250 research outputs found


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    Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de kadın istihdamına bölgesel düzeyde yapılan bir araştırmayla ışık tutmaktadır. Araştırma, Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi (GAP) illeri içinde yer alan Gaziantep, Adıyaman ve Kilis illerinde (TUİK TRC1) yapılmıştır. Her üç ilden 500 firma örneklem olarak seçilmiştir. Çalışma söz konusu illerde "kadın işgücünün" sektörel özelliklerini, kadın istihdamının mevcut durumu ve geleceğini, 'işverenlerin' perspektifinden kadın istihdamının görünümünü, sorunlarını ve beklentilerini analiz etmektedir. This study aims to throw fresh light on women employment in Turkey with the research performed on regional level. The research has been performed in Gaziantep, Adıyaman and Kilis ("TUİK TRC1") which are among the cities of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). 500 companies from each three cities have been selected as sample. The study examines and analyzes the sectoral qualifications of women labor force, current situation and future of women employment, women employment from employers' perspective, problems and expectations

    An improved oscillation theorem for nonlinear differential equations of advanced type

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    summary:This paper deals with the oscillatory solutions of the first order nonlinear advanced differential equation. The aim of the present paper is to obtain an oscillation condition for this equation. This result is new and improves and correlates many of the well-known oscillation criteria that were in the literature. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the main result

    The effects of pre-harvest napthalene acetic acid and aminoethoxyvinylglycine treatments on storage performance of ‘ Ak Sakı’ apple cultivar grown in Erzincan conditions

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    This study was carried out to determine the effects of pre-harvest aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG, 150, 225 ve 300 mg/L) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, 20 mg/L) treatments in different doses on storage performance of ‘Ak Sakı’ apple cultivar (Malus domestica Borkh.) in 2012. The changes on some fruit quality parameters were measured at 2±1 oC temperature and with 90±5 % relative humidity at 45 days interval during storage. The lowest weight loss was obtained from 300 mg/L AVG treated fruits during the storage. In the all analysis date, the highest L* value was obtained from 300 mg/L AVG treated fruits, and the lowest hue angle value was reported from the fruits of control treatment. The flesh firmness was determined that the best kept in the 225 and 300 mg/L AVG treated fruits during the storage. The flesh firmness significantly reduced with NAA treatment at the end of storage. The highest soluble solids concentration (SSC) was obtain from control fruit during the storage, whereas the lowest SSC was observed in fruit treated with 300 mg/L AVG. In the all analysis date, the highest titratable acidity was obtained in fruits treated with 225 and 300 mg/L AVG. The starch degradation was delayed with AVG treatments

    A new type of Na+-driven ATP synthase membrane rotor with a two-carboxylate ion-coupling motif

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    Abstract: The anaerobic bacterium Fusobacterium nucleatum uses glutamate decarboxylation to generate a transmembrane gradient of Na+. Here, we demonstrate that this ion-motive force is directly coupled to ATP synthesis, via an F1Fo-ATP synthase with a novel Na+ recognition motif, shared by other human pathogens. Molecular modeling and free-energy simulations of the rotary element of the enzyme, the c-ring, indicate Na+ specificity in physiological settings. Consistently, activity measurements showed Na+ stimulation of the enzyme, either membrane-embedded or isolated, and ATP synthesis was sensitive to the Na+ ionophore monensin. Furthermore, Na+ has a protective effect against inhibitors targeting the ion-binding sites, both in the complete ATP synthase and the isolated c-ring. Definitive evidence of Na+ coupling is provided by two identical crystal structures of the c11 ring, solved by X-ray crystallography at 2.2 and 2.6 Ã… resolution, at pH 5.3 and 8.7, respectively. Na+ ions occupy all binding sites, each coordinated by four amino acids and a water molecule. Intriguingly, two carboxylates instead of one mediate ion binding. Simulations and experiments demonstrate that this motif implies that a proton is concurrently bound to all sites, although Na+ alone drives the rotary mechanism. The structure thus reveals a new mode of ion coupling in ATP synthases and provides a basis for drug-design efforts against this opportunistic pathogen. Author Summary: Essential cellular processes such as biosynthesis, transport, and motility are sustained by the energy released in the hydrolysis of ATP, the universal energy carrier in living cells. Most ATP in the cell is produced by a membrane-bound enzyme, the ATP synthase, through a rotary mechanism that is coupled to the translocation of ions across the membrane. The majority of ATP synthases are energized by transmembrane electrochemical gradients of protons (proton-motive force), but a number of organisms, including some important human pathogens, use gradients of sodium ions instead (sodium-motive force). The ion specificity of ATP synthases is determined by a membrane-embedded sub-complex, the c-ring, which is the smallest known biological rotor. The functional mechanism of the rotor ring and its variations among different organisms are of wide interest, because of this enzyme's impact on metabolism and disease, and because of its potential for nanotechnology applications. Here, we characterize a previously unrecognized type of Na+-driven ATP synthase from the opportunistic human pathogen Fusobacterium nucleatum, which is implicated in periodontal diseases. We analyzed this ATP synthase and its rotor ring through a multi-disciplinary approach, combining cell-growth and biochemical assays, X-ray crystallography and computer-simulation methods. Two crystal structures of the membrane rotor were solved, at low and high pH, revealing an atypical ion-recognition motif mediated by two carboxylate side-chains. This motif is shared by other human pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Streptococcus pneumonia, whose ATP synthases are targets of novel antibiotic drugs. The implications of this ion-recognition mode on the mechanism of the ATP synthase and the cellular bioenergetics of F. nucleatum were thus examined. Our results provide the basis for future pharmacological efforts against this important pathogen

    Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung des Uhrenproteins PERIOD

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    Die Funktionsweise biologischer Uhren beruht auf komplexen molekularen Mechanismen, zu denen u.a. rhythmische Expression, intrazelluläre Lokalisation, Heterodimerisierung sowie durch Licht, Phosphorylierung und Ubiquitinierung regulierte Abbauprozesse zählen. Besondere Bedeutung kommt dabei der spezifischen Interaktion von Uhrenproteinen untereinander zu. Die Kenntnis über die dreidimensionale Struktur der Uhrenproteine ist eine Voraussetzung, um die molekularen Mechanismen der inneren biologischen Uhr zu verstehen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde deshalb die dreidimensionale Struktur des Uhrenproteins PERIOD aus dem Modellorganismus Drosophila melanogaster\textit {Drosophila melanogaster} (Fruchtfliege) bestimmt. Anhand dieser wurden Punktmutanten erzeugt und charakterisiert um den einzelnen Aminosäuren bzw. Bereichen im Protein Funktionen zuzuordnen. Damit war es möglich, die Modelle, die die circadiane Uhr beschreiben, zu überprüfen bzw. dahingehend zu modifizieren, dass diese mit der Struktur im Einklang standen

    Yolcu Gemisi Kazalarının Değerlendirilmesi ve Konumsal Analizi

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    Taşımaya konu olan unsurun insan olması sebebiyle yolcu gemisi kazalarının denizcilik sektöründe önemli bir yeri vardır. Costa Concordia (2012) ve Sewol feribotu (2014) kazaları bunun en yakın örneklerindendir. Son yıllarda kaza çalışmalarında insan hatalarının ve zayıf noktalarının tespit edilmesine odaklanılmıştır. Ancak literatürdeki tüm kaza analizi çalışmalarında, incelenen her kazada coğrafi konumun ve çevresel şartların da önemli bir etken faktör olduğu belirtilmektedir. Buna karşın denizcilikte kazaların coğrafi analizinin yapıldığı çalışma sayısı oldukça kısıtlıdır. Bu çalışmada, 1991-2015 yılları arasında meydana gelmiş 135 adet yolcu gemisi kazasının raporları incelenmiştir. Çalışmada yolcu taşımacılığı sektörünün durumu ve meydana gelen kazaların sektöre etkisi ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca incelenen kazalar ArcMap 10.3 programı ile konumsal olarak analiz edilerek, yolcu gemisi kazaları için riskli coğrafi bölgeler belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen riskli bölgeler, literatürde farklı gemi tipleri üzerinde yapılmış konumsal analiz çalışmaları ile karşılaştırılarak, yolcu gemisi kazaları ve diğer gemi kazaları arasında konumsal açıdan bir ilişkinin olup olmadığı incelenmiştir

    Comparison of marginal and internal fit of press-on-metal and conventional ceramic systems for three- and four-unit implant-supported partial fixed dental prostheses: An in vitro study

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    Statement of problem. Adaptation is an important factor in the long-term clinical success of implant supported ceramic restorations. Ceramic firings may affect the adaptation of the restoration. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to compare the marginal and internal adaptation of 3 different restorative materials and the effect of veneering/pressing on the material used for 3- and 4-unit implant supported fixed dental prostheses. Material and methods. One mandibular epoxy cast was prepared for 3-unit restorations and one for 4-unit restorations. Impressions of the casts were made and 60 stone die casts (30 3-unit, 30 4-unit) produced. The casts were divided into 3 subgroups: group MCR, conventional metal ceramic restorations; group POM, press-on-metal restorations; group ZIR, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing CAD/CAM) zirconia restorations. A replica technique was used to examine the marginal and internal gap values. A total of 2400 measurements were made by making 40 measurements of each restoration. The data were evaluated statistically using analysis of variance and the least significant difference post hoc test (alpha=.05). Results. The lowest marginal gaps were found in group POM (81.58 mu m) and the highest in group MCR (103.82 mu m). The differences in marginal adaptation measurements were found to be statistically significant. The highest values for internal adaptation were found at the occlusal surface in all groups. Conclusions. Although veneering metal ceramic restorations increased the misfit of the restoration, the marginal discrepancy of the materials (81 to 120 mu m) can be considered clinically acceptable
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