24 research outputs found

    Obstacle to e-government: Digital division E-devletleşme önündeki engel: Dijital eşitsizlik

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    The issue of digital division; is defined as different sectors of society’s difference in rates of access to information and communication technologies.  Digital division is the one of the greatest obstacles to the transition to an information society and the provision of e-government services. In this study, the subject of digital division, importance of reducing digital division and its effect of the transition to e-government were described, the issue of digital division in Turkey and the studies conducted from the international arena about global digital division were emphasized. ÖzetDijital eşitsizlik sorunu; toplumun farklı kesimlerinin bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerine erişim oranlarındaki fark olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu sorun, bilgi toplumuna ve e-devlet hizmetlerine geçiş sürecindeki en büyük engellerden biridir. Bu çalışmada, dijital eşitsizlik sorunu, bu sorunun azaltılmasının önemi ve e-devlete geçiş sürecine etkisi betimlenmekte, Türkiye’de ki dijital eşitsizlik sorunu ve Global dijital eşitsizlik konusunda uluslararası alanda yapılan çalışmalar üzerinde durulmaktadı

    Low Voltage Battery Management System With Internal Adaptive Charger and Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    Lithium ion (Li-Ion) and lithium polymer (Li-Po) batteries need to be used within certain voltage/current limits. Failure to observe these limits may result in damage to the battery. In this work, we propose a low voltage battery management system (LV-BMS) that balances the processes of the battery cells in the battery pack and the activating-deactivating of cells by guaranteeing that the operation is within these limits. The system operates autonomously and provides energy from the internal battery. It has a modular structure and the software is designed to control the charging and discharging of eight battery cells at most. A STM32F103 microcontroller is used for system control. The fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is used to set the discharge voltage limit to prevent damage to the battery cells, shorten the settlement time and create a specialized design for charge control. The proposed structure enables solar panel or power supplies with di erent voltage values between 5 V and 8 V to be used for charging. The experimental results show there was a 42% increase in usage time and the voltage di erence between the batteries was limited to a maximum of 65 mV. Moreover, the charge current settles at about 20 ms, which is a much faster response when compared to a PID controller

    Design of a Real-Time Microcontroller for Interleaved Boost Converter

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    Devre ve kullanılan elemanların boyutlarını küçültmek, çıkış gerilimi dalgalılık ve darbe genlik modülasyonu doluluk oranını azaltmak için literatürde paralel yapıdaki yükseltici tip güç dönüştürücüsü önerilmiştir. Bu yapının yüklü ve yüksüz durumda kararlı çıkış sağlayabilmesi için çeşitli kontrol metotları uygulanmış ve performansları deneysel ortamda karşılaştırılmıştır. Tasarlanan sistem, integral, oransal-integral, bulanık mantık kontrol metotlarının uygulandığı gerçek zamanlı mikro denetleyici temelli bir geri besleme yapısı içermektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre bulanık mantık denetleyicili sistemin tepki süresi diğer yöntemlere göre daha düşük olduğundan dolayı güç verilen sistem için daha kararlı bir güç kaynağı olmaktadır.Interleaved boost converters proposed in the literature for reduce the size of the circuit and the amount of components, and to decrease the output voltage ripple and pulse width modulation duty cycle. In order to obtain a stable voltage at the output of interleaved boost converters, various control methods have been applied and the performances have been compared in the experimental environment. The proposed system consists of a real-time microcontroller-based feedback structure in which integral, proportional-integral, fuzzy logic control methods are applied. According to the results, the response time of the fuzzy logic controller system is lower than other control methods, so it becomes a more stable power source for the energized system

    An appeal to the global health community for a tripartite innovation: an ‘‘Essential Diagnostics List,’’ ‘‘Health in All Policies,’’ and ‘‘See-Through 21st Century Science and Ethics"

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    Diagnostics spanning a wide range of new biotechnologies, including proteomics, metabolomics, and nanotechnology, are emerging as companion tests to innovative medicines. In this Opinion, we present the rationale for promulgating an ‘‘Essential Diagnostics List.’’ Additionally, we explain the ways in which adopting a vision for ‘‘Health in All Policies’’ could link essential diagnostics with robust and timely societal outcomes such as sustainable development, human rights, gender parity, and alleviation of poverty. We do so in three ways. First, we propose the need for a new, ‘‘see through’’ taxonomy for knowledge-based innovation as we transition from the material industries (e.g., textiles, plastic, cement, glass) dominant in the 20th century to the anticipated knowledge industry of the 21st century. If knowledge is the currency of the present century, then it is sensible to adopt an approach that thoroughly examines scientific knowledge, starting with the production aims, methods, quality, distribution, access, and the ends it purports to serve. Second, we explain that this knowledge trajectory focus on innovation is crucial and applicable across all sectors, including public, private, or public–private partnerships, as it underscores the fact that scientific knowledge is a co-product of technology, human values, and social systems. By making the value systems embedded in scientific design and knowledge co-production transparent, we all stand to benefit from sustainable and transparent science. Third, we appeal to the global health community to consider the necessary qualities of good governance for 21st century organizations that will embark on developing essential diagnostics. These have importance not only for science and knowledge based innovation, but also for the ways in which we can build open, healthy, and peaceful civil societies today and for future generations

    Using Concept Mapping in Video-Based Learning

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    Video-based learning has been extensively incorporated to enhance instruction. The advanced communication technology has greatly increased the possibilities and relative value of delivering instructional video content in onlineeducation applications. Simple watching instructional video often results in poor learning outcomes. Therefore, current video-based learning resources are used in combination with other teaching methods. Concept mapping, one of teaching methods, can provide another form of this type of interactivity and may enhance the active learning capacity. The new learning tool, which consisted of video viewer, supporting text, and interactive concept map, was developed to investigate the effect of time spent interacting with the learning tool by creating concept maps relate to student achievement. The study results showed that there was no relationship found between student achievement and time spent interacting with the learning too

    The reasons for teachers’ preference for Master’s degree: Teachers’ preference for Master’s degree

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the reasons for teachers' enrollment in master’s degree programs and their problems during their education. The study group was determined by the maximum diversity sampling method. The study group was conducted on graduates of different branches, ages, and professional experience who are already teachers or waiting to be appointed as teachers. This research is a phenomenology study. The data collection tool consisted of the personal information protocol and the interview form consisting of 8 open-ended questions. As a result of the study, it was determined that the teachers with master’s degree stated that the reasons for wanting to study for a master's degree are personal development or self-improvement in the field of education, pursuing an academic career, professional development, having in-depth knowledge in the field. Considering the purpose of the teachers who have not completed a master's degree but want to pursue a master's degree, the aim of the teachers is to increase their knowledge in the field, but also to do academic studies, to specialize, to do their profession better. Economic conditions, insufficient time, interview and language barrier, and the institution-based reasons that prevent teachers who have not completed a master's degree, but who want to do a master's degree, come to the fore

    Bilgisayar Oyunlarının İstenmeyen Etkilerinin Kinect Sensörleri ile Azaltılması

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    Her geçen gün bilgisayar oyunlarının popülaritesi artmaktadır. Bilgisayarın önünde hiçbir fiziksel hareket yapmadan oturmak birçok sağlık problemine neden olmaktadır. Son teknolojiler örneğin Kinect sensörler bilgisayar oyunlarının yan etkilerini azaltacak potansiyele sahiptir. Ne var ki, bilgisayar oyunlarını Kinect sensör ile uygulamanın fiziksel ve duygusal etkileri hala netlik kazanmamıştır. Bu araştırmada 2014 yılında Zonguldak, Türkiye’de bulunan Ereğli Eğitim Fakültesinde okumakta olan 21 öğretmen adayının Kinect sensörü kullanarak ve Kinect sensör kullanmadan bilgisayar oyunlarını oynamalarının etkileri karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma sorularını cevaplamak için karma araştırma deseni kullanılmıştır. Oyun motivasyon ölçeği, bireysel kas aktivite bildirim şekli ve yapılandırılmış görüşme soruları veri toplama aracı olarak kullanılmıştır. t-testin yanında, nitel ve nicel verilerin betimsel değerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara Kinect sensör ile oyun oynamanın bireylerin motivasyonunu ve kas aktivitesini artırdığını ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, Kinect sensörü ile oyun oynayan bireylerin oyunlara karşı fikirleri değişmiştir. İleride yapılacak olan araştırmalar Kinect sensör kullanımının bilgisayar oyunlarını oynayanların üzerindeki motivasyon ve duygusal etkilerinin korelasyonunu incelemelidir.The popularity of the computer games are increasing every day. Spending time in front of the computers with almost no physical activity causes many health related problems. Recent technologies such as Kinect sensors may have the potential to reduce the physical side effects of the computer games. Nevertheless, the physical and emotional effects of playing computer games with the Kinect on users are still not clear. The effects of playing computer games with and without Kinect were compared in the study with 21 prospective teachers studying at the Education Faculty located in Zonguldak, Turkey in 2014. The mixed method research design was used to explore the research questions. The game playing motivation scale, self-reported muscular activity figure and structured interview questions were used to collect data. Besides t-test, descriptive analyses of the qualitative and quantitative data were conducted for analysis. Findings revealed that using the games with Kinect sensors improved users’ motivation and muscular activity. Also the Kinect has changed game players’ opinions on games. Further research should investigate the correlation between the motivation and emotional effects of the Kinect use on computer game players

    Battery Management Module with Active Balancing and Cell Switching

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    The lithium ion type battery has become commercially more popular than the traditional battery and the usage market has increased. The main reason for this expansion and increase is that it has a high voltage value and a high energy density in a single cell. In addition to having these advantages, lithium ion batteries have usage limits. These limits are values such as operating voltage values, continuous current values, operating temperature. The use of battery cells outside the limits of use can shorten the life of the battery cells, leading to undesirable problems such as fire and explosion. These limits must be observed on the BMS and the operation of the battery cells within the safe limits must be guaranteed by the BMS. The proposed study includes a module design for battery management system that allows cell-based opening and closing of the battery pack and allows charging of the cells during use. The components have been chosen for low power consumption. The proposed structure is designed together with the charging unit. Power of module has been provided from its own battery cells. With the designed module and software, a battery pack with 8 battery cells can be created. Serial connected modules communicate with each other and can communicate with the user via serial communication if battery cell information is requested. It also decides on the charging of the series connected cells after the data received from all the modules. As a result of the tests made, it was seen that this module, which was created for the use of modular structures in BMS systems, increased the usage time of the battery pack. In addition, the low voltage level required for charging makes it possible to use many sources, from mobile phone adapters to solar energy, as a charging source

    Charger Structure with Transistor Based Isolator for Parallel Charging of Series Connected Battery Cells

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    A new generation of highly efficient batteries is being developed to be used as a power source for electronic devices. Basic battery management systems do not charge the battery cells and require external chargers. For a flexible charging system, the built-in chargers are located into each battery management module. Thus, charging systems can be independent of the number of battery cells. For the health of the battery cell, battery charging methods are as important as usage limits. The aim of the proposed study is to eliminate the energy consuming excess energy and to apply the newly developed and more efficient charging algorithms to the designed structure. For this purpose, a new circuit structure has been developed instead of relay elements which activate the charging line in order to charge the battery cells in parallel. As a result of this study, proposed structure provided faster charging and higher energy efficienc