zakresu teorii gier
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