2,470 research outputs found

    Los gastos de formalización en el contrato de préstamo hipotecario

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    Este estudio hace un recorrido por la evolución de los gastos de formalización del contrato de préstamo hipotecario, tratando desde la generalizada práctica de imposición de los mismos al prestatario mediante la denominada cláusula de gastos, pasando por la declaración de nulidad de tal cláusula y sus efectos, hasta llegar a los criterios seguidos actualmente en relación a cada gasto en concreto. Para entender mejor el origen de estas soluciones que se han ido dando a lo largo de los últimos años, nos detenemos también en el estudio de la abusividad de las cláusulas en los contratos de préstamo hipotecario y en los diferentes controles que se aplican a las cláusulas en este tipo de contratos; todo ello ya que la declaración de abusividad, y por tanto la nulidad, de una cláusula de gastos, fue el detonante de toda la polémica regulación actual. Con esta exposición, aparte de entender los diferentes gastos que se suscitan al formalizar un contrato de préstamo hipotecario, logramos comprender la importancia que conlleva el reparto de los mismos, siempre bajo la idea de la posible abusividad que conlleva la práctica que venía dándose hasta hace escasos años, y así llegamos a formar un criterio propio sobre cada uno de ellos.Grado en Derech

    Os preconceptos lingüísticos segundo a idade

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    A special family of stacked central configurations: Lagrange plus Euler in one

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of dynamics and differential equations. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10884-018-9647-1We show the existence of a family of stacked central configurations in the planar five-body problem with a special property. Three bodies m1, m2 and m3, ordered from left to right, are collinear and form an Euler central configuration, and the other two bodies m4 and m5, together with m2 are at the vertices of an equilateral triangle and form a Lagrange central configuration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Consejo farmacéutico en dermoprotección solar infantil

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    La piel del niño, especialmente la de los más pequeños, presenta una gran sensibilidad frente a las agresiones externas y más concretamente ante las radiaciones solares. Esta característica de las pieles infantiles se basa en las especiales particularidades histológicas y fisiológicas que la diferencian, dotándola de este modo de un aspecto y comportamiento muy diferente al que presenta esta misma estructura en los individuos adultos. Además, conocemos que cada persona tiene un capital solar limitado que hay que empezar a cuidar desde pequeños. Los padres, sobre todo los primerizos, presentan bastantes dudas mientras aprenden a cuidar de sus hijos. Los farmacéuticos comunitarios pueden realizar una labor de promoción de hábitos de protección solar y de información sobre el uso correcto y continuado de fotoprotectores pediátricos. El objetivo de este trabajo es abordar las características de la piel infantil y las formas más adecuadas de protegerlas frente a las radiaciones solares

    Apparent availability of nitrogen in composted municipal refuse

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    The use of compostested municipal refuse on agricultural land requires prior knowledge of the interactions among compost, soil, and plants. Research into the availability of N in highly matured municipal refuse compost is particularly important considering the current concern about groundwater contamination by NON.AgreehousepotbioassaywasconductedtodeterminethepercentageofshorttermapparentbioavailableNofahighlymaturedrefusecompostanditsrelativeefficiencyinsupplyinginorganicNtothesoilplantsystemincomparisonwithNH- N. A greehouse pot bioassay was conducted to determine the percentage of short-term apparent bioavailable N of a highly matured refuse compost and its relative efficiency in supplying inorganic N to the soil-plant system in comparison with NHNO.Municipalrefuse(after165daysofcomposting)wasappliedatratesequivalentto10,20,30,40,and50thatoaferralliticsoilfromTenerifeIsland(AndepticPaludult).NH. Municipal refuse (after 165 days of composting) was applied at rates equivalent to 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 t ha ' to a ferrallitic soil from Tenerife Island (Andeptic Paludult). NHNOwasappliedatratesequivalenttothetotalNcontentofthecomposttreatments.Perennialryegrass(LoliumperenneL.)wasgrownin3kgpotsandthetopswereharvestedatregularintervalsafterseedlingemergence.Thecompostincreaseddrymatteryield,soilmineralN,andplantNuptakeproportionaltotheappliedrate.Theseincreasesweresignificantlyhigherthanthecontrolatanapplicationrateof20tha.After6monthstheapparentbioavailableNrangedfrom16to21 was applied at rates equivalent to the total N content of the compost treatments. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was grown in 3-kg pots and the tops were harvested at regular intervals after seedling emergence. The compost increased dry matter yield, soil mineral N, and plant N uptake proportional to the applied rate. These increases were significantly higher than the control at an application rate of 20 t ha '. After 6 months the apparent bioavailable N ranged from 16 to 21%. The relative efficiency was 43% after 30 days. This suggets that large inputs of inorganic N into soil can be obtained with high rates of this kind of compost, with a potential for NO-N contamination. However, applied at moderate rates in our bioassay (<50 t ha'), compost showed a low N-supplying capacity to ryegrass, i.e. a small fraction of the mineralized compost N was used by plants in the course of time. This was ascribed to a partial biological innobilization. This pattern of N availability in highly matured municipal refuse compost, positive net mineralization but partial immobilization, is similar to the pattern of N availability in biologically active soils and is therefore extremely interesting for the conservation of N in agro-ecosystems.Peer reviewe

    Power distribution in the Basque Parliament using games with externalities

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    In this paper we study the distribution of power in the Basque Parliament since the restoration of the Spanish democracy. The classic simple games do not fit with the particular voting rule that it is used to invest the president of the regional government. In order to model this voting mechanism we incorporate coalitional externalities to the game. We use the extensions of the most popular power indices to games with externalities that have been proposed in the most recent literature. Moreover, we propose a method to estimate the probability of a given coalition based on the ideological positions of its members in a two-dimensional political spectrum

    Language biases and implicit attitudes among university students in Galicia (Spain)

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    This study aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on the role of language attitudes in Galicia (Spain). By means of a mixed methodological approach, we investigate the interrelation between 168 university students’ Implicit Association Test (IAT) results towards Galician Spanish (GS) and Traditional Galician (TG), and their sociolinguistic background. The study found complex interrelations of various factors. Family language and everyday language appeared to play a prominent role in determining the implicit language attitudes towards both languages. Proficiency in Galician was the only other factor that significantly contributed to the development of positive attitudes towards TG, while having Spanish as the L-1 was identified asa key factor in the formation of positive attitudes towards GS. Unlike previous research on explicit attitudes, place of living (rural vs urban) is not associated with (implicit) language attitude formation. Notably, political orientation arises as a relevant factor that should be addressed in future research