14 research outputs found

    Evolución del estatuto del extranjero en el derecho histórico español

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    Se examina en primer lugar el estatuto de los extranjeros en la antigüedad con especial tratamiento del mismo en la península ibérica, para exponer seguidamente la consideración del extranjero en la época visigótica. Mas adelante, ya en una segunda parte, se abordan más especializadamente las situaciones y estatutos diferenciales tales como la extranjería en el sentido más estricto, la naturalización de los extranjeros o la repoblación de terrenos. Se hace hincapié en los derechos y obligaciones de los extranjeros analizando detenidamente y deslindando, los correspondientes al ámbito del derecho internacional público y del derecho internacional privado destacando las particularidades del régimen respecto a los moros, judíos, francos y egipcianos. En la tercera parte la etapa histórica abordada es la edad moderna a partir de los mismos parámetros que han sido utilizados con anterioridad, pero destacando la aparición de un nuevo y fundamental instrumento legal: el tratado internacional. El trabajo finaliza con una descripción de los antecedentes y el contenido del r.d. de extranjería de 1852

    Effects on Biodiesel Production Caused by Feed Oil Changes in a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor

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    Continuous production processes and an adequate supply of raw materials are necessary to satisfy the growing demand for biodiesel. The use of different feed oils could be necessary to ensure sufficient supply for biodiesel production in certain circumstances; however, changing feed oil during the operation of a continuous reactor causes process disturbances. The present study analyses the effect of feed oil changes on the continuous operation of a industrial continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) using a model which takes the dynamics of oil changes into account. The models previously reported only consider the operation of reactor with only one vegetable oil. The model in this work was developed by mass and energy balances. A methodology to model oil changes is presented. Glycerides and esters were characterized using adequate approaches. Moreover, accurate methods for predicting essential properties in the biodiesel manufacturing were used for the estimation of their thermo-physical properties. The kinetic parameters of the transesterifications were calculated from consistent studies selected from an exhaustive literature revision. The results show that temperature is practically not affected after oil changes; however, the ester concentration varies considerably. The ester mass fraction varying by up to 22.07% after an disturbance

    Virtual Sensors for Biodiesel Production in a Batch Reactor

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    Fossil fuel combustion produces around 98% of coal emissions. Therefore, liquid and gaseous biofuels have become more attractive due to their environmental benefits. The biodiesel production process requires measurements that help to control and supervise the variables involved in the process. The measurements provide valuable information about the operation conditions and give estimations about the critical variables of the process. The information from measurements is essential for monitoring the state of a process and verifying if it has an optimal performance. The objective of this study was the conception of a virtual sensor based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and the model of a batch biodiesel reactor for estimating concentrations of triglycerides (TG), diglycerides (DG), monoglycerides (MG), methyl ester (E), alcohol (A), and glycerol (GL) in real-time through measurement of the temperature and pH. Estimation of the TG, DG, MG, E, A, and Gl through this method eliminates the need for additional sensors and allows the use of different types of control. For the performance analysis of the virtual sensor, the data obtained from the EKF are compared with experimental data reported in the literature, with the mean square error of the estimate then being calculated. In addition, the results of this approach can be implemented in a real system, since it only uses measurements available in a reactor such as temperature and pH

    The rediscovery of the Spanish Republic of Letters

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    French Basque and Béarnais trade diaspora from the Spanish Basque Country during the eighteenth century

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    [Correspondencia de Camilo Díaz Baliño] , 1917-1936

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    Mss. (algúns en fotocopia) autógrafo e mecanografiadoResumen: Correspondencia recibida por Camilo Díaz Baliño entre os anos 1917-1936 relacionada con asuntos persoais e laboraisBiblioteca de GaliciaForma de ingreso: Depósito. Fuente de ingreso: Díaz Pardo, Isaac. Fecha de ingreso: 2011. Propietario: Herdeiros de Isaac Díaz PardoDixitalización Telefónica-IDP 2012Contén : Cartas de: Manuel Abelenda (1 páx.) -- Cesar Alvarez (1 páx.) -- Carlos Amigo Collía (2 páxs.) -- Banco Hispano-Americano (2 páxs.) -- Alfonso Barreiro (3 páxs.) -- Eliseo Barros Gamallo (1 páx.),(2 páxs.) -- Ramón Beade (2 páxs.) -- Benito(2 páxs.) -- Fernando Blanco(1 páx.) -- José Bouzas y Cardama (1 páx.) -- Albino Bouzó Fernández (1 páx.),(2 páxs) -- José Cabada Vázquez (4 páxs.),(1 páx.),(1 páx.) --Salvador Cabeza (1 páx.) -- Antonio Carballa (1 páx.) -- Leandro y Euxenio Carré (2 páxs.) -- V. Carro (1 páx.) -- Santiago Casares (1 páx.) -- Alvaro Cebreiro (2 páxs.) -- Centro Gallego de Buenos Aires (1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- Compostela (2 páxs.) -- Manolo: Continental (2 páxs.) -- Coral de Ruada (1 páx.),(2 páxs.) -- Amando Cotarelo(1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- Eduardo Dorado Xaneiro (8 páx.) -- Círculo Mercantil e Idustrial: Ramón Fernández (1 páx.) --Virgilio Fernández(3 páxs.) -- Ramón Fernández Mato (2 páxs.) -- B. Ferreiro(1 páx.) -- Jenaro de la Fuente (1 páx.) -- Isaac Fraga: Espéctaculos Empresa Fraga (1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- Antonio Folgar Lema(1 páx.)--Alicio Garcitoral (1 páx.) -- Cándido González Raño (1 páx.) -- Daniel González Rodriguez (2 páxs.),(2 páxs.) -- Edurardo G.del Río (1 páx.) -- Hermanos Hernández (2 páxs.),(1 páx.),(1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- José Iglesias Sánchez (2 páxs.) -- Irmandades da Fala (1 páx.) -- José Silva? (2 páxs.) -- Arturo Longa (1 páx.) -- Casimiro López (1 páx.) -- Edmundo López (1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- Eduardo R. Losada y Rebellón (2 páx.) -- Carlos Maside (1 páx.) -- Enrique Mayer (1 páx.) -- Antonio Méndez Laserna (1 páx.) -- Anselmo Padín (1 páx.) -- Xavier Pardo (1 páx.) -- Partido Republicano Radical Socialista (1 páx.) -- Pérez Bustamante (1 páx.) -- Modesto Piñeiro (2 páxs.) -- Salustiano Portela (2 páxs.) -- José Seijo Rubio (2 páxs.) -- Suarez Picallo (2 páxs.) -- Luis Losada (1 páx), (1 páx.) -- Ricardo Valdés (2 páxs.),(2 páxs.),(2 páxs.),(1 páx.) -- A.Nilo Varela (1 páx.),(2 páxs.),(2 páxs.) -- Juan Varela de Limia (1 páx.) -- Victorino? Varela (1 páx.) -- Jesús Varela (3 páxs.) -- F.Vázquez Suarez (1 páx.) -- Santiago Vidal Gimeno (1 páx.) -- Pedro Vieitez (1 páx.) -- M. Villar (2 páxs.) -- Anónima (1 páx.) -- Anónima (1 páx.