12 research outputs found

    Hydro-mechanical simulation and analysis of induced seismicity for a hydraulic stimulation test at the Reykjanes geothermal field, Iceland

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    The combination of seismic analysis with advanced physics-based simulation provides an opportunity to further understand injection-induced fault reactivation, including the hydro-mechanical interplay between different faults and the rock where they reside. Here, this is investigated based on data from hydraulic stimulation of a well at the Reykjanes geothermal field. Central is the development of an interdisciplinary framework for integration of different data types towards a 3D, hydro-mechanical and faulted geothermal reservoir simulation model. This work shows how seismic interpretations can improve simulation models and, reciprocally, how fully coupled physics-based modeling can add to seismic interpretations in analysis of fault reactivation.publishedVersio

    Cyclical geothermal unrest as a precursor to Iceland’s 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption

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    Understanding and constraining the source of geodetic deformation in volcanic areas is an important component of hazard assessment. Here, we analyse deformation and seismicity for one year before the March 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption in Iceland. We generate a high-resolution catalogue of 39,500 earthquakes using optical cable recordings and develop a poroelastic model to describe three pre-eruptional uplift and subsidence cycles at the Svartsengi geothermal field, 8 km west of the eruption site. We find the observed deformation is best explained by cyclic intrusions into a permeable aquifer by a fluid injected at 4 km depth below the geothermal field, with a total volume of 0.11 ± 0.05 km3 and a density of 850 ± 350 kg m–3. We therefore suggest that ingression of magmatic CO2 can explain the geodetic, gravity and seismic data, although some contribution of magma cannot be excluded


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    1.1 Work process..................................... 5 1.2 Organisation of the report............................... 6 1.3 Methodologies and regulations............................

    Hydrothermal fluid flow triggered by an earthquake in Iceland

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    Microearthquake hypocenters were analyzed in the Krýsuvík geothermal area in SW-Iceland with data taken from two consecutive passive seismic surveys, 2005 and 2009. Five years prior to the 2005 survey, this area was struck by an earthquake initiating a major top-to-bottom fluid migration in the upper crust. We observe from our surveys a complex bottom-to-top migration of seismicity with time following this fluid penetration, suggesting the migration of a pore pressure front controlled by the upper-crust fracture system. We interpret these data as the time and space development of high-temperature hydrothermal cells from a deep upper crustal fluid reservoir in the supercritical field. These results provide an insight into the coupling mechanisms between active tectonics and fluid flow in upper-crustal extensional systems with high thermal flux

    Full-Waveform based methods for Microseismic Monitoring Operations: An Application to Natural and Induced Seismicity in the Hengill Geothermal Area, Iceland

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    Geothermal systems in the Hengill volcanic area, SW Iceland, started to be exploited for electrical power and heat production since the late 1960s. Today the two largest operating geothermal power plants are located at Nesjavellir and Hellisheiði. This area is a complex tectonic and geothermal site, located at the triple junction between the Reykjanes Peninsula (RP), the Western Volcanic Zone (WVZ), and the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ). The region is seismically highly active with several thousand earthquakes located yearly. The origin of such earthquakes may be either natural or anthropogenic. The analysis of microseismicity can provide useful information on natural active processes in tectonic, geothermal and volcanic environments as well as on physical mechanisms governing induced events. Here, we investigate the microseismicity occurring in Hengill area, using a very dense broadband seismic monitoring network deployed in Hellisheiði since November 2018, and apply sophisticated full-waveform based method for detection and location. Improved locations and first characterization indicate that it is possible to identify different types of microseismic clusters, which are associated with either production/injection or the tectonic setting of the geothermal area.ISSN:1680-7340ISSN:1680-735