2,248 research outputs found

    Humanismo y transdisciplinariedad en la era de la enseñanza virtual

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    Recent social changes have led to the information era involving dramatic changes in the education. In this sense, internet is more than a learning tool in the e-society. Teachers have to adapt to the new paradigm to assume the challenge of the XXI century. However, the values associated to the classical teaching, as the power of the word and other skills, ought to be recognized. Therefore, teachers should combine both framework to do their best in their activity.El cambio de era que se ha producido como consecuencia de la revolución de las comunicaciones en las últimas décadas del siglo XX está afectado de forma intensa a la enseñanza. Internet se ha convertido en algo más que un instrumento educativo para pasar a construir parte del núcleo central de las sociedades actuales. La adaptación del profesorado a las nuevas tecnologías es uno de los principales retos de la enseñanza actual. Pero, al mismo tiempo, se deberían reconocer los valores derivados de la enseñanza tradicional, asumiendo que los métodos clásicos basados en el poder de la palabra no están pasados de moda. los docentes deberían saber combinar ambos paradigmas para lograr la consecución de los objetivos de la enseñanza

    Nuevas y viejas formas de enseñanza: cómo aprender ecología en la Mezquita de Córdoba con el apoyo del Aula Virtual

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    In this work an example of innovative activity carried out students of Forest Engineering is exposed: a walk through the past and present of Cordoba city landscapes, pointing out the archaelogical and ecological traces of Muslim ages. A number of disciplines and points of view (Ecology, History, Geography...) have been invited to play a role in this approach. After the activity, the students wrote a paper; the teacher prepared a summarizing paper with the contributions that was included in the web site of the Aula Virtual of the University or Cordoba, taking advantage of the potentiality of cooperative learning of this tool.En este trabajo se exponen los resultados de una experiencia docente llevada a cabo con alumnos de la titulación de Ingeniería de Montes, la cual se abordó combinando nuevas y viejas formas de docencia, incorporando la transdisciplinariedad y el humanismo como elementos esenciales en la definición del modelo docente. La actividad tuvo como objetivo descubrir los paisajes del entorno de la ciudad de Córdoba y su evolución histórica, tomando como referencia las huellas, tanto arquitectónicas como botánicas, dejadas por la época de esplendor califal. Se incorporaron elementos de diferentes disciplinas y puntos de vista (histórico, ecológico, geográfico, etnobotánico) para enriquecer los contenidos de un viaje recreado por el tiempo. Tras la actividad, los alumnos redactaron de forma voluntaria un trabajo; el tutor reelaboró un documento síntesis de las propuestas de los alumnos que fue publicado en el Aula Virtual de la Universidad de Córdoba aprovechando las potencialidades de aprendizaje cooperativo de este medio

    Understanding User Behavioral Intention to Adopt a Search Engine that Promotes Sustainable Water Management

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    An increase in users’ online searches, the social concern for an efficient management of resources such as water, and the appearance of more and more digital platforms for sustainable purposes to conduct online searches lead us to reflect more on the users’ behavioral intention with respect to search engines that support sustainable projects like water management projects. Another issue to consider is the factors that determine the adoption of such search engines. In the present study, we aim to identify the factors that determine the intention to adopt a search engine, such as Lilo, that favors sustainable water management. To this end, a model based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is proposed. The methodology used is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with the Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS). The results demonstrate that individuals who intend to use a search engine are influenced by hedonic motivations, which drive their feeling of contentment with the search. Similarly, the success of search engines is found to be closely related to the ability a search engine grants to its users to generate a social or environmental impact, rather than users’ trust in what they do or in their results. However, according to our results, habit is also an important factor that has both a direct and an indirect impact on users’ behavioral intention to adopt different search engines

    El reto del envejecimiento y la complejidad farmacoterapéutica en el paciente VIH+

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    Objective: To describe the current knowledge and management of aging and pharmacotherapeutic complexity in HIV + patients. Method: A review of literature was carried out, including articles, originals or reviews, published in English or Spanish, from 2007 to 2017, which analysed the aging and pharmacotherapeutic complexity in HIV + patients. The terms «Polypharmacy»/«Polifarmacia», «Aging»/«Envejecimiento», «Frailty»/«Fragilidad», «Complejidad Farmacotera péutica»/«Medication Regimen Complexity» and «HIV»/«VIH» were combined. The review was carried out independently by two authors. The degree of agreement, according to the Kappa index, was analysed. Results: A total of 208 references were analysed, including, finally, only 68. An aging of the population and an increase in associated comorbidities have been identified, especially over 50 years-old. Immunological changes similar to those that are generated in a non-infected elderly population have been described. These conditions influencing the prescription of antiretroviral treatment, according to studies identified. In parallel, polypharmacy is increasingly present, being defined exclusively by the concomitant use of five drugs. Pharmacotherapeutic complexity, through the Medication Regimen Complexity Index, has begun to analyse and relate to health outcomes. There has been a need to know and apply concepts already known in non-HIV-aged population, such as deprescription, potentially inappropriate medication, cholinergic risk, although few results are available. Conclusions: There is a growing interest to know about the relationship between HIV and aging. Pharmacotherapeutic complexity is beginning to be used as a pharmacotherapeutic follow-up criterion due to its influence on health outcomes. It is necessary to manage and incorporate new concepts that help pharmacotherapeutic optimization in this population

    La problemática de la traducción chino-española de un guión cinematográfico

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    Theoretical design of a depolarized interferometric fiber-optic gyroscope (IFOG) on SMF-28 single-mode standard optical fiber based on closed-loop sinusoidal phase modulation with serrodyne feedback phase modulation using simulation tools for tactical and industrial grade applications

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    This article presents, by means of computational simulation tools, a full analysis and design of an Interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyroscope (IFOG) prototype based on a closed-loop configuration with sinusoidal bias phase- modulation. The complete design of the different blocks, optical and electronic, is presented, including some novelties as the sinusoidal bias phase-modulation and the use of an integrator to generate the serrodyne phase-modulation signal. The paper includes detailed calculation of most parameter values, and the plots of the resulting signals obtained from simulation tools. The design is focused in the use of a standard single-mode optical fiber, allowing a cost competitive implementation compared to commercial IFOG, at the expense of reduced sensitivity. The design contains an IFOG model that accomplishes tactical and industrial grade applications (sensitivity ≤ 0.055 °/h). This design presents two important properties: (1) an optical subsystem with advanced conception: depolarization of the optical wave by means of Lyot depolarizers, which allows to use a sensing coil made by standard optical fiber, instead by polarization maintaining fiber, which supposes consequent cost savings and (2) a novel and simple electronic design that incorporates a linear analog integrator with reset in feedback chain, this integrator generating a serrodyne voltage-wave to apply to Phase-Modulator (PM), so that it will be obtained the interferometric phase cancellation. This particular feedback design with sawtooth-wave generated signal for a closed-loop configuration with sinusoidal bias phase modulation has not been reported till now in the scientific literature and supposes a considerable simplification with regard to previous designs based on similar configurations. The sensing coil consists of an 8 cm average diameter spool that contains 300 m of standard single-mode optical-fiber (SMF-28 type) realized by quadrupolar winding. The working wavelength will be 1310 nm. The theoretical calculated values of threshold sensitivity and dynamic range for this prototype are 0.052 °/h and 101.38 dB (from ±1.164 × 10−5 °/s up to ±78.19 °/s), respectively. The Scale-Factor (SF) non-linearity for this model is 5.404% relative to full scale, this value being obtained from data simulation results