61 research outputs found

    Lethal effect of Turkish diatomaceous earth (Bgn-1 ) agaınst adults of German cockroaches (Blatella germanıca L.): Presentation

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    In this study, mortality effects of BGN-1 which is local diatomaceous earths, were investigated against adults of German cockroach (Blatella gemanica (L.)) on concrete, ceramic floor tile and laminate flooring. On these three different surfaces, B. germanica adults were exposed to BGN-1 diatomaceous earth at the doses of 2.5, 5, 10, 20 g/m2 along 6 days. In all surface applications of BGN-1 diatomaceous earth, exposure time and dose caused significant effect on mortality rates of B. germanica adults. It was determined that BGN-1 coded Turkish diatomaceous earth has the lowest mortality effect on all application surfaces at the dose of 2.5 g/m2. 2.5 g/m2 BGN-1 caused 100 % mortality after 6 days concrete surface and caused 100 % mortality at the end of the fourth day on ceramic floor tile and laminate flooring. On the other hand, doses of 5 and 10 g/m2 of BGN-1 caused 100% B. germanica mortality on all surfaces at the end of the second day, while the highest dose of 20 g /m2 of BGN-1 reached 100% B. germanica mortality at the end of the first day on all application surfaces. In general, the mortality activity of BGN-1 diatomites against B. germanica adults was found to be similar on all three surfaces. At the end of this study, local diatomaceous earth coded BGN-1 was found to be good alternatives for controlling B. germanica which is a medical pest insect

    How did the updated 2019 european society of cardiology/european atherosclerosis society risk categorization for patients with diabetes affect the risk perception and lipid goals, a simulated analysis of real-life data from EPHESUS study

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    Background: The recent 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society practice guidelines introduced a new risk categorization for patients with diabetes. We aimed to compare the implications of the 2016 and 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society guidelines with regard to the lipid-lowering treatment use, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment rates, and the estimated proportion of patients who would be at goal in an ideal setting. Methods: Patients with diabetes were classified into 4 risk categories according to 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society dyslipidemia guidelines from the database of EPHESUS (cross-sectional, observational, countrywide registry of cardiology outpatient clinics) study. The use of lipid-lowering treatment and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment rates were then compared according to previous and new guidelines. Results: This analysis included a total of 873 diabetic adults. Half of the study population (53.8%) were on lipid-lowering treatment and almost one-fifth (19.1%) were on high-intensity statins. While low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal was achieved in 19.5% and 7.5% of patients, 87.4% and 69.6% would be on target if their lipid-lowering treatment was intensified according to 2016 and 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society lipid guidelines, respectively. The new target <55 mg/dL could only be achieved in 2.2% and 8.1% of very high-risk primary prevention and secondary prevention patients, respectively. Conclusion: The control of dyslipidemia was extremely poor among patients with diabetes. The use of lipid-lowering treatment was not at the desired level, and high-intensity lipid-lowering treatment use was even lower. Our simulation model showed that the high-dose statin plus ezetimibe therapy would improve goal attainment; however, it would not be possible to get goals with this treatment in more than one-third of the patients

    The Short-Term Effect of Eugenol on the Prevention of Experimentally Induced Myringosclerosis in a Rat Model

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    Objective:The aim of our study was to assess the possible short-term effects of topical and oral eugenol on the suppression of experimentally developed myringosclerosis (MS).Methods:Four groups of seven male Wistar albino rats were used in the study. The tympanic membranes (TMs) of all subjects were myringotomized, and group 1 was given no treatment (as control group), group 2 received saline, group 3 had received topical eugenol and group 4 received oral eugenol.Results:In macroscopic evaluation the control and saline groups showed much more MS compared to the topical and oral eugenol groups which had statistically significantly less changes (p<0.05). Fibrosis and inflammation regarding the lamina propria (LP) of the eardrums of the topical and oral eugenol groups were significantly less than those of the control and saline groups (p<0.001). In microscopic evaluation, TMs were found to be thicker in the control and saline groups (p<0.001).Conclusion:Our study showed that the application of topical and oral forms of eugenol reduced fibrosis and prevented the advancement of MS in the LP of the TMs in the short-term. More studies with different extracts are needed to investigate the efficacy of phytotherapeutic agents for preventing MS development following myringotomy

    Diprosopus, craniorachischisis, arthrogryposis, and other associated anomalies in a stillborn lamb

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    Congenital malformations with multiple anomalies have been described infrequently in the veterinary literature. A stillborn male crossbred lamb with diprosopus, craniorachischisis, and arthrogryposis was examined macroscopically and histopathologically in this study. The left head was smaller than the right head. Micrencephaly, agnathia, and a rudimentary tongue, which was adherent to the palate, were present in the left head. Micrencephaly, brachygnathia superior, and cleft palate were present in the right head. Cerebellar agenesis and spinal cord hypoplasia were observed. The cerebrums and the spinal cord were covered with a tapering membranous structure. Neural and dermal tissues were noted to intervene upon microscopic examination of this structure. Disorganization of neurons was observed in both cerebrums, though it was more severe in the left one. This case demonstrates many congenital defects occurring together in a lamb

    Portfolio ammatillisen henkilöbrändäyksen ja työnhaun tueksi

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    Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön aiheena on työnhaun tueksi sekä ammatilliseen henkilöbrändäykseen kehitetty verkkosivupohjainen portfolio. Opinnäytetyön pääasiallisena tavoitteena on esitellä portfolion kehitysprosessia, sisältöä sekä roolia työnhaussa markkinoinnin alalla. Portfolion esittelyn lisäksi tarkastellaan portfoliota osana ammatillista henkilöbrändäystä. Johdanto tuo esille opinnäytetyön keskeiset tavoitteet ja rajaukset. Raportin asettelu käydään samalla läpi ennen opinnäytetyön tietoperustaa. Tietoperustassa perehdytään henkilöbrändin rakentamiseen sekä henkilöbrändäyksen etuihin työnhaussa. Nykyisillä kilpakeskeisillä työmarkkinoilla työnhakija voi luoda erottuvuutta kehittämällä itsensä näköisen henkilöbrändin ja herättää potentiaalisten työnantajien kiinnostuksen. Ammatillinen henkilöbrändäys luo etua alalla, jossa oman osaamisen myyminen on keskiössä onnistuneen työnhaun näkökulmasta. Ennen portfolion esittelyä, käsitellään varsinaista suunnitteluprosessia. Suunnittelussa syvennytään portfolion luomiseen liittyviin tarkoitusperiin ja lähtökohtiin. Suunnitteluvaiheessa kartoitettuja portfolion tavoitteita tarkastellaan työhaun kannalta. Lopuksi käydään läpi suunnitteluprosessin tärkein osa eli portfoliosuunnitelma. Portfolion esittely on jaoteltu pääpiirteittäin. Esittelyssä käydään läpi toteutukseen valittu verkkoalusta, portfolion rakenne sekä visuaalinen ilme. Alusta esitellään pintapuolisesti sekä sen valintaa perustellaan alustan valintaprosessissa vaikuttaneiden tekijöiden pohjalta. Portfolion rakenne on jaoteltu verkkosivun pää- ja alasivujen mukaisesti etusivuun, työnäytteisiin, omiin taitoihin sekä CV/esittelyyn. Jokainen sivu käydään vaiheittain läpi ja visuaalisena havainnointikeinona käytetään kuvakaappauksia portfolion varsinaisista verkkosivuista. Portfolion visuaalista ilmettä esitellään kuvakaappauksien avulla ja visuaalisia ratkaisuja perustellaan oman ammatillisen henkilöbrändäyksen sekä muiden vaikuttaneiden tekijöiden pohjalta. Pohdinnassa arvioidaan portfolio ja sen toteutus. Portfolio toimii osana opinnäytetyön tekijän työnhakua ja ammatillista henkilöbrändäystä, joten portfolion jatkokehitystä käydään läpi ideoinnin tasolla. Lopuksi arvioidaan omaa oppimista portfolion luomisprosessin ja opinnäytetyön kirjoitusprosessin aikana

    Pappus and fruit micromorphology and fruit anatomy in some members of the tribe Cardueae (Asteraceae) from Turkey with their contributions to systematics

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    The present investigation aims to determine pappus and fruit characters of 21 taxa representing 12 different genera from Turkey. For this reason, present data of pappus and cypsela characters as well as previous results from 21 additional Cardueae taxa have been comparatively evaluated, and a total of 42 taxa were grouped by using cluster and MDS analysis methods. The cluster analysis resolved two main clusters, with five taxa having scale or coroniform pappus as the first-branching group. Considerable variations were observed in the surface sculpture, and the pericarp and testa anatomical structures as well as the pappus characteristics. On the basis of fruit surface sculpture, four major types and two subtypes of ornamentation patterns were discerned, and based on their anatomies three types of testa epidermal structure were recognized. Our results show that Centaurea s.l. taxa do not exhibit clear distinction from the genus level; in some cases the taxa are separated to some extent, in other cases they are combined with Cyanus and Psephellus taxa. Two Klasea species with sclerenchymatous mesocarp exhibit the closest relationship to Centaurea s.l. taxa. Rhaponticum repens displays the nearest neighborhood with Centaurea s.l. and Klasea taxa. A diagnostic key based on the examined characteristics has been given. The taxonomic importance and systematic implications of the results are discussed in the light of the current framework. The evaluated cypsela and pappus characters are useful not only in assessing relationships within this group but also in delimiting genera and species

    Investigation of High School Students’ Leisure Time Management Ability

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    anemonBu araştırma, lise öğrencilerinin boş zaman yönetimi beceri düzeyini; cinsiyet, sınıf düzeyi, derslerde başarılı olma durumu, aile ve arkadaşları ile iletişim düzeyi değişkenlerine göre incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma nicel bir araştırmadır ve tarama modelindedir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Nevşehir ilinde üç farklı lisede öğrenim gören 408 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırma verileri “Boş Zaman Yönetimi” ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmada; bağımsız örneklemler t-testi, Mann Whitney U testi, Kruskal Wallis H testi ve Tek Yönlü ANOVA ile çoklu karşılaştırma testlerinden Scheffe testi kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin doğrulayıcı faktör analizinin yapılmasında da uyum iyiliği indeks (X2 /sd, SRMR, NNFI, CFI, GFI ve AGFI) düzeylerine bakılmıştır ve yol şemasındaki RMSEA değeri incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre lise öğrencilerinin orta düzeyde boş zaman yönetim becerisi sergilediği bulunmuştur. Ayrıca derslerinde başarılı olan ve ailesi ile iletişim düzeyi yüksek olan öğrencilerin boş zaman yönetimi becerisinin de yüksek olduğu görülmektedir.37339

    Bıldırcınlarda bakır ile oluşturulan karaciğer toksikasyonunda nitrozatif doku hasarının immunohistokimyasal yöntemlerle araştırılması

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    Bakırın fazlası çeşitli türlerde karaciğer toksikasyonuna neden olabilir. Bu çalışmada, bıldırcınlarda deneysel kronik bakır toksikasyonunda, karaciğerde oluşan nitrozatif doku hasarı ve apoptotik hücre ölümü immunohistopatolojik metodlarla incelendi. Her birinde 10 adet bir günlük bıldırcın bulunan kontrol, 1, 2 ve 3. gruplar, 6 hafta süre ile sırasıyla 0, 100, 250 ve 500 ppm düzeylerinde bakır sülfat içeren yemle beslendiler. Beslenme dönemi sonrasında, hayvanlara ötanazi uygulanarak karaciğerleri alındı ve histopatolojik yöntemler için rutin şekilde işlendi. İndüklenebilir nitrik oksit sentaz (iNOS) ve nitrotirozin için indirekt avidin-biotin peroksidaz yöntemi uygulandı. Apoptotik hücre ölümü in situ TUNEL boyama yöntemi uygulanarak araştırıldı. Mikroskobik düzeyde karaciğerde sadece 2. grupta hafif, 3. grupta orta derecede dejeneratif değişiklikler tespit edildi. İmmunohistokimyasal boyamalarda her iki antikor için de kontrol grubunda hafif derecede immun tepkime tespit edildi. Artan bakır konsantrasyonuna bağlı olarak immun tepkimelerde artma gözlendi. Sadece 3. grupta ve az sayıda olmak üzere apoptotik hepatositler mevcuttu. Elde edilen bu bulgular, bakır ile oluşturulan karaciğer toksikasyonunda, nitrik oksitin oksidatif doku hasarında rol oynadığını göstermektedir.Excess copper may cause liver toxicosis in various species. In this study, nitrosative tissue damage was investigated in an experimental chronic copper toxicity model in Japanese quails by immuno-histopathological means. Four groups (control, 1st, 2nd and 3rd), each comprised of 10 one-day-old chicks, were fed for 6 weeks with rations containing none, 100, 250 and 500 ppm copper sulfate, respectively. At the end of the feeding period, animals were euthanized, liver tissues were collected and processed routinely for histopathologic applications. Immunohistochemical staining was performed for inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitrotyrosine antibodies with indirect avidin-biotin peroxidase technique. Apoptotic cell death was investigated with in situ TUNEL staining. Microscopically, there were only mild and moderate degenerative changes in the liver of the chicks of 2nd and 3rd groups, respectively. In immunohistochemical staining, little immunoreactivity was detected in the control group for both antibodies. Immunoreactivities were gradually stronger with the increasing copper concentration. A few apoptotic hepatocytes were present only in the 3rd group. These findings suggest that nitric oxide play a role in the oxidative tissue damage of copper induced liver toxicity