58 research outputs found

    Working with Indigenous, local and scientific knowledge in assessments of nature and nature's linkages with people

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    Working with indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) is vital for inclusive assessments of nature and nature's linkages with people. Indigenous peoples' concepts about what constitutes sustainability, for example, differ markedly from dominant sustainability discourses. The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (IPBES) is promoting dialogue across different knowledge systems globally. In 2017, member states of IPBES adopted an ILK Approach including: procedures for assessments of nature and nature's linkages with people; a participatory mechanism; and institutional arrangements for including indigenous peoples and local communities. We present this Approach and analyse how it supports ILK in IPBES assessments through: respecting rights; supporting care and mutuality; strengthening communities and their knowledge systems; and supporting knowledge exchange. Customary institutions that ensure the integrity of ILK, effective empowering dialogues, and shared governance are among critical capacities that enable inclusion of diverse conceptualizations of sustainability in assessments

    Nuclear Energy Policies and Social Participatory Processes in Mega Energy Investments: The Case of Sinop Nuclear Power Plant

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    Teknoloji çağının yaşandığı günümüzde dünya genelinde artan nüfusa ve gelişmişlik düzeylerine paralel olarak enerji ihtiyacı ve buna bağlı olarak enerji açığı da giderek artmakta, enerjide dışa bağımlılığı azaltmak adına ülkeler enerji politikalarını belirlemektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, güncel tartışmalarda önemli yer tutan nükleer enerjiye yönelik; ülke politikalarının incelenmesi, ülkemizin enerji politikalarının değerlendirilmesi ve ülkemizde ilk kez deneyimlenen nükleer santrallere yönelik olarak yürütülen toplumsal katılım ve mekânsal süreçlerin dünyadaki uygulamalara göre nasıl farklılaştığının ortaya konulması hedeflenmektedir. Bu kapsamda Türkiye'nin ikinci nükleer güç santralinin kurulması planlanan Sinop ili örnek alan olarak belirlenmiştirIn today’s world of technology, the need for energy and accordingly energy gap is ever increasing in line with the increase in population and the level of development in the world. Thus, countries formulate their energy policies to reduce the outsource dependency. With regard to the nuclear energy that occupies an important place in the current discussions, this study aims to examine energy policies of countries, to evaluate our country’s energy policy and to compare the differences of the social participatory and spatial processes in the establishment of nuclear plants, which our country has been experiencing for the first time, with the world experience. In this context, the Province of Sinop, where Turkey’s second nuclear power plant is planned to be established, is determined as the case stud

    The effect of supply chain learning on flexibility performance: an empirical study

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    Today’s intensely competitive business is undergoing significant shifts, which render it a challenging environment to compete in. Production processes are evolving as customer demands change, which leads to greater variability. Firms must respond to changing environmental conditions to remain sustainable. Companies today look for ways to overcome their problems not only on their own but also with their supply chains. Reduced cost and improved performance are two significant benefits of supply chain management. Because companies can work together in the face of challenging market conditions throughout their supply chains, it makes sense for them to collaborate. When companies work together, they can collaborate to produce better-designed products and more efficient manufacturing processes. Learning, supply chain integration, and flexibility throughout the supply chain are critical to successful supply chain management. In this study, the effect of supply chain learning on supply chain integration and production flexibility has been investigated. The mediating role of supply chain integration on the impact of supply-chain learning on production flexibility has been tested. For this purpose, survey data was collected from the 144 companies selected out of Turkey's largest exporting companies. The data were analyzed via structural equation modeling and process macro methods. As a result of the structural equation model analysis, it was found that supply chain learning significantly affects the chain’s integration and its production flexibility. As a result of the intermediation test, it was determined that the integration of the supply chain has a vital intermediary role regarding the effect of supply chain learning on the flexibility of production

    The effect of supply chain learning on flexibility performance: an empirical study

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    Today’s intensely competitive business is undergoing significant shifts, which render it a challenging environment to compete in. Production processes are evolving as customer demands change, which leads to greater variability. Firms must respond to changing environmental conditions to remain sustainable. Companies today look for ways to overcome their problems not only on their own but also with their supply chains. Reduced cost and improved performance are two significant benefits of supply chain management. Because companies can work together in the face of challenging market conditions throughout their supply chains, it makes sense for them to collaborate. When companies work together, they can collaborate to produce better-designed products and more efficient manufacturing processes. Learning, supply chain integration, and flexibility throughout the supply chain are critical to successful supply chain management. In this study, the effect of supply chain learning on supply chain integration and production flexibility has been investigated.  The mediating role of supply chain integration on the impact of supply-chain learning on production flexibility has been tested. For this purpose, survey data was collected from the 144 companies selected out of Turkey's largest exporting companies. The data were analyzed via structural equation modeling and process macro methods. As a result of the structural equation model analysis, it was found that supply chain learning significantly affects the chain’s integration and its production flexibility. As a result of the intermediation test, it was determined that the integration of the supply chain has a vital intermediary role regarding the effect of supply chain learning on the flexibility of production

    Biomonitoring of heavy metals by Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf in Aksaray city, Turkey

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    Mixed air pollutants are considered a major cause of damage in living organisms. Air pollution and associated heavy metal pollution is a serious environmental problem. One of the methods used to monitor heavy metal pollution is the method of transplanting lichen samples by the ‘bag technique’. The objective of this study was to determine the air pollution level of Aksaray and to generate the air pollution map of this city by using Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf as a bioindicator. The study area was characterized by the presence of numerous industrial, heating activities and traffic. Lichen samples were collected from unpolluted area at Yapraklı Mountains, Çankırı in November 2002 and transplanted to 7 different localities in Aksaray. They were retrieved following an exposure of 3 and 6 months. Heavy metal Cu, Cd, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn contents were determined by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The chlorophyll a and b contents were determined by using DMSO method. According to the heavy metal analysis results of P. furfuracea, air pollution in Aksaray owing to industrial activities, heating and traffic showed various changes in different stations and periods studied. Heavy metal concentrations in various stations showed obvious differences according to determination methods applied in the experiments. The results indicated that lichens had a great potential of bioindicator capacity