66 research outputs found

    Problém optimálního střídání směn

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    The paper deals with the problem of optimal workshift scheduling in the 2-turn case (12 hours day turn – night turn) or 3-turn case (8 hours morning turn – afternoon turn – night turn). It is supposed that 4 teams are scheduled in four weeks i.e. 28 days. Several practical constraints and objectives are treated

    Metoda: Stanovení protilátky anti-MCV

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    Analysis of juices of selected red and white currant varieties

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    Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou šťáv vybraných odrůd červeného a bílého rybízu. Teoretická část je věnována popisu rybízu, jeho biologicky aktivním látkám, pěstování a jeho využití v potravinářství. V teoretické části jsou také charakterizovány analyzované parametry rybízů, a to fenolické látky, antokyany a vitamin C a možnosti jejich stanovení. Experimentální část je věnována přípravě vzorků a pracovním postupům jednotlivých analýz. K analýze bylo použito šest vybraných odrůd bílého a jedenáct odrůd červeného rybízu z Výzkumného a šlechtitelského ústavu ovocnářského Holovousy s.r.o. a šest odrůd bílého a deset odrůd červeného rybízu od soukromého pěstitele. Celkové fenolické látky a antokyany byly stanovovány spektrofotometricky, obsah vitaminu C pak kapalinovou chromatografií. Vyšší hodnoty těchto látek byly naměřeny převážně u odrůd z Výzkumného a šlechtitelského ústavu ovocnářského Holovousy s.r.o. Odrůdy červených rybízů obsahovaly vyšší množství celkových fenolických látek a antokyanů, bílé rybízy pak vyšší množství vitaminu C.Presented diploma thesis deals with the analysis of juices of selected red and white currant varieties. The theoretical part is dedicated to the characteristics of a currant, biologically active substances of its fruits, its growing proces and the utilization of currants in the food industry. The analyzed parameters of currants - phenolics, anthocyanins and vitamin C are also characterized in the theoretical part with possibůe methods of their determination. The experimental part is devoted to the preparation of samples and the working practices of individual analysis. Six selected varieties of white and eleven varieties of red currant from Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd. and six varieties of white and ten varieties of red currant from private grower were used for the analysis. Total phenolics and anthocyanins were determined spectrophotometrically, the content of vitamin C was determined by HPLC. Higher values of these compounds were measured mainly in the varieties of Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd. Varieties of red currants contained higher amounts of total phenolics and anthocyanins while white currants contained higher amounts of vitamin C.

    Bus route design in small demand areas

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    The paper deals with the situation when a low populated area is in need of public transport service. It is necessary to design a bus route, passing through the area and meeting the accessibility and efficiency requirements. The article presents a mathematical formulation of the problem in terms of the network theory together with two exact and several heuristic methods for finding a solution. The paper describes that the problem is NP-hard, and therefore computing experience is outlined

    Designing Optimal Routes for Cycle-tourists

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    AbstractBicycles are becoming an increasingly popular mean of transport. Being healthy and affordable, they provide a sustainable alternative way of movement, for both leisure and work commuting. In both cases demand increases when bike devoted tracks are available. Providing bike trails that connect touristic spots is a cheap way of increasing the appeal and promoting the development of those regions featuring beautiful landscapes, strong cultural traditions, and historical monuments within a small area. This is the case of the Trebon region, South Bohemia, whose local administrators face the problem of optimally investing scarce resources to set up a network of cycle-dedicated tracks, exploiting existing trails or by reconstruction works, turning gravel roads or unsurfaced forest tracks into paved bike trails. As a first step, we address the design of a single route, modeled as a path on a directed graph between two given nodes, maximizing a utility function related to the attractiveness of the path. Attractiveness depends on several features, such as a service facility, a restaurant serving typical food, an historical village, or a scenic landscape to be enjoyed along the way. Two kinds of resource constraints bound the solution. A path maximum duration, which depends on how many times each arc is traversed, and a maximum budget for setting up the infrastructure, which depends on which arcs are selected. Since a cyclist may be willing to traverse an edge more than once - think, for example, of a detour from the main way to be travelled back and forth to reach a point of interest – cycles can be part of the route. The attractiveness function is concave and decreases after reaching its maximum at a few traversals. Such features make the problem new and challenging. We present an integer linear programming model and validate it by an experimental campaign on realistic data for the Trebon region

    Support of decision-making on economic and social sustainability of public transport

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    The main purpose of the paper is to present theoretical findings suitable as a support of decision-making on economic sustainability and accessibility of public transport. Czech experience with solving this problem is taken into account. The paper focuses on the relationship between two of three pillars of public transport sustainability – social and economic. Accessibility of public transport service for the clients is considered the main feature of the social pillar. Three types of accessibility are taken into account: spatial, time and economic. Indicators of all three types are presented and their role is studied in details. The main factors influencing the indicators are described. It is shown that, usually, strengthening the social pillar is then weakening the economic one. Further, the public transport accessibility issues are discussed in the most complicated case – in the weak demand areas. Demand Responsible Transport (DRT) is presented as an efficient and effective tool in maintaining the public transport sustainable in these areas. Different types of DRT are outlined and evaluated for the purpose of deciding which one to choose


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    Prepravné výkony osobnej železničnej dopravy predstavujú kvantifikáciu dopytu po týchto službách. Vzhľadom na to, že veľká časť týchto služieb je realizovaná ako služby vo verejnom záujme, skúmali sme, či dopyt po službách železničnej osobnej dopravy reflektuje vývoj ekonomiky. Príspevok sa zaoberá analýzou vývoja HDP ako základného ukazovateľa merania výkonnosti ekonomiky krajiny, analýzou vývoja priemernej mesačnej mzdy, ktorá je jedným z najčastejšie používaných ukazovateľov na meranie vývoja životnej úrovne obyvateľstva v porovnaní s vývojom prepravných výkonov osobnej železničnej dopravy. Pri skúmaní zmeny dopytu po dopravných službách železničnej osobnej dopravy sme sa zamerali na zmenu dopytu vzhľadom na zmenu ceny cestovného lístka a zmenu tých nákladov na individuálnu automobilovú dopravu, ktoré zohľadňujú cestujúci pri rozhodovaní sa o použití druhu dopravy na uskutočnenie svojich prepravných potrieb.The paper deals with analysis of the development of gross domestic product as the main indicator measuring the economic performance of the country and analysis of the development of the average monthly wage as one of the most important indicators to measure of living standards in comparison with the performances in passenger rail transport. The change in demand for services in rail passenger transport is analysed with respect to the change in the price of the ticket and change the costs of an individual car traffic, which the passengers take into account in deciding on the type of transport

    Methodology for the Tariff Formation in Railway Freight Transport

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    Tariff policy outline and the formation of prices for services in freight transport currently lie in the competencies of individual carriers. Price formation in freight transport is fully liberalized and it has contributed mainly to a fair competition and a more effective acquisition activity of railway undertakings. In EU countries, tariffs in railway freight transport are still important today and are applicable in the form of commercial tariffs for individual railway carriers. The aim of this paper is to propose a methodology for the tariff formation in railway freight transport, taking into account the specific technical and technological requirements for transport and costs. The proposed methodology represents the scientific procedures for the efficient design of tariffs for rail freight. The scientific methods used in the methodology are focused on demand analysis, identification of the vehicle fleet, determination of employees, technology of individual shipments, cost calculation and calculation of rates, establishment of price-lists and setting the price of transportation

    Clinicopathological Findings, Treatment and Outcome in 60 cats with Feline Gastrointestinal Eosinophilic Sclerosing Fibroplasia

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    Background – Feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia (FGESF) presents as mass(es) associated with the gastrointestinal tract, mesentery, and abdominal lymph nodes.Hypothesis/Objectives – To report the clinicopathological findings, treatment, and outcome of cats with FGESF.Animals – Sixty client-owned cats diagnosed with FGESF. Methods – Retrospective review of medical records of cats with histopathologically confirmed FGESF. Results – The median age was 5.4 years (interquartile range [IQR] 3.3-8.9.); 30% were Domestic Shorthairs and 12% were Domestic Longhair cats, with the most prevalent pedigree breeds being Ragdolls (25%), Exotic Shorthair (10%) and Persian (8%) cats. The median duration of clinical signs was 90 days (IQR 17.5-247.0); the most common clinical signs were weight loss (60%), hyporexia/anorexia (55%), chronic vomiting (37%), lethargy (35%) and chronic diarrhea (27%). Masses were located in the small intestine (32%), stomach (27%), ileocolic junction (15%), colon (10%), lymph node (8%) and mesentery (8%) and 15% of cats had more than one mass. Eosinophilia was present in 50% and hypoalbuminemia in 28% of cats. The mass was removed surgically in 37% of cases. Most cats (98%) were treated with corticosteroids and 1 cat with antibiotics alone. The survival was not statistically different between cats treated with surgical resection and cats treated with medical therapy alone, 88% of the cats still alive at the time of writing. Conclusions and clinical importance – FGESF is an important differential diagnosis for abdominal masses in cats, and has a much better prognosis than previously reported. <br/

    Genomic and Transcriptomic Characterization of Atypical Recurrent Flank Alopecia in the Cesky Fousek.

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    Non-inflammatory alopecia is a frequent skin problem in dogs, causing damaged coat integrity and compromised appearance of affected individuals. In this study, we examined the Cesky Fousek breed, which displays atypical recurrent flank alopecia (aRFA) at a high frequency. This type of alopecia can be quite severe and is characterized by seasonal episodes of well demarcated alopecic areas without hyperpigmentation. The genetic component responsible for aRFA remains unknown. Thus, here we aimed to identify variants involved in aRFA using a combination of histological, genomic, and transcriptomic data. We showed that aRFA is histologically similar to recurrent flank alopecia, characterized by a lack of anagen hair follicles and the presence of severely shortened telogen or kenogen hair follicles. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 216 dogs phenotyped for aRFA and identified associations on chromosomes 19, 8, 30, 36, and 21, highlighting 144 candidate genes, which suggests a polygenic basis for aRFA. By comparing the skin cell transcription pattern of six aRFA and five control dogs, we identified 236 strongly differentially expressed genes (DEGs). We showed that the GWAS genes associated with aRFA are often predicted to interact with DEGs, suggesting their joint contribution to the development of the disease. Together, these genes affect four major metabolic pathways connected to aRFA: collagen formation, muscle structure/contraction, lipid metabolism, and the immune system