78 research outputs found

    New tendencies in the Turkish center-right: with special reference to the "new" Democrat Party

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    Ankara : Department of Political Science and Public Administration of Bilkent University, 1994.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1994.Includes bibliographical refences.The objective of the present study is to understand the general characteristics of new tendencies in the Turkish centre-right. To accomplish this task, the "new" Democrat Party (DP), which is one of the new political formations in Turkey, is analyzed through a comparison with two major centre-right parties - the Motherland Party (MP) and the True Path Party (TPP). By touching upon the some basic concepts of the centre-right politics such as economic and political liberalism, conservatism, liberal democratic system, this comparison refers to the question of how the Turkish centre-right realizes their political ideology and practice. It seems that the "new" DP which defends the necessity of liberal-pluralist values at the level of both state and society is much closer to the ideology of the centre-right politics than the MP and the TPP. Main conclusion drawn from this study is that the traditional structure of Turkish politics has been pushed toward a liberal democratic system by evolving political sentiment within socio-economic and political development. In such orientation, the newly emerging political movements in the centre-right appear as one of significant, determinant factors.Çolak, YılmazM.S

    Civilizing process from above: culture and state in Turkey, 1923-1945

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    Ankara : Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent Univ., 2000.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2000.Includes bibliographical references leaves 349-382This dissertation deals with the formation of the official notion of culture during the early Republican era (1923-1945) from a historico-political perspective. This formation reflected the civilizing process from above, directed and determined by the state. The dissertation will analyze the legal and institutional bases of the discursive formation of culture by focusing on the cultural institutions of the Republic, especially the THS and the TLS. Here, the concept of culture will be examined as inherent to the state and its project, promoting the construction of an identity. The dissertation will discuss that culture in the state discourse, overlapping all expressed through civilization, denoted the modern state of mind and way of life as a high, developed category and so came to be the name of re-ordering and re-cultivating the society, taming the people and creating future-generations. Based on a hierarchical and assimilationist understanding, it was the sole means to determine the scope of the public sphere and membership to both political and cultural community. In this sense, it is inclusionary and, at the same time, exclusionary. The Kemalist notion of culture as construction has become more and more a politically contested issue, which has put its stamp on Turkish political life.Çolak, YılmazPh.D

    The effects of lycopene on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats

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    There is a very little information about the protective effect of lycopene (LYC) against hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury. The present study was designed to examine the possible protective effect of the strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, LYC, on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury. For this purpose, rats were subjected to 45 min of hepatic ischemia followed by 60 min of reperfusion period. LYC at the doses of 2.5 and 5 mg/kg body weight (bw) were injected intraperitoneally, 60 min prior to ischemia. Upon sacrification, hepatic tissue samples were used for the measurement of catalase (CAT) activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. Also, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were assayed in serum samples. As a result of the use of LYC at the doses of 2.5 and 5 mg/kg bw; while improvements of the ALT, AST, LDH and MDA values were partial and dose-dependent, the improvement of CAT activity was total and dose-independent (p < 0.05). Our findings suggest that LYC has a protective effect against ischemia/reperfusion injury on the liver

    The Validity and Reliability Study of Organizational Power Distance Scale

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmenlerin örgütsel güç mesafesi konusundaki algılarını belirlemede kullanılabilecek bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise öğretmenlerinden oluşmaktadır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliğinin belirlenmesi için açımlayıcı (AFA) ve doğrulayıcı (DFA) faktör analizi yapılmıştır. AFA sonucunda, Gücü Kabullenme, Gücü Araçsal Kullanma, Gücü Meşrulaştırma ve Güce Razı Olma olmak üzere 20 maddeli ve dört faktörlü bir yapı ortaya çıkmıştır. Dört faktörün açıkladığı varyans oranı %56.58’dir. Bu yapı DFA ile doğrulanmıştır. DFA ile hesaplanan uyum iyiliği indeksleri şöyledir: ?2/sd =2.29, GFI=.90, AGFI=.86, RMSEA=.07, RMR=.07, SRMR=.07, CFI=.95, NFI=.92, NNFI=.95. Ölçeğin faktörleri açısından, Cronbach alfa iç tutarlılık katsayıları .74 ile .80 aralığında, McDonald omega katsayıları .73 ile .85 aralığındadır. Sonuç olarak, öğretmenlerin örgütsel güç mesafesi algılarını belirlemede kullanılabilecek geçerli ve güvenilir bir veri toplama aracı geliştirilmiştir.The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to be utilized in order to determine the organizational power distance perceptions of teachers. The study group of the research consists of elementary, lower, and upper secondary school teachers. Explanatory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analyses were conducted to assess the structural validity of the scale. The results of EFA demonstrated that the scale was comprised of 20 items and four factors, namely, Acceptance of Power, Instrumental Use of Power, Justification of Power, and Acquiescence of Power. The ratio of the total variance explained by the scale was 56.58%. This structure was confirmed with CFA. CFA revealed a ?2/df ratio of 2.29. Other goodness of fit indexes computed by CFA were: GFI=.90, AGFI=.86, RMSEA=.07, RMR=.07, SRMR=.07, CFI=.95, NFI=.92, NNFI=.95. In terms of the factors of the scale, Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficients were in the interval of .74 to .80 while McDonald omega coefficients of .73 to .85. As a result, a valid and reliable data collection instrument was developed that could be utilized to determine the power distance perceptions of teachers

    Capital flows under global uncertainties : evidence from Turkey

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    This paper investigates the effects of global economic uncertainty and trade policy–related uncertainty in the US in predicting the bond and equity flows to Turkey during the period from January 2008 to November 2019. We use the time-varying Granger-causality test to assess the ability of economic policy uncertainty and capital flows to forecast Turkish equity and bond markets using fund-level data on bond and equity inflows compiled by the Emerging Portfolio Fund Research (EPFR) global database. Although we found no evidence of causality in the standard Granger-causality test, the time-varying robust causality test detects significant episodes that imply a causal relationship between capital flows and uncertainty indexes, especially during the global financial crisis and the election of the Trump administration.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A comparison of the effects of different types of laryngoscope on the cervical motions: randomized clinical trial

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    Background: The rate of cervical injury among all trauma patients is 3.1%. The most important point dur- ing intubation of those patients is not to increase the cervical injury. Aims: In this study, we hypothesize that there will be a minimal cervical extension during a laryngoscopy with the use of optical view laryngoscopes. Study Design: Prospective, randomized clinical trial. Methods: One hundred and fifty adult patients with ASA physical status I to III were enrolled in our study. After routine anesthesia induction, we randomly as- signed the patients into three groups according to the type of laryngoscope. Macintosh type, Truview EVO2&reg; type and Airtraq&reg; type laryngoscopes were used in Group DL (n=50), Group TW (n=50) and Group ATQ (n=50), respectively. After applying gen- eral anesthesia induction and mask ventilation, all of the patients were positioned in the neutral position. An inclinometer was placed on the forehead of the patients. Then, the extension angle during intubation and the Cormack-Lehane Score were measured and the time to intubation was recorded. Results: One of the 50 patients in the DL Group, 2 of the 50 patients in the TW Group, and 4 of the 50 patients in the ATQ Group were excluded from the study because of the failure of intubation at defined times. The angle of cervical extension during laryngoscopy was found to be 27.24&plusmn;6.71, 18.08&plusmn;7.53, and 14.54&plusmn;4.09 degrees in the Groups DL, TV and ATQ, respectively; these differences also had statistical significance (p=0.000). The duration of intubation was found to be 13.59&plusmn;5.49, 23.60&plusmn;15.23, and 29.80&plusmn;13.82 seconds in Groups DL, TV and ATQ, respectively (p=0.000). Conclusion: A minimal cervical motion was obtained during tracheal intubation with the use of Truview EVO2&reg; and Airtraq&reg; types of laryngoscope compared with the Macintosh laryngoscope. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02191904). Keywords: Airtraq&reg;, airway management, intratracheal equipment, intubation, Macintosh, Truview EVO2&reg

    Transit Migration in North Cyprus (TRNC)

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    This study aims at exploring the flows of transit migration to North Cyprus by type: whether or not it is labour, refugee or asylum. To determine that, the question of which push factors lay behind transit migration in the origin country tries to be answered. Also this study seeks to analyze origins, routes and destinations of transit migrants in TRNC from 2004 to 2008. In addition, the paper analyzes what kind of measures TRNC government was taking to deal with illegal transit migrants, human trafficking and smuggling through its borders, and how non-state institutions in TRNC considered and dealt with transit migrants and especially refugees.

    Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinde Kaderciliğin Sağlığı Geliştirici ve Koruyucu Davranışlar ile İlişkisi

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    Amaç: Bu araştırma, hemşirelik öğrencilerinde kaderciliğin sağlığı geliştirici ve koruyucu davranışlar ile ilişkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve ilişkisel olarak gerçekleştirilen çalışmaya bir üniversitede öğrenim gören 126 hemşirelik öğrencisi dâhil edilmiştir. Veriler öğrenci tanılama formu, Kadercilik Ölçeği ve Sağlığı Geliştirici ve Koruyucu Davranışlar Ölçeği kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Verilerin istatistiksel değerlendirmesinde yüzdelik, ortalama, Spearman korelasyon analizi ve lineer regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır.Bulgular: Öğrencilerin Kadercilik Ölçeği genel ortalamasının (2,51±0,54), ön belirlenim alt boyut puan ortalamasının (2,68±0,60) ve karamsarlık alt boyut puan ortalamasının (2,58±0,77) ortalamaya yakın olduğu, bununla birlikte şans alt boyut puan ortalamasının ise (1,97±0,84) ortalamanın altında olduğu belirlendi. Öğrencilerin Sağlığı Geliştirici ve Koruyucu Davranışlar Ölçeği genel puan ortalaması ile (79,88±9,37), fiziksel (31,06±4,28), psikososyal (20,43±3,25) ve korunma (28,38±4,10) alt boyut puan ortalamalarının ortalamaya yakın olduğu tespit edildi. Öğrencilerin Kadercilik Ölçeği genel puan ortalaması ile Sağlığı Geliştirici ve Koruyucu Davranışlar Ölçeği genel puan ortalaması arasında negatif yönde zayıf düzeyde anlamlı farklılık olduğu bulundu (r=-0,356; p lt;0,01). Ayrıca kadercilik değişkeninin sağlığı geliştirici ve koruyucu davranışlar üzerinde anlamlı bir yordayıcı olduğu, kaderciliğin tek başına sağlığı geliştirici ve koruyucu davranışlar üzerinde toplam varyansın yaklaşık %13’ünü açıkladığı belirlendi (R=0,371; R2=0,130; F=19,733; p lt;0,01).Sonuç: Öğrenci hemşirelerin kadercilik ile sağlığı geliştirici ve koruyucu davranış düzeylerinin orta seviyede olduğu; kadercilik düzeyi arttıkça sağlığı geliştirici ve koruyucu davranış düzeylerinin azaldığı ve öğrencilerin kadercilik algılarının tek başına sağlığı geliştirici ve koruyucu davranışlar üzerinde önemli bir belirleyici olduğu tespit edilmiştir


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    In the title compound, C13H11N3O4, the dioxane ring adopts an envelope conformation with the C atom bonded to the dimethyl group in the flap position [deviation = 0.613 (1) Å]. The nitrile group and the attached benzene ring are roughly coplanar [maximum deviation = 0.087 (1) Å]. An intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond involving the hydrazinyl group generates an S(6) ring. The N—N and C—N bond lengths indicate that the compound may be a mixture of the azo and hydrazone tautomeric forms but the presence of the N-bound H atom supports the hydrazone form. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O, C—H⋯N and C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Nursing care given with NANDA, NOC and NIC classification systems in line with the model for nursing based on activities of living: Example of COVID-19 case

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    T Pandemiye neden olan koronavirüs hastalığı-2019’un yoğun bakım gereksinimini artırması sonucu, hemşirelerin nitelikli bakım için model ve sınıflama sistemlerini kullanması gerekmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda amaç, pandemi yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatan bir hastanın, Yaşam Aktivitelerine Dayalı Hemşirelik Modeli doğrultusunda Kuzey Amerika Hemşirelik Tanı Derneği-Uluslararası [North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-International (NANDA-I)], Hemşirelik Sonuçları Sınıflaması [Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)] ve Hemşirelik Girişimleri Sınıflaması [Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)] sistemleri ile verilen hemşirelik bakımının planlanması, uygulanması ve değerlendirilmesini sunmaktır. Araştırmacılar tarafından 30 gün boyunca izlenen olgunun hemşirelik bakımı, 17 NANDA-I tanısı, 23 NIC girişimi ve 17 NOC sonucunu içermektedir. Olgu, ilk yatış günü ve taburculuk öncesi gün olmak üzere 2 kez değerlendirilmiştir. Uygulanan girişimler sonrası NOC puanı en fazla artan tanının “Bozulmuş Spontan Solunum”, hiç değişim gözlenmeyen tanının ise “Bozulmuş Sözel İletişim” olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuçlar doğrultusunda, hemşirelik sınıflama sistemlerinin hastayı sistematik ve bütüncül olarak ele aldığı, tanılamada, uygun girişimlerin seçilmesinde, sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinde kolaylık sağladığı görülmüştürAs the coronavirus disease-2019 causing the pandemic increases demand for intensive care, nurses should use models and classification systems for qualified care. This case report’s aim is to plan nursing care provided by North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-International (NANDA-I), Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) systems with Nursing Model Based Life Activities for a patient in pandemic intensive care unit, to present its implementation and evaluation. The care of case which was followed up by the researchers for 30 days, included 17 NANDA-I diagnoses, 23 NIC interventions and 17 NOC results. The case was evaluated twice, first day of hospitalization and day before discharge. After interventions, it was observed that the highest NOC score was “Impaired Spontaneous Respiration” and no change was “Impaired Verbal Communication”. Conclusion, it was observed that the nursing classification systems examined patient systematically and holistic, facilitated diagnosis, selection of appropriate interventions, and evaluation of results