114 research outputs found

    Volar de hacer volar, la poesía de Pedro Salvador Ale

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    _Reseña del libro Pedro Salvador Ale (2010), Volar de ver de volar, México, Eón

    De utopías (en la escuela) (fragmento)

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    Y en los ojos el azul del mar seguir cayendo: la poética de Emiliano R. Aréstegui Manzano

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    Reseña del poemario Diez mil venados o primero el mar, de Emiliano R. Aréstegui, obra ganadora del Premio Internacional de Poesía Gilberto Owen 2011


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    Obituario dedicado a Virginia Aguirre, por Blanca Álvarez Caballero. Se presenta la relación de amistad y colaborativa que manuvieron ambas

    El Romanticismo en Mara, vivir por siempre, de Julio César Ocaña

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    En la presente reseña se realiza una crítica de las características del movimiento literario del Romanticismo  constantes en la novela Mara, vivir por siempre, de Julio César Ocaña. Se valoran esos rasgos en función de la contemporaneidad de la novela. 


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    Pliego de poesía que presenta una selección de poemas de Blanca Álvarez Caballero

    Tiempo, amor y muerte: Piedra del Ángel, de Hugo Francisco Rivella

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    Reseña del libro Piedra del Ángel, de Hugo Francisco Rivella, ganador del Premio Internacional de Poesía Gilberto Owen 2010

    El gaucho rioplatense del siglo XIX y las primeras décadas del XX: una tipología desde la historia y la literatura

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    In this article I put forward a historical-literary typology of the gaucho rioplatense. I focuson two fundamental moments in the history of the gaucho: the first one, ranging from thelate 18th century (with the official historical-literary emergence of the gaucho) until the lastthird of the 19th century, with the disappearance of the legendary wandering gaucho bravodue to the ongoing modernization process. In the second moment the gaucho becomeseither a paid employee in the ranch, or a hunter outside the limits of the ranch, or a”compadrito”. I will analyze the gaucho –in particular, the gaucho found in poetry- in hisparticular social environment which included diverse human races, an aspect which shapedhis personality

    Trichuris vulpis (Froelich, 1789) Infection in a Child: A Case Report

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    We present a human infection with the canine whipworm, Trichuris vulpis, in a child suffering from rhinitis with a diagnosis of rhinitis. T. vulpis eggs resemble those of T. trichiura but they can be differentiated based on their morphological features and egg size, using micrometry with an ocular micrometer. T. vulpis eggs measured an average of 90 µm by 44 µm (range 86-99 µm by 38-47 µm). Prevalence of hookworms (28.1%), Toxocara canis (11.8%), and Trichuris vulpis (3.5%) was found in 292 fecal samples of dogs collected at the peri-domicile, which showed that the risk of infection was not only fortuitous. The treatment of canine whipworm infections is similar to that of T. trichiura infection. We recommend differentiation of the 2 species for their epidemiological and prevention implications