2,102 research outputs found

    Microstructural optimization of unalloyed ductile cast irons with a ferritic matrix used in the manufacture of wind turbine rotors

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    The aim of this work was the microstructural optimization of cast irons with nodular graphite for the manufacture of wind turbine hubs, paying preferential attention to the geometry and distribution of graphite spheroids to ensure the required mechanical properties for this application. The target was pursued based upon microstructure-properties correlation, in an environment of great competitiveness and exigency marked by current international standards. The methodology followed consisted of the generation of knowledge from tailor-made industrial castings, followed by the analysis of their microstructures, in order to extract valuable conclusions for the production process through the use of statistical analysis. The approach method employed was a Fractional Design of Experiments (DOE) with 7 factors, 16 experiments and resolution IV. The samples from each experiment were cubes of identical geometry, and designed to match a surface-to-volume module equal to 4 cm (1.57 in) found as the highest values in real hubs of 3 MW power wind turbines. It is concluded that the use of nodulizers with traces of lanthanum favour the reduction of the volume fraction of pearlite, although La has proved not to promote the spherical shape of primary graphite. The negative effect of pre-inoculants containing SiC on the spheroidal morphology of graphite has also been verified, and also that low-Mn bearing scrap favours graphite formation and the reduction of the volume fraction of pearlite, in spite of being a carbide forming element. The whitening effect of Mn was minimized with low carbon equivalent melts

    Spain and Russia: Uncertain Factors in Doing Business

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    La creación de empresas ha adquirido gran notoriedad en los últimos diez años como instrumento territorial para contrarrestar las dominantes tasas de desempleo. De ahí que se trate de una de las intervenciones más decididas entre 1998-2018 por parte de los gobiernos, que dirigen importantes esfuerzos a promover y dirigir el emprendimiento. La actividad empresarial incide directamente en el crecimiento económico de un país, por lo que requiere intervenir sobre los factores inciertos para iniciar un negocio que representan límites de productividad y competitividad empresarial. En consecuencia, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los factores más problemáticos detectados por los directivos de las empresas relevantes en la economía de Rusia (centralizada) y de España (descentralizada). Para ello, se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo y comparativo a partir de la encuesta anual del Wold Economic Forum durante el periodo 2011-2016. Las principales averiguaciones señalaron que los factores más problemáticos para España en relación a Rusia fueron cinco, entre los que destacan la Ineficiente Burocracia Gubernamental y las Tasas de Impuestos. En contraposición, los factores más problemáticos para Rusia en relación a España fueron, sobre todo, la Regulación Fiscal y la Inflación.The creation of companies has acquired great notoriety in the last ten years as a territorial instrument to counteract the dominant unemployment rates. Hence, this is one of the most decisive interventions between 1998-2018 by governments, which direct important efforts to promote and direct entrepreneurship. Business activity has a direct impact on a country’s economic growth, so it requires intervention on uncertain factors to start a business that represent limits to productivity and business competitiveness. Consequently, the objective of this investigation was to determine the most problematic factors detected by the managers of the relevant companies in the Russian (centralized) and Spanish (decentralized) economies. To this end, a descriptive and comparative statistical analysis was carried out based on the annual survey of the Wold Economic Forum during the period 2011-2016. The main findings indicated that the most problematic factors for Spain in relation to Russia were five, among which the Inefficient Government Bureaucracy and the Tax Rates stand out. In contrast, the most problematic factors for Russia in relation to Spain were, above all, tax regulation and inflation

    La orientación socio-humanística, un aporte a la formación integral del estudiante

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    To achieve transcendent purposes by means of the education, it is very important the idea of assuming pedagogic tendencies with accented formative function that could achieve a more effective impact that the elementary traditional education, based on the student's instruction, in occasions with a cognitive dimension and memorization of information. In this work approaches and proposals are synthesized starting from investigations in the educational reality with the purpose of favoring the student's integral formation. The investigations in this area have been administered by the Center of Studies of Sciences of the Education, in the University of Camagüey, Cuba and the present work synthesizes the authors' experiences that have had as study object the formative process in different scenarios and education levels, in which have acted with a formative premeditation to achieve qualities of this processes in function of the integral formation, and especially the one that puts of relief a social and humanistic point of view.Para lograr fines trascendentes mediante la educación se va consolidando la idea de asumir e instrumentar tendencias pedagógicas con acentuada función formativa, que logren un impacto más efectivo que la elemental educación tradicional entendida como instrucción del alumno, en ocasiones en una dimensión principalmente cognitiva y memorística. En este trabajo se sintetizan criterios y propuestas a partir de investigaciones en la realidad educativa con el propósito de favorecer la formación integral del estudiante. Las investigaciones en esta línea se han gestionado desde el Centro de Estudios de Ciencias de la Educación, en la Universidad de Camagüey, Cuba y el presente trabajo sintetiza experiencias de los autores que han tenido como objeto de estudio el proceso formativo en diferentes escenarios y niveles de educación, en los cuales han actuado con una intencionalidad formativa para lograr cualidades de dichos procesos en función de la formación integral, y en especial la que pone de relieve un enfoque socio-humanista

    Effect of cold plasma on the techno-functional properties of animal protein food ingredients

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    Proteins, as food ingredients, are employed in the food industry, not only for their high nutritional value, but also because of their techno-functional properties. Modifications of their native structure due to the action of external factors such as pH, temperature or processing by emerging technologies, can lead to changes in their functionality; and consequently, their applicability. The present study investigates the effects of cold atmospheric air plasma on the techno-functional properties of two common food ingredients (haemoglobin and gelatine from pork), and a novel source of functional proteins extracted from a meat co-product (bovine lung protein). Significant effects were found for their functional, rheological and gelling properties. However, the effects were found to depend on the native structure and nature of the protein. The findings point to the specific nature of plasma-protein interactions and the need for individual proteins to be studied as a function of plasma conditions. Industrial relevance text Cold plasma is increasingly being investigated as a non-thermal technology for food and other biological applications such as primary agriculture and medicine. In addition to microbial and pest decontamination, it can be also be used to modify the functionality of food ingredients to achieve the desired properties of a specific food product

    Proyecto instalación eléctrica baja tensión para nave industrial dedicada a la fabricación de maquinaria agrícola.

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    Se trata de la instalación eléctrica de baja tensión de una empresa para la fabricación de maquinaria agrícola en la que hay una buena ventilación y no se cumplen ninguna de la condiciones del RBT (Reglamento Electrotécnico de Baja Tensión) para que la nave sea considerada local con riesgo de incendio-explosión. Por estos motivos consideramos que se trata según la clasificación de un local 14 A, es decir, industria en general. La única zona que se puede considerar diferente es la zona de pintura, que la consideramos local 3 A, es decir, local con riesgo incendio-explosión de clase I, donde tanto los cuadros eléctricos como las luminarias serán estancos

    Determinants of the potential economic development of the municipalities of Sevilla 2007-2012

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    El objetivo general del estudio es cuantificar el potencial económico de 98 municipios de la provincia de Sevilla en los años 2007 y 2012 a partir de una investigación empírica mediante la aplicación del modelo de Rasch. Ello nos permitirá diseñar una estructura o marco analítico genérico de referencia para la planificación y ejecución de las políticas de desarrollo territorial. Podremos ver qué municipios han experimentado una mejora en su Potencial Económico en esta etapa 2007-2012 de recesión económica impactante, así como los municipios que han mostrado un retroceso en este potencial. Además, se delimitará el impacto de cada uno de los factores de potencialidad de desarrollo económico en esta Medida del Potencial Económico (MPE), determinando cómo en ambos años se da una concurrencia tanto en los ítems de alta relevancia (ingresos presupuestarios por habitante y las rentas netas de trabajo por población en edad de trabajar) como en los menos relevantes de cara a incrementar su capacidad para crecer y desarrollarse dado que su consecución es de fácil logro (diversificación productiva y el número de declaraciones por población en edad de trabajar). Todo ello permitirá realizar una planificación más eficiente de las medidas de política económica destinadas a propiciar y fomentar el desarrollo económico de los municipios considerados.The general objective of the study is to quantify the economic potential of 98 municipalities in the province of Seville in 2007 and 2012 from empirical research based on the application of the Rasch model. This will allow us to design a generic analytical framework or frame of reference for the planning and execution of territorial development policies. We can see which municipalities have experienced an improvement in their Economic Potential in this 2007-2012 stage of shocking economic recession as well as the municipalities that have shown a decline in this potential. In addition, the impact of each of the economic development potential factors in this Measure of Economic Potential will be delimited, determining how in both years there is a concurrence in the items of high relevance (budgetary income per inhabitant and the net work-earned income per working-age population) and in those which are least relevant to increase their capacity to grow and develop since their achievement is easy to achieve (productive diversification and the number of declarations per working-age population). All this will allow for more efficient planning of economic policy measures aimed at promoting and fostering the economic development of the municipalities considered.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Optimization Techniques to Speed Up the Page Loading in Custom Web Browsers

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    IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2015), 23-25 October 2015. Beijing, China.[Absctract]: Web automation applications are widely used for different purposes such as B2B integration, web mashups, automated testing of web applications, Internet metasearch or technology and business watch. One crucial part in intensive web automation applications, that require real time responses, is for them to execute the navigation sequences in the shortest possible time. The approach of building the automatic web navigation component by using the APIs of conventional browsers, followed by most of the current systems, is not appropriate in that scenario, because it presents performance problems. Other approach consist in creating custom browsers specially designed for web automation, which can develop some improvements based in the peculiarities of the web automation tasks. In this work, we present a new set of techniques and algorithms that allow the parallel evaluation of the scripting code when a custom browser loads a web page. We also outline the components that should be included in the custom browser architecture to implement these techniques. The tests executed with real web sources, to evaluate the validity of our proposal, show that a custom web browser loads the web pages faster when the scripts are executed in parallel using the designed techniques

    Parallel JavaScript Execution in Web Navigation Sequences

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    © 2015 IEEE. This version of the paper has been accepted for publication. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The final published paper is available online at: https://doi.org/0.1109/WI-IAT.2015.165.[Abstract]: Web automation applications are widely used for different purposes such as B2B integration and automated testing of web applications. Most current systems build the automatic web navigation component by using the APIs of conventional browsers. This approach suffers performance problems for intensive web automation tasks which require real time responses. Other systems use the approach of creating custom browsers specially designed for web automation. Those browsers can develop some improvements based in the peculiarities of the web automation tasks. In this paper, we present a novel optimization technique that allows the parallel execution of the JavaScript while the navigation component loads the web page. This technique is based in the analysis of the interactions between the scripts during the first loading of the web page, generating some useful information that will be saved and used in the next executions. The tests executed with real web sources show that the scripts contained in the HTML documents can be evaluated concurrently and the navigation component loads the web pages faster when the scripts are executed in parallel