48 research outputs found

    Numerical study of plane wave scattering from cylindrical cavity-backed apertures with outer or inner material coating

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    Ankara : Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1993.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1993.Includes bibliographical references leaves 66-69.In this thesis, a dual-series-based solution is obtained for the scattering of a time harmonic plane wave from a cavity-backed aperture(CBA) which is formed by a slitted infinite circular cylinder coated with absorbing material. The material coating can be done on the inner or outer surface of the cylinder. For both cases, numerical results are presented for the radar cross section (RCS) and comparisons of the suppression of RCS are given for two different realistic absorbing materials. Finally, the dependence of RCS on the thickness of the absorbing layer and on the aspect angle of the screen are presented numerically. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study made so far to solve the problems of CBAs with material coating inside or outside with this approach.Çolak, DilekM.S

    Hemşirelerin Duygusal Zeka Düzeylerinin Bakım Davranışlarına Etkisi

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    Amaç: Hemşirelerin bakım verirken terapötik ilişki kurabilmeleri, hastalarının fizyolojik ve duygusal gereksinimlerini karşılayabilmeleri için duygusal zeka düzeylerinin gelişmiş olması önemlidir. Bu çalışma hemşirelerin duygusal zeka düzeylerinin bakım davranışlarına etkisinin incelenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Çalışma Planı: Tanımlayıcı araştırmanın örneklemini, bir üniversite hastanesi yataklı servislerinde çalışan 172 hemşire oluşturdu. Araştırmanın verileri Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu, Bakım Davranışları Ölçeği – 24 ve Gözden Geçirilmiş Schutte Duygusal Zeka Ölçeği ile elde edildi. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, student t testi, ANOVA, Tukey testi ve pearson korelasyon analizleri kullanıldı. Veriler %95 güven aralığında değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Bakım davranışları ölçeği genelinin ortalaması 5.17+0.49, duygusal zeka ölçeği genelinin ortalaması 146.3+14.67 olarak bulundu. Bakım davranışları ölçeği geneli ve alt boyutları ile duygusal zeka ölçeği ve alt boyutları arasında istatistiksel olarak pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlendi (p<0.05 ). Sonuç: Hemşirelere kendini tanıma ve duyguların yönetimine yönelik mezuniyet öncesi ve sonrası eğitim verilmesi duygusal zeka gelişimlerini destekleyecektir. Duygusal zeka gelişimi ise hasta bakım kalitesini arttırmaya fayda sağla

    Fat embolism associated with anesthesia induction with propofol-lidocaine combination: A case report

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    Yağ embolisi sendromu travmatik, cerrahi ve travma dışı olayları takiben tanımlanmıştır. Uzun kemik kırıkları bu sendromun en olası nedenidir. Yağ embolisine bağlı klinik tablo sıklıkla belirgin olmayabilir. Belirtiler değişiklik gösterdiğinden ve rutin laboratuvar ve radyografik tanı yöntemi olmadığından tanı konması zordur. Propofol, anestezi indüksiyonu ve idamesinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Propofole lidokain eklenmesiyle, yağ damlacıkları birleşerek ayrı tabaka meydana getirebilmektedir. Propofol-lidokain karışımının yağ embolisi oluşturma riski, kombinasyonun hazırlanması ve verilmesi arasındaki süreye ve lidokain dozuna bağlıdır. Bu yazıda, trafik kazası sonrası alt ekstremite kırığı nedeniyle uygulanan genel anestezi indüksiyonunda yağ embolisi gelişen bir olgu sunuldu. Yağ embolisinin propofol-lidokain karışımına bağlı olduğu düşünüldü. Yağ embolisi tanısı, klinik değişiklikler, radyolojik ve laboratuvar bulgularının yanı sıra gelişen arteryel hipoksemiye neden olabilecek başka bozuklukların olmaması ile kondu.Fat embolism syndrome has been described following traumatic, surgical, and atraumatic conditions. Long-bone fractures are probably the most common cause of this syndrome. Fat embolic events are often clinically insignificant and difficult to recognize since clinical manifestations vary and there is no routine laboratory or radiographic means of diagnosis. Propofol is widely used for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia. Addition of lidocaine to propofol may result in a coalescence of oil droplets, forming a separate layer. The risk of propofol and lidocaine combination to cause fat embolism depends on the dose of lidocaine and the duration between its preparation and administration. We presented a patient who developed fat embolism following anesthesia induction during surgery for a lower extremity fracture due to a traffic accident. The occurrence of fat embolism was attributed to propofol-lidocaine use. The diagnosis of fat embolism was based on clinical manifestations, radiographic and laboratory findings, and elimination of other causes associated with arterial hypoxemia

    Sitomegalovirüs İnfeksiyonlarında Tanı Yöntemleri

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    Endokrin hastaliklarda deri bulgulari

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    During the course of endocrine diseases, skin symptoms may be seen. Recognition of endocrin skin lesions have very important role in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases. In this study, we aimed to investigate the frequency of dermatological diseases and distribution of dermatological signs and symptoms according to age and sex in 272 patients diagnosed with endocrine disease. Total 272 patients were included in the study; 203 women, 69 men. Significant differences were seen at result of the statistical analysis of endocrine diseases according to age and sex (p<0.00). In examination of patients 94 (34.6%) hair disease, 80 (29.4%) nail disease, 48 (17.6%) skin infection, 43 (15.8%) chronic sun damage, 36 (13.2%) keratosis pilaris, 61 (22.4%) acne vulgaris, 74 (27.2%) xeroderma, 83 (30.5%) pruritus, 61 (22.4%) skin tag, 28 (10.3%) acanthosis nigricans were seen. Increased incidence with age in skin infections (the greatest 4. decade) and nail disease were seen (p<0.00). However, acne vulgaris is more in early age than elderly (p<0.00). Diagnosed patients with acne vulgaris were mainly in the fields of hirsutism group (p<0.00). As a result of these data, dermatological examinations should be performed in endocrine disease patients regularly. © 2011 OMU All rights reserved

    Population Genetic Variability of Myodes glareolus (Schreber, 1780) (Mammalia: Rodentia) Distributed in Northern Anatolia as Revealed by RAPD - PCR Analysis

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    The bank vole, Myodes glareolus, lives in deciduous forests in Northern Anatolia. Eighty-four individuals collected from 17 localities in Turkey were studied to reveal the differentiation of M. glareolus by RAPD markers. Fifteen RAPD markers were tested and they yielded 142 DNA bands. Nei's (1978) genetic distance and similarity calculations were used in order to show the genetic relationships between the populations studied. The total genetic diversity and genetic differentiation values were calculated as H=0.1571 and G ST=0.4170, respectively. Nei's genetic distance (D) ranged from 0.026 to 0.124. Thus the most genetically distant populations were Kandira and Sümela with D=0.124, while the closest ones were Şile and Kandira with D=0.026. The dendrogram based on the genetic distance data showed two main groups. The first group, including western populations, was divided into two subgroups; the first subgroup contained the Uludag population and the second subgroup the remaining western populations. The second group, including eastern populations, was also separated into two subgroups. The first subgroup consisted of the Sümela population while the other eastern populations formed the second subgroup

    The hepatocurative effects of Cynara scolymus L. leaf extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress and hepatic injury in rats

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    WOS: 000371417200010PubMed: 27026910Cynara scolymus is a pharmacologically important medicinal plant containing phenolic acids and flavonoids. Experimental studies indicate antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of C. scolymus but there have been no studies about therapeutic effects of liver diseases yet. In the present study, hepatocurative effects of C. scolymus leaf extract on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced oxidative stress and hepatic injury in rats were investigated by serum hepatic enzyme levels, oxidative stress indicator (malondialdehyde-MDA), endogenous antioxidants, DNA fragmentation, p53, caspase 3 and histopathology. Animals were divided into six groups: control, olive oil, CCl4, C. scolymus leaf extract, recovery and curative. CCl4 was administered at a dose of 0.2 mL/kg twice daily on CCl4, recovery and curative groups. Cynara scolymus extract was given orally for 2 weeks at a dose of 1.5 g/kg after CCl4 application on the curative group. Significant decrease of serum alanine-aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate-aminotransferase (AST) levels were determined in the curative group. MDA levels were significantly lower in the curative group. Significant increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity in the curative group was determined. In the curative group, C. scolymus leaf extract application caused the DNA % fragmentation, p53 and caspase 3 levels of liver tissues towards the normal range. Our results indicated that C. scolymus leaf extract has hepatocurative effects of on CCl4-induced oxidative stress and hepatic injury by reducing lipid peroxidation, providing affected antioxidant systems towards the normal range. It also had positive effects on the pathway of the regulatory mechanism allowing repair of DNA damage on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity