60 research outputs found

    Furthering the Evidence of the Effectiveness of Employment Strategies for People with Mental Disorders in Europe: A Systematic Review.

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    (1) Purpose: This systematic review aims to assess the effectiveness of strategies used in the professional (re)integration of persons with mental disorders (MD) in European countries; (2) Methods: We conducted a search for scientific publications available in relevant electronic databases (Medline, PsycINFO, CDR-HTA, CDR-DARE, and Cochrane Library). The present study collected evidence on the effectiveness, from 2011 to 2016, of employment strategies for persons with MDs; (3) Results: A total of 18 studies were included, representing 5216 participants (aged 18⁻65, mean age of 38.5 years old) from 7 countries. Job access programs demonstrated effectiveness in four out of six studies. Return to work (RTW) interventions showed significant positive results in two studies, while four studies did not refer to effectiveness. There were inconsistent results in another four studies; (4) Conclusions: Our findings highlight the complexities of the implementation of employment strategies (job access and return to work). Job access strategies seem to improve employment outcomes. The effectiveness of return to work strategies remains unclear. The involvement and commitment of physicians, employment specialists, and employers, and employees capacity for self-care seem decisive for employment re-integration success. Further analyses are needed to assess the cost-effectiveness of these interventions and corroborate our results, with longer follow-ups

    Propuesta de enseñanza: validación de métodos analíticos cualitativos

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una propuesta de la enseñanza de validación de métodos analíticos cualitativos, probada con éxito durante 3 semestres en la materia Analítica experimental III que se imparte en la FQ-UNAM. Los estudiantes al término de curso cuentan con un aprendizaje significativo sobre la validación de métodos analíticos cualitativos, son capaces de generar documentos y registros científicos y técnicos, documentar estrictamente los registros experimentales y de cálculos (en bitácora dura y/o electrónica) y, sobre todo, de integrar y aplicar sus conocimientos cuando están a un paso terminar la carrera.This work presents the results of a proposal for the teaching of validation of qualitative analytical methods, successfully tested for 3 semesters in the subject Experimental Analytical III taught in the FQ-UNAM. Students at the end of the course have significant learning on the validation of qualitative analytical methods are able to generate scientific and technical documents and records, strictly document experimental and calculations (in hard and/or electronic logs), and above all of the integrate and apply of their knowledge when they are one step away from obtaining the degree

    Diseño de un Scalp Cooling System

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    La pérdida de cabello inducida por tratamientos contra el cáncer es uno de los efectos secundarios más traumáticos y comunes en los pacientes. El enfriamiento del cuero cabelludo se ha convertido, progresivamente, en un método que previene la alopecia. En este artículo se describe el proceso llevado a cabo para diseñar un sistema de enfriamiento del cuero cabelludo que permita prevenir la pérdida de cabello inducida por la quimioterapia.Chemotherapy-induced hair loss is one of the most common and distressing side-effects of cancer therapy. Scalp cooling has become an increasingly effective method to prevent hair loss. The aim of this article is to describe the process of design of a scalp cooling system to prevent chemotherapy-induced alopecia

    Views and Experiences of Persons with Chronic Diseases about Strategies that Aim to Integrate and Re-Integrate Them into Work: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies

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    The effectiveness of strategies targeting professional integration and reintegration strongly depends on the experiences of participants. The aim of this systematic literature review is to synthesize European qualitative studies exploring views and experiences of persons with chronic conditions regarding strategies for integration and reintegration into work. The systematic search was conducted in Medline, PsycINFO, CDR-HTA, CDR-DARE and Cochrane Systematic Reviews. Overall, 24 studies published in English between January 2011 and April 2016 were included. Most studies were carried out in Nordic countries or in the UK, and most participants were persons with either mental or musculoskeletal disorders. Ten themes emerged: individual and holistic approach, clarity of strategy and processes, timing of rehabilitation processes, experience with professionals, at the workplace and with peer groups, changes in the understanding of health and work, active involvement in the process, competencies development and motivating aspects of work. Findings highlight, among others, the need to actively involve participants in the return to work process and to provide timely and clearly structured processes and interventions. This review provides stakeholders key information to develop, plan, implement and evaluate interventions to integrate and re-integrate persons with chronic conditions into work in Europe

    Natural Products and Synthetic Derivatives as Promising Candidates Against Neglected Tropical Diseases

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    Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) are a group of endemic diseases that cause up to one million deaths annually. Leishmaniasis and Chagas Disease are classified as NTD whose current treatments are of limited access. There is an urgent need to develop new agents to combat or alleviate the symptoms of these pathologies. The present work highlights the activities of several natural products and their derivatives which have been tested against the causative parasites of both diseases. The activities of natural products illustrate their potential to assist in the combat against NTD. Research in this area could provide an opportunity to advance medical research and to provide treatments to low- and middle-income countries

    What Persons with Chronic Health Conditions Need to Maintain or Return to Work-Results of an Online-Survey in Seven European Countries

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    Chronic health conditions represent the major share of the disease burden in Europe and have a significant impact on work. This study aims to: (1) identify factors that have a negative or positive impact on the work lives of persons with chronic health conditions; (2) explore the needs of these persons to maintain a job or return to work and (3) compare these results with respect to these persons' occupational status. An online survey was performed in seven European countries. Open-ended survey questions were analyzed using qualitative methods. In total, 487 participants with six chronic health conditions participated. The majority of participants named work-related aspects (such as career development, stress at the workplace, work structure and schedule as well as workload), support of others and attitudes of others as being the factors positively and negatively impact their work lives the most. Our study shed light on the importance of changing the attitudes of supervisors and co-workers to counteract stigmatization of persons with chronic health conditions in the workplace. In conclusion, this study provides a basis for developing new strategies of integration and reintegration at work for persons with chronic health conditions in European countries

    Mapping European Welfare Models: State of the Art of Strategies for Professional Integration and Reintegration of Persons with Chronic Diseases

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    Background: Persons with chronic diseases (PwCDs) often experience work-related problems, and innovative actions to improve their participation in the labor market are needed. In the frame of the European (EU) Pathways Project, the aim of the study is to compare existing strategies (policies, systems, and services) for professional (re-)integration of PwCDs and mental health conditions available at both European and national level between different European welfare models: Scandinavian, Continental, Anglo-Saxon, Mediterranean, and “Post-Communist”. Method: The European strategies were identified by an overview of relevant academic and grey literature searched through Medline and internet searches, while national strategies were explored through questionnaires and in-depth interviews with national relevant stakeholders. Results: The mapping of existing strategies revealed that, both at European and national level, PwCDs are often considered as part of the group of “persons with disabilities” and only in this case they can receive employment support. European countries put in place actions to support greater labor market participation, but these differ from country to country. Conclusion: Strategies targeting “persons with disabilities” do not necessarily address all the needs of persons with chronic diseases. Countries should consider the importance of employment for all to achieve smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth

    A school-based physical activity promotion intervention in children: rationale and study protocol for the PREVIENE Project

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    The lack of physical activity and increasing time spent in sedentary behaviours during childhood place importance on developing low cost, easy-toimplement school-based interventions to increase physical activity among children. The PREVIENE Project will evaluate the effectiveness of five innovative, simple, and feasible interventions (active commuting to/from school, active Physical Education lessons, active school recess, sleep health promotion, and an integrated program incorporating all 4 interventions) to improve physical activity, fitness, anthropometry, sleep health, academic achievement, and health-related quality of life in primary school children. The PREVIENE Project will provide the information about the effectiveness and implementation of different school-based interventions for physical activity promotion in primary school children.The PREVIENE Project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DEP2015-63988-R, MINECO-FEDER). MAG is supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes