18 research outputs found

    The Change of Oral Presentations of National Anatomy Congresses Over the Years

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    Objective: In this study, it is aimed to examine the characteristics and publication rates of oral presentations presented in national congresses. Methods: The data about the oral presentations in national anatomy congresses (from 2016 to 2021), including the number of contributing institutions, the institutions that contributed the most oral presentations each year, and the publication rates of the oral presentations in the journals scanned in different indexes. In the study, the titles and the keywords were scanned using Google Scholar and Web of Science, and journal index details were noted. Results: Of the national congresses we examined in our study, the most oral presentations (193) were the congress in 2019 and the least oral presentations (47) were the congress in 2017. The publication rate of oral presentations was highest in the papers of the congress in 2016 (42%) and at least in the papers of the congress in 2019 (13%). None of the oral presentations in the last congress held in 2021 were published until the time of our study. Large proportions (34%) of the papers that are accepted as oral presentations and published are radiological studies. 70% of the publications were published in journals indexed in Web of Science. Conclusion: For both new and senior academics, congresses offer a useful and distinctive setting. Congress papers showcase the scientific opportunities and interests of various universities while also providing opportunities for collaboration. Attendance at a conference is significantly influenced by its location, timing, and financial situation

    Phase-amplitude coupled persistent theta and gamma oscillations in rat primary motor cortex in vitro

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    In vivo, theta (4-7 Hz) and gamma (30-80 Hz) neuronal network oscillations are known to coexist and display phase-amplitude coupling (PAC). However, in vitro, these oscillations have for many years been studied in isolation. Using an improved brain slice preparation technique we have, using co-application of carbachol (10 μM) and kainic acid (150 nM), elicited simultaneous theta (6.6 ± 0.1 Hz) and gamma (36.6 ± 0.4 Hz) oscillations in rodent primary motor cortex (M1). Each oscillation showed greatest power in layer V. Using a variety of time series analyses we detected significant cross-frequency coupling 74% of slice preparations. Differences were observed in the pharmacological profile of each oscillation. Thus, gamma oscillations were reduced by the GABAA receptor antagonists, gabazine (250 nM and 2 μM), and picrotoxin (50 μM) and augmented by AMPA receptor antagonism with SYM2206 (20 μM). In contrast, theta oscillatory power was increased by gabazine, picrotoxin and SYM2206. GABAB receptor blockade with CGP55845 (5 μM) increased both theta and gamma power, and similar effects were seen with diazepam, zolpidem, MK801 and a series of metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists. Oscillatory activity at both frequencies was reduced by the gap junction blocker carbenoxolone (200 μM) and by atropine (5 μM). These data show theta and gamma oscillations in layer V of rat M1 in vitro are cross-frequency coupled, and are mechanistically distinct. The development of an in vitro model of phase-amplitude coupled oscillations will facilitate further mechanistic investigation of the generation and modulation of coupled activity in mammalian cortex

    Dopamine acting at D1-like, D2-like and α1-adrenergic receptors differentially modulates theta and gamma oscillatory activity in primary motor cortex

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    The loss of dopamine (DA) in Parkinson’s is accompanied by the emergence of exaggerated theta and beta frequency neuronal oscillatory activity in the primary motor cortex (M1) and basal ganglia. DA replacement therapy or deep brain stimulation reduces the power of these oscillations and this is coincident with an improvement in motor performance implying a causal relationship. Here we provide in vitro evidence for the differential modulation of theta and gamma activity in M1 by DA acting at receptors exhibiting conventional and non-conventional DA pharmacology. Recording local field potentials in deep layer V of rat M1, co-application of carbachol (CCh, 5 μM) and kainic acid (KA, 150 nM) elicited simultaneous oscillations at a frequency of 6.49 ± 0.18 Hz (theta, n = 84) and 34.97 ± 0.39 Hz (gamma, n = 84). Bath application of DA resulted in a decrease in gamma power with no change in theta power. However, application of either the D1-like receptor agonist SKF38393 or the D2-like agonist quinpirole increased the power of both theta and gamma suggesting that the DA-mediated inhibition of oscillatory power is by action at other sites other than classical DA receptors. Application of amphetamine, which promotes endogenous amine neurotransmitter release, or the adrenergic α1-selective agonist phenylephrine mimicked the action of DA and reduced gamma power, a result unaffected by prior co-application of D1 and D2 receptor antagonists SCH23390 and sulpiride. Finally, application of the α1-adrenergic receptor antagonist prazosin blocked the action of DA on gamma power suggestive of interaction between α1 and DA receptors. These results show that DA mediates complex actions acting at dopamine D1-like and D2-like receptors, α1 adrenergic receptors and possibly DA/α1 heteromultimeric receptors to differentially modulate theta and gamma activity in M1

    Motor korteks’deki (M1) osilatör aktivite üzerinde eksitatör ve inhibitör nörotransmitter sistemlerin rolünün incelenmesi

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    Amaç: Parkinson hastalığında (PH) dopamin'in (DA) yokluğu primer motor korteks (M1)’teki aşırı teta ve beta bantlarındaki osilatör aktivite ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. DA replasman tedavileri ve derin beyin stimülasyonu bu osilasyonların gücünü azaltırken, motor aktivitedeki iyileşme de buna eşlik eder. Yapılan son çalışmalarda M1’in PH tedavisinde potansiyel bir hedef olduğu belirtilmiştir. Bu çalışmada M1’in gerek kontrol gerekse PH’deki morfolojik, elektrofizyolojik ve farmakolojik özelliklerinin iyi bilinmesi amacıyla araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: İlk olarak, M1 Lamina V’teki spontan ve indüklenmiş osilatör aktiviteler tanımlanmış ve çeşitli reseptör tiplerinin modülasyonu sonucunda değişimleri kaydedilmiştir. İkinci kısımda 6-hidroksidopamin ile unilateral Parkinson yapılmış hayvanlardan elde edilen beyin dokuları ilgili prosedür takip edilerek çalışılmış, veriler Spike2 ve Neurolucida yazılımları kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Deneylerden elde edilen tüm veriler GraphPad Prism yazılımı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.Bulgular: Bu çalışmada farmakolojik olarak indüklenmiş M1 teta ve gama osilatör aktivitesi üzerine çeşitli reseptör modülasyonlarının etkileri ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Ayrıca sham, PH model sıçanların lezyonlu ve lezyonsuz hemisferlerindeki farklı yanıtlar ortaya çıkarılmıştır. M1 LV piramidal nöronlarına ait üç boyutlu yapıda ve dendritik çıkıntılarda gözlenen morfolojik değişimler gösterilmiştir.Sonuçlar: Çalışmamızdaki bulgular neticesinde, dopamin, D1 ve D2-benzeri dopaminerjik reseptörlere ek olarak, α1-adrenerjik reseptörü ve muhtemelen DA/α1 heteromultimerik reseptörler üzerinde etki gösterdiği ve bu etkinin PH-lezyonlu hemisferlerde daha güçlü olduğu gözlenmektedir. Morfolojik bulgular piramidal nöronların azalan ateşlenebilirlikleri ile uyumluluk göstermektedir.--------------------Aim: The absence of dopamine (DA) in Parkinson's disease (PD) has been associated with the emergence of exaggerated neuronal oscillatory activity in theta and beta bands in the primary motor cortex (M1). While DA replacement therapies and deep brain stimulation reduce the power of these oscillations, the improvement in motor activity is accompanied by this. Recent studies have shown that M1 is a potential target in the treatment of PD. In this study, it is aimed to investigate this area in order to know the morphological, electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of M1 in control and PD rats.Material and Methods: Firstly, the spontaneous and induced oscillatory activities of M1 Layer V were defined and their changes after various receptor modulations were recorded. Secondly, The brains of unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine injected Parkinson model animals were studied according to experimental procedures and the data were collected using Spike2 or Neurolucida software. Finally, the data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism software.Results: The effects of the modulation of different receptors on pharmacologically induced M1 theta and gamma oscillatory activity were revealed in this study. Also, the differences in the responses among sham, non-lesioned and lesioned hemispheres of PD rats were disclosed. Also, the morphological changes in the three-dimensional structure and the dendritic spines of the M1 LV pyramidal neurons were discovered.Conclusion: The results of electrophysiological experiments show that dopamine acts on D1 and D2-like, α1-adrenergic and probably dopamine/α1 heteromultimeric receptors in M1 and its effect gets stronger in PD model hemisphere. The morphological findings are compatible with the reduced excitability of the pyramidal neurons

    Farelerde nucleus pedunculopontinus Tegmenti’deki gabaerjik nöronların gelişimsel incelemesi

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    Nucleus pedunculopontinus tegmenti (PPN), beyin sapında bulunan bir nukleus olup, uyku uyanıklık döngüsünde ve lokomosyonda görev almaktadır. PPN’in içerdiği kolinerjik ve glutamaterjik nöronlar üzerine çok sayıda çalışma olmasına karşın GABAerjik nöronlar üzerine azdır. GABAerjik nöronların incelenmesinde kullanılan, gamma-aminobütirik asit’in üretiminde ve salınımında görev alan glutamik asit dekarboksilaz enziminin farklı izoformları olan GAD65 ve GAD67’nin gösterdiği hücresel farklılığın fonksiyonel yansımaları ilgi konusudur. Bu nedenle GAD65 ve GAD67 knock-in farelerin PPN’sinde gelişimsel olarak sayısal ve yerleşimsel farklılıklarına bakılmıştır. Her iki knock-in modelinden 14-25 günleri arasında 4 farklı yaş grubundaki(n=3) farelere ait beyinler Oxford Üniversitesi Anatomik Nörofarmakoloji Biriminden temin edilip, immünohistokimyasal yöntemle boyanarak florasan mikroskobu altında incelenmiş ve sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar GraphPad Prism 5.0 programında analiz edilmiştir. GAD65-GFP 14, 17, 22 ve 25 günlük hayvanlar incelendiğinde 14 günden 17 güne artış, 17 günden 25 güne ise düşüş göstermiştir (p=0.0007). GAD67 farelerde ise 14.güne göre 15.günde anlamlı bir artış gözlenmiştir (p= 0.0087). 15.günden 21. güne (p= 0.3595) anlamsız ve 21.günden ve 25. güne anlamlı bir azalma (p=0.0001 ) gözlendi. Her iki grup karşılaştırıldığında, 14.günler arasında anlamlı bir farklılık gözlemlenmezken (p= 0.2971), 25.günde GAD67-GFP hayvanlarda boyanmanın daha fazla olduğu gözlenmiştir (p=0.0002). Yerleşimsel olarak ise GAD67-GFP hayvanlarda boyanan nöronlar rostral yoğunlukta, GAD65-GFP hayvanlarda ise kaudal yoğunlukta olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu bulgular ışığında, GAD65 içeren nöronların kaudalde yoğun olduğu, GAD67 içerenlerinse nukleus içinde rostral yoğunluklu olmak üzere heterojen dağılım gösterdiği görülmüştür. Nöron sayısındaki anlamlı değişiklikler REM uykusunun değişiklik gösterdiği günlerle paraleldir. Anahtar Kelimeler: GABAerjik, GAD 65, GAD 67, GFP, Nucleus pedunculopontinus tegmenti. SUMMARY DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES AT GABAERGIC NEURON NUMBERS IN MICE PEDUNCULOPONTINE NUCLEUS Pedunculopontine nucleus, which is a brainstem nucleus, has an important role in sleep/wake cycle and locomotion. There are very few studies related to the developmental changes of GABAergic neurons in PPN. GAD65 and GAD67 are separate isoforms of glutamic acid decarboxylase enzyme, which produce and release gamma-aminobutyric acid. They have been being used in researches related to the GABAergic neurons and suggested that they have functional distinctions based on their cellular differences. Therefore, in this study GAD65/GAD67 Green Florescence Protein (GFP) knock-in mice were used to understand developmental changes of GABAergic cell numbers and localization in PPN. The brains between postnatal (PN) day 14 to day 25, including two distinct animal models (total of 24), were received from Oxford University Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit. These specimens were stained using immunohistochemical methods, examined under fluorescence microscopy and the results were statictically evaluated with GraphPad Prism 5.0. GAD65-GFP knock in mice 14, 17, 22, 25 PN days were studied and the results showed an increase from the PN14 to PN17, while PN17 to PN25 showed a decrease (p=0,0007). In GAD67-GFP knock in mice there was a significant increase from PN14 to PN15 (p=0,0087), and decrease from PN15 to PN21 (p=0,3595), but the difference was not as significant as PN21 to PN25 days (p=0,0001). PN14 and PN25 days of GAD65 and GAD67 mice were compared. There was no significant difference between PN14 day animals (p=0,2971). GAD67 group in the PN25 day animals showed more stained neurons (p=0,0002). In GAD67-GFP animals, the stained neurons were rostrally located while GAD65 neurons were more caudally located in the nucleus. The results of this study showed the developmental differences of PPN GABAergic neurons in accordance with the previous researches. Key Words: GABAergic, GAD 65, GAD 67, GFP, Nucleus pedunculopontinus tegment

    Phase-amplitude coupled persistent theta and gamma oscillations in rat primary motor cortex in vitro

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    In vivo, theta (4-7 Hz) and gamma (30-80 Hz) neuronal network oscillations are known to coexist and display phase-amplitude coupling (PAC). However, in vitro, these oscillations have for many years been studied in isolation. Using an improved brain slice preparation technique we have, using co-application of carbachol (10 mu M) and kainic acid (150 nM), elicited simultaneous theta (6.6 +/- 0.1 Hz) and gamma (36.6 +/- 0.4 Hz) oscillations in rodent primary motor cortex (M1). Each oscillation showed greatest power in layer V. Using a variety of time series analyses we detected significant cross-frequency coupling in 74% of slice preparations. Differences were observed in the pharmacological profile of each oscillation. Thus, gamma oscillations were reduced by the GABAA receptor antagonists, gabazine (250 nM and 2 mu M), and picrotoxin (50 mu M) and augmented by AMPA receptor antagonism with SYM2206 (20 mu M). In contrast, theta oscillatory power was increased by gabazine, picrotoxin and SYM2206. GABA(B) receptor blockade with CGP55845 (5 mu M) increased both theta and gamma power, and similar effects were seen with diazepam, zolpidem, MK801 and a series of metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists. Oscillatory activity at both frequencies was reduced by the gap junction blocker carbenoxolone (200 mu M) and by atropine (5 mu). These data show theta and gamma oscillations in layer V of rat M1 in vitro are cross-frequency coupled, and are mechanistically distinct. The development of an in vitro model of phase-amplitude coupled oscillations will facilitate further mechanistic investigation of the generation and modulation of coupled activity in mammalian cortex. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Bilateral variations of the great saphenous vein

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    The great saphenous vein is the longest in the human body and has been one of the most preferred autologous tissue in bypass surgery. It is affected by the life conditions causing pathological dilatations called varices. We observed bilaterally duplicated great saphenous vein in both lower limbs of an elderly male human cadaver during our routine dissection for undergraduate anatomy education. After a detailed inspection of the veins at both sides, we measured and illustrated the variant branches. In this case report, we presented bilaterally duplicated great saphenous veins, accompanied by an accessory saphenous vein. To the best of our knowledge, there are no such variations reported in the literature so far. We think that recognizing this and such variations before surgery will increase success. © 2021 Marmara University Press, All Rights Reserved

    Bilateral variations of the great saphenous veins

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    The great saphenous vein is the longest in the human body and has been one of the most preferred autologous tissue in bypass surgery. It is affected by the life conditions causing pathological dilatations called varices. We observed bilaterally duplicated great saphenous vein in both lower limbs of an elderly male human cadaver during our routine dissection for undergraduate anatomy education. After a detailed inspection of the veins at both sides, we measured and illustrated the variant branches. In this case report, we presented bilaterally duplicated great saphenous veins, accompanied by an accessory saphenous vein. To the best of our knowledge, there are no such variations reported in the literature so far. We think that recognizing this and such variations before surgery will increase success. © 2021 Marmara University Press, All Rights Reserved

    A cadaveric study: the relationship between sternum and internal thoracic artery

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    Introduction: Internal thoracic artery is an artery which frequently used in coronary bypass operations. Morphological features such as the location, length, and separation point of the branches are important crucialy. Materials and Methods:. The measurements were made in 11 thorax dissections and morphological data of ITA were obtained and photographed At each sternebra level, a midpoint was determined. The line created by combining these points was called the paramedian line. The distance between the artery and this line in the 2-5 intercostal space was measured. The distance of the artery and the lateral margin of sternum from the was measured at 2-5 intercostal spaces. The length of artery and the branch-ing point was recorded also. Results: The length of the right internal thoracic artery (between 2-5. intercostal space) is 117.07 mm. The left one is 118.63 mm. Maximum length for the right and left ITA 135 mm and 135.5 mm, respectively. The distance between paramedian line and bifurcatio of right ITA 31.06 mm and left ITA 32.32 mm. Maximum distance between paramedian line and bifurcatio of right ITA is 42.45 mm and the left one is 53.8 mm. Discussion: ITA is commonly used artery for coronary revascularization. When left anterior descending artery is anastomo-sed with ITA, survival rate has been found 10% for ten years. However, there are some disadvantages. As a result of pleurotomy, it can/could be seen several complications: parenchymal trauma, pleural effusion, atelectasis and pulmonary complication. Its is crucial to preservation of pleural integrity during dissection to reach ITA. Thus, it is supplied respiratory mechanisms and mini-mized lung injury. Conclusion: Internal thoracic artery has a great importance in coronary revascularization. When the risk of complications in coronary bypass operations is considered, the length of this artery and its distance with sternum should be clearly deter-mined. It is vital in the postoperative period and prolonging the life span. © 2021 Japan University of Health Sciences & Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation

    The failure on the effectiveness of formalin on cadaver disinfection and alternative methods

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    Objective: It was aimed to identify the contaminant and determine the alternative disinfectant detection in the microbial growth observed in various parts of the cadaver stored in the formalin tank in the dissection laboratory of Marmara University Anatomy Department. We also performed a literature review of this unusual pathogen. Materials and Methods: Swab samples were inoculated on agar mediums. After incubation, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionizationtime of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis was used to identify the isolate from the detected uniform colonies. Sample solution from the cadaver tank, freshly prepared 5% formalin and 0.55% ortho-phthalaldehyde were used to determine the disinfectant sensitivity of the isolate. Results: According to 16s rDNA sequence analysis, it was concluded as Skermanella aerolata with 99% similarity. In the disinfectant susceptibility test, it was observed that S. aerolata and control bacteria could grow in 5% formalin taken from the cadaver tank. No growth was detected in other disinfectants. Conclusion: To prevent cadaver contamination in anatomy laboratories, the quality control of the embalming solutions and indoor air filtration of the dissection rooms should be checked at regular intervals. Members of Skermanella genus have been identified as environmental organisms in several studies, however, recent researches reported this bacterium as a human pathogen