27 research outputs found

    RN4Cast study in Portugal: nurses and care left undone

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    Background: Over the past decades, nursing in Portugal has evolved greatly both academically and professionally and this evolution brought along growing concerns about the quality of the healthcare provided. Due to lack of time or poor organization of the workload, nurses are often faced with the need to choose between what must be done and what will have to be postponed or even not be done at all. Objective: To investigate the care activities that are most frequently left undone or are postponed by nurses working in medical and surgical inpatient units in Portugal. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study that follows the RN4CAST (Nurse Forecasting in Europe) methodology was carried out from October 2013 to April 2014. A total of 31 hospitals and a random sample of adult medical-surgical units were involved. The data were collected using a socio-demographic questionnaire and a nursing questionnaire that included the identification of the nursing activities of surveillance and direct patient care that were necessary but postponed or not performed by nurses in their most recent shift. Results: A total of 2,235 nurses participated. Almost all participants had a nursing bachelor degree (98.2%). The most frequently left undone or postponed care items were “Educating patients and family” (50.2%) and “Comfort/talk with patients” (50.1%); the least frequently left undone items were “Treatments and procedures” (3.9%) and “Pain management” (5.6%). Nurses in the North and Center regions of the country were the ones who reported less care left undone due to lack of time. Nurses under the age of 40 were those who reported a highest number of activities left undone. Conclusions: Nurses make selective choices about the care activities that are crucial for the patient. Some activities that may not have an immediate impact on the health of the patients are sidelined, although they may have an impact on other important healthcare quality indicators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the psychometric properties of the practice environment scale of nursing work index in primary health care in Portugal

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    Studies related to the work environment in primary health care are scarce in the literature. The present study aimed to validate the psychometric properties of the Practice Environment Scale of Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) in primary health care (PHC) and to evaluate its construct validity through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses in a sample of Portuguese nurses. A quantitative, cross-sectional, and validation study design was implemented. Methods: The sample consisted of 1059 nurses from the PHC units of all 55 health center groups (HCGs) in mainland Portugal, 15 health centers in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, and 6 health centers in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. The study tested different structural models using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis techniques. The reliability of the scale was tested by determining Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Results: The internal consistency of the PES-NWI was 0.91. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed on the PES-NWI model in PHC with five factors: NPOA, NFQC, NMALSN, SRA, and CNPR. The results show that the scale presents acceptable fit quality indexes in the final factorial solution and adequate convergent validity. Conclusion: The PES-NWI in PHC has an adequate, robust, and reliable five-factor structure. The scale is valid and can be used in clinical practice, nursing management, and PHC research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Padrões de habilidade cognitiva no processo da decisão clínica de enfermagem

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciências de Enfermagem apresentada ao Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar da Universidade do Port

    Simulação de um sistema aerogerador com controlo óptimo predictivo

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    Nesta dissertação de mestrado propõe-se simular um sistema para melhorar a qualidade da energia eléctrica produzida por um parque eólico, utilizando conversores multinível NPC costas com costas e controlo óptimo predictivo. Neste trabalho é feito o controlo da potência activa e reactiva que é fornecida à rede de energia eléctrica, a partir de um gerador eólico e é optimizada a forma de onda alternada e sinusoidal de tensão trifásica sem neutro, minimizando o tremor das correntes e a distorção harmónica total, contribuindo para melhorar a qualidade de energia da rede ou de sistemas de alimentação para aplicações críticas como são os sistemas de telecomunicações. Recorre-se ao Matlab/Simulink para simular e comparar os resultados obtidos no sistema de conversão de energia de um parque eólico com o conversor costas com costas com controlo óptimo predictivo com os resultados obtidos com o conversor costas com costas PWM, disponível na biblioteca do software de simulação.Universidade da Madeir

    The primary nursing care model and inpatients’ nursing-sensitive outcomes: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of quantitative studies

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    Background: The delivery of quality, safe, and patient-centered care is foundational for professional practice. The primary nursing model allows nurses to have excellent knowledge about patients and families and to plan and coordinate care from admission to discharge, with better management of health situations. Nurses play a crucial role in improving patients’ outcomes, namely those sensitive to nursing care. The knowledge of the relationship between the primary nursing model and the nursing-sensitive outcomes provides new scientific evidence that strengthens the relevance of this nursing care organization model in the inpatients’ health outcomes. This systematic review describes the relationship between nurse-sensitive inpatients’ outcomes and the primary nursing care model. Methods: A systematic review was conducted with a narrative synthesis, and the following databases were searched: MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, Nursing & Allied Health Collection, SciELO Collections, and Cochrane. Results: A total of 22 full texts were assessed, of which five were included in the study according to the selection criteria. The analysis results indicated that the primary nursing care model was related to nursing-sensitive patient safety outcomes. Patients’ experience was also considered a nursing-sensitive outcome, namely in the satisfaction with nursing care. Conclusion: The negative outcomes are clearly related to the primary nursing care model. There is scarce research that relates primary nursing to positive outcomes, such as patients’ functional status and self-care abilities, and more studies are needed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nursing in Portugal in the national health service at 40

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    Retratamos a evolução da enfermagem em Portugal desde a criação do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS) em 1979, focando sobre os efetivos, a formação, as condições de trabalho, a carreira, e a organização profissional. Utilizamos a literatura sobre a evolução do sector da saúde em Portugal, e fontes de dados estatísticos da Ordem dos Enfermeiros e do SNS. Nos últimos 40 anos, o número de enfermeiros aumentou de 233%, mas o rácio enfermeiro/médico só passou de 1.15 para 1.4. A maioria exerce funções nos hospitais, apesar dos repetidos compromissos políticos a favor da expansão dos cuidados de saúde primários. No SNS, 55% são funcionários públicos com contrato por tempo indeterminado; os outros detêm um contrato individual de trabalho de direito privado. O curso de licenciatura em enfermagem é oferecido em 20 escolas do sector público e 16 do sector privado. Em 2019, a carreira de enfermagem foi revista em 3 categorias: enfermeiro, enfermeiro especialista e enfermeiro gestor. Apesar de queixas em relação as condições de trabalho, a remuneração e ao progresso na carreira, os enfermeiros continuam moderadamente satisfeitos. O papel do enfermeiro, mudou pouco ao longo dos anos e há resistência por parte da Ordem dos Médicos à sua expansão. We describe the development of nursing in Portugal since the creation of the National Health Service (SNS) in 1979, focusing on staff numbers, education, work conditions, career, and professional organization. We used the literature on the evolution of the Portuguese health sector and statistical data from the Nursing Council and the SNS. The number of nurses grew by 233% in the last 40 years, but the nurse/physician ratio only increased from 1.15 to 1.4. Most work in hospitals, despite repeated political commitments to expand primary health care. In the SNS, 55% are public servants, and the others are employed through private law contracts. The basic nursing course is currently offered in 20 public and 16 private institutions. In 2019, the career structure was revised and now comprises three categories: nurse, specialist nurse, nurse manager. Nurses remain moderately satisfied despite complaints about working conditions, remuneration, and lack of career progress. Nurses’ role barely changed over the years, and the Medical Association is resisting to its expansion.publishersversionpublishe


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    Enquadramento: O Comprometimento Organizacional (CO) tem influência no absentismo, turnover, pontualidade, comportamentos de cidadania e desempenho. Colaboradores comprometidos são determinantes na obtenção de vantagens competitivas e sucesso das organizações. Objetivos: Descrever os níveis de CO dos Enfermeiros de Reabilitação do Serviço de Saúde da Região Autónoma da Madeira, a sua associação com as diversas variáveis de caracterização e a sua correlação com a variável idade. Método: Quantitativo, transversal e descritivo, com recurso à escala de comprometimento organizacional. Resultados: N de 133 e n de 114 enfermeiros de reabilitação. O valor médio do CO global foi de 4,50. A componente afetiva obteve um score de 5,04, a calculativa 4,51 e a normativa 3,95. Revelam maiores níveis de CO os enfermeiros: a exercer funções nas redes regionais de cuidados continuados e serviços hospitalares; género masculino; idades mais avançadas; há mais tempo na instituição; viúvos; licenciados; exercendo, simultaneamente, funções de gestão e prestação de cuidados especializados; com contrato de trabalho em funções públicas; com horário fixo e que não pretendem mudar de serviço. Na componente afetiva foi identificada uma correlação significativa, positiva e fraca, com idades mais avançadas associadas a scores mais elevados (Rho=.0214, n=86, p=.048). Conclusão: Os enfermeiros integrantes da amostra estão em média moderadamente comprometidos com a organização, sendo a componente afetiva a que apresentou valores mais expressivos, seguindo-se a calculativa e a normativa. Futuras pesquisas devem estudar a relação das diversas variáveis de caracterização com os níveis de CO

    Entrepreneurship and nursing: what reality?

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    O presente estudo de revisão integrativa da literatura tem como objetivo validar a evidência científica sobre como é efetivado o empreendedorismo pelos enfermeiros. Considerou-se este um tema de relevância, uma vez que ser empreendedor equivale a ideias inovadoras que permitem a identificação da necessidade de se criar algo de novo para preencher lacunas. Assim, num mundo em constante renovação, os enfermeiros avaliam continuamente os problemas a nível de saúde e de ofertas para responder às reais necessidades das comunidades, o que os leva a questionar: Como posso fazer melhor? Os enfermeiros possuem uma perspetiva única sobre o comportamento humano e sobre as perspetivas dos cuidados de saúde, podendo traduzir-se em inovação de oferta de assistência, preenchendo lacunas existentes. Neste sentido, realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura, com pesquisas que incluíram estudos que datam entre 2015 a 2019, em inglês, recorrendo à plataforma eletrónica de bases de dados "Web of Science" no período de 01/05/2020 a 1/06/2020, utilizando os seguintes termos: entrepreneurship; entrepeneur; nursing. O corpus textual ficou constituído por 10 artigos, cuja análise revela que ser enfermeiro empreendedor significa empreender, assumir a responsabilidade e o risco de descobrir ou criar oportunidades para usar talentos pessoais, habilidades e energia, usando de um processo de planeamento para transferir essa oportunidade para um serviço ou produto. Importa ressalvar que assumir riscos é um aspeto fundamental do empreendedorismo, uma vez que, como demonstram os estudos, ser enfermeiro empreendedor, na maioria dos casos, equivale a iniciar o seu próprio negócio e ser trabalhador independente. No entanto, o termo não se deve limitar ao status de emprego, na medida em que o empreendedorismo tem a ver com o espírito de imaginação e de criatividade, e a coragem para desenvolver novas ideias. Um enfermeiro empreendedor é autónomo, diretamente responsável perante o cliente, a quem ou em nome do qual presta serviços de enfermagem.The present study of integrative literature review aims to validate the scientific evidence on how entrepreneurship is carried out by nurses. This was considered a relevant topic, since being an entrepreneur is equivalent to innovative ideas that allow the identification of the need to create something new to fill gaps. Thus, ina world in constant renewal, nurses continually assess problems interms of health and offers to respond to the real needs of communities, which leads them to ask: How can I do better? Nurses have a unique perspective on human behavior and health care perspectives, which can translate into innovation in the provision of care, filling existing gaps. In this sense, an integrative literature review was carried out, with research that included studies dating from 2015 to 2019, in English, using the electronic database platform "Web of Science" inthe period from 01/05/2020 to 01/06/2020, using the following terms: entrepreneurship; entrepreneur; nursing. The textual corpus consistedof 10 articles, whose analysis reveals that being an entrepreneur nurse means to undertake, to assume responsibility and the risk of discovering or creating opportunities to use personal talents, skills and energy, using a planning process to transfer this opportunity to a service or product. It is important to emphasize that taking risks is a fundamental aspect of entrepreneurship, since, as studies show, being an entrepreneur nurse, in most cases, is equivalent to starting your own business and being an independent worker. However, the term should not be limited to employment status, as entrepreneurship has to do with the spirit of imagination and creativity, and the courage to develop new ideas. An entrepreneurial nurse is autonomous, directly responsible to the client, to whom or on behalf of whom he provides nursing services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Liderança e governação hospitalar: promoção da qualidade de cuidados num país envelhecido

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    The aging of the population has become a major challenge for most countries worldwide, as well as a focus of research, in the concrete case in the area of nursing. The overall decline in fertility rates and the prolongation of life expectancy per capita in both developed and developing countries since 1996 have led to a resurgence of the elderly population worldwide. Developed countries were the first to experience an aged society and are moving towards hyper-aged societies, as is the Portuguese case. Several population projections also indicate that the aging process of the world's population will accelerate in the coming decades. Through this scenario, this article aims to reflect on hospital leadership and governance in promoting the quality of care in an aging country, based on a literature review methodology.O envelhecimento da população tornou-se um grande desafio para a maioria dos países a nível mundial, bem como um foco de investigação, no caso concreto na área da enfermagem. O declínio geral das taxas de fertilidade e o prolongamento da esperança de vida per capita, tanto nos países desenvolvidos como nos países em desenvolvimento, desde 1996, levaram a um recrudescimento da população idosa em todo o mundo. Os países desenvolvidos foram os primeiros a vivenciar uma sociedade envelhecida e estão a avançar para sociedades hiper-envelhecidas, como é o caso português. Várias projeções populacionais indicam também que o processo de envelhecimento da população mundial irá acelerar nas próximas décadas. Mediante tal cenário, objetiva-se com este artigo refletir sobre a liderança e governação hospitalar na promoção da qualidade de cuidados num país envelhecido, com base numa metodologia de revisão da literatura

    Technology developments applied to healthcare/nursing

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    Future technology developments as applied to healthcare and particularly nursing were discussed. Emerging technologies such as genetics, small unobtrusive monitoring devices, use of information and communication technologies are as tools to not only facilitate but also promote communication among all parties of the healthcare process. These emerging technologies can be used for ubiquitous healthcare (uhealth). The role of nursing in the u-health is fundamental and required for success and growth. Nursing's role will evolve as nurses become 'information- mediators' in a broader-sense than current role. All technologies will ultimately focus on the consumer through 'behind-the-scenes' data collection, which in turn will also allow nurses to analyze these data to improve care. We need to acknowledge an increased presence and or pervasiveness of information technologies as key components of quality healthcare. This sort of acknowledgment will help propel nursing, and healthcare, to increase use of these tools. To develop nurses with these types of skills the nursing education process will require a fundamental change to integrate these technology-sorts of tools as necessary elements for success.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio