34 research outputs found

    Rock mechanical modelling of the Bentonite Rock Interaction Experiment, Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden

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    Abstract The Bentonite Rock Interaction Experiment (BRIE) was performed in a tunnel at a depth of 420 m at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden. The experiment focused on the hydraulic properties of rock and bentonite aiming at investigating the exchange of water across a bentonite-rock interface. The hypothesis for the mechanical modelling presented here was that changes in flow (observed in rock and on bentonite parcels) were due to local mechanical deformation. Induced stresses related to the construction (and experimental) stages for the BRIE site such as excavation of tunnels, drilling and over-coring of two vertical, tunnel-floor boreholes and, finally, installation and swelling of bentonite, were expected to be the main causes of these deformations. We assumed that this could be investigated using a step-wise rock mechanical modelling approach (with a relevant modelling sequence) and validated by using a transdisciplinary approach including field structural geological mapping (geometric, kinematic and dynamic interpretation of the exposed fracture sets) and hydrogeological investigations. For key fractures intersecting the boreholes, the modelled fracture normal and shear displacements were found to be local, small, and in line with field observations and measurements for BRIE. Results point at an agreement between the spatial locations of changes in flow identified from the bentonite parcels and the locations of inelastic deformation indicated by mechanical modelling for a reverse stress regime. Besides providing information about the key fractures, the structural mapping allowed to establish solid relationships between brittle structural features in the tunnel and in the cores, which were used as, or compared to, the main fracture input to the rock mechanical modelling. The identified fracture sets were found to be structurally reconcilable with the larger-scale tectonic picture of the area

    Fracture Deformation Measurements during Grouting in Hard Rock

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    When a fracture system in crystalline rock is grouted the rock mass may deform. Such deformations may reduce the grouting efficiency since new flow paths are opened. The work presented here show that deformations occur at hydraulic tests and grouting and that deformation can be measured and evaluated as stiffness from in situ tests. Deformation measurements, hydraulic testing, and grouting was conducted in spring 2010 in the HallandsÄs tunnel and hydraulic testing in a service tunnel in Gothenburg (RunslÀtt and Thörn, 2010). For measuring physical deformation recently developed equipment from Chalmers University of Technology was used. Deformations were measured seven times in the same borehole. Three measurements were during grouting, and the remaining four from water pressure tests. Most deformations occurred at pump pressures of 1-1.4 MPa, which is lower than the calculated normal rock stress. Stiffness has been evaluated in several ways, including a new method, (Fransson, et al., 2010). Generally the evaluated stiffness is lower in the HallandsÄs tunnel than in the Gothenburg tunnel. The results show agreement with other in situ experiments

    What kind of habilitation is being offered to children with monaural deafness/hearing impairment? – A study of journals

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    Previous it has been considered that persons with monaural hearing losses managed without problems if the hearing of the opposite ear was normal. Studies have shown that many children with monaural hearing losses experience great difficulties connected to hearing. Studies have shown that many children with monaural hearing losses experience great difficulties connected to hearing. The purpose the report was to do a retrospective study of journals to check what kind of rehabilitation was offered to children with monaural hearing losses, respective received, from Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. The selection of subjects was individuals that in 2007 have reached the age between 3 and 20 together with received rehabilitation Types of hearing aids that have been offered, respective tried, by the selected group was relative high (90%), however, it was interesting that as many as 20% had not met the psychosocial resources which was available by the team when the possibility to meet the team should have been offered to all children with diagnosed hearing reduction. The results have been surprisingly positive. Further research about the subject can contribute to new guide lines and routines for recommendations of hearing aids and for follow-up studies of the children and their families.Audionomprogramme

    ”You have to borrow a real book!” : a research review about children’s and adults’ views of children’s nonfiction

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    The aim of this research review is to map research about how children relate to nonfiction, and how adults, represented by parents, librarians and teachers, relate to children’s nonfiction and its possible purposes, and also the similarities and differences between them, according to current research.A theory of three different ways to look at reading is applied to the material concerning adults’ views of children’s nonfiction. To show children’s views, themes are extracted from the research material, using an analysis model of four different ways to read.Studies show that most children as well as adults perceive children’s nonfiction in a traditional way as a means to gain knowledge and facts, and primarily related to school work.Nonfiction can also help children with reading difficulties to practise reading, by stimulating their interests. Many children read nonfiction because they prefer to read ”real stories” about actual people and events. Nonfiction can also help children find and strengthen their identity. Some children simply read nonfiction for fun and pleasure, in the same way others read fiction.Most librarians and teachers see nonfiction as a way for the children to gain knowledge, practise reading skills or source criticism. Some also see future benefits for the child as an individual or a member of the society.There are few research studies about children’s nonfiction, and parents’ views are also poorly represented in these studies.Program: Bibliotekari

    Cell signaling by Rho and Miro GTPases : Studies of Rho GTPases in Cytoskeletal Reorganizations and of Miro GTPases in Mitochondrial Dynamics

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    The Ras superfamily of GTPases embraces six major branches of proteins: the Ras, Rab, Ran, Arf, Rho and Miro subfamilies. The majority of GTPases function as binary switches that cycle between active GTP-bound and inactive GDP-bound states. This thesis will focus primarily on the biological functions of the Rho and Miro proteins. The Rho GTPases control the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and other associated activities, whereas the Miro GTPases are regulators of mitochondrial movement and morphology. A diverse array of cellular phenomena, including cell movement and intracellular membrane trafficking events, are dependent on cytoskeletal rearrangements mediated by Rho GTPases. Although human Rho GTPases are encoded by 20 distinct genes, most studies involving Rho GTPases have focused on the three representatives RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42, which each regulate specific actin-dependent cellular processes. In an effort to compare the effects of all Rho GTPase members in the same cell system, we transfected constitutively active Rho GTPases in porcine aortic endothelial (PAE) cells and examined their effects on the organization of the actin cytoskeleton. We identified a number of previously undetected roles of the different members of the Rho GTPases. Moreover, we demonstrated that the downstream effectors of Rho GTPases have a broader specificity than previously thought. In a screen for novel Ras-like GTPases, we identified the Miro GTPases (Mitochondrial Rho). In our characterization of Miro, we established that these proteins influence mitochondrial morphology and serve functions in the transport of mitochondria along the microtubule system. Additionally, we provided evidence that Miro can be under control of calcium signaling pathways. Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that undergo continuous change in shape and distribution. Defects in mitochondrial dynamics are associated with several neurodegenerative diseases. In conclusion, our findings have contributed to a deeper understanding of the biological roles of Rho and Miro GTPases

    ”They want us to read for them most of the time” : A qualitative study of how preschool teachers describe the preschool®s reading environment

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    I tidigare forskning har förskolans lÀsmiljö frÀmst undersökts genom studier av barns perspektiv och genom observationer. Syftet med denna studie Àr dÀrför att undersöka hur förskollÀrare beskriver lÀsmiljön i förskolan. De frÄgestÀllningar som studien utgÄr ifrÄn Àr: Vad beskriver förskollÀrarna Àr viktigt att tÀnka pÄ för att skapa en inspirerande lÀsmiljö för barnen? Hur beskriver förskollÀrarna att lÀsmiljön vÀcker barnens nyfikenhet kring böcker och lÀsning? Vi har valt att anvÀnda oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av en enkÀt med öppna frÄgor som skickas ut till förskollÀrare pÄ olika förskolor. Studiens teoretiska utgÄngspunkter Àr det sociokulturella perspektivet och filosofin Reggio Emilia eftersom en central del inom teorierna Àr miljön och barnens samspel i den. I studiens resultat framgÄr hur de flesta förskollÀrarna medvetet utformat lÀsmiljön i förskolan. Det som de framförallt beskriver Àr hur böckerna ska vara tillgÀngliga för barnen. Det framgÄr ocksÄ att mÄnga av dem anvÀnder sig av tekniska hjÀlpmedel vid lÀsning. Barnen visar stort intresse för böcker och tittar mycket i dem, bÄde sjÀlva och tillsammans med andra barn. Resultatet visar Àven att barnen ofta tar med sig böcker till pedagogerna för att fÄ dem upplÀsta

    A novel semi-analytical tool for stress interpretation using borehole breakouts

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    Föreliggande rapport beskriver en metod som utvecklats inom ramen för BEFO-projekt 408 och för tvĂ„ olika applikationer. Den första handlar om förutsĂ€gelse av geometri för borrhĂ„lsutfall nĂ€r materialegenskaper och spĂ€nningstillstĂ„nd in situ Ă€r kĂ€nda. Den andraavser bedömning av spĂ€nningstillstĂ„nd nĂ€r materialegenskaper och geometri för borrhĂ„lsutfall Ă€r kĂ€nda. BĂ„de möjligheten att kunna förutsĂ€ga stabiliteten i ett borrhĂ„l och möjligheten att kunna bedöma spĂ€nningstillstĂ„ndet Ă€r relevanta för ett stort antaltillĂ€mpningar. Dessa inkluderar men Ă€r inte begrĂ€nsade till drivning av tunnlar, inklusive de mindre borrhĂ„l som anvĂ€nds för förankring och sprĂ€ngning, lagring av kĂ€rnavfall, energitillĂ€mpningar, sĂ„som gasproduktion och hydrotermisk energi, och gruvdrift.Konceptet som presenteras hĂ€r Ă€r baserat pĂ„ metoden för ”conformal mapping”. ”Conformal mapping” Ă€r baserad pĂ„ komplex analys och applicerades initialt pĂ„ lösningen av flödesproblem, exempelvis aerodynamik. Inom samhĂ€llsbyggande anvĂ€ndsmetoden oftast för att lösa problem med grundvattenflöden (med hjĂ€lp av flödesnĂ€t). I kapitel 4 i denna rapport presenteras teorin för ”conformal mapping” och anvĂ€nda numeriska metoder och deras utveckling. Förutom de avsnitt som hĂ€nvisar till exempelĂ€r detta kapitel att betrakta som en fördjupning för den mer intresserade lĂ€saren.De viktigaste resultaten relaterade till utvĂ€rdering av geometri för borrhĂ„lsutfall presenteras i kapitel 5 och 6, medan de viktigaste resultaten för utvĂ€rdering av spĂ€nningstillstĂ„nd in situ presenteras i kapitel 7. Kapitel 8 syftar till att bedöma och ge exempel pĂ„ anvĂ€ndbarheten för verkliga fĂ€ltdata. Data kommer frĂ„n projektet BRIE, Bentonite Rock Interaction Experiment, som har drivits och finansierats av SKB. För detta projekt borrades borrhĂ„l i kristallint berg och bentonit installerades sedan i borrhĂ„len. Genom borrning och vajersĂ„gning lyftes bĂ„de berg och bentonit sedan upp för ytterligare observationer och tester. SĂ„vĂ€l sprickkartering före och efter installation av bentonit som skattningar av spĂ€nningstillstĂ„nd in situ finns att tillgĂ„ för försöksplatsen. Kapitel 9 avslutar rapporten med slutsatser, nĂ„gra observationer och möjligheter till framtida utveckling av metoden. Metoden som presenteras hĂ€r har visat sig överensstĂ€mma vĂ€l med experimentella resultat och Ă€r betydligt snabbare Ă€n finitelementsimuleringar som kan vara mer exakta men som dĂ„ ocksĂ„ Ă€r bĂ„de svĂ„rare att kalibrera och mer besvĂ€rliga att utföra. Förhoppningen Ă€r att detta kommer att vara ett enkelt och lĂ€ttanvĂ€nt verktyg för tillĂ€mpningar som involverar tunneldrivning i berg, med tyngdpunkt pĂ„ samhĂ€llsbyggnad, anlĂ€ggning och energiproduktion.BeFo - A novel semi-analytical tool for stress interpretation using borehole breakout