228 research outputs found

    Novi javni menadžment kao zastarjela koncepcija: analiza trendova nakon novog javnog menadžmenta

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    In the 1980s and 1990s, the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm dominated the field of public administration. However, this paradigm, which integrates the principles of the private sector and business administration into the field of public administration, began to be criticised in the new millennium after a quarter century of domination. The criticisms soon turned into comprehensive challenges which emerged as the post-NPM trends. The aim of this paper is to explain what makes NPM obsolete within the framework of these criticisms. Five post-NPM trends and their starting points are examined: new public service (NPS), public value management (PVM), digital era governance (DEG), neo-Weberian state (NWS) and new public governance (NPG). The main method for the theoretical basis of the paper was to screen and evaluate secondary sources. As a result, the waves of criticism on NPM are seen to be transformed into pursuits for an alternative paradigm in the new millennium. These pursuits, common in many aspects and differing only in terms of their basic emphasis, are called post-NPM trends. They are based on the assumption that NPM is obsolete.Tijekom zadnja dva desetljeća 20. stoljeća, novi javni menadžment je bio dominantna doktrina u javnoj upravi. Nakon više od četvrt stoljeća dominacije, početkom milenija, ta je upravna doktrina koja načela iz privatnog i poslovnog sektora nastoji primijeniti u javnom sektoru naišla na brojne kritike. Kritika se ubrzo pretvorila u traženje novih doktrinarnih trendova. Svrha rada je objasniti zastarjelost novog javnog menadžmenta u okviru novih doktrina. Analizira se pet novih doktrinarnih trendova: nova javna služba, upravljanje javnom vrijednošću, vladavina digitalnog doba, neoweberijanska država i novo javno upravljanje. Rad se bazira na utvrđivanju i vrednovanju sekundarnih izvora. Valovi kritika novog javnog menadžmenta konstituirali su se kao novi doktrinarni trendovi tijekom traženja alternativne upravne paradigme u novom mileniju. Svi ti trendovi su utemeljeni na velikom broju sličnih elemenata dok se međusobno razlikuju po temeljnim naglascima, a glavna im je pretpostavka da je novi javni menadžment zastarjela upravna doktrina

    Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesi Yetkisinin Amerikan Sistemi Üzerinden Karşılaştırmalı Analizi

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    Türk siyasal hayatında öteden beri var olan hükümet sistemi arayışı, 10 Aralık 2016 tarihli Anayasa Değişikliği Teklifi ile daha somut bir nitelik kazanmıştır. Söz konusu teklifle “Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sistemi” adıyla birçok yönden başkanlık sistemine benzeyen bir model önerilmiş ve 16 Nisan 2017 tarihli halkoylamasıyla kabul edilmiştir. Modelde yer alan düzenlemeler kamuoyunda yoğun bir şekilde tartışılmıştır. Bu tartışmalarda öne çıkan konulardan biri Anayasanın 104. maddesine eklenen ve Cumhurbaşkanının yetkileri ve görevleri kısmında yer alan “Cumhurbaşkanı, yürütme yetkisine yönelik konularda, Cumhurbaşkanlığı kararnamesi çıkarabilir” hükmüdür. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ülkeyi kararnamelerle yönetmek, meclisi etkisiz kılmak vb. argümanlarla tartışılan bu hükmü ABD’deki uygulamayla karşılaştırmalı bir biçimde incelemektir. Bu bağlamda ABD’de “executive order” adıyla anılan başkanlık kararnamelerinin yasama-yürütme ilişkileri çerçevesinde nasıl sistematize edildiği açıklanmış ve sonrasında Türkiye için uygulanacak modelin ABD’deki ile benzer ve farklı yönleri ortaya konmuştur

    On Certain Hessenberg Matrices Related with Linear Recurrences

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    In this paper, we present the permanents and determinants of some Hessenbergmatrices. Also, some special cases for permanents are given

    Sleep Induction by Mechanosensory Stimulation in Drosophila.

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    People tend to fall asleep when gently rocked or vibrated. Experimental studies have shown that rocking promotes sleep in humans and mice. However, the mechanisms underlying the phenomenon are not well understood. A habituation model proposes that habituation, a form of non-associative learning, mediates sleep induction by monotonous stimulation. Here, we show that gentle vibration promotes sleep in Drosophila in part through habituation. Vibration-induced sleep (VIS) leads to increased homeostatic sleep credit and reduced arousability, and can be suppressed by heightened arousal or reduced GABA signaling. Multiple mechanosensory organs mediate VIS, and the magnitude of VIS depends on vibration frequency and genetic background. Sleep induction improves over successive blocks of vibration. Furthermore, training with continuous vibration does not generalize to intermittent vibration, demonstrating stimulus specificity, a characteristic of habituation. Our findings suggest that habituation plays a significant role in sleep induction by vibration

    Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide is higher in liver transplant recipients than in controls from the general population: a cohort study

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    BackgroundFraction of exhaled nitric oxide with an expiratory flow of 50 mL/s (FENO50) is a biomarker of eosinophilic airway inflammation. Liver transplant recipients have an increased risk of pulmonary infections, but little is known about the burden of chronic pulmonary diseases in this group. We aimed to assess the prevalence of elevated FENO50 in liver transplant recipients and compare it to controls from the general population.MethodsFENO50 was measured in 271 liver transplant recipients from The Danish Comorbidity in Liver Transplant Recipients (DACOLT) study and 1,018 age- and sex-matched controls from The Copenhagen General Population Study (CGPS). Elevated FENO50 was defined as ≥25 or ≥50 parts per billion (ppb). The analyses were adjusted for known and suspected confounders.ResultsThe median age of the liver transplant recipients was 55 years (interquartile range (IQR) 46–64), and 58% were men. The liver transplant recipients had a higher median FENO50 than the controls [16 ppb (IQR 10–26) vs. 13 ppb (IQR 8–18.), p < 0.001]. Furthermore, the liver transplant recipients had a higher prevalence of elevated FENO50 (for FENO50 ≥25 ppb 27% vs. 11%, p < 0.001 and ≥50 ppb 4% vs. 2%, p = 0.02). The results were similar after adjusting for age, sex, smoking status, use of airway medication, and blood eosinophil counts [the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for FENO50 ≥25 ppb was 3.58 (95% CI: 2.50–5.15, p < 0.0001) and the adjusted OR for FENO50 ≥50 ppb was 3.14 (95% CI: 1.37–7.20, p = 0.007)].ConclusionThe liver transplant recipients had elevated FENO50, implying increased eosinophilic airway inflammation. The clinical impact of this finding needs further investigation

    A proposal for a CT driven classification of left colon acute diverticulitis

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    Computed tomography (CT) imaging is the most appropriate diagnostic tool to confirm suspected left colonic diverticulitis. However, the utility of CT imaging goes beyond accurate diagnosis of diverticulitis; the grade of severity on CT imaging may drive treatment planning of patients presenting with acute diverticulitis. The appropriate management of left colon acute diverticulitis remains still debated because of the vast spectrum of clinical presentations and different approaches to treatment proposed. The authors present a new simple classification system based on both CT scan results driving decisions making management of acute diverticulitis that may be universally accepted for day to day practice

    Problematic online behaviors among adolescents and emerging adults: associations between cyberbullying perpetration, problematic social media use, and psychosocial factors

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    Over the past two decades, young people's engagement in online activities has grown markedly. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between two specific online behaviors (i.e., cyberbullying perpetration, problematic social media use) and their relationships with social connectedness, belongingness, depression, and self-esteem among high school and university students. Data were collected from two different study groups via two questionnaires that included the Cyberbullying Offending Scale, Social Media Use Questionnaire, Social Connectedness Scale, General Belongingness Scale, Short Depression-Happiness Scale, and Single Item Self-Esteem Scale. Study 1 comprised 804 high school students (48% female; mean age 16.20 years). Study 2 comprised 760 university students (60% female; mean age 21.48 years). Results indicated that problematic social media use and cyberbullying perpetration (which was stronger among high school students) were directly associated with each other. Belongingness (directly) and social connectedness (indirectly) were both associated with cyberbullying perpetration and problematic social media use. Path analysis demonstrated that while age was a significant direct predictor of problematic social media use and cyberbullying perpetration among university students, it was not significant among high school students. In both samples, depression was a direct predictor of problematic social media use and an indirect predictor of cyberbullying perpetration. However, majority of these associations were relatively weak. The present study significantly adds to the emerging body of literature concerning the associations between problematic social media use and cyberbullying perpetration

    Lack of association between RNASEL Arg462Gln variant and the risk of breast cancer

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    Background: The RNASEL G1385A variant was recently found to be implicated in the development of prostate cancer. Considering the function of RNase L and the pleiotropic effects of mutations associated with cancer, we sought to investigate whether the RNASEL G1385A variant is a risk factor for breast cancer. Patients and Methods: A total of 453 breast cancer patients and 382 age- and sex-matched controls from Greece and Turkey were analyzed. Genotyping for the RNASEL G1385A variant was performed using an Amplification Refractory Mutation System (ARMS). Results: Statistical evaluation of the RNASEL G1385A genotype distribution among breast cancer patients and controls revealed no significant association between the presence of the risk genotype and the occurrence of breast cancer. Conclusion: Although an increasing number of studies report an association between the RNASEL G1385A variant and prostate cancer risk, this variant does not appear to be implicated in the development of breast cancer