1,507 research outputs found

    Sobre la región de accesibilidad de ciertas iteraciones de tercer orden

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    La región de accesibilidad de los procesos iterativos cuando se aplican a la resolución de ecuaciones no lineales adquiere cierto interés a la hora de elegir un proceso iterativo. Sabemos, a priori, que cuanto mayor es el orden de convergencia de los procesos iterativos, menor es su región de accesibilidad. Nosotros aquí presentamos una simple modificación de las iteraciones clásicas de tercer orden de manera que podamos considerar, para cada una de ellas, la misma región de accesibilidad que para el método de segundo orden más conocido, el método de Newton

    Desarrollo del prototipo AndaLAND para evaluar suelos agrícolas y agua en el marco del cambio climático

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    16 páginas.-- 7 figuras.-- 26 referencias.-- Annex 1. Equivalents of USDA and FAO soil classifications (IUSS Working Group WRB 2006)[ES]: There is a critical need to incorporate concerns on soil and water use and protection into land use planning policies and practices, not exclusively in protected areas, especially taking into account the widespread power transfer to local authorities regarding land-use decision making. Accordingly, it is extremely useful what Decision Support Systems (DSS) do on land use. AndaLAND is a prototype DSS which has been developed as a web-based application. It helps to define the vulnerability and the efficiency of the use and protection of soils in the selected target region: Andalusia (Southern Spain). AndaLAND integrates a complete catalogue of information on climate, soil and soil management, to make land vulnerability evaluation. By using Web Map Services (WMS), AndaLAND is fed with available databases from public mapping services (the Geographic Information System for the Common Agricultural Policy-SIGPAC) and other external sources (Microcomputed-based Land Evaluation Information System, MicroLEIS). Climate change scenarios are considered jointly with other relevant global change elements, such as land use change. Soil evaluation is based on decision rules that follow a decision tree. This method was established from Drools (a powerful hybrid reasoning system), using agrological rules for determining soil capacity in plots. The tool is capable of evaluating individually more than 6 million plots currently existing in the Andalusian region. AndaLAND’s final output is a report on the particular vulnerability of a user-specified plot. The report includes information on the plot’s geographical location, its environmental status regarding to (current and potential) impacts, degradation and/or pollution in the water-soil-crop system and eventual affections due to climate change-induced events. The report also provides practical recommendations for sustainable use and management of plots (in particular, for irrigated crops, these recommendations are linked to available irrigation technologies and water consumption).[PO]: Cada vez é mais evidente a necessidade de implementar políticas e práticas que integrem critérios de ordenamento do território para a proteção do uso do solo e da água, não só nas áreas protegidas, tendo em consideração o papel das autoridades locais e dos pequenos agricultores na tomada de decisão sobre os diversos usos do solo. Por isso, e uma vez que existe uma prática cada vez mais difundida no uso de Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão (SAD) para a gestão do uso do solo, o AndaLAND é apresentado como um protótipo dos SAD desenvolvido como uma aplicação web. Esta ferramenta permite determinar a vulnerabilidade e eficiência no uso e proteção do solo na área de estudo: Andaluzia (Sul de Espanha). O AndaLAND integra um catálogo abrangente de informações sobre o clima, solo e gestão da mesma, para permitir a avaliação da vulnerabilidade dos solos alvo. Usando serviços Web Map (WMS), o AndaLAND permite descarregar as informações dos bancos de dados de mapeamento de serviços públicos (Sistema de Informação Geográfica para a Política Agrícola Comum-SIGPAC) assim como de outras fontes diversas (sistemas de informação para a avaliação de serviços web do solo existentes MicroLEIS). Os cenários de alterações climáticas são construídos como informação relevante para prever os potenciais impactos associados com as mudanças no uso do solo. A avaliação global do solo é estabelecida a partir de regras definidas usando árvores de decisão. Este método foi implementado através do sistema Drools (sistema de regras de gestão), utilizando critérios agronómicos para determinar a capacidade agrológica das parcelas. Assim, esta ferramenta é capaz de avaliar individualmente mais de 6 milhões de explorações atualmente existentes na Andaluzia. O resultado final do uso AndaLAND é um relatório individual sobre a vulnerabilidade da parcela definida pelo utilizador como parcela-alvo. Esta documentação inclui informações sobre a localização geográfica da parcela, o seu estado ambiental em relação a atuais e potenciais impactos, possível fase de degradação e / ou contaminação no sistema solo-água-cultura e a robabilidade de ser afetada pelos efeitos associados às alterações climáticas. O relatório final inclui recomendações práticas para a utilização e gestão sustentável na parcela-alvo (especialmente no caso das culturas de regadio estas orientações referem-se às tecnologias de rega existentes e ao consumo de água).[ES]: Cada vez se hace más patente la necesidad de implementar políticas y prácticas de planificación territorial que integren criterios para la protección del uso del suelo y el agua, no sólo en las zonas naturales protegidas, y considerando a su vez el papel desempeñado por las administraciones locales y pequeños agricultores en la toma de decisiones sobre los distintos usos del suelo. Por ello, y dado que existe una práctica cada vez más generalizada en el uso de Sistemas de Ayuda a la Decisión (SAD) para la gestión de los usos del suelo, AndaLAND se presenta como un prototipo de SAD desarrollado como una aplicación web. Esta herramienta permite determinar la vulnerabilidad y la eficiencia en el uso y protección de los suelos en la región objetivo de estudio: Andalucía (S España). AndaLAND integra un catálogo muy completo sobre información climática, de suelos y de manejo de los mismos, para poder realizar la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad de suelos objetivo. Mediante el uso de Web Map Services (WMS), AndaLAND es capaz de volcar la información procedente de las bases de datos de servicios de cartografía públicos (el Sistema de Información Geográfica de la Política Agraria Común-SIGPAC), así como otras fuentes muy diversas (sistemas de información de evaluación de suelos ya existentes en servicios web, MicroLEIS). Los escenarios de cambio climático están incorporados como información relevante para poder predecir los posibles impactos asociados a los cambios de uso del suelo. La evaluación global del suelo se establece a partir de reglas definidas mediante árboles de decisión. Dicho método fue implementado a través del sistema Drools (sistema de gestión de reglas), utilizando criterios agronómicos para determinar la capacidad agrológica en las parcelas. De esta forma, la herramienta es capaz de evaluar individualmente más de 6 millones de explotaciones declaradas actualmente en Andalucía. El resultado final del uso de AndaLAND es un informe individual sobre la vulnerabilidad de la parcela objetivo definida por el usuario. Dicha documentación incluye información sobre la localización geográfica de la parcela, su estado medioambiental con respecto a actuales y potenciales impactos, la posible fase de degradación y/o contaminación en el sistema suelo-agua-cultivo, y la probabilidad de verse afectada por los efectos asociados al cambio climático. El informe final incorpora recomendaciones prácticas para el uso y gestión sostenible en la parcela objetivo (en particular, en el caso de cultivos de regadío estas pautas están referidas a tecnologías de riego existentes y hacia el consumo de agua).This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the new Precommercial Public Procurement (CPP). The AndaLAND DSS has been jointly developed by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville (IRNAS-CSIC) and two Spanish companies: INCLAM, specialized in water and environmental engineering; and EVENOR-TECH, specialized in Information and Comunication Technologies (ICT) applied to land use planning.Peer reviewe

    Tris(2-pyridyl) Bismuthines: Coordination Chemistry, Reactivity, and Anion-Triggered Pyridyl Coupling

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    Producción CientíficaA series of new tris(2-pyridyl) bismuthine ligands of the type [Bi(2-py′)3] have been prepared, containing a range of substituents at various positions within their pyridyl rings (py′). They can act as intact ligands or, as a result of the low C–Bi bond energy, exhibit noninnocent reactivity in the presence of metal ions. Structural studies of Li+ and Ag+ complexes show that the coordination to metal ions using their pyridyl-N atoms and to anions using the Lewis acidity of their Bi(III) centers can be modified by the presence of substituents within the 2-pyridyl rings, especially at the 6- or 3-positions, which can block the donor-N or Lewis acid Bi sites. Electron withdrawing groups (like CF3 or Br) can also severely reduce their ability to act as ligands to metal ions by reducing the electron donating ability of the pyridyl-N atoms. Noninnocent character is found in the reactions with Cu+ and Cu2+, resulting in the coupling of pyridyl groups to form bipyridines, with the rate of this reaction being dependent on the anion present in the metal salts. This leads to the formation of Bi(III)/Cu(I) complexes containing hypervalent [X2Bi(2-R-py)]− (X = Cl, Br) anions. Alternatively, the tris(2-pyridyl) bismuthine ligands can act as 2-pyridyl transfer reagents, transferring 2-py groups to Au(I) and Fe(II).Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (project numbers PGC2018-096880-A-I00, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE and PGC2018-099470-B-I00,MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project RYC-2015-19035

    Hydrogeochemical model of an acid mine drainage affected watershed (Odiel River Basin): current state and possible remediations actions

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    El estado actual de la cuenca del río Odiel, gravemente conta-minada por drenaje ácido de mina (AMD), requiere del desarrollo de un modelo hidrogeoquímico predictivo que refleje las condiciones hidroquímicas actuales a lo largo de la cuenca. El modelo permite evaluar de forma individual y conjunta los numerosos cursos fluvia-les que conforman la cuenca, determinando el grado de contamina-ción de cada uno, el aporte de acidez y metales de los lixiviados y los resultados de su mezcla en las confluencias. Ante las incertidumbres de la futura construcción del embalse de Alcolea y las presiones que ejerce la Directiva Marco del Agua, el modelo puede ser muy útil para simular actuaciones de remediación en la cuenca y cómo éstas afectarían a la calidad del agua. De este modo, se han modelizado reducciones del 50% y 100% de la carga contaminante que las mi-nas de Riotinto, Tharsis y San Telmo aportan a la cuenca. Se estima que las concentraciones Al, Fe y SO4 disminuirían notablemente en la parte baja del Odiel donde está planificada la obra de la futura presaThe current situation of the Odiel River basin, severely polluted by acid mine drainage (AMD), calls for the design of a hydrogeo-chemical predictive model which matches the actual hydrochemical conditions along the watershed. The model allows an individual or combined evaluation of the different river courses within the basin, assessing the pollution grade of each one, the acid and metal load contribution of the leachates and the results of their mixing within the watershed confluences. Given the uncertainties associated to the future construction of the Alcolea reservoir and the pressures exerted by the European Water Framework Directive, the model could be a useful tool for simulating remediation actions in the basin and eva-luate their impact on the water quality. Therefore, reduction of 50% and 100% of the pollutant load delivered by the Riotinto, Tharsis and San Telmo mines has been modeled. It is estimated that the concen-tration of Al, Fe, SO4 would decrease significantly in the lower part of the Odiel basin, where the future dam will be locate

    Growth regimes of porous gold thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering at oblique incidence: from compact to columnar microstructures

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    Growth regimes of gold thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering at oblique angles and low temperatures are studied from both theoretical and experimental points of view. Thin films were deposited in a broad range of experimental conditions by varying the substrate tilt angle and background pressure, and were analyzed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Grazing Incidence Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS) techniques. Results indicate that the morphological features of the films strongly depend on the experimental conditions, but can be categorized within four generic microstructures, each of them defined by different bulk geometrical patterns and pore percolation depth and connectivity. With the help of a growth model, a microstructure phase diagram has been constructed where the main features of the films are depicted as a function of experimentally controllable quantities, finding a good agreement with the experimental results in all the studied cases.Junta de Andalucía P09-CTS- 5189, TEP5283, P10-FQM-6900Comunidad de Madríd S2009/MAT–1726Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2011-29194-C02-01, CSD2008-00023, MAT2008-06652, MAT2010-21228, MAT2010-1844

    Carbon Sequestration in Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Plantations under the EU Afforestation Program in Southern Spain Using Low-Density Aerial Laser Scanning (ALS) Data

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    Climate change is one of the environmental issues of global dominance and public opinion, becoming the greatest environmental challenge and of interest to researchers. In this context, planting trees on marginal agricultural land is considered a favourable measure to alleviate climate change, as they act as carbon sinks. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data is an emerging technology for quantitative measures of C stocks. In this study, an estimation was made of the gains of C in biomass and soil in carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) plantations established on agricultural land in southern Spain. The average above-ground biomass (AGB) corresponded to 85.5% of the total biomass (average 34.01 kg tree−1), and the root biomass (BGB) was 14.5% (6.96 kg tree−1), with a BGB/AGB ratio of 0.20. The total SOC stock in the top 20 cm of the soil (SOC-S20) was 60.70 Mg C ha−1 underneath the tree crown and 43.63 Mg C ha−1 on the non-cover (implantation) area for the C. siliqua plantations. The allometric equations correlating the biomass fractions with the dbh and Ht as independent variables showed an adequate fit for the foliage (Wf, R2adj = 0.70), whereas the fits were weaker for the rest of the fractions (R2adj < 0.60). The individual trees were detected using colour orthophotography and the tree height was estimated from 140 crowns previously delineated using the 95th percentile ALS-metric. The precision of the adjusted models was verified by plotting the correlation between the LiDAR-predicted height (HL) and the field data (R2adj = 0.80; RMSE = 0.53 m). Following the selection of the independent variable data, a linear regression model was selected for dbh estimation (R2adj = 0.64), and a potential regression model was selected for the SOC (R2adj = 0.81). Using the segmentation process, a total of 8324 trees were outlined in the study area, with an average height of 3.81 m. The biomass C stock, comprising both above- and below-ground biomass, was 4.30 Mg C ha−1 (50.67 kg tree−1), and the SOC20-S was 37.45 Mg C ha−1. The carbon accumulation rate in the biomass was 1.94 kg C tree−1 yr−1 for the plantation period. The total C stock (W-S and SOC20-S) reached 41.75 Mg ha−1 and a total of 4,091.5 Mg C for the whole plantation. Gleaned from the synergy of tree cartography and these models, the distribution maps with foreseen values of average C stocks in the planted area illustrate a mosaic of C stock patterns in the carob tree plantation

    Catalytic activity of MWCNT-based inks synthetized by different methods

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    Abstract of the poster presented at "Current Trends in Electrochemistry", 41st Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and 1st French-Spanish Atelier/Workshop on Electrochemistry, Paris (July 6 - 9, 2021).Research on new catalyst materials for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is the main goal for many research groups around the world, due to its application in fuel cells and metal/air batteries. ORR mainly occurs by two pathways, in alkaline media, the direct four-electron transfer pathway from O2 to OH- or in a two-steps mechanism, where hydrogen peroxide (HO2-) is formed in the first reaction. On fuel cells and metal air batteries applications, the catalyst must be optimized to get the oxygen reduced directly to water through the 4 electrons mechanism1. Due to high price of the precious metals, new materials are tested to be used as catalyst in ORR. Among them, researchers have focused their attention mainly on metal oxides, perovskites or carbonaceous materials. In this communication, we have studied four carbonaceous-based inks synthetized by ultrasonic or hydrothermal methods2, using a rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) (Figure 1.A). The production of HO2- (%HO2-), transferred electrons and others parameters will be analyzed and the results will be discussed in depth. Finally, the inks were used as catalysts in the cathode of a PVA-KOH-based zinc/air batteries to replace the most widely used catalyst to date, MnO2The authors thank the financial support from Fundación Séneca (Región de Murcia, Spain; Ref: 20985/PI/18 and 19882-GERM-15), Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-104272RB-C55/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and PID2019-104272RB-C51/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and Gobierno de Aragón (DGA T03_20R).Peer reviewe

    Experimental and Computational Studies on the Performance of Solar Trackers Under Vortex Shedding, Torsional Divergence, and Flutter

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    [Abstract] The current development of renewable energies has originated a number of new structural typologies that are the physical support of the energy production systems. Photovoltaic energy is a very mature source and it is obtained using rows of panels implemented in a longitudinal grillage. Many studies have been carried out in the past with an aim to improve the capacity to obtain electrical power, but another important issue is the need to guarantee the performance of these industrial facilities under the phenomena induced by the turbulent wind flow, taking into account the fact that they are usually built in wide open spaces. This paper describes an extensive research carried out on two configurations of solar trackers by experimental and computational methods. The former was composed of a number of tests of reduced models of segments of the solar trackers, which were carried out in an aerodynamic wind tunnel. The latter consisted of a series of structural analyses worked out through a finite element model of the full panel subjected to aerodynamic and aeroelastic loads. Several angles of attack of the wind flow and a wide range of wind speeds were included in the study. This approach allowed to clearly evaluate the structural and dynamic performance of both the configurations of solar trackers under the most important wind-induced phenomena such as vortex shedding, torsional divergence, and flutter. The paper relates the phases of the study and informs about the more relevant numerical results obtained in the experiments and the computer analysis

    Preferential oxidation of CO (CO-PROX) over CuOx/CeO2 coated microchannel reactor

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    The general aspects of the synthesis and characterization results of a CuOx/CeO2 catalyst were presented. In addition the principal steps for manufacturing a microchannel reactor and for the coating of the CuOx/CeO2 catalyst onto the microchannels walls, were also summarized. The catalytic activity of this microchannel reactor during the preferential oxidation of CO (CO-PROX) was evaluated employing a feed-stream that simulates a reformate off-gas after the WGS unit. Two activation atmospheres were studied (H2/N2 and O2/N 2). The reducing pretreatment improved the resistance to deactivation by formation of carbonaceous species over the catalyst surface at high temperatures. The presence of H2O and CO2 in the feed-stream was also analyzed indicating that the adsorption of CO2 inhibited the conversion of CO at lower temperatures because these compounds modified the active sites through the formation of carbonaceous species on the catalyst surface. Finally, the experimental results of the microreactor performance were compared with CFD simulations that were carried out using a kinetic for the CuOx/CeO2 powder catalyst. The experimental results were reasonably well described by the model, thus confirming its validity.Peer Reviewe