77 research outputs found

    Los diccionarios compendiados o abreviados del siglo XIX

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    [Resumen] La lexicografía del siglo XIX presenta una amplia tipología de diccionarios. Entre los que se pueden citar, encontramos diccionarios que compendian o reducen obras mayores. Esta técnica lexicográfica fue importada de Francia, y tenía una finalidad tanto comercial como social, ya que los diccionarios reducidos estaban destinados a sectores de la población que no podían tener acceso a obras que, por su tamaño y edición, resultaban difíciles de adquirir o de manejar. Hemos de suponer, además, que algunas de ellas se elaboraron, no para un público general, sino para ser utilizadas en la enseñanza. La técnica lexicográfica del compendio o abreviación se produce tanto en la lexicografía académica como no académica. Entre los diccionarios que utilizaron la técnica del compendio hay que señalar al de la propia Academia que redujo el diccionario de Autoridades, condicionada por las circunstancias históricas y sociales. Este procedimiento está presente a lo largo de todo el siglo, pues en su segunda mitad se hacen también reducciones de los diccionarios enciclopédicos

    Aspectos de lexicografía de especialidad: los diccionarios de teatro

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las características de los diccionarios de teatro en español. En primer lugar abordaremos los principios lexicográficos y terminológicos en los que se basan estos diccionarios; y a continuación realizaremos la descripción de las que podemos encontrar en el mercado peninsular. El trabajo se sitúa, por tanto, en el marco de la crítica de diccionarios y pretende reflexionar sobre los principios en los que se debe sustentar un diccionario terminológico de un lenguaje de especialidad. Tenemos también en cuenta que en muchas ocasiones la descripción del léxico teatral se inscribe dentro de los diccionarios literarios o de los diccionarios generales. La realización de diccionarios terminológicos plantea cuestiones teóricas y metodológicas tales como la diferencia entre términos y léxico general o diccionario y enciclopedia a las que la lexicografía y metalexicografía debe dar respuesta.The purpose of this study is to review some lexicographical works about drama published in Spanish. Firstly, we will examine the theoretical analysis of lexicographical principles and terminology on which theatrical dictionaries are based in order to describe those which we can find on the market. This study can therefore be ascribed to the general area of dictionary criticism and aims to emphasize the methodological and theoretical principles on which specialised language terminological dictionaries should be based. We also consider that on many occasions the description of the lexicon about drama can be included in literary or general dictionaries. The production of terminological dictionaries brings about theoretical and methodological issues, such as the differences among terms, or those between a general lexicon or dictionary and an encyclopedia; those issues should no doubt be addressed by lexicography and metalexicography.peerReviewe

    Algunas nociones sociocríticas y la dimensión cultural de las palabras

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    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos analizar en la sociocrítica de E. Cros algunos conceptos, el de ideologema entre ellos, confrontándolos con algunos planteamientos de la lingüística contemporánea y con cierta tradición filológica lingüística que analiza también la carga significativa de las palabras en el discurso.Dans cet article, nous analysons dans la sociocritique de E. Cros certains concepts, celui d'idéologème entre autres, en les confrontant avec des approches contemporaines de la langue et linguistique et certaines traditions philologiques qui analyse également l'importante charge des mots dans le discours.In this paper we analyze the Sociocritical E. Cros some concepts, ideologeme between them, confronting them with some contemporary approaches to language and linguistic some philological tradition that also analyzes the significant burden of words in the speech

    Solar Radiation Atlas for Spain based on Surface Irradiance Data from EUMETSAT Climate Monitoring-SAF

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    Conferencia presentada en: 2012 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference celebrado del 3-7 de septiembre en Sopot, PolandA Solar Radiation Atlas for Spain has been performed using monthly mean data provided by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM-SAF) for the period 1983-2005 and 0.03ºx0.03º spatial resolution. The main goal of this work was to obtain a high spacial resolution climatological characterization for incident surface irradiance in Spain. Surface incoming solar radiation (SIS) and direct irradiance (SID) variables from CM-SAF data sets have been used in order to discern direct and diffuse components from global irradiance. These data are derived from the information provided by MVIRI instrument onboard the Meteosat First Generation (MFG) satellites and using the MAGICSOL algorithm. There are shown maps, graphics and tables of monthly, seasonal and annual means for global, direct and diffuse irradiance on horizontal plane. In addition, in order to geographically characterize SIS and SID uncertainties, derived satellite data have been validated against 29 ground-based stations belonging to AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency) National Radiometric Network. The estimated relative Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) is less than 7% indicating a good performance of the algorithm used and a remarkable high quality of SIS and SID datasets

    Word-initial rhotic clusters in Spanish-speaking preschoolers in Chile and Granada, Spain

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    Versión aceptada Versión online publicada en 2017 Versión Print publicada en 2018The current paper describes Spanish acquisition of rhotic onset clusters. Data are also provided on related singleton taps/trills and /l/ as a single ton and in clusters. Participants included 9 typically developing (TD) toddlers and 30 TD preschoolers in Chile, and 30 TD preschoolers and 29 with protracted phonological development (PPD) in Granada, Spain. Results showed age and developmental group effects. Preservation of cluster timing units preceded segmental accuracy, especially in stressed syllables. Tap clusters versus singleton trills were variable in order of mastery, some children mastering clusters first, and others, the trill. Rhotics were acquired later than /l/. In early development, mismatches (errors) involved primarily deletion of taps; where substitutions occurred, [j] frequently replaced tap. In later development, [l] more frequently replaced tap; where taps did occur, vowel epenthesis sometimes occurred. The data serve as a criterion reference database for onset cluster acquisition in Chilean and Granada Spanish.Thank you also for funding by the: - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grant 410-2009-0348, - Programa FONDECYT de la Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica CONICYT [National Commission for Scientific and Technological Investigation] in Chile. - Junta de Andalucía in Spain, Grupo de Investigación Hum-605, Logopedia Experimental y Aplicada [Experimental and applied speech-language pathology]

    Atlas de radiación solar en España utilizando datos del SAF de Clima de EUMETSAT

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    A lo largo de este Atlas se recogen mapas, gráficos y tablas de los valores medios mensuales, estacionales y anuales de las variables superficiales de radiación solar global, directa y difusa en plano horizontal con una resolución de 3x3km a partir del conjunto de datos satelitales obtenidos por el CM-SAF para el periodo 1983-2005.El objetivo de este Atlas es disponer de una referencia actualizada del promedio de la radiación solar que llega a la superficie terrestre en España con una alta resolución espacial. Los datos de partida son los productos satelitales obtenidos por el CM-SAF (Climate Satellite Application Facilities) de la agencia para la explotación de los satélites meteorológicos europeos, EUMETSAT, en su faceta de vigilancia del clima. El documento contiene su validación frente a una serie de estaciones de referencia de la Red Radiométrica Nacional de AEMET con objeto de proporcionar una estimación de su incertidumbre

    Atlas de radiación solar en España utilizando datos del SAF de clima de EUMETSAT

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    A lo largo de este Atlas se recogen mapas, gráficos y tablas de los valores medios mensuales, estacionales y anuales de las variables superficiales de radiación solar global, directa y difusa en plano horizontal con una resolución de 3x3km a partir del conjunto de datos satelitales obtenidos por el CM-SAF para el periodo 1983-2005.El objetivo de este Atlas es disponer de una referencia actualizada del promedio de la radiación solar que llega a la superficie terrestre en España con una alta resolución espacial. Los datos de partida son los productos satelitales obtenidos por el CM-SAF (Climate Satellite Application Facilities) de la agencia para la explotación de los satélites meteorológicos europeos, EUMETSAT, en su faceta de vigilancia del clima. El documento contiene su validación frente a una serie de estaciones de referencia de la Red Radiométrica Nacional de AEMET con objeto de proporcionar una estimación de su incertidumbre

    Earliest Porotic Hyperostosis on a 1.5-Million-year-old Hominin, olduvai gorge, Tanzania.

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    Meat-eating was an important factor affecting early hominin brain expansion, social organization and geographic movement. Stone tool butchery marks on ungulate fossils in several African archaeological assemblages demonstrate a significant level of carnivory by Pleistocene hominins, but the discovery at Olduvai Gorge of a child's pathological cranial fragments indicates that some hominins probably experienced scarcity of animal foods during various stages of their life histories. The child's parietal fragments, excavated from 1.5-million-year-old sediments, show porotic hyperostosis, a pathology associated with anemia. Nutritional deficiencies, including anemia, are most common at weaning, when children lose passive immunity received through their mothers' milk. Our results suggest, alternatively, that (1) the developmentally disruptive potential of weaning reached far beyond sedentary Holocene food-producing societies and into the early Pleistocene, or that (2) a hominin mother's meat-deficient diet negatively altered the nutritional content of her breast milk to the extent that her nursing child ultimately died from malnourishment. Either way, this discovery highlights that by at least 1.5 million years ago early human physiology was already adapted to a diet that included the regular consumption of meat

    An evaluation of pipelines for DNA variant detection can guide a reanalysis protocol to increase the diagnostic ratio of genetic diseases

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    Clinical exome (CE) sequencing has become a first-tier diagnostic test for hereditary diseases; however, its diagnostic rate is around 30–50%. In this study, we aimed to increase the diagnostic yield of CE using a custom reanalysis algorithm. Sequencing data were available for three cohorts using two commercial protocols applied as part of the diagnostic process. Using these cohorts, we compared the performance of general and clinically relevant variant calling and the efficacy of an in-house bioinformatic protocol (FJD-pipeline) in detecting causal variants as compared to commercial protocols. On the whole, the FJD-pipeline detected 99.74% of the causal variants identified by the commercial protocol in previously solved cases. In the unsolved cases, FJD-pipeline detects more INDELs and non-exonic variants, and is able to increase the diagnostic yield in 2.5% and 3.2% in the re-analysis of 78 cancer and 62 cardiovascular cases. These results were considered to design a reanalysis, filtering and prioritization algorithm that was tested by reassessing 68 inconclusive cases of monoallelic autosomal recessive retinal dystrophies increasing the diagnosis by 4.4%. In conclusion, a guided NGS reanalysis of unsolved cases increases the diagnostic yield in genetic disorders, making it a useful diagnostic tool in medical geneticsWe want to thank the participants for consenting to the use of their data for the study. We would like to thank all technical staff in the genetics service of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital for conducting the sequencing and segregation analysis. We also thank Oliver Shaw (IIS-FJD) for editorial assistance. This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS; PI16/00425, PI19/00321, PI18/00579 and PI20/00851), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER, 06/07/0036), IIS-FJD BioBank (PT13/0010/0012), Comunidad de Madrid (CAM, RAREGenomics Project, B2017/BMD-3721), Ramón Areces Foundation (4019/012), Conchita Rábago Foundation, and the University Chair UAM-IIS-FJD of Genomic Medicine. R.R. is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship of the Comunidad de Madrid (2019-T2/BMD-13714), L.d.l.F. is supported by the platform technician contract of ISCIII (CA18/00017), IPR is supported by a PhD studentship from the predoctoral program from ISCIII (FI17/ 00192), I.F.I. is supported by a grant from the Comunidad de Madrid (CAM, PEJ-2017- AI/BMD7256), G.N.M. is supported by a grant from the Comunidad de Madrid (PEJ2020-AI/BMD-18610), A.D. is supported by a PhD studentship from the predoctoral program from ISCIII (FI18/00123), B.A. is supported by a Juan Rodes program from ISCIII (JR17/00020), C.R. is supported by a PhD studentship from the Conchita Rabago Foundation and PM and MC are supported by a Miguel Servet program contract from ISCIII (CP16/00116 and CPII17/00006, respectively). The funders played no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation, and/or publication decision