48 research outputs found

    Egyes rendi jogintézmények hatása a nemesi családnévviselésre

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    The influence of some feudal legal institutions on the surnames of the Hungarian nobility     In Hungary, in the period of the stabilization of two-constituent names, the nobility, setting an example also in name bearing, accepted several regulations resulted in name changes, each of which was rooted in the legal system of the feudal Hungary. Marriage (as a result of its property right consequences), changes in estates, assignment in kind of the quarter inherited by a daughter, investment with the rights of a son, contemporary forms of adoption could all lead to (deliberate) changes in surnames, as these feudal legal institutions influenced financial conditions. This paper explains the so far neglected aspects of the relation between the history of law and name bearing, and describes the contemporary plasticity of name use as observed in the cases of some noble families

    A doktori iskolákban megvédett névtani témájú disszertáció 2012-ben: Megyeri-Pálffi Zoltán

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    PhD thesis on Onomastics defended in 2012     The brief summaries and the most important data of onomastic PhD dissertations defended successfully at doctoral schools in Hungary are published regularly in Névtani Értesítő: year of completion, size, consultant, opponents, date of defence. – More detailed summaries, summaries in English and complete dissertations can be found on the home page of the Onomastic Section of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics (http://nevtan.mnyt.hu). A copy of the dissertations can be found in the libraries of the respective universities. – The dissertation presented here: Megyeri-Pálffi, Zoltán: Name and the law – The history of the development of name-bearing regulation in Hungary

    High performance residue analysis: determination of antibacterial agents in foods using liquid chromatography screening and confirmation methods

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    In Hungary, food toxicology monitoring and control analyses, their course and the process of preparation of the monitoring plan for the given year are prescribed and determined by FVM decree 10/2002. (I. 23.). The efficiency of monitoring analyses is increased if the focus is placed primarily on screening methods, and independent confirmation methods are used to test objectionable samples. This allows for the distinguishing between negative samples and those containing drug residues using a simpler, faster and cheaper screening type method, and also for higher certainty in the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of positive samples. The objective of this paper is to present an analytical concept developed for antibacterial agents, including a multicomponent screening method and independent confirmation measurements for type B1 authorized agents. The screening method allows for the simultaneous identification and semiquantitative evaluation of 54 components with drug residue limit values and griseofulvin in animal tissues (muscle, liver and kidney), milk, eggs and honey, using a liquid chromatography triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry method. Target components detected by the screening method are identified using liquid chromatography confirmation tests and evaluated by optical or tandem mass spectrometric detection. Up until the submission date of this paper, nearly 1,800 samples had been analyzed by the screening method. Some type of drug residue was detected in 24 monitoring samples. The contaminations could also be detected during the confirmation tests. The analytical strategy thus developed has been proven to be effective in multiple international proficiency testing programs

    A bécsi neoreneszánsz Debrecenben. Wágner Gyula igazságügyi palotái

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    Debrecen városa a 19. század utolsó évtizedében, hasonlóan más magyar nagyvá-rosokhoz, nagyléptékű fejlődésen ment keresztül, amely a városképen ma is látható nyomot hagyott.1 E fejlődés összefüggött a dualizmus korának politikai, gazdasági, társadalmi és nem utolsó sorban jogrendszerbeli változásaival, s ennek hozadékaként Debrecenben helyet kaptak az újonnan kialakított igazságügyi szervezet fórumai: Magyar Királyi Járásbíróság, Magyar Királyi Törvényszék, Magyar Királyi Ítélőtáb-la.2 Ezeknek a bíróságoknak az elhelyezése egyúttal infrastrukturális fejlesztést is jelentett. Ez utóbbi a működéshez szükséges fizikai tér, azaz az épület megvalósítá-sát jelentette. Ezekről az építkezésekről az elmúlt években többször ejtettem szót az Interdiszciplináris konferencián is.3 Jelen tanulmány az épületek megjelenésére, azok építészeti stílusára fókuszál, azt bemutatandó, hogy a Bécs városának építészeti arculatát meghatározó Theophil Hansen-féle stílus, a „griechische Renaissance” formavilága hogyan jelent meg a magyarországi, így a debreceni bírósági épületeken Hansen tanítványának, Wágner Gyulának a közvetítésével

    Városjáró jogászképzés a debreceni jogi oktatás helyszíneinek alakulása, különös tekintettel a mai Kassai úti Campus történetére

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    Moving Legal Education – The Evolution of Locality of the Legal Education in Debrecen with special regard to the History of Campus Kassai. The legal education in Debrecen has a long history. It started in the Reformed Collage of Debrecen in the middle of the 18th century. As a state university, it was established by the Act XXXVI of 1912. Until the main building of the University of Debrecen was completed (1932) the Faculty of Law had been operating in many places in the city. First, in the building of Reformed Collage, but some legal departments were in an apartment house on the main street. After 1932, the faculty of law had suitable offices in the main building of the University. Between 1949 and 1996 the legal education was suspended, and its offices were occupied by other departments. In the year of 1996 a solution had to be found, the restarted legal education needed new buildings. The new place was found on the field of ex-soviet barrack on the Kassai Street. This site was a cavalry barrack before the WWII. Some of the original buildings can still be found today, and many new buildings were built in the last couple of years e. g. library, student hostel, educational buildings. The faculty of law has also found its place on this campus. Its last moving was in the year of 2015, and it has a nice old-style group of buildings now