717 research outputs found

    Direct and indirect transmission of four Salmonella enterica serotypes in pigs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Feed-borne spread of <it>Salmonella </it>spp. to pigs has been documented several times in recent years in Sweden. Experiences from the field suggest that feed-associated serotypes might be less transmittable and subsequently easier to eradicate from pig herds than other serotypes more commonly associated to pigs. Four <it>Salmonella </it>serotypes were selected for experimental studies in pigs in order to study transmissibility and compare possible differences between feed-assoociated (<it>S </it>Cubana and <it>S </it>Yoruba) and pig-associated serotypes (<it>S </it>Derby and <it>S </it>Typhimurium).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Direct contact transmission was studied in four groups of pigs formed by six 10-week-old salmonella negative pigs commingled with two fatteners excreting one of the four salmonella serotypes. Indirect transmission was studied by putting six 10-week-old salmonella negative pigs in each of four salmonella contaminated rooms. Each room had previously housed a group of pigs, excreting one of the four selected serotypes.</p> <p>All pigs were monitored for two weeks with respect to the faecal excretion of salmonella and the presence of serum antibodies. At the end of the trial, eight samples from inner tissues and organs were collected from each pig at necropsy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the four direct transmission groups, one pig shed <it>Salmonella </it>(Cubana) at one occasion. At necropsy, <it>S </it>Typhimurium was isolated from one pig.</p> <p>In the indirect transmission groups, two pigs in the Yoruba room and one pig in each of the other rooms were excreting detectable levels of <it>Salmonella </it>once during the study period of two weeks. At necropsy, <it>S </it>Derby was isolated from one of six pigs in the Derby room and <it>S </it>Typhimurium was isolated from four of the six pigs in the Typhimurium room.</p> <p>No significant serological response could be detected in any of the 48 pigs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results show that all four selected serotypes were able to be transmitted in at least one of these field-like trials, but the transmission rate was low in all groups and no obvious differences between feed-associated and pig-associated serotypes in the transmission to naïve pigs and their subsequent faecal shedding were revealed. However, the post mortem results indicated a higher detection of <it>S </it>Typhimurium in the ileocecal lymph nodes of pigs introduced into a contaminated environment in comparison with the other three serotypes.</p

    Feed-borne Outbreak of Salmonella Cubana in Swedish Pig Farms: Risk Factors and Factors Affecting the Restriction Period in Infected Farms

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    In 2003, a feed-borne outbreak of Salmonella Cubana occurred in Sweden as a result of contamination in a feed plant. Salmonella Cubana was detected in 49 out of 77 pig farms having received possibly contaminated feed. In this study, potential risk factors for farms being salmonella positive were examined, and a survival analysis was performed to investigate risk factors affecting the restriction period for salmonella positive farms. The median restriction time for all 49 farms was 17 weeks. An increased risk for farms being salmonella infected (positive in feed and/or faeces) was seen for fattening farms and farms feeding soy. The survival analysis showed that herds with a low level of infection and farms with a high hygiene level had shorter restriction times. This study is unique as it investigates a real outbreak of feed-borne salmonella, where the source of infection was reliably identified, the period of exposure could be defined and data were collected from all exposed farms

    High Resolution Hybrid Pixel Sensors for the e+e- TESLA Linear Collider Vertex Tracker

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    In order to fully exploit the physics potential of a future high energy e+e- linear collider, a Vertex Tracker, providing high resolution track reconstruction, is required. Hybrid Silicon pixel sensors are an attractive option, for the sensor technology, due to their read-out speed and radiation hardness, favoured in the high rate environment of the TESLA e+e- linear collider design but have been so far limited by the achievable single point space resolution. In this paper, a conceptual design of the TESLA Vertex Tracker, based on a novel layout of hybrid pixel sensors with interleaved cells to improve their spatial resolution, is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Vertex99 Workshop, Texel (The Netherlands), June 199

    Evidence for non-exponential elastic proton proton differential cross-section at low vertical bar t vertical bar and √ s = 8 TeV by TOTEM

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    The TOTEM experiment has made a precise measurement of the elastic proton proton differential cross-section at the centre-of-mass energy root s = 8 TeV based on a high-statistics data sample obtained with the beta* = 90 m optics. Both the statistical and systematic uncertainties remain below 1%, except for the t-independent contribution from the overall normalisation. This unprecedented precision allows to exclude a purely exponential differential cross-section in the range of four-momentum transfer squared 0.027 <vertical bar t vertical bar <0.2 GeV2 with a significance greater than 7 sigma. Two extended parametrisations, with quadratic and cubic polynomials in the exponent, are shown to be well compatible with the data. Using them for the differential cross-section extrapolation to t = 0, and further applying the optical theorem, yields total cross-section estimates of (101.5 +/- 2.1) mb and (101.9 +/- 2.1) mb, respectively, in agreement with previous TOTEM measurements. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    Diffraction and Total Cross-Section at the Tevatron and the LHC

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    At the Tevatron, the total p_bar-p cross-section has been measured by CDF at 546 GeV and 1.8 TeV, and by E710/E811 at 1.8 TeV. The two results at 1.8 TeV disagree by 2.6 standard deviations, introducing big uncertainties into extrapolations to higher energies. At the LHC, the TOTEM collaboration is preparing to resolve the ambiguity by measuring the total p-p cross-section with a precision of about 1 %. Like at the Tevatron experiments, the luminosity-independent method based on the Optical Theorem will be used. The Tevatron experiments have also performed a vast range of studies about soft and hard diffractive events, partly with antiproton tagging by Roman Pots, partly with rapidity gap tagging. At the LHC, the combined CMS/TOTEM experiments will carry out their diffractive programme with an unprecedented rapidity coverage and Roman Pot spectrometers on both sides of the interaction point. The physics menu comprises detailed studies of soft diffractive differential cross-sections, diffractive structure functions, rapidity gap survival and exclusive central production by Double Pomeron Exchange.Peer reviewe

    First measurement of elastic, inelastic and total cross-section at √s = 13TeV by TOTEM and overview of cross-section data at LHC energies : TOTEM Collaboration

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    The TOTEM collaboration has measured the proton- proton total cross section at v s = 13 TeV with a luminosity- independent method. Using dedicated ss * = 90m beam optics, the Roman Pots were inserted very close to the beam. The inelastic scattering rate has been measured by the T1 and T2 telescopes during the same LHC fill. After applying the optical theorem the total proton- proton cross section is stot = (110.6 +/- 3.4) mb, well in agreement with the extrapolation from lower energies. This method also allows one to derive the luminosity- independent elastic and inelastic cross sections: sel = (31.0 +/- 1.7) mband sinel = (79.5 +/- 1.8) mb.Peer reviewe

    Pressure Induced Hydration Dynamics of Membranes

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    Pressure-jump initiated time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies of dynamics of the hydration of the hexagonal phase in biological membranes show that (i) the relaxation of the unit cell spacing is non-exponential in time; (ii) the Bragg peaks shift smoothly to their final positions without significant broadening or loss in crystalline order. This suggests that the hydration is not diffusion limited but occurs via a rather homogeneous swelling of the whole lattice, described by power law kinetics with an exponent β=1.3±0.2 \beta = 1.3 \pm 0.2.Comment: REVTEX 3, 10 pages,3 figures(available on request),#

    Eradication of Salmonella Yoruba in an integrated pig herd

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    An integrated SPF herd with 320 sows was found infected with Salmonella Yoruba during an annual control among sows, aiming to verify freedom from Salmonella infections. It is believed that the infection was introduced to the herd by purchase of feed. The herd performed an age segregated rearing system. Sows and piglets were reared at a central farm, while growers (25-1 00 kg body weight) were reared at sub-estates. The growers were free from the infection, and as a consequence a specially designed eradication program was designed

    Does alcohol catch the eye? Investigating young adults’ attention to alcohol consumption

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    Many studies on young adults' motivations for drinking overlook the symbolic aspects of alcohol use. However, research indicates that young adults' alcohol consumption is also driven by signaling motivations. Although the interest of a receiver is a necessary prerequisite of a signal, no previous studies have verified whether drinking behavior indeed attracts young adults' attention. Therefore, we conducted two studies. A two-part eye-tracking study ( N1 = 135, N2 = 140) showed that both young men and young women pay special visual attention to male and female drinking behavior. Additionally, a recall experiment ( N = 321) confirmed that observed male and female drinking is better remembered than observed nonsignaling, functional behavior. Moreover, alcoholic beverages also receive special attention, as they were recalled better than other functional products, and also nonalcoholic drinks similar in color and shape. In summary, the experiments clearly showed that male and female drinking behavior can be used as a signal, as both behaviors clearly function as an attention-attracting cue. Additionally, as alcoholic beverages draw more attention than nonalcoholic drinks, this attention is clearly linked to the alcohol element of the drinking behavior