28 research outputs found

    E-kitaplar için Koleksiyon Geliştirmede Farklı Sağlama Modellerinin Etkisi

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    E-books have an important place in library collections in supporting education and research activities. Libraries need to follow and evaluate different acquisition models which vary by supplier, in order to create an effective and balanced collection by using their budgets efficiently. There are different e-book acquisition models that show under which conditions content by suppliers may be accessed. These models are constantly changing due to economic conditions and technological developments. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the choice of acquisition model affects total library expenditures, whether the choice of model changes according to the discipline, and which are the most cost-effective unit-use procurement models. In this study, basedon real usage data from Hacettepe University Libraries, e-book acquisition models offered by the publisher and aggregator were tested and, then cost and subject analyses were made with the developed scenarios.Among the models offered by the publisher a unit usage cost of 1.18€ was seen in the EBA (Evidence Based Acquisition) model. If this model was preferred there would be guaranteed lower expenses. Among the models offered by the aggregator, the lowest unit usage cost (13.75)wasseenintheDDA(DemandDrivenAcquisition)modelwithSTL(STLShortTermLoan).WiththeuseofSTL,themostusedtitleswerepurchasedautomatically,andtheDDAmodelwithSTLbecameaneconomicaloptionforthelibrary.Itwasconcludedthatthefrequencyofebookusagevariesaccordingtodiscipline,andunitusagecostsvarydependingonthetotalcostpaidandthenumberofuses.Thebudgetofthelibrary,thesupplierconditions,andusagedataaffectthepreferenceofacquisitionmodelsaccordingtodiscipline.Theresultsofthisresearch,inwhichacomparativecostanalysisofebookacquisitionmodelswasperformed,shouldbeusedincollectiondevelopmentandmanagement.Usagedatashouldbeanalyzed,andthemostappropriateandeconomicacquisitionmodelsshouldbedetermined,inorderforbudgetstobeusedmoreeffectively.Ekitaplareg˘itimvearas\ctırmafaaliyetlerinidesteklemedeku¨tu¨phanekoleksiyonuic\cerisindeo¨nemlibiryeresahiptir.Ku¨tu¨phanelerinbu¨tc\celerinietkinbirs\cekildekullanarakdog˘ruvedengelibirkoleksiyonolus\cturabilmesiic\cinfarklısag˘lamamodellerinitakipetmelerivedeg˘erlendirmelerigerekmektedir.Tedarikc\cilertarafındansunulanic\cerig˘ehangis\cartlardavenasıleris\cimsag˘lanacag˘ınıgo¨sterenfarklıekitapsag˘lamamodelleribulunmaktavebumodellerekonomiks\cartlarveteknolojikgelis\cmelernedeniylesu¨reklideg˘is\cmektedir.Buc\calıs\cmanınamacı;sag˘lamamodelitercihinintoplamharcamamaliyetlerininasıletkiledig˘ini,modeltercihinindisiplinego¨redeg˘is\cipdeg˘is\cmedig˘ini,enuygunmaliyetevebirimkullanımmaliyetinesahipsag˘lamamodellerininhangisioldug˘unuaras\ctırmaktır.C\calıs\cmakapsamında;HacettepeU¨niversitesiKu¨tu¨phaneleriic\cingerc\cekkullanımverilerinedayanarakyayıncıvederleyicifirmatarafındansunulanekitapsag˘lamamodelleritestedilmis\cvegelis\ctirilensenaryolarlamaliyetvekonuanaliziyapılmıs\ctır.YayıncıtarafındansunulanEBA(EvidenceBasedAcquisition)modelindebirimkullanımmaliyetinin1,18oldug˘uvebumodelintercihedilmesidurumundagarantilivedahadu¨s\cu¨kharcamalarınyapılabileceg˘iortayac\cıkmıs\ctır.Derleyicifirmanınsundug˘umodellerarasındaiseendu¨s\cu¨kbirimkullanımmaliyeti13,7513.75) was seen in the DDA (Demand Driven Acquisition) model with STL (STL –Short Term Loan). With the use of STL, the most used titles were purchased automatically, and the DDA model with STL became an economical option for the library. It was concluded that the frequency of e-book usage varies according to discipline, and unit usage costs vary depending on the total cost paid and the number of uses. The budget of the library, the supplier conditions, and usage data affect the preference of acquisition models according to discipline. Theresults of this research, in which a comparative cost analysis of e-book acquisition models was performed, should be used in collection development and management. Usage data should be analyzed, and the most appropriate and economic acquisition models should be determined, in order for budgets to be used more effectively.E-kitaplar eğitim ve araştırma faaliyetlerini desteklemede kütüphane koleksiyonu içerisinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Kütüphanelerin bütçelerini etkin bir şekilde kullanarak doğru ve dengeli bir koleksiyon oluşturabilmesi için farklı sağlama modellerini takip etmeleri ve değerlendirmeleri gerekmektedir. Tedarikçiler tarafından sunulan içeriğe hangi şartlarda ve nasıl erişim sağlanacağını gösteren farklı e-kitap sağlama modelleri bulunmakta ve bu modeller ekonomik şartlar ve teknolojik gelişmeler nedeniyle sürekli değişmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; sağlama modeli tercihinin toplam harcama maliyetlerini nasıl etkilediğini, model tercihinin disipline göre değişip değişmediğini, en uygun maliyete ve birim kullanım maliyetine sahip sağlama modellerinin hangisi olduğunu araştırmaktır. Çalışma kapsamında; Hacettepe Üniversitesi Kütüphaneleri için gerçek kullanım verilerine dayanarak yayıncı ve derleyici firma tarafından sunulan e-kitap sağlama modelleri test edilmiş ve geliştirilen senaryolarla maliyet ve konu analizi yapılmıştır. Yayıncı tarafından sunulan EBA (Evidence Based Acquisition) modelinde birim kullanım maliyetinin 1,18 € olduğu ve bu modelin tercih edilmesi durumunda garantili ve daha düşük harcamaların yapılabileceği ortaya çıkmıştır. Derleyici firmanın sunduğu modeller arasında ise en düşük birim kullanım maliyeti 13,75 ile STL’li (STL –Short Term Loan) DDA (Demand Driven Acquisition) modelinde görülmüştür.En fazla kullanılan başlıkların otomatik satın alınmasına izin veren bu modelin kütüphane için ekonomik bir seçenekolacağı ortaya çıkmıştır.E-kitap kullanım sıklıklarının disipline göre farklılık gösterdiği, ödenen toplam maliyet ve kullanım sayısına bağlı olarak birim kullanım maliyetlerinin değiştiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Disipline göre sağlama modellerinin tercihinde kullanım, bütçe ve tedarikçi koşullarının etkili olduğu görülmüştür. E-kitap sağlama modellerinin karşılaştırmalı maliyet analizinin yapıldığı bu araştırmanın sonuçları koleksiyon geliştirme ve yönetiminde kullanılmalı, kullanım verilerinin analizi ile en uygun ve en ekonomiksağlama modelleri değerlendirilerek bütçelerin daha etkin kullanılması sağlanmalıdır

    New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (August 2022)

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    In this Collective Article on alien and cryptogenic diversity in the Mediterranean Sea we report a total of 19 species belonging to nine Phyla and coming from nine countries. Several of these records concern fish species, and of particular interest are the first records of: Terapon puta for Italian waters; Pteragopus trispilus from Malta; Plotosus lineatus from Cyprus; and the northernmost Mediterranean record of Lagocephalus sceleratus. The northernmost Mediterranean record was also reported for the sea urchin Diadema setosum. The portunid crab Thalamita poissonii was recorded for the first time in Libya. The copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus was recorded for the first time in the Marmara Sea. The polychaete Branchiomma luctuosum was recorded for the first time from the Mediterranean coast of France. The alien anemone Diadumene lineata was recorded for the first time from Slovenia. The macroalgae Sargassum furcatum was recorded for the first time from Italy. The new Mediterranean records here reported help tracing abundance and distribution of alien and cryptic species in the Mediterranean Sea

    Determination of the relationship between the humorous styles and burnout levels of nurses working in pediatric clinics

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    Araştırma, Çocuk kliniklerinde çalışan hemşirelerin mizah tarzları ile tükenmişlik düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi saptamak amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamına Zonguldak il merkezinde bulunan Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi (BEÜ) Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi ve Zonguldak Kamu Hastaneler Birliği (ZKHB) Çocuk Hastalıkları ve Kadın Doğum Hastanesi’ndeki çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları kliniklerinde çalışan 135 hemşire alınmıştır. Araştırmada Sosyo- Demografik ve Mesleki Özellikleri saptamaya yönelik Anket formu, Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği ve Mizah Tarzları Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen bulguların değerlendirilmesi için SPSS 24.0 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Hemşirelerin %44.4 ünün meslekten dolayı kendini tükenmiş hissettiği saptanırken, MTÖ alt boyut puan dağılımına baktığımızda “duygusal tükenme” düzeyi (9.180 ± 4.444); “duyarsızlaşma” düzeyi (2.960 ± 2.313); “düşük kişisel başarı hissi” düzeyi (20.150 ± 4.134) olduğu görülmüştür. Hemşirelerin “katılımcı mizah” düzeyi (4.482 ± 0.743); “kendini geliştirici mizah” düzeyi (4.044 ± 0.865); “saldırgan mizah” düzeyi (3.121 ± 0.812); “kendini yıkıcı mizah” düzeyi (3.607 ± 0.888) olarak saptanmıştır. Tükenmişliği önleme de mizahın etkisine bakıldığında, mizahın tükenmişliği etkilediğini düşünen hemşireler kendilerini daha başarılı hissetmektedirler ve bu hemşirelerin olumlu mizah tarzı olan katılımcı ve kendini geliştirici mizah puanları, tükenmişliği önlemede mizahın etkili olmadığını düşünen hemşirelerden yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Olumsuz mizah olan saldırgan mizah puan ortalamaları ise tükenmişliği önlemede mizahın etkili olmadığını düşünen hemşireler de daha yüksek bulunmuştur ve saldırgan mizah puanı arttıkça duygusal tükenme duyarsızlaşma puanı da artmaktadır (p<0.05). Kendini geliştirici mizah alt boyutu puanı arttıkça ise düşük kişisel başarı hissi alt boyutu alt boyutu puanı da azalmaktadır.The research was carried out to determine in a descriptive form the relationship between the humor styles and burnout levels of nurses working in pediatric clinics. The scope of the research included 135 nurses working in Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University (BEU) Application and Research Center and Zonguldak Public Hospitals Association (ZKHB) Child Diseases and Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, located at the central district of the Zonguldak. Survey forms, Maslach Burnout Scale and Humor Styles Scale were used to determine the socio-demographic and occupational characteristics of the nurses participating in the study. SPSS 24.0 package program was used to evaluate the findings obtained in the study. The 44.4% of the nurses felt that they have occupational burnout because of their profession. The distribution of the subscale scores of the Maslach Burnout Scale, shows that the "emotional burnout” level is (9.180 ± 4.444); the "desensitization" level is moderate (2.960 ± 2.313); and the "low self-efficacy feeling" level is (20,150 ± 4,134). It was found that the nurses "participatory humor" level is (4.482 ± 0.743); the "Selfimproving humor" level is (4.044 ± 0.865); the "aggressive humor" level is (3.121 ± 0.812); and the "self-destructive humor" level is (3.607 ± 0.888). During the analysis of the influence of humor on the prevention of burnout, it was found that the nurses, who think that the humor affects the burnout, feel their selves more successful (p<0.05). The positive humor style and the participant and self-improving humor scores of such nurses were found to be higher than nurses who think that the humor is not effective in the prevention of burnout (p<0.05).The average aggressive humor point scores of nurses with negative humor were higher in nurses who thought that humor is not effective in the prevention of burnout. Furthermore, it was observed that the emotional exhaustion desensitization score increases as the aggressive humor score increases. As the self-enhancement humor sub-scale score increases, the low self-efficacy sub-scale score also decreases (p<0.05)

    Comparison of attention for malnutrition research on social media versus academia: Altmetric score analysis

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    Objectives: In this study, we aimed to provide bibliometric and Altmetric overviews and visualization and to evaluate the correlation between traditional bibliometric and Altmetric analyses in the field of malnutrition

    Active carbon/graphene hydrogel nanocomposites as a symmetric device for supercapacitors

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    Activated carbons (ACs) are successfully synthesized from Elaeagnus grain by a simple chemical synthesis methodology and demonstrated as novel, suitable supercapacitor electrode materials for graphene hydrogel (GH)/AC nanocomposites. GH/AC nanocomposites are synthesized via hydrothermal process at temperature of 180 degrees C. The low-temperature thermal exfoliation approach is convenient for mass production of graphene hydrogel (GH) at low cost and it can be used as electrode material for energy storage applications. The GH/AC nanocomposites exhibit better electrochemical performances than the pure GH. Electrochemical performance of the electrodes is studied by cyclic voltammetry, and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements in 1.0 M H2SO4 solution. A remarkable specific capacitance of 602.36 Fg(1) (based on GH/AC nanocomposites for 0.4 g AC) is obtained at a scan rate of 1 mVs(1) in 1 M H2SO4 solution and 155.78 Fg(1) for GH. The specific capacitance was increased 3.87 times for GH/AC compared to GH electrodes. Moreover, the GH/AC nanocomposites for 0.2 g AC present excellent long cycle life with 99.8% specific capacitance retained after 1000 charge/discharge processes. Herein, ACs prepared from Elaeagnus grain are synthesized GH and AC supercapacitor device for high-performance electrical energy storage devices as a promising substitute to conventional electrode materials for EDLCs.WOS:0003801555000032-s2.0-8497808570

    Active carbon/graphene hydrogel nanocomposites as a symmetric device for supercapacitors

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    Activated carbons (ACs) are successfully synthesized from Elaeagnus grain by a simple chemical synthesis methodology and demonstrated as novel, suitable supercapacitor electrode materials for graphene hydrogel (GH)/AC nanocomposites. GH/AC nanocomposites are synthesized via hydrothermal process at temperature of 180 degrees C. The low-temperature thermal exfoliation approach is convenient for mass production of graphene hydrogel (GH) at low cost and it can be used as electrode material for energy storage applications. The GH/AC nanocomposites exhibit better electrochemical performances than the pure GH. Electrochemical performance of the electrodes is studied by cyclic voltammetry, and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements in 1.0 M H2SO4 solution. A remarkable specific capacitance of 602.36 Fg(1) (based on GH/AC nanocomposites for 0.4 g AC) is obtained at a scan rate of 1 mVs(1) in 1 M H2SO4 solution and 155.78 Fg(1) for GH. The specific capacitance was increased 3.87 times for GH/AC compared to GH electrodes. Moreover, the GH/AC nanocomposites for 0.2 g AC present excellent long cycle life with 99.8% specific capacitance retained after 1000 charge/discharge processes. Herein, ACs prepared from Elaeagnus grain are synthesized GH and AC supercapacitor device for high-performance electrical energy storage devices as a promising substitute to conventional electrode materials for EDLCs