799 research outputs found

    Risk sources and risk management strategies in marine fish hatcheries in Turkey

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    Deniz balığı üretimi, sürdürülebilir balık arzı için vazgeçilmezdir. Bu sektörde faaliyet gösteren, farklı yetiştiricilik ortamlarına ve sistemlerine sahip üreticilerin/yöneticilerin risk algıları ve risk yönetimine ilişkin davranışlarının tespit edilmesi oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, deniz balıkları yetiştiriciliğine yönelik faaliyette bulunan kuluçkahanelerin ticari motivasyonları, risk algıları ve yönetim stratejilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmada, öncelikle Türkiye'deki mevcut su ürünleri üretim ve ticareti genel olarak ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. İzleyen aşamada, su ürünleri yetiştiriciliği ve özellikle kuluçkahaneleri ilgilendiren bazı önemli yasal düzenlemeler belirli bir sistematik çerçevesinde analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada 5 adet kuluçkahane yöneticisi ile anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler Excel programına girilmiştir. Anket sorularının çoğunluğu kapalı tip olup, esas olarak 5 noktalı Likert-tip ölçeğinden yararlanılmıştır. Evet-hayır cevaplarına sahip olan ikili soru formlarından da yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmada aşağıda belirtilmiş olan konular üzerinde yoğunlaşılmıştır. Bunlar: (1) üreticilerin/yöneticilerin risk algıları (farklı risk kaynaklarına dair soruları içeren); (2) üreticilerin/yöneticilerin farklı risk yönetim stratejileri algıları; (3) üreticilerin/yöneticilerin, işlerinde kullanmak üzere geleceğe yönelik amaçları, hedefleri ve motivasyonları; (4) üreticilerin/yöneticilerin sosyo-ekonomik karakteristikleri. Üreticilerin ve/veya yöneticilerin risk algıları ve risk yönetim stratejileri, tanımlayıcı istatistik yöntemleri kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, deniz balığı yetiştiricilik sistemlerinde yer alan kuluçkahane yöneticilerinin çeşitli risk algılarının bulunduğu ve bunların çözümüne yönelik farklı risk yönetim stratejilerinin geliştirilmesi gerektiği tespit edilmiştir.The aquaculture production is indispensable for sustainable fish supply. Identifying behaviors of risk perceptions and risk management of the producers/managers that have different growing mediums and systems operated in this sector is quite important. In this study, it is aimed to determine commercial motivations, risk perceptions and risk management strategies of the hatcheries. In the research, it is tried to determine current aquaculture production and trade in general. Some legal regulations in related with aquaculture production and hatcheries in particular are analyzed within precise systematic framework in following stage. The survey study is carried out with the producers/managers of 5 hatcheries. The data obtained is entered to Excel program. The most of the questions are occurred as closed type, it is also essentially benefited from Licert-type scale with 5 point.It is also benefited from dual question forms that have yes-no responses. It is focused on the topics indicated below in the study. These are: (1) risk perceptions of the producers (including the questions regarding different risk resources); (2) different risk perceptions of the producers; (3) objectives, targets and motivations of the producers in order to use in the works; (4) socio-economics characteristics of the producers. Risk perceptions and risk management strategies of the producers and/or managers are determined using by descriptive statistic methods. In conclusion, it is defined that there are various risk perceptions and also it should be developed different risk management strategies intended for producing solutions to these problems in the hatcheries presented inthe sea fish production systems

    Comparison of decision-making approaches to prioritization of clean air action plans for sustainable development

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    Background: Clean air action plans have been prepared and are still being implemented in Turkey to control and prevent air pollution, and improve the air quality. The plans reveal a picture of the current situation and available inventory information. However, in order to implement the identified plans in real life, they need to be prioritized. This study aimed to identify and prioritize clean air action plans for Turkey using a framework of both fuzzy and crisp evaluations. Methods: In this study, priorities of the plans were identified and analyzed with a decision-making model. A three-step research methodology was provided. First, literature was reviewed regarding sustainable development and action plans. Second, in order to narrow and specify action plans, the nominal group technique (NGT) was implemented. Finally, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and best-worst method (BWM) surveys were applied to environmental engineers and experts working on sustainable development to prioritize the action plans. Results: It was revealed that heating dimension is considered as the most important criterion with the weight of 0.7469 in fuzzy AHP and 0.758 in BWM. AP1 with a weight of 0.3356 in fuzzy AHP and AP3 with a weight of 0.3289 in BWM were the most important sub-criteria, which are the plans for reducing coal use ranked at the forefront in reducing air pollution. Conclusion: According to the results, there is no significant difference in the priority ranking results. The results of fuzzy AHP and BWM are very similar. For example, traffic criterion has the best performance in both methods in the evaluation of decision makers. In addition, the main and sub-criteria with the lowest priority are the same in these two methods. Keywords: Air pollution, Cities, Decision making, Surveys and questionnaire

    The Seas of Neglected History: A Muslim-Ottoman Merchant’s Ordeal in Trieste

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    The Seas of Neglected History: A Muslim-Ottoman Merchant’s Ordeal in Triest

    Examining the Relationship between Sensation Seeking, Positive and Negative Experiences, Emotional Autonomy and Coping Strategies in Adolescents

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    The research aims to examine the relationships between sensation seeking and positive and negative experience, emotional autonomy, and coping strategies in adolescents. The study group consisted of 371 adolescents who attended middle and high schools; the ages ranged from 11 to 17. 55.7 % of participants were female (N=137), and 44.3% were male (N=109). Data were collected via Adolescent Coping Scale (KIDCOPE), Emotional Autonomy Scale, Adolescent Positive and Negative Experiences Scale, and Short Sensation Seeking Scale. The relationships between the study variables were analyzed via correlational analysis and regression analysis. The correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant negative correlation among sensation seeking, emotional autonomy, active coping, and positive experience. On the other hand, a statistically significant positive correlation among sensation seeking, avoidant coping, negative coping, and negative experience. The regression analysis results showed that emotional autonomy, avoidant coping, negative coping, and negative experience predict sensation seeking, yet active coping and positive experience variables did not predict

    A comparison of chemistry teachers' and grade 11 students' alternative conceptions of 'rate of reaction'

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    The purpose of this study is to compare alternative conceptions of chemistry teachers and Grade 11 students on the subject of 'rate of reaction'. This study was conducted with a total of seventy chemistry teachers and seventy two grade 11 students. To collect data, a 'rate of reaction' concept test comprising 9 lead and 10 sub-questions (in total 19 items) were employed. Also, a structured interview session was conducted with 10 chemistry teachers and 13 grade 11 students. Since the chemistry teachers and grade 11 students possessed similar alternative conceptions, it can be deduced that the chemistry teachers seem to have been principal source at transmitting their alternative conceptions to the grade 11 students. It is recommended that, a common database or website should be created to afford the current chemistry teachers to easily access to improved teaching materials and/or instruments in chemistry education

    Developing and Implementing Prediction-Observation-Explanation Worksheets of Healthy Foods

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    The aim of this study was to develop prediction-observation-explanation (POE) worksheets of healthy foods and to investigate their effects on grade 3 students’ conceptions. The sample of the study consisted of 10 grade 3 students at a primary school in the city of Bayburt. Within a pre-experimental research design, data were collected throughout a word association test (WAT), a conceptual understanding test (CUT) and POE worksheets. The results showed that even though the number of the response words in post-WAT (f=256) was higher than in pre-WAT (f=212), there was no statistically significant difference between the students’ scores of pre- and post-WAT. However, a large Hedge’s g value and statistically positive change in scores of pre- and post-CUT pointed that the POE worksheets resulted in better conceptual understanding.In brief, the POE worksheets were effective at improving the students’ conceptions and awareness of healthy foods. In light of the results, the current study suggests using the POE worksheets for science teaching in primary schools. 

    Is there a relationship between kinesiophobia, pain, depression, disease activity, functional status and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis?

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    To evaluate the presence of kinesiophobia and its potential effects on pain, depres sion, disease activity and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Materials and Methods: The study included 58 AS patients and 55 healthy controls. Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale (TKS) was used to evaluate the presence of kinesiophobia, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for severity of pain, Beck Depression Index (BDI) for de pression level, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) for disease activity, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BAS-FI) for functional status, and Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (ASQoL) for Quality of life. Results: In patient group, kinesiophobia rate was statistically significantly higher (68%) compared tothe healthy control subjects (27%) (p0.05). Conclusion: Kinesiophobia is more common in patients who had AS than in healthy control subjects, and presence of kinesophobia is related toimpaired quality of life and increased pain. Therefore, we propose that strategies to increase awareness of movement fear, cognitive behavioral therapy and physical activity should be involved in the treatment programs

    Investigating prospective primary teachers' pedagogical content knowledge of "effect of human on environment" subject in the process of teaching practice

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    CALIK, MUAMMER/0000-0001-8323-8783;WOS: 000321397400013The principal aim of this study is to determine what the extent of the prospective primary teachers' (PPT) pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is on "effect of human on environment" subject in grade 5 science and technology curriculum before and after "Teaching Practice" course. Within case study research methodology, the study sample consisted of 6 senior PPTs selected from 49 trainees who attended "Teaching Practice-II" course in spring semester of 2009-2010 schooling year in the programme of primary teacher education in Rize University. To collect data, lesson plans, observations, and semi-structured interviews were used. While the data obtained from lesson plans and observations were analyzed by means of rubrics developed, those from semi-structured interviews were analyzed using content analysis. It was found that the PPTs did not have sufficient idea of sub-components of the PCK, especially curriculum knowledge, and knowledge of students' learning difficulties. Nevertheless, it was determined that the PPTs had adequate idea of pedagogical knowledge in context of the PCK. However, it was drawn out that although they had sufficient theoretical knowledge about instructional methods, techniques, strategies, measurement and assessment, they encountered some problems in transferring the theoretical knowledge into practicum. in the light of the results, it is suggested that the PPTs should be given more opportunities for practicing complementary measurement-assessment techniques. Furthermore, it is recommended that the PPTs with their own lesson plans ought to be given more opportunities to transfer their PCK into related subject matter one

    Investigation of Academic Self Efficacy of University Students in the Sports Area

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    The purpose of this research; was to investigate the academic self-efficacy of the university students studying in the field of sports according to various variables. The sample group of the study consisted of 386 (female, 42.7% male, 57.3%) volunteer university students who were educated in physical education and sports teaching, sports management and coaching education departments by convenience sampling method. In order to collect the necessary information, a personal information form was used to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants and “Academic Self-Efficacy Scale'', which was conducted by Ekici (2012) was used for Turkish validity and reliability study. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to determine whether the data showed normal distribution. In the analysis of the data, independent sample t test was applied according to gender variable. One-Way ANOVA test was used in the analysis of the place where the participants' grew up, age, university, department, class variables and LSD test was used to determine the significant difference. Pearson Correlation test was used to determine the relationship between academic self-efficacy sub-dimensions and a significant relationship was found. As a result of the study, while there were no differences in terms of gender, age, university and department variables in academic self-efficacy subscales, a significant difference was found in the place where their families lived and class variables. When the results of the study were evaluated; it can be said that demographic variables are not an important factor in academic self-efficacy of the students