337 research outputs found

    Datos sobre el tesorillo tardorromano de monedas de El Pedregal (Chantada, Lugo)

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    Se presentan los datos sobre el contexto de aparición del Tesorillo Tardorromano de monedas de bronce de El Pedregal, descubierto a raíz de unas obras de canalización. Se ha realizado un estudio sobre una pequeña muestra entre las monedas mejor conservadas de las más de 10.000 monedas que lo componían, identificando la cronología y el metal empleado. En los análisis de composición se ha utilizado la técnica no destructiva de espectrometría por fluorescencia de rayos X.The paper deals with the archaeological context of the hoard of Late Roman bronze coins found in El Pedregal after some public works. The hoard contains more than ten thousand coins. A small group choosen among the better preserved coins has been studied to define the chronology and the metal used. Non-destructive x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry was used for elemental analysis

    Biomarkers of basal cell carcinoma resistance to methyl-aminolevulinate photodynamic therapy

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Background Methyl-aminolevulinate photodynamic therapy (MAL-PDT) is an excellent option for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma (BCC). However, up to 25% of cases are resistant to this treatment modality. Objective The aim of this study was to identify potential biomarkers of BCC response to MAL-PDT. Material and methods Clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical (p53, Ki-67, CD-31, COX2, β-catenin, EGFR, and survivin) variables were analyzed in a retrospective study of consecutive BCC patients treated with MAL-PDT at the San Jorge Hospital, Huesca, Spain between January 2006 and December 2015. To deepen on these markers, the effects on p53 and cyclin D1 expression, in vitro response to MAL-PDT of 2 murine BCC cell lines (ASZ and BSZ), was also evaluated. Results The retrospective study examined the response to MAL-PDT of 390 BCCs from 182 patients. The overall clinical response rate was 82.8%, with a mean follow-up time of 35.96 months (SD = 23.46). Immunohistochemistry revealed positive p53 in 84.6% of responders but only 15.4% of nonresponsive tumors (p = 0.011). Tumors with increased peripheral palisading of basal cell islands to immunostaining β-catenin responded poorly to PDT (p = 0.01). In line with our findings in patients, in vitro studies revealed a better response to PDT in the p53-positive ASZ cell line than the p53-negative BSZ cell line (p<0.01). Multivariate analysis revealed that the following variables were significantly associated with response to PDT: age, nBCC, presence of peritumoral inflammatory infiltrate, and p53 immunopositivity. Patients with positive p53 immunostaining were 68.54 times more likely to achieve cure than p53-negative patients (CI95% 2.94–159.8) Conclusion Our finding suggest that certain clinicopathological and immunohistochemical variables, particularly p53 expression, may serve as indicators of BCC response to MAL-PDT, and thus facilitate the selection of patients who are most likely to benefit from this therapyThis project received support from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fondos Feder Europeos, MINECO (FIS PI15/00974). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Perceived discrimination and self-rated health in the immigrant population of the Basque Country, Spain

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    Objective: To examine the effect of perceived discrimination and self-rated health among the immigrant population in the Basque Country, Spain, and determine whether this effect varies according to region of origin, age, sex and education. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. The study population included immigrants aged 18 and older residing in the Basque Country. Data from the 2014 Foreign Immigrant Population Survey (n =3,456) were used. Log-binomial regression was used to quantify the association between perceived discrimination and self-rated health before and after checking for the selected characteristics. Results: Almost 1 in 10 immigrant adults reports perceiving discrimination. In adjusted analyses, the immigrants perceiving discrimination were almost were 1.92 more likely to rate their health as poor (prevalence ratio: 1.92; 95% CI: 1.44-2.56) than those who did not report discrimination. This association did not vary according to region of origin, age, sex or educational level. Conclusions: Perceived discrimination shows a consistent relationship with perceived health. Moreover, this association did not depend on the region of origin, age, sex or educational level of immigrants. These results show the need for implementing inclusive policies to eliminate individual and institutional discrimination and reduce health inequalities between the immigrant and native populations.This study was supported by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (project EHU14/55]

    Trehalose accumulation induced during the oxidative stress response is independent of TPS1 mRNA levels in Candida albicans

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    Growing cells of the Candida albicans trehalose- deficient mutant tps1/tps1 were extremely sensitive to severe oxidative stress exposure (H2O2). However, their viability was not affected after saline stress or heatshock treatments, being roughly equivalent to that of the parental strain. In wild-type cells, these adverse conditions induced the intracellular accumulation of trehalose together with activation of trehalose-6P synthase, whereas the endogenous trehalose content and the corresponding biosynthetic activity were barely detectable in the tps1/tps1 mutant. The addition of cycloheximide did not prevent the marked induction of trehalose-6P synthase activity. Furthermore, the presence of H2O2 decreased the level of TPS1 mRNA expression. Hence, the conspicuous trehalose accumulation in response to oxidative stress is not induced by increased transcription of TPS1. Our results are consistent with a specific requirement of trehalose in order to withstand a severe oxidative stress in C. albicans, and suggest that trehalose accumulation observed under these conditions is a complex process that most probably involves post-translational modifications of the trehalose synthase complex

    Arquitectura defensiva en el Castro de Castromaior (Lugo). Análisis de las técnicas constructivas en el acceso al recinto central del poblado

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    The analysis of the building techniques of the pre-Roman fort of Castromaior (Lugo) is here presented. The archaeological methodology is employed from an analytical point of view by means of the systematic archaeological excavation and in order to obtain a hypothetical reconstruction of one of the access to the village. Stratigraphical analysis and excavation have together revealed enough results to identify different building phases. After a brief description of the site, the results are analysed archaeologically, focusing the attention on the architecture belonging to the demarcation structures. Once analysed the results, a reconstruction of the access area is proposed. This brief work offers a new vision of the pre-Roman forts in the northwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula based on the analysis of the architecture of demarcation.Se presenta un análisis de técnicas constructivas en el castro prerromano de Castromaior (Lugo), donde se utiliza la metodología arqueológica desde un punto de vista analítico, a través de la excavación sistemática, para llegar a una reconstrucción hipotética de uno de los accesos al poblado. La lectura estratigráfica y la excavación han proporcionado suficientes datos para poder diferenciar fases constructivas. Tras una breve presentación del yacimiento se analizarán los resultados a nivel arqueológico, centrando el estudio en la arquitectura de las estructuras de delimitación. Una vez analizados los resultados, se proyecta una reconstrucción de la zona de entrada. Este pequeño estudio presenta una nueva visión de la edilicia castreña en el noroeste peninsular enfocada desde el punto de vista de la arquitectura de delimitación

    La secuencia cultural en el castro de Vilela

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    oai:estudiosgallegos.revistas.csic.es:article/1The arqueological dig in Castro de Vilela brings us new data about life for the indigenous communities during the iron age in inland Galicia. The long existence of the castreño people throughout various centuries allows us to studt in depth their constructive and cultural evolution from the iron age to the Roman era. We have been able to document three main levels of occupation which outline a sequence that goes from the fourth century BC to the fourth century AD, approximately eight hundred years of community life. The first village occupation, in the second iron age, by an indigenous community with numerous elements of cultural material of archaic character and which lasts until the first century BC, reflects a slower development of these indigenous communities than in other areas which experience constant evolution due to various favourable external and internal factors and where elements like dwellings built with hardy materials, are seen in older periods of the iron age.La intervención arqueológica en el Castro de Vilela aporta nuevos datos acerca del desarrollo de las comunidades indígenas durante la Edad de Hierro en el interior de Galicia. La perduración del poblado castreño a lo largo de varios siglos nos permite conocer su evolución constructiva y cultural desde la Edad del Hierro hasta época romana. Se han documentado tres niveles principales de ocupación superpuestos que perfilan una secuencia que va del siglo IV a.C. al IV d.C., aproximadamente ochocientos años de ocupación del poblado. La primera ocupación del poblado, en la segunda Edad del Hierro, por una comunidad indígena con numerosos elementos de cultura material de carácter arcaico que pervive hasta el siglo I a.C., refleja un desarrollo de estas poblaciones indígenas más lento del que se produce en otras zonas en constante evolución favorecidas por diversos factores exógenos o internos donde, elementos como las cabañas construidas con materiales perecederos se documentan en periodos de la primera edad del Hierro en fechas más antiguas

    La secuencia cultural en el castro de Vilela

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    The arqueological dig in Castro de Vilela brings us new data about life for the indigenous communities during the iron age in inland Galicia. The long existence of the castreño people throughout various centuries allows us to studt in depth their constructive and cultural evolution from the iron age to the Roman era. We have been able to document three main levels of occupation which outline a sequence that goes from the fourth century BC to the fourth century AD, approximately eight hundred years of community life.<br> The first village occupation, in the second iron age, by an indigenous community with numerous elements of cultural material of archaic character and which lasts until the first century BC, reflects a slower development of these indigenous communities than in other areas which experience constant evolution due to various favourable external and internal factors and where elements like dwellings built with hardy materials, are seen in older periods of the iron age.<br><br>La intervención arqueológica en el Castro de Vilela aporta nuevos datos acerca del desarrollo de las comunidades indígenas durante la Edad de Hierro en el interior de Galicia. La perduración del poblado castreño a lo largo de varios siglos nos permite conocer su evolución constructiva y cultural desde la Edad del Hierro hasta época romana. Se han documentado tres niveles principales de ocupación superpuestos que perfilan una secuencia que va del siglo IV a.C. al IV d.C., aproximadamente ochocientos años de ocupación del poblado. La primera ocupación del poblado, en la segunda Edad del Hierro, por una comunidad<br> indígena con numerosos elementos de cultura material de carácter arcaico que pervive hasta el siglo I a.C., refleja un desarrollo de estas poblaciones indígenas más lento del que se produce en otras zonas en constante evolución favorecidas por diversos factores exógenos o internos donde, elementos como las cabañas construidas con materiales perecederos se documentan en periodos de la primera edad del Hierro en fechas más antiguas