225 research outputs found

    Global security and economic asymmetry: a comparison of developed and developing countries

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    This paper tackles the asymmetry of economic interests and geopolitics between developed and developing countries. Currently, the geopolitics presupposes that the majority of novel technologies are devised and designed in developed countries with their subsequent transfer to the developing countries. Moreover, in the context of the global crisis, the issue of de-dollarization is relevant from the political and economic points of view. Our specific focus is on the small oil countries and the issue how to get off the oil needle in the painless way. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the rise of cryptocurrency that is envisaged as the substitute of the U.S. dollar which has been the world most dominating currency for the last several decades. This paper considers the global asymmetry which has the greatest impact on countries with economies dependent on energy exports. In the light of the diminishing returns from the sale of oil, we examine the ways for escaping this asymmetry. The authors consider the geopolitical asymmetry stemming from the dominance of the U.S. dollar, analyze the political situation and offer the pathways for the development of those economies where oil become an obstacle for economic development. The paper examines the ways of solving the above-mentioned problem by other states in detail and conduct the comparative analysis of the above issues in relation to the economy of Azerbaijan. From this case study we conduct a comparative analysis of the developed and developing countries taking into account the economic asymmetry and global economic and financial security

    Climate change impacts on destination choice : a case of Peniche

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    As climate change gains more concern from global context, the literature in this area is growing rapidly, especially giving more attention to the researches on the relationship between climate change and tourism. This thesis examines the potential impacts of climate change on destination choice and how these impacts may influence choice of tourists visiting Peniche. Therefore, Peniche, a small coastal city in Portugal, has been chosen as a case study and quantitative method was applied for the research through conducting a questionnaire to the domestic and international tourists visiting Peniche. The findings show that despite of climate change impacts, the majority of respondents will still travel to Peniche, but not in the peak seasons. The research concludes that as it is expected, climate change will influence destination choice and timing of travel through shifting peak seasons to shoulder seasons. The thesis contributes to the limited climate-related research in Portugal

    Metonymy is a Cognitive Mechanism of News Discourse

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    The paper considers metonymy as a cognitive mechanism widely used in news discourse. Views of different scholars on the concept of metonymy were analyzed in this paper. The problem of metonymy in linguistics is associated with two functions: 1) as a means of creating artistic speech; 2) as a means of nomination. The second part of the paper deals with different trends of metonymic transfer: psychological, logical and semiotic. In the third part, different classifications on the types of metonymic transfer are given. Finally, the fourth part of the paper considers the cognitive approach to metonymic study. The cognitive mechanism of conceptual metonymy operates within a single conceptual domain, one element replacing another. The replacement element is called a vehicle. It opens up access to another conceptual structure called the concept target within a single conceptual domain at the mental level.In news discourse, metonymy is used to express a concept economically. A shift in focus in metonymic nomination creates a positive or negative assessment, distortion of information, and depersonalization of individual referents to influence the reader. Thus, metonymy has a referential function, i. e. it allows one entity to replace another. But metonymy is not only a referential device. It also serves to understand

    Assessment of irregularities in organic imports from Ukraine to the EU in 2016, notified in OFIS

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    The underlying study of this report set out to improve the understanding situation concerning residues found in organic food products exported from Ukraine, and to formulate guidelines for identifying and reducing risks for contamination through non-permitted substances based on the results of an in-depth analysis of those residue cases notified in the European Commission’s Organic Farming Information System (OFIS) in 2016. Not surprisingly, the combination of various factors such as (i) the additional sampling required by the new EU import guidelines, (ii) the growing number of exported organic lots from Ukraine, and (iii) the improved analysis technology, led to an increased total number of cases of irregularities notified in OFIS in comparison to previous years. Nevertheless, the number of irregularities in Ukraine in 2016, notified in OFIS, is moderate (affecting estimated < 1% of all exported consignments from Ukraine). Of the lots affected, two thirds were ultimately released as “organic” after additional investigations had been carried out by the respective export CB. Yet, if analysis results of samples taken by the CB’s prior the export, i.e. from crops during the growing season and from lots before they are released for export are included in the risk assessment, Ukraine and its neighbouring countries do need to be considered as relatively high risk countries in terms of contamination and irregularities. It is further interesting to note that the likeliness of residue findings vary a lot among different CBs. The reasons why some CB’s have a high share of residue findings whereas for others proportionally much less residues are found are unclear and should be the subject of further assessments. One assumption is that some CBs took risk-oriented samples whereas others did not. Sampling during the production process (field/leafs and dust) effectively supports organic integrity. Most CB nevertheless focus on residue free final products. The way a CB responds on detected irregularities, i.e. investigates a case and derives “lessons learnt” is very important. A majority of OFIS cases from Ukrainian exports seems to be linked to insufficient management of handling procedure during the storage processes and the transport. However, drift on the field or the intentional use of unauthorised substances are also potential sources of irregularities related to exports from Ukraine. Apart from those cases for which likely root causes have been identified, no clear explanation for discrepancies between lab results between export and import countries could be found for nearly one third of the Ukrainian OFIS cases. Further investigations should be carried out to help identify the reasons for the relatively large differences between the lab results of samples taken from the same trade lots. It is important to better understand these discrepancies in sample measurements because these may lead to significant negative economic impacts for everyone involved in the value chain, even though no rules may have been broken. Another recommendation resulting from this study is to focus more on detecting potential contaminations on the field during the period of crop cultivation. Special attention should be given here to the testing of leaf sample of crops in which contamination has been detected in the past: rapeseeds, sunflower seeds or high quality milling wheat. CB’s should have guidelines on how and when leaf samples should be best taken. Ukrainian organic operators often complain that all Ukrainian operators are put in the same basket and treated as high-risk suppliers. In response to the stricter regulations imposed on them, operators and experts participating in the International Conference “Improving Integrity of Organic Supply Chains” in Odesa 2017 called for an amendment of the inspection policy. Instead of labelling entire countries as high-risk, focus should rather be placed on risky value chains. Supply chains considered high-risk should be relieved from extra measures, once they have demonstrated consistent compliance

    Composite Based on Chitosan and Graphene Oxide

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    Graphene oxide (GO) and composites based on it are promising candidates for the implementation of the process of purification from polluting ions of heavy metals and organic compounds in waste and industrial waters. However, the limitations of the use of GO for water treatment are associated with the difficulties of its regeneration and extraction from aqueous solutions due to high hydrophobicity and dispersibility. We have synthesized graphene oxide by the modified Hammer method, which allows further functionalization. To improve the method of wastewater treatment, we obtained a new GO/chitosan nanocomposite by covalent and non-covalent grafting of chitosan to GO, so in the case of a covalent bond, we used thionyl chloride with further sonification of the mixture. Characterization and study of the morphology of the obtained graphene oxide by IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and TEM analysis, which confirmed the possibility of the crosslinking reaction of GO and chitosan through the carbonyl and epoxy groups of GO located on the surface of the graphene oxide layer, which were obtained in large quantities due to the fact that we modified the method obtaining graphene oxide. The synthesized composites were tested as filters for cleaning the waters of the Caspian Sea, which is prone to oil pollution due to its proximity to the oil sector, and the amount of heavy metals is also increased in these waters

    Analyzing the Interplay between Energy Consumption and Military Expenditure: A Comparative Study of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Pakistan

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    This study examines the complex link between energy consumption and defense expenditures in Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan. Policymakers and stakeholders in these nations must understand the intricate interdependencies between energy consumption and defence expenditure. The study's conclusions help create energy and defence strategies that balance national security and sustainability. It also advances scholarly discussion on energy, security, and international affairs. This study compares energy usage and defence spending in Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Pakistan. It offers a foundation for informed decision-making and future study in this field by revealing the complex relationships between these two aspects. The impacts of defence expenditures and causality analyses of oil and natural gas usage between the years 1992 and 2021 are investigated as part of the scope of this research. According to the results, it has been found that there is no link between defence expenditures and the consumption of oil and natural gas within the context of the Azerbaijani economy. This conclusion was reached based on the findings of the investigation. On the other hand, it has been shown that the utilisation of natural gas is the driving force behind the use of oil. When Turkey and Pakistan are compared, there is no correlation between their military spending, the amount of oil they use, and the amount of natural gas they utilise

    Omar Faik Nemanzadeh education problem and professional competency of a teacher

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    The article reflects the views of O.F. Nemanzadeh on the problem of education, on teacher’s profession the effective organization of the learning process. The great writer's attitude to enlightenment and education was brought to the fore. It was noted that O.F. Nemanzadeh worked as a teacher in many places, enlightening children and youth by teaching of secular knowledge. He opened schools in Sheki and Shamakhi, where he taught pedagogical skills and was engaged in school management. The article also noted that the school opened by Seyid Azim Shirvani in Shamakhi became the first school of new style. Therefore, the school that O.F. Nemanzade opened is considered the first new school that advanced according to its own methods and rules. The article also talks about the teaching activity of the great educator, intellectual O.F. Nemanzade in Shamakhi. Both in the schools he opened and, in the articles, he wrote O.F. Nemanzadeh showed that knowledge should be given to children not only during classes, but also at home. He spoke about the considerable usefulness of lessons for children, about their role in the development of knowledge and skills. There are significant differences between children studying at school and those studying at madrassas (religious school), since schoolchildren constantly exchange questions with those who study at madrassas. O.F. Nemanzade went to Ganja for treatment and couldn’t keep himself away of informing the reader about the current situation there. He talked about the fact that the situation in Ganja has been divided into two parts - the old and modern period. The article also draws attention to O.F. Nemanzadeh’s views on the teacher, how to be a real, professional teacher, and the role of the teacher in the development of human society. The great writer brought to the fore the problem of education in Sheki, Ganja, Baku and its difficulties, and the attitude to the field of education was elaborated in biographical sequence.peer-reviewe

    The Origin Of the Kultepe Culture

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    The different opinions have been put forward about the neolithization of the Azerbaijan. Some researchers note that the South Caucasus’ Neolithic culture is related to Mesopotamia by origin; some note that this culture developed based on local traditions. New researches conducted in the territory of Nakhchivan are essential for solving these problems. New excavations conducted in Kultepe I, located near the city of Nakhchivan, led to the discovery of new facts related to the peopling history of this site and the peculiarities of the Kultepe culture. Studies show that there were various centers of Neolithic cultures’ formation in the VII—VI millennia BC in Azerbaijan. Moreover, the Kultepe is the oldest ceramic Neolithic site in the South Caucasus. Outputs of these studies indicate that Azerbaijan’s Neolithic cultures have no sources in the Middle East’s monuments.Про неолітизації Азербайджану висувалися різні думки. Деякі дослідники відзначають, що ця культура за походженням пов’язана з Месопотамією, інші ж вважали, що вона розвивалася на основі місцевих традицій і міграцій з Месопотамії. У вирішенні цих проблем надзвичайно цінні нові дослідження, що проводяться в південному регіоні Азербайджану, зокрема на території Нахчиван. Нові розкопки, проведені в 2013—2018 рр. на поселенні Кюльтепе I, розташованого недалеко від м. Нахчиван, привели до виявлення нових фактів, пов’язаних з історією заселення зазначеної місцевості і особливостями кюльтепінской культури. Ці знахідки свідчать, що поселення Кюльтепе утворилося в другій половині VII тис. до н. е. що відповідає пізньому періоду неоліту. Нові знахідки надзвичайно важливі для оцінки культури неоліту. Неолітична культура Кюльтепе I загалом характеризується архітектурою округлого плану, вогнищами на кам’яній підлозі, зібганими похованнями, полірованої керамікою червоно-оранжевого кольору, виготовленої з додаванням соломи та з рельєфним орнаментом, знаряддями праці з обсидіану чорно-коричневого кольору, кременю, інших каменів, а також кісток і рогу. Матеріали, виявлені в самих нижніх шарах Кюльтепе, датовані 6370—5200 рр. Мають схожі риси з матеріалами пам’яток Ментештепе, Камільтепе, Хатунарх, Техут, Масис-Блур, що належать до VI тис. до н. е. Але кераміка Кюльтепе все ж має свої особливості. Це було пов’язано, з одного боку, з локальним розвитком культури Кюльтепе, а з іншого — з архаїчністю Кюльтепінской кераміки. Дослідження показують, що в VII—VI тис. до н. е. в Азербайджані були різні осередки формування неолітичних культур. Кераміка месопотамского походження, виявлена з неолітичного шару Кюльтепе під час розкопок під керівництвом О. Г. Абібуллаєва показує наявність між Месопотамією і Південним Кавказом культурно-економічних зв’язків, і певних міграцій, однак неолітичні культури Південного Кавказу, зокрема культура Кюльтепе, мали локальні особливості. Про це свідчить і округла архітектура Кюльтепе, і використання на цьому поселенні місцевого обсидіану з родовищ Південного Кавказу, на відміну від країн Близького Сходу. Ймовірно, ця культура, яка сформувалася в Кюльтепе в третій чверті VII тис. до н. е., певним чином вплинула на регіони Міль-Муга-Карабах і долину Агри, в яких переважає кераміка з домішкою полови. Разом з тим у VI тис. до н. е. культура Міль-МугаКарабаху відрізнялася певними особливостями, зокрема керамікою із відтискною орнаментацією. Кюльтепе є найдавнішим поселенням керамічного неоліту на Південному Кавказі. Ця пам’ятка поряд з Південним Кавказом має спільні риси з пам’ятками басейну Урмии. Цей факт свідчить про те, що в епоху неоліту культурно-економічні зв’язки між Південним Кавказом та Урмийським басейном здійснювалися через Нахчиван. Але аналіз як пам’яток Урмийського басейну, розташованого на південь від р. Араз, так і поселень, які називаються культурою Шомутепе-Шулавері, розташованих на півночі, свідчать про те, що вони були заселені після Кюльтепе. Незважаючи на те, що під час останніх досліджень були отримані певні знахідки, що належали до епохи докерамічного неоліту, однак поки фактів недостатньо. Ймовірно, відсутність на Південному Кавказі, зокрема і в Азербайджані періоду докерамічного неоліту, було пов’язано з недостатнім вивченням цієї культури. Результати досліджень показують, що неолітичні культури Азербайджану не мають витоків у пам’ятках Близького Сходу. Вона формувалася в результаті розвитку місцевих тенденцій, мабуть, за сприяння міграції населення Близького і Середнього Сходу.О неолитизации Азербайджана выдвигались различные мнения. Некоторые исследователи отмечают, что эта культура по происхождению связана с Месопотамией, некоторые отмечают, что она развивалась на основе местных традиций и миграций из Месопотамии. В решении этих проблем чрезвычайно ценны новые исследования, проводимые в южном регионе Азербайджана, в том числе на территории Нахчывана. Новые раскопки, проведенные в 2013—2018 гг. на поселении Кюльтепе I, расположенного недалеко от города Нахчывана, привели к выявлению новых фактов, связанных с историей заселения указанной местности и особенностями кюльтепинской культуры. Эти находки свидетельствуют, что поселение Кюльтепе заселено во второй половине VII тыс. до н. э. что соответствует позднему неолиту. Новые находки чрезвычайно важны для оценки культуры неолита. Неолитическая культура Кюльтепе I в основном характеризуется архитектурой округлого плана, очагами на каменном полу, скорченными погребениями, полированной керамикой красно-оранжевого цвета изготовленной из соломы с рельефным орнаментом, орудиями труда из обсидиана черно-коричневого цвета, кремня, других камней, а также костей и рога. Материалы, обнаруженные в самых нижних слоях Кюльтепе, датированные 6370— 5200 гг., имеют сходные черты в материалах памятников Ментештепе, Камильтепе, Хатунарх, Техут, Масис-Блур, которые относятся к VI тыс. до н. э. Но керамика Кюльтепе отличается своеобразными особенностями. Это было связано, с одной стороны, с локальным развитием культуры Кюльтепе, а с другой — с архаичностью Кюльтепинской керамики. Исследования показывают, что в VII—VI тыс. до н. э. в Азербайджане имелись различные очаги формирования неолитических культур. Керамика месопотамского происхождения, обнаруженная из неолитического слоя Кюльтепе во время раскопок под руководством О. Г. Абибуллаева показывает наличие между Месопотамией и Южным Кавказом культурно-экономических связей, и определенных миграций, однако неолитические культуры Южного Кавказа, в том числе культура Кюльтепе, имели локальные особенности. Об этом свидетельствует и округлая архитектура Кюльтепе, и использование на этом поселении местного обсидиана из месторождений Южного Кавказа, в отличие от стран Ближнего Востока. Вероятно, эта культура, сформировавшаяся в Кюльтепе в третьем четверти VII тыс. до н. э., оказала определенное влияние на регионы Миль-Муган-Карабах и долину Агры, в которых преобладает керамика с примесью мякины. Наряду с этим в VI тыс. до н. э. культура Миль-Муган-Карабаха отличалась определенными особенностями, больше всего керамикой с вдавленной орнаментацией. Кюльтепе является самым древним поселением керамического неолита на Южном Кавказе. Этот памятник наряду с Южным Кавказом имеет общие черты с памятниками бассейна Урмии. Этот факт свидетельствует о том, что в эпоху неолита культурно-экономические связи между Южным Кавказом и Урмийским бассейном осуществлялись через Нахчыван. Но анализ как памятников Урмийского бассейна, расположенного к югу от р. Араз, так и поселений, называемых культурой Шомутепе-Шулавери, расположенных на севере, свидетельствуют о том, что они были заселены после Кюльтепе. Несмотря на то, что в ходе последних исследований были получены некоторые находки, относящиеся к эпохе докерамического неолита, но пока фактов недостаточно. Вероятно, отсутствие на Южном Кавказе, в том числе и в Азербайджане периода докерамического неолита, было связано с недостаточным изучением этой культуры. Результаты исследований показывают, что неолитические культуры Азербайджана не имеют истоков в памятниках Ближнего Востока. Они формировалась в результате развития местных тенденций, по-видимому, благодаря содействию миграции населения Ближнего и Среднего Востока

    The Influence of Financial Accounting and Reporting on the Management of a Business Organization and A Case Study

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    The international financial crises experienced in recent years have led to the loss of confidence in capital markets. The understanding of organizational management has been developed to enable businesses to become reliable and robust institutions and to regain lost market confidence. Businesses need well-organized and well-functioning information systems to create reliable and robust structures. The most important of the business information systems is the accounting information system (MBS). The accounting information system plays an important role in the development of corporate governance understanding and taking the necessary measures in this direction and also in the presentation of the results of the application to the relevant persons.As a result of the research, it has been determined that there is a significant positive relationship between corporate governance understanding and accounting information systems. In this context, attention should be paid to the accounting information system to successfully implement corporate governance understanding in enterprises and to offer solutions to problems. Because the accounting information system and corporate governance understanding create mutual power for effective management.</p