8 research outputs found

    Paleoecological study of the Cretaceous extremophilic flora with emphasis on xerophytes

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    Studovaný materiál pochází z české křídové pánve perucko-korycanského souvrství cenomanského stáří, z lokalit Pecínov a Praha - Malá Chuchle z české křídové pánve. Pro srovnání s fosilními taxony byly použity xerofytní až mesofytní recentní rostliny. Fosilní i recentní materiál byl dokumentován makromorfologicky a pomocí kutikulární analýzy. V systematické části bylo popsáno 11 fosilních taxonů z oddělení Lyginopteridophyta, Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Pinophyta, Magnoliophyta, z nich byly tři taxony popsány nově (list benetitu Zamites mirovanae sp. nov., listy krytosemenných rostlin Dicotylophyllum labutae sp. nov, D. pecinovense sp. nov). Na studovaném materiálu bylo dále na základě studia makro- a mikromorfologie stanoveno, které fosilní rostliny perucko-korycanského souvrství patří mezi extremofyty. Pozorování prokázalo, že rostliny vystavené stresu se nedostatku vody bránily tím, že upravily svou mikromorfologickou stavbu. Analýzou dříve publikovaných a nově získaných dat byly mezi studovanými fosilními taxony vydělěny halofyty. Tyto rostliny pocházející z prostředí slaných marší a příbřežních močálů ovlivňovaných mořským přílivem jsou charakterizované silnými kutikulami, průduchy zanořenými ve stomatálním dvůrku nebo obklopené výrazným valem nebo papilami. Na povrchu epidermis mohou mít různé...Thestudied materialcomesfromtheBohemianCretaceousBasin,Peruc-Korycany FormationCenomanianage,fromthelocalitiesPecínovandPraha-MaláChuchle. Recent plantswereusedforcomparisonwithfossilxeropyhteandmesophyteplants.Fossilandrecent materialwasmacromorphologicallydocumentedandanalyzedusingcuticularanalysis. Inthesystematic part, elevenfossiltaxafromdivisions Lyginopteridophyta, Cycadophyta,Ginkgophyta,Pinophytaand Magnoliophytaweredescribed.Fromthese,three newtaxawereestablished:bennetiteleafofZamitesmirovanaesp.nov.,angiospermleavesof Dicotylophyllumlabutae sp. nov.andD. pecinovense sp. nov. Based onthestudy of macro-and micro-morphology,it wasdistinguished whichpartofthestudied material belongstotheextremophytes.Observationsofmicromorphologyshowedthatplantsthatwere exposedto waterstress weretryingto overcome thisconstraint byadjustingtheir micromorphology. Analysingpreviouslypublishedandnewlyacquireddatahelpedtoseparatehalophytes fromotherstudiedfossiltaxa.Theseplantsfromtheenvironmentofsaltymarshesandtide- influencedswampsarecharacterisedbythickcuticle,stomataembeddedinstomatalchamber and/orsurroundedbyraisedrimsorpapillae.Theyshowvariousformsofwrinklesorpapillae ontheir externalsurface ofepidermisandarecomparativelyabundantin sediments ofthePeruc-KorycanyFormation.Theboundarybetween...Institute of Geology and PaleontologyÚstav geologie a paleontologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Cenomanian vegetation of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin

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    Cenomanian plant fossils from the Peruc-Korycany Formation of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic are described, analysed and their palaeoenvironment is interpreted. Cycad foliage Nilssonia mirovanae Čepičková et J.Kvaček including micromorphology of its cuticle was described. It shows deeply sunken stomatal apparati surrounded by papillae overhanging the stomatal pit. The haplocheilic stomata are arranged in rows. Todziaphyllum saportanum (Velen.) Čepičková et J.Kvaček is a serrate-margined leaf with semicraspedodromous venation. Since the cuticle of this plant fossil has not been preserved, macro-observation is the only method available. Ascarinophyllum pecinovense Čepičková et J.Kvaček is a serrate-margined leaf, having an abaxial cuticle covered by striations, randomly oriented, and radially oriented striations around the stomata. This species shows a combination of laterocytic/laterocyclocytic, stephanocytic-bicyclic, amphibrachyparacytic, less frequently brachyparacytic and holoparacytic stomata, sometimes with T-shaped thickenings of the internal cuticle at the poles. Papillaephyllum labutae Čepičková et J.Kvaček is characterised by leaves with serrate margins. It shows an abaxial cuticle covered by large papillae. Its stomatal apparatus shows a combination of latero-cyclocytic and..

    Palaeoclimatic study of the Cenomanian flora of Bohemian Massif

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    The aim of this research is to analyse selected plant species from the specific Cenomanian deposits of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and their subsequent observation for determining climatic conditions in the Cenomanian age. Fossil plants that will serve to show signs come from two localities, specifically Prague, Slivenec and Prague, Malá Chuchle and are stored in the National Museum in the depository in Horní Počernice. For a more complete view of the Cenomanian in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin are used the descriptions of the locations Prague, Hloubětín and Vyšehořovice. The default method for detecting the paleoclimatic signal is the CLAMP (Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program) analysis, which sets out the approximate climatic conditions that dominated in the Cenomanian. Key words: palaeoclimatology, Cenomanian flora, Bohemian Massi

    Paleoecological study of the Cretaceous extremophilic flora with emphasis on xerophytes

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    Thestudied materialcomesfromtheBohemianCretaceousBasin,Peruc-Korycany FormationCenomanianage,fromthelocalitiesPecínovandPraha-MaláChuchle. Recent plantswereusedforcomparisonwithfossilxeropyhteandmesophyteplants.Fossilandrecent materialwasmacromorphologicallydocumentedandanalyzedusingcuticularanalysis. Inthesystematic part, elevenfossiltaxafromdivisions Lyginopteridophyta, Cycadophyta,Ginkgophyta,Pinophytaand Magnoliophytaweredescribed.Fromthese,three newtaxawereestablished:bennetiteleafofZamitesmirovanaesp.nov.,angiospermleavesof Dicotylophyllumlabutae sp. nov.andD. pecinovense sp. nov. Based onthestudy of macro-and micro-morphology,it wasdistinguished whichpartofthestudied material belongstotheextremophytes.Observationsofmicromorphologyshowedthatplantsthatwere exposedto waterstress weretryingto overcome thisconstraint byadjustingtheir micromorphology. Analysingpreviouslypublishedandnewlyacquireddatahelpedtoseparatehalophytes fromotherstudiedfossiltaxa.Theseplantsfromtheenvironmentofsaltymarshesandtide- influencedswampsarecharacterisedbythickcuticle,stomataembeddedinstomatalchamber and/orsurroundedbyraisedrimsorpapillae.Theyshowvariousformsofwrinklesorpapillae ontheir externalsurface ofepidermisandarecomparativelyabundantin sediments ofthePeruc-KorycanyFormation.Theboundarybetween..

    Paleoecological study of the Cretaceous extremophilic flora with emphasis on xerophytes

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    Thestudied materialcomesfromtheBohemianCretaceousBasin,Peruc-Korycany FormationCenomanianage,fromthelocalitiesPecínovandPraha-MaláChuchle. Recent plantswereusedforcomparisonwithfossilxeropyhteandmesophyteplants.Fossilandrecent materialwasmacromorphologicallydocumentedandanalyzedusingcuticularanalysis. Inthesystematic part, elevenfossiltaxafromdivisions Lyginopteridophyta, Cycadophyta,Ginkgophyta,Pinophytaand Magnoliophytaweredescribed.Fromthese,three newtaxawereestablished:bennetiteleafofZamitesmirovanaesp.nov.,angiospermleavesof Dicotylophyllumlabutae sp. nov.andD. pecinovense sp. nov. Based onthestudy of macro-and micro-morphology,it wasdistinguished whichpartofthestudied material belongstotheextremophytes.Observationsofmicromorphologyshowedthatplantsthatwere exposedto waterstress weretryingto overcome thisconstraint byadjustingtheir micromorphology. Analysingpreviouslypublishedandnewlyacquireddatahelpedtoseparatehalophytes fromotherstudiedfossiltaxa.Theseplantsfromtheenvironmentofsaltymarshesandtide- influencedswampsarecharacterisedbythickcuticle,stomataembeddedinstomatalchamber and/orsurroundedbyraisedrimsorpapillae.Theyshowvariousformsofwrinklesorpapillae ontheir externalsurface ofepidermisandarecomparativelyabundantin sediments ofthePeruc-KorycanyFormation.Theboundarybetween..

    Emergency distance education during the coronavirus epidemic - methodological infographics to help teachers

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    Tento příspěvek je koncipován jako přehled doporučení, které vydala Západočeská univerzita v Plzni v úvodních dnech nouzového stavu, aby podpořila metodickou kvalitu realizace nouzového distančního vzdělávání. Ve spolupráci oddělení Celoživotní a distanční vzdělávání a Fakulty pedagogické byly na pomoc učitelům vydány tři infografiky. Forma infografik byla zvolena pro vyšší dopad a účinnost materiálu – infografiky umožňují snadné sdílení na sociálních sítích, jsou přehledné a učitelé z nich mohou rychle získat základní informace pro další pedagogickou reflexi.This paper is conceived as an overview of the recommendations issued by the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in the initial days of the state of emergency in order to support the methodological quality of the implementation of emergency distance education. In cooperation with the Division of Lifelong and Distance Education and the Faculty of Education, three infographics were issued to help teachers. The form of infographics was chosen for higher impact and efficiency of the material - infographics allow easy sharing on social networks, they are clear and teachers can quickly get basic information from them for further pedagogical reflection