99 research outputs found

    Los servicios sociales: decisivos para la cohesión social

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    La violència envers les dones en l'obra de Víctor Català. Una aproximació al primer període creatiu de l'autora (1895-1907)

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    Treball de Grau de Filologia Catalana. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2021-2022, Director: Jordi Marrugat i Domènech.IV Premi Clara Campoamor al millor Treball Final de Grau amb perspectiva de gènere de la Universitat de Barcelona, curs 2021-2022. Finalista. Branca d’Arts i Humanitats.[cat] La violència és un dels trets essencials que caracteritzen els textos de Víctor Català i Montseny (almenys, els de la seva primera etapa creativa), i en destaca especialment la que s’exerceix envers la dona. Aquesta violència, però, fonamentada en el món patriarcal de l’època, no és tractada igualment en les diferents obres escrites entre 1895 i 1907, sinó que s’hi ha observat una evolució: els personatges femenins que s’hi retraten passen, progressivament, d’estar totalment sotmesos i anul·lats per l’home (sobretot, al teatre i als primers reculls de contes) a poder gaudir d’una certa autonomia, llibertat i capacitat de decisió (plasmada, principalment, a Solitud i a Caires vius). Justament, aquest treball pretén oferir una anàlisi d’aquest canvi, vehiculat a través dels personatges femenins que apareixen en les obres literàries que Català escrigué en aquell període.[eng] The violence is one of the most essential characteristics of Victor’s Català i Montseny works (at least, the ones from her first creative stage), and it is specially prominent the one against women. This violence, however, based on the patriarchal world of that time, is not treated equally throughout the different books written between 1895 and 1907, because there is an evolution: progressively, the feminine characters they show abandon a situation of totally submission and dependency from the male (mostly, in the theatre plays and the first story books) to become autonomous, free and self-decision making (reflected, principally, in Solitud and Caires vius). Precisely, the aim of this research project is to offer an analysis of this change, conveyed by the feminine characters that appear in the literary works Víctor Català wrote in that period

    On the efficiency and sensitivity of a pyramidal classification algorithm

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    In this paper we propose a Pyramidal Classification Algorithm, which together with an appropriate aggregation index produces an indexed pseudo-hierarchy (in the strict sense) without inversions nor crossings. The computer implementation of the algorithm makes it possible to carry out some simulation tests by Monte Carlo methods in order to study the efficiency and sensitivity of the pyramidal methods of the Maximum, Minimum and UPGMA. The results shown in this paper may help to choose between the three classification methods proposed, in order to obtain the classification that best fits the original structure of the population, provided we have an a priori information concerning this structure.Pyramidal classification methods, aggregation index, pseudo-hierarchy, Robinsonian dissimilarity, Monte Carlo evaluation, overlapping clusters

    La regularización de las emisiones de televisión autonómica fuera de la comunidad de origen: el caso de Cataluña (2004-2014)

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    The article aims to describe, analyze and interpret the agreements signed by the Catalan Government with its neighboring territories and states in order to legalize the broadcasting of its regional television, TVC, in those areas, where it had lacked a legal basis since its birth in the eighties. Cases in which negotiations have taken place but no agreement has been reached are also considered. The article is based on the results of qualitative research combining documentary analysis and interviews and it includes the results of previous research carried out by the authors. The research is exploratory in nature and deals with an under-resear­ched topic —broadcasting outside the boundaries of a specific Autonomous Community— with the aim of creating original knowledge. The text shows how the agreements are the result of a Catalan desire to legalize TVC’s broadcasts throughout the Catalan-speaking territories. It also shows how these agreements make ex­plicit the political and cultural conflicts between regions with a common cultural heritage. The article moves beyond description to provide interpretive elements which allow us to understand the origin and nature of these agreements and the conflicts caused by the negotiations.El artículo tiene por objetivo describir, analizar e interpretar los acuerdos que Cataluña ha firmado con las administraciones de territorios vecinos —tanto comunidades autónomas como estados independien­tes— para legalizar las emisiones de la televisión autonómica TVC en esas zonas, sin cobertura legal des­de su nacimiento en los años ochenta. También se consideran aquellos casos en los que han existido negociaciones pero no se ha llegado a acuerdos. El artículo descansa sobre los resultados obtenidos en una investigación de corte cualitativo basada en el uso combinado de análisis documental y entrevistas en profundidad. Así mismo, recoge los resultados de investigaciones previas llevadas a cabo por los au­tores. La investigación ha tenido un fuerte carácter exploratorio de un objeto de estudio —las emisiones supra-autonómicas— poco estudiado científicamente, con la voluntad de generar conocimiento original. El texto muestra cómo los acuerdos son fruto de la voluntad catalana de regular las emisiones de TVC en todos los territorios donde se habla catalán. Así mismo, pone de manifiesto cómo estos acuerdos hacen explícitos los conflictos políticos y culturales existentes entre comunidades autónomas con un acervo cultural común. Más allá de la descripción, el artículo aporta elementos interpretativos que permiten en­tender tanto el origen y naturaleza de estos acuerdos como de los conflictos a que han dado lugar algunas de las negociaciones

    El proceso de reconstrucción de la identidad de las personas afectadas de una paraplejia o tetraplejia

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    A spinal cord injury (SCI) is perceived as a source of biographical disruption, not only at a physical level but also in terms of people’s life stories, their motivation and their self-esteem. The aim of this study is to explore the factors that people with spinal cord injuries perceive as contributing to rebuilding their sense of self. Two focus groups were established from the SCI community, one of which was made up of 14 people with paraplegia and theother of 9 people with tetraplegia. In addition, four individual interviews were conducted with the participants. The results of content analysis show that the two most prominent factors in the process of identity renegotiation are the partial transformation of the subject’s identity followed by a coming to terms with that new identity. To rebuild self-worth, the importance of finding a balance between change and continuity was identified. Renegotiation of identity after a spinal cord injury is a complex phenomenon that greatly influences the SCI individual’s quality of life perceptions. Reaching a balance between the changes experienced due to the injury and finding a sense of continuity can be either facilitated or obstructed by the economic, political, legal, architectural,and social context.La adquisición de una lesión medular es percibida como una disrupción biográfica no solo a nivel físico sino también a nivel biográfico, de intereses y valores. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido explorar los factores que contribuyen en la redefinición de la identidad en personas con lesión medular. Se realizaron dos grupos de discusión y cuatro entrevistas individuales con 14 personas con paraplejia y 9 personas con tetraplejia de la comunidad. Se realizó un análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran que los principales factores en el proceso de renegociación de la identidad son la transformación parcial de la identidad y la definición de una nueva identidad. Hemos identificado la importancia de encontrar un equilibrio entre el cambio y la continuidad en la reconstrucción de un yo satisfactorio. Concluimos que la renegociación de la identidad después de una lesión medular es un fenómeno complejo que influencia la percepción de calidad de vida. El proceso para alcanzarun equilibrio entre los cambios experimentados y el sentido de continuidad está influido por el contexto económico, político, legal, arquitectónicoy social

    The Early Cretaceous coastal lake Konservat-Lagerstätte of La Pedrera de Meià (Southern Pyrenees)

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    A state of the art of the Barremian Konservat-Lagerstätte of la Pedrera de Meià site (Southern Pyrenees) is compiled here including the acquisition of new geological data. The relevance of this site, together with the nearby la Cabroa site, is due to its paleobiotic richness and the fact that 113 holotypes and paratypes of flora and fauna have already been defined. Since its discovery at the end of the 19th century and its exploitation as a lithographic limestone quarry, the site has been the object of paleontological interest by national and foreign research teams that are summarized here (including the catalogue of 223 publications). A survey of the existing type specimens in collections all over Europe is also provided, being France and Germany, the countries where more fossils are hosted other than Spain. The geological frame of this site is also reviewed, by revisiting unpublished geological mappings (mainly that of Krusat, 1966) and integrating it in a comprehensive map that includes 4 revisited outcrops of lithographic limestone which could be potential paleontological sites. The available stratigraphic sections did allow the precise location of paleontological data and findings and environmental proxies. The stratigraphic sections obtained have a thickness of about 50m and contain a minimum of 40.000 limestone layers, being an approximation of the years represented in the la Pedrera de Meià site, and the time expanded of the lake during the Barremian

    La educación revisitada: ensayos de hermenéutica pedagógica

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    Afirman los coordinadores de este libro que vivimos en un mundo fragmentado y neonómada en el que todas las cosas –y la educación en lugar privilegiado– cambian con extrema rapidez. Así pues, a un colectivo como el de los profesionales de la Teoría y la Historia de la Educación compete analizar –una y otra vez– la naturaleza de la educación, que constituye una de las dimensiones esenciales del quehacer humano. En la década de 1970, las discusiones epistemológicas emplearon mucha tinta en el ámbito de la educación. A la tradicional Pedagogía implantada en España a comienzos del siglo XX bajo el signo de la filosofía, siguieron nuevos planteamientos y, junto a ellos, nuevas nomenclaturas. Gracias a la influencia del positivismo, del evolucionismo y del experimentalismo surgió una disciplina de nueva planta que respondía al epígrafe de «Ciencia de la Educación» y que deseaba fijar las bases de un conocimiento exacto y riguroso de la educación. Por esta vía, la vieja Pedagogía de ascendencia filosófica entraba en una crisis que desembocó en la sustitución del sintagma «Ciencia de la Educación» por el de «Ciencias de la Educación». Quedaba así confirmado que la justificación científica de la educación no podía reducirse a una única ciencia –primero la filosofía, base de la Pedagogía; más tarde, la biología, referente de la Ciencia de la Educación– sino que se había de acudir a un conjunto de disciplinas (Historia, Antropología, Psicología, Sociología, Economía, Derecho, etc.) que, en conjunto, daban vida a las Ciencias de la Educación

    A Compact raster lensless microscope based on a microdisplay

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    Lensless microscopy requires the simplest possible configuration, as it uses only a light source, the sample and an image sensor. The smallest practical microscope is demonstrated here. In contrast to standard lensless microscopy, the object is located near the lighting source. Raster optical microscopy is applied by using a single-pixel detector and a microdisplay. Maximum resolution relies on reduced LED size and the position of the sample respect the microdisplay. Contrarily to other sort of digital lensless holographic microscopes, light backpropagation is not required to reconstruct the images of the sample. In a mm-high microscope, resolutions down to 800 nm have been demonstrated even when measuring with detectors as large as 138 μm × 138 μm, with field of view given by the display size. Dedicated technology would shorten measuring time

    The Early Cretaceous coastal lake Konservat-Lagerstätte of La Pedrera de Meià (Southern Pyrenees)

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    A state of the art of the Barremian Konservat-Lagerstätte of la Pedrera de Meià site (Southern Pyrenees) is compiled here including the acquisition of new geological data. The relevance of this site, together with the nearby la Cabroa site, is due to its paleobiotic richness and the fact that 113 holotypes and paratypes of flora and fauna have already been defined. Since its discovery at the end of the 19th century and its exploitation as a lithographic limestone quarry, the site has been the object of paleontological interest by national and foreign research teams that are summarized here (including the catalogue of 224 publications). A survey of the existing type specimens in collections all over Europe is also provided, being France and Germany, the countries where more fossils are hosted other than Spain.The geological frame of this site is also reviewed, by revisiting unpublished geological mappings (mainly that of Krusat, 1966) and integrating it in a comprehensive map that includes 4 revisited outcrops of lithographic limestone which could be potential paleontological sites. Previous stratigraphic sections did allow the precise framing of paleontological data and findings, that now can be allocated in new stratigraphic sections accounting for 50m and that contain a minimum of 40.000 laminae, being a minimum estimation of the years represented in the la Pedrera de Meià site