55 research outputs found

    Metodología observacional

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    La metodología observacional ha adquirido una gran pujanza dentro de las metodologías de investigación en Ciencias del Comportamiento. Supone un acercamiento flexible y riguroso al estudio de la conducta, que se puede realizar en ambiente natural. Aunque en ocasiones se ha considerado un enfoque cualitativo, es una metodología que convierte el flujo de comportamientos en códigos, permitiendo por tanto su codificación. No es, por tanto, un simple procedimiento de recogida de datos (a través de observación), sino que constituye una metodología completa, desde la elaboración de hipótesis hasta la discusión de resultados. Ofrece dos tipos de análisis, siendo el primero la medida puntual de comportamientos, y el segundo, más rico, el estudio de patrones comportamentales, estableciendo cuando una conducta sigue a otra con una frecuencia mayor a la que se puede esperar por azar.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La evaluación del cambio en la interacción social a través de la observación

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    The study of social interaction within the classroom is an important task because of the the influence that early social relationships have in the social and personal development of a person. In this paper we present a study where a specific intervention is implemented to improve the social interaction of one participant in an outside school enrichment program. A single-case design AB is used with this propose. The measurement of the changes is done through observation, using the Observational Protocol for Social Interaction within the Classroom (OPINTEC, v. 4). Three sessions are observed during the program in order to analyze the individual progress of the participant during the intervention. Lag Sequential Analysis with the program SDIS-GSEQ (Bakeman & Quera, 1996) is used for the assessment of the behavioral patterns. Results indicate an improvement in the relations between the participant and his peers in those interactions related with academic topics.Resumen El estudio de la interacción social dentro del aula es una tarea importante que viene justificada por la influencia que las relaciones sociales tempranas tienen en el desarrollo social y personal de una persona. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio que versa sobre la implementación de una intervención específica para la mejora de la interacción social en un alumno perteneciente a un programa de enriquecimiento extraescolar. Con este objetivo se emplea un diseño de caso único AB. La medida del cambio se realiza a través de la observación, utilizando para ello el Protocolo de Observación de la Interacción Social en el Aula (OPINTEC, v. 4). Se observaron tres sesiones a lo largo de la implementación del programa para evaluar el progreso individual del participante durante la intervención. Para el análisis de los patrones comportamentales se utiliza el análisis secuencial de retardo mediante el programa SDIS-GSEQ (Bakeman y Quera, 1996). Los resultados indican una mejora del estudiante en la relación con sus iguales en aquellas interacciones cuya temática está centrada en el contenido académico.AbstractThe study of social interaction within the classroom is an important task because of the the influence that early social relationships have in the social and personal development of a person. In this paper we present a study where a specific intervention is implemented to improve the social interaction of one participant in an outside school enrichment program. A single-case design AB is used with this propose. The measurement of the changes is done through observation, using the Observational Protocol for Social Interaction within the Classroom (OPINTEC, v. 4). Three sessions are observed during the program in order to analyze the individual progress of the participant during the intervention. Lag Sequential Analysis with the program SDIS-GSEQ (Bakeman & Quera, 1996) is used for the assessment of the behavioral patterns. Results indicate an improvement in the relations between the participant and his peers in those interactions related with academic topics

    Diferencias en mecanismos de interacción social en niños de altas capacidades en función de la aceptación social

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    Early relationships with equals are considered a relevant factor in people’s development. In order to study social interaction, Santoyo (1996, 2006) proposes the functional mechanisms of social effectiveness, social responsiveness, and reciprocity. To analyze and compare these mechanisms in the participants of the Comprehensive Program for High Abilities (CPHA) with the purpose of detecting possible differences between the students who are better considered by their equals and those who have less social acceptance. The sample was selected by a sociogram, and the social interaction was measured with the Observational Protocol for Interactions within the Classroom-OPINTEC, v.5 (Cadenas & Borges, 2016, 2017; Cadenas, Borges, & Falcón, 2013). The participants show effectiveness and correspondence, but they don’t show social reciprocity. No differences were observed between the most valued ones and the most rejected ones. Observation represents and appropriate methodology for the studying of social relations in natural settings in combination with other procedures. ResumenLas relaciones tempranas con los iguales se consideran un factor relevante en el desarrollo de las personas. Para el estudio de la interacción social, Santoyo (1996, 2006) pro­pone los mecanismos funcionales de efectividad, corres­pondencia y reciprocidad social. Analizar y comparar los mecanismos que regulan la interacción social en alumnado participante del Programa Integral para Altas Capacidades (PIPAC) con el fin de detectar posibles diferencias entre aquellos mejor considerados por sus pares y los que pre­sentan una menor aceptación social. La muestra se selec­ciona mediante el sociograma y la interacción social se mide a través del instrumento de observación Protocolo de Observación de Interacción en el Aula-PINTA, v.5 (Cade­nas & Borges, 2016, 2017; Cadenas et al., 2013). Tanto los estudiantes focales más valorados como los más rechazados muestran patrones indicadores de pre­sencia de efectividad y correspondencia social, pero no re­ciprocidad social. No se observaron diferencias entre am­bos grupos. La observación representa una metodología adecuada para el estudio de relaciones sociales en ambien­tes naturales en combinación con otros procedimientosAbstractEarly relationships with equals are considered a relevant factor in people’s development. In order to study social interaction, Santoyo (1996, 2006) proposes the functional mechanisms of social effectiveness, social responsiveness, and reciprocity. To analyze and compare these mechanisms in the participants of the Comprehensive Program for High Abilities (CPHA) with the purpose of detecting possible differences between the students who are better considered by their equals and those who have less social acceptance. The sample was selected by a sociogram, and the social interaction was measured with the Observational Protocol for Interactions within the Classroom-OPINTEC, v.5 (Cadenas & Borges, 2016, 2017; Cadenas, Borges, & Falcón, 2013). The participants show effectiveness and correspondence, but they don’t show social reciprocity. No differences were observed between the most valued ones and the most rejected ones. Observation represents and appropriate methodology for the studying of social relations in natural settings in combination with other procedures.

    Creation of an Observational Instrument to Operationalize the Transmission of Contents by University Teachers

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    The quality of university teaching is a very important aspect for the educational process. This aspect makes necessary the evaluation of teaching professionals, being of special relevance the teaching behavior in the classroom. Observational methodology is the one used for evaluation, because it allows the study of usual behavior patterns and teaching strategies. We have used the instrument PROFUNDO-UNI, which is based on the “Teaching Functions Model”, to analyze the behaviors of the university teachers and professors in the class. The objective of this study is the detailed analysis of one of the teaching functions described in this instrument. This function is the professor’s explanation. It is a function of particular relevance in the educational setting, so it is very important to analyze it. For that, an instrument named Observational Protocol of the Explanation Function (OBEF) was created based on contributions of Educational Psychology. It allows the measurement of the resources and strategies used during the explanation. In this investigation, the psychometric goodness of fit has been tested through the analysis of reliability and homogeneity. Later, the behavior of a teacher from the University of La Laguna has been analyzed by using the instrument that was created

    Challenges for Teachers' and Students' Digital Abilities: A Mixed Methods Design Study

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    Digital education is a recently highlighted challenge for educational innovation. This study aimed to discover the educational conditions in which teachers and students may be involved during the pandemic, and how these may affect teachers’ workload and educational quality. A Mixed Methods Design was used, where quantitative and qualitative data were obtained and analyzed. An ad hoc questionnaire was created and sent to teachers of different levels of education (pre-university) and types of school (public and private). Predictive variables of working hours were analyzed by carrying out a multiple regression. Moreover, changes experienced by teachers were studied by analyzing qualitative data. The variables type of teaching, students’ access to electronic resources, and instant training in online teaching predicted teachers’ working hours. Furthermore, participants cited having changes in workload and being overwhelmed during this period, having less contact with students, and experiencing changes in working environment as the most important variables affecting the new working conditions. In conclusion, teachers’ training in online education and the provision of electronic resources for students should be a priority to make online learning possible, to avoid the problem of teachers needing to perform extra work in similar future conditions, and to foster educational innovation

    Construyendo y Depurando un Instrumento de Observación mediante la Teoría de la Generalizabilidad

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    AbstractThe control of quality of data it is one of the most relevant aspects in observational researches. The Generalizability Theory (GT) provides a method of analysis that allows us to isolate the various sources of error measurement. At the same time, it helps us to determine the extent to which various factors can change and analyze the effect on the generalizability coefficient. In the work shown here, there are two studies aimed to creating and purifying an observation instrument, Observation Protocol in the Teaching Functions (Protocolo de Funciones Docentes, PROFUNDO, v1 and v2), for behavioral assessment which has been carried out by instructors in a social-affective out-of-school program. The reliability and homogeneity studies are carried out once the instrument has been created and purified. The reliability study will be done through the GT method taking both codes (c) and agents (a) as differential facets in. The generalization will be done through observers using a crossed multi-faceted design (A × O × C). In the homogeneity study the generalization facet will be done through codes using the same design that the reliability study.ResumenEl control de la calidad de los datos es uno de los aspectos más relevantes en las investigaciones observacionales. La Teoría de la Generalizabilidad (TG) proporciona un método de análisis que nos permite aislar las fuentes de variación debidas al error aleatorio. Al mismo tiempo, nos ayuda a determinar el grado en que ciertos factores pueden cambiar y analizar su efecto mediante el coeficiente de generalizabilidad. En este trabajo, se presentan dos estudios que tratar de construir y depurar un instrumento de observación, el Protocolo de Funciones Docentes (PROFUNDO, v1 y v2), que trata de evaluar la conducta realizada por los instructores in programas socio-afectivos fuera de la escuela. Se han realizado estudios de fiabilidad y homogeneidad mediante TG considerando como facetas diferenciales tanto los códigos (c), como los agentes (a). La generalización se llevará a cabo a través de los observadores usando un diseño cruzado multifaceta (A × O × C). En el estudio de homogeniedad, la faceta de generalizabilidad se llevará a cabo a través de los códigos, usando el mismo diseño que en el estudio de fiabilidad.AbstractThe control of quality of data it is one of the most relevant aspects in observational researches. The Generalizability Theory (GT) provides a method of analysis that allows us to isolate the various sources of error measurement. At the same time, it helps us to determine the extent to which various factors can change and analyze the effect on the generalizability coefficient. In the work shown here, there are two studies aimed to creating and purifying an observation instrument, Observation Protocol in the Teaching Functions (Protocolo de Funciones Docentes, PROFUNDO, v1 and v2), for behavioral assessment which has been carried out by instructors in a social-affective out-of-school program. The reliability and homogeneity studies are carried out once the instrument has been created and purified. The reliability study will be done through the GT method taking both codes (c) and agents (a) as differential facets in. The generalization will be done through observers using a crossed multi-faceted design (A × O × C). In the homogeneity study the generalization facet will be done through codes using the same design that the reliability study


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    The most able students, due to their differential characteristics, require a specific educational response. However, there is still some way to go in this respect. The detection and identification of these students is still far below the standards indicated by experts and the educational response is still insufficient. Therefore, it is essential to design programmes, both intra and extracurricular, that also involve the family, as they are one of the main detection agents and play an important role in the educational response of their children. Thus, at the University of La Laguna has set up the Comprehensive the Comprehensive Programme for High Abilities (PIPAC), whose main objective is to contribute to the development of these students at a cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioral level, throughout various courses and integrating the family. This programme has evolved and adapted to the characteristics and needs of the participants, as well as to the circumstances arising from the current health crisis. This article shows the characteristics and strengths that support the success of the programme, as well as its recent adaptation to the online format and the contribution of the University of La Laguna to high intellectual abilities.El alumnado más capaz, debido a sus características diferenciales, requiere de una respuesta educativa específica. Sin embargo, aún queda camino por recorrer en este sentido, ya que su detección e identificación está muy por debajo de los estándares señalados por los expertos y la respuesta educativa necesaria sigue siendo insuficiente. Por tanto, es imprescindible diseñar programas, tanto intra como extraescolares que, además, incorporen a la familia, pues son uno de los principales agentes de detección y tienen un importante papel en la respuesta educativa de sus hijos. Así, en la Universidad de La Laguna se pone en marcha el Programa Integral para Altas Capacidades (PIPAC) cuya finalidad es contribuir al desarrollo de este alumnado a nivel cognitivo, socioafectivo y comportamental, a lo largo de diversos cursos e integrando en él a la familia. Este programa ha ido evolucionando y adaptándose a las características y necesidades de los participantes, así como a las circunstancias derivadas de la actual situación de crisis sanitaria. En el presente artículo se muestran las características y fortalezas que favorecen el éxito del programa, así como su reciente adaptación al formato online y la contribución de la Universidad de La Laguna a las altas capacidades intelectuales.  El alumnado más capaz, debido a sus características diferenciales, requiere de una respuesta educativa específica. Sin embargo, aún queda camino por recorrer en este sentido, ya que su detección e identificación está muy por debajo de los estándares señalados por los expertos y la respuesta educativa necesaria sigue siendo insuficiente. Por tanto, es imprescindible diseñar programas, tanto intra como extraescolares que, además, incorporen a la familia, pues son uno de los principales agentes de detección y tienen un importante papel en la respuesta educativa de sus hijos. Así, en la Universidad de La Laguna se pone en marcha el Programa Integral para Altas Capacidades (PIPAC) cuya finalidad es contribuir al desarrollo de este alumnado a nivel cognitivo, socioafectivo y comportamental, a lo largo de diversos cursos e integrando en él a la familia. Este programa ha ido evolucionando y adaptándose a las características y necesidades de los participantes, así como a las circunstancias derivadas de la actual situación de crisis sanitaria. En el presente artículo se muestran las características y fortalezas que favorecen el éxito del programa, así como su reciente adaptación al formato online y la contribución de la Universidad de La Laguna a las altas capacidades intelectuales

    Cognitive correlates of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents with high intellectual ability

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    Background There is an ongoing debate as to whether attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in highly intelligent individuals has a similar presentation as in average intelligent individuals. The aim of this study was to examine the cognitive correlates of ADHD in highly intelligent children and adolescents with ADHD. Method Two independent samples (N = 204 and N = 84) of (1) high intelligence quotient (IQ) (IQ >= 120) children and adolescents with ADHD were used, carefully matched on age, gender, ADHD severity, and IQ with (2) control participants with high intelligence, (3) participants with ADHD with an average intelligence (IQ 90-110), and (4) control participants with an average intelligence. These samples were selected from the Dutch node of the International Multicenter ADHD Genetics (NeuroIMAGE) and Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS) cohorts, respectively, in which a large battery of cognitive tasks was administered. Linear mixed models were used to examine the main effects of ADHD and IQ and their interaction on cognitive performance. Results ADHD-control group differences were not moderated by IQ; mostly equally large ADHD-control differences in cognitive performance were found for high versus average intelligent groups. The small moderating effects found mostly indicated somewhat milder cognitive problems in highly intelligent individuals with ADHD. Overall, highly intelligent children and adolescents with ADHD performed at the level of the average intelligent control children. Conclusions Our findings indicate the cognitive profile of ADHD is similar in highly versus average intelligent individuals with ADHD, although ADHD-related cognitive deficits may be easily overlooked in the high intelligence population when compared to the typical (i.e., average intelligent) control group


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    The educational needs that students with high intellectual abilities have, makes relevant to design special interventions for them. In Primary and Secondary School is quite frequent to find different educational strategies. However, when the students reach the university level, there are not sources of this type. At the University of La Laguna, during the 2018-19 academic year, the first edition of a pioneering program was carried out, aimed at high intellectual students. The aim of the program is to increase the motivation of the students and to offer new contents. The total of participants is 113 students belonging to several careers like: mathematics, physics, chemistry, psychology. Two types of actions have been carried out: five plenary conferences, as well as 60 specific activities. The outputs of the program and a first approach to evaluation through the satisfaction of students and professors are presented here.   Keywords: high ability, programs, undergraduates students, university, enrichment.Resumen Las necesidades educativas que tienen los estudiantes con altas capacidades intelectuales, hacen relevante diseñar intervenciones especiales para ellos. En la Educación Primaria y Secundaria es bastante frecuente encontrar diferentes estrategias educativas. Sin embargo, cuando los estudiantes alcanzan el nivel universitario, no hay programas de este tipo. En la Universidad de La Laguna, durante el curso académico 2018-19, se llevó a cabo la primera edición de un programa pionero, dirigido a estudiantes universitarios con altas capacidades intelectuales. El objetivo del programa es aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes y ofrecer nuevos contenidos. El total de participantes es de 113 estudiantes pertenecientes a varias carreras como: matemáticas, física, química, psicología. Se realizan dos tipos de acciones: cinco conferencias plenarias, así como 60 actividades específicas. Se presentan aquí los resultados de un primer acercamiento a la evaluación del programa a través de la satisfacción de los estudiantes y profesores. Palabras clave: alta capacidad, programas, estudiantes universitarios, universidad, enriquecimiento.Resumo As necessidades educacionais dos estudantes com elevadas capacidades intelectuais tornam relevante a concepção de intervenções especiais para eles. No Ensino Primário e Secundário é bastante comum encontrar diferentes estratégias educativas. Contudo, quando os estudantes atingem o nível universitário, não existem tais programas. Na Universidade de La Laguna, durante o ano lectivo de 2018-19, foi realizada a primeira edição de um programa pioneiro, destinado a estudantes universitários com elevadas capacidades intelectuais. O objectivo do programa é aumentar a motivação dos estudantes e oferecer novos conteúdos. O número total de participantes é de 113 estudantes pertencentes a várias carreiras tais como: matemática, física, química, psicologia. São realizados dois tipos de acções: cinco conferências plenárias, assim como 60 actividades específicas. Os resultados de uma primeira abordagem da avaliação do programa através da satisfação dos estudantes e professores são aqui apresentados. Palavras-chave: alta capacidade, programas, estudantes universitários, universidade, enriquecimento

    Alumnado con altas capacidades intelectuales en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias: Un importante reto educativo en la actualidad

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    El alumnado de Altas Capacidades Intelectuales (ALCAIN) necesita una respuesta educativa adecuada y específica para desarrollar sus potencialidades. En España y en la Comunidad de Canarias hay normativas estatales y autonómicas que establacen un protocolo para la detección e identificación del este alumnado. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer el estado actual de identificación del alumnado ALCAIN y su rendimiento académico. Se analizarón los datos censales del alumnado ALCAIN en Canarias referentes a 8172 estudiantes (Educación Primaria=4191, Educación Secundária Obligatoria=3046 y Bachillerato=935), durante 5 años escolares (de 2015-16 hasta 2019-20), facilitados por la Dirección General de Ordenación, Innovación y Calidad, de la Consejería de Educación, Universidades, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Canarias. Los datos indican que la identificación es muy baja (cerca de 1%), se identifica menos a las niñas que a los niños y que el rendimiento académico en general es alto. Se concluye que una gran parte del alumnado ALCAIN queda sin identificar y, por tanto, sin recibir la respuesta educativa que precisan. Identificar y atender adecuademente al alumnado ALCAIN es un reto importante para la Educación en Canarias. Palabras Clave: altas capacidades intelectuales; identificación; rendimiento escola