5,200 research outputs found

    From Class Solidarity to Revolution: The Radicalization of Arsenal Workers in the Late Ottoman Empire

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    This article introduces a bottom-up perspective to the history of the Revolution of 1908 in the Ottoman Empire by focusing on the experiences of workers in the Imperial Naval Arsenal (Tersane-i Amire) in Istanbul. Drawing mainly on primary documents, the article explores, from a class-formation perspective, the struggles and relations of Arsenal workers from the second half of the nineteenth century until the revolution. The Arsenal workers’ involvement in the revolution was rooted in their class solidarity, which was revealed in a number of ways throughout this period. The workers’ immediate embrace of the revolution was spurred by their radicalization against the state; such radicalization stemmed from the state’s failure to solve the workers’ persistent economic problems, and its attempts to discharge them and replace them with military labor. The case of the Arsenal workers thus points to the role of working-class discontent in the history of the revolution, a dimension that has thus far been only minimally addressed in Ottoman historiography

    Halanay type inequalities on time scales with applications

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    This paper aims to introduce Halanay type inequalities on time scales. By means of these inequalities we derive new global stability conditions for nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales. Giving several examples we show that beside generalization and extension to q-difference case, our results also provide improvements for the existing theory regarding differential and difference inequalites, which are the most important particular cases of dynamic inequalities on time scales

    Gauge coupling unification and light Exotica in String Theory

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    In this letter we consider the consequences for the LHC of light vector-like exotica with fractional electric charge. It is shown that such states are found in orbifold constructions of the heterotic string. Moreover, these exotica are consistent with gauge coupling unification at one loop, even though they do not come in complete multiplets of SU(5).Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    A Minimal Model of Neutrino Flavor

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    Models of neutrino mass which attempt to describe the observed lepton mixing pattern are typically based on discrete family symmetries with a non-Abelian and one or more Abelian factors. The latter so-called shaping symmetries are imposed in order to yield a realistic phenomenology by forbidding unwanted operators. Here we propose a supersymmetric model of neutrino flavor which is based on the group T7 and does not require extra Z_N or U(1) factors, which makes it the smallest realistic family symmetry that has been considered so far. At leading order, the model predicts tribimaximal mixing which arises completely accidentally from a combination of the T7 Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and suitable flavon alignments. Next-to-leading order (NLO) operators break the simple tribimaximal structure and render the model compatible with the recent results of the Daya Bay and Reno collaborations which have measured a reactor angle of around 9 degrees. Problematic NLO deviations of the other two mixing angles can be controlled in an ultraviolet completion of the model

    Reconciling Grand Unification with Strings by Anisotropic Compactifications

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    We analyze gauge coupling unification in the context of heterotic strings on anisotropic orbifolds. This construction is very much analogous to effective 5 dimensional orbifold GUT field theories. Our analysis assumes three fundamental scales, the string scale, \mstring, a compactification scale, \mc, and a mass scale for some of the vector-like exotics, \mex; the other exotics are assumed to get mass at \mstring. In the particular models analyzed, we show that gauge coupling unification is not possible with \mex = \mc and in fact we require \mex \ll \mc \sim 3 \times 10^{16} GeV. We find that about 10% of the parameter space has a proton lifetime (from dimension 6 gauge exchange) 1033yrτ(pπ0e+)1036yr10^{33} {\rm yr} \lesssim\tau(p\to \pi^0e^+) \lesssim 10^{36} {\rm yr}. The other 80% of the parameter space gives proton lifetimes below Super-K bounds. The next generation of proton decay experiments should be sensitive to the remaining parameter space.Comment: 36 pages and 5 figures, contains some new references and additional paragraph in conclusio

    The Topological Directional Entropy of Z^2-actions Generated by Linear Cellular Automata

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    In this paper we study the topological and metric directional entropy of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2-actions by generated additive cellular automata (CA hereafter), defined by a local rule f[l,r]f[l, r], l,rZl, r\in \mathbb{Z}, lrl\leq r, i.e. the maps Tf[l,r]:ZmZZmZT_{f[l, r]}: \mathbb{Z}^\mathbb{Z}_{m} \to \mathbb{Z}^\mathbb{Z}_{m} which are given by Tf[l,r](x)=(yn)T_{f[l, r]}(x) =(y_n)_ {-\infty}^{\infty}, yn=f(xn+l,...,xn+r)=i=lrλixi+n(modm)y_{n} = f(x_{n+l}, ..., x_{n+r}) = \sum_{i=l}^r\lambda_{i}x_{i+n}(mod m), x=(xn)n=ZmZx=(x_n)_ {n=-\infty}^{\infty}\in \mathbb{Z}^\mathbb{Z}_{m}, and f:Zmrl+1Zmf: \mathbb{Z}_{m}^{r-l+1}\to \mathbb{Z}_{m}, over the ring Zm(m2)\mathbb{Z}_m (m \geq 2), and the shift map acting on compact metric space ZmZ\mathbb{Z}^\mathbb{Z}_{m}, where mm (m2)(m \geq2) is a positive integer. Our main aim is to give an algorithm for computing the topological directional entropy of the Z2\mathbb{Z}^2-actions generated by the additive CA and the shift map. Thus, we ask to give a closed formula for the topological directional entropy of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2-action generated by the pair (Tf[l,r],σ)(T_{f[l, r]}, \sigma) in the direction θ\theta that can be efficiently and rightly computed by means of the coefficients of the local rule f as similar to [Theor. Comput. Sci. 290 (2003) 1629-1646]. We generalize the results obtained by Ak\i n [The topological entropy of invertible cellular automata, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 213 (2) (2008) 501-508] to the topological entropy of any invertible linear CA.Comment: 9 pages. submitte