Palaeoclimatic study of the Cenomanian flora of Bohemian Massif


The aim of this research is to analyse selected plant species from the specific Cenomanian deposits of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and their subsequent observation for determining climatic conditions in the Cenomanian age. Fossil plants that will serve to show signs come from two localities, specifically Prague, Slivenec and Prague, Malá Chuchle and are stored in the National Museum in the depository in Horní Počernice. For a more complete view of the Cenomanian in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin are used the descriptions of the locations Prague, Hloubětín and Vyšehořovice. The default method for detecting the paleoclimatic signal is the CLAMP (Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program) analysis, which sets out the approximate climatic conditions that dominated in the Cenomanian. Key words: palaeoclimatology, Cenomanian flora, Bohemian Massi

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