386 research outputs found
Radium single-ion optical clock
We explore the potential of the electric quadrupole transitions
7s\,^2S_{1/2} - 6d\,^2D_{3/2}, 6d\,^2D_{5/2} in radium isotopes as
single-ion optical frequency standards. The frequency shifts of the clock
transitions due to external fields and the corresponding uncertainties are
calculated. Several competitive Ra candidates with 223 - 229 are
identified. In particular, we show that the transition
7s\,^2S_{1/2}\,(F=2,m_F=0) - 6d\,^2D_{3/2}\,(F=0,m_F=0) at 828 nm in
Ra, with no linear Zeeman and electric quadrupole shifts, stands
out as a relatively simple case, which could be exploited as a compact, robust,
and low-cost atomic clock operating at a fractional frequency uncertainty of
. With more experimental effort, the Ra clocks
could be pushed to a projected performance reaching the level.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur
Development of a thermal ionizer as ion catcher
An effective ion catcher is an important part of a radioactive beam facility
that is based on in-flight production. The catcher stops fast radioactive
products and emits them as singly charged slow ions. Current ion catchers are
based on stopping in He and H gas. However, with increasing intensity of
the secondary beam the amount of ion-electron pairs created eventually prevents
the electromagnetic extraction of the radioactive ions from the gas cell. In
contrast, such limitations are not present in thermal ionizers used with the
ISOL production technique. Therefore, at least for alkaline and alkaline earth
elements, a thermal ionizer should then be preferred. An important use of the
TRIP facility will be for precision measurements using atom traps. Atom
trapping is particularly possible for alkaline and alkaline earth isotopes. The
facility can produce up to 10 s of various Na isotopes with the
in-flight method. Therefore, we have built and tested a thermal ionizer. An
overview of the operation, design, construction, and commissioning of the
thermal ionizer for TRIP will be presented along with first results for
Na and Na.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, XVth International Conference on Electromagnetic
Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications (EMIS 2007
Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions
In Nuclear Physics numerous possibilities exist to investigate fundamental
symmetries and interactions. In particular, the precise measurements of
properties of fundamental fermions, searches for new interactions in
-decays, and violations of discrete symmeties offer possibilities to
search for physics beyond Standard Theory. Precise measurements of fundamental
constants can be carried out. Low energy experiments allow to probe New Physics
at mass scales far beyond the reach of present accelerators or such planned for
the future and at which predicted new particles could be produced directly.Comment: Review talk at the International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC04,
G\"oteborg, Swede
Radium single-ion optical clock
We explore the potential of the electric quadrupole transitions 7s\,^2S_{1/2} - 6d\,^2D_{3/2}, 6d\,^2D_{5/2} in radium isotopes as single-ion optical frequency standards. The frequency shifts of the clock transitions due to external fields and the corresponding uncertainties are calculated. Several competitive Ra candidates with 223 - 229 are identified. In particular, we show that the transition 7s\,^2S_{1/2}\,(F=2,m_F=0) - 6d\,^2D_{3/2}\,(F=0,m_F=0) at 828 nm in Ra, with no linear Zeeman and electric quadrupole shifts, stands out as a relatively simple case, which could be exploited as a compact, robust, and low-cost atomic clock operating at a fractional frequency uncertainty of . With more experimental effort, the Ra clocks could be pushed to a projected performance reaching the level
124-Color Super-resolution Imaging by Engineering DNA-PAINT Blinking Kinetics
Optical super-resolution techniques reach unprecedented spatial resolution down to a few nanometers. However, efficient multiplexing strategies for the simultaneous detection of hundreds of molecular species are still elusive. Here, we introduce an entirely new approach to multiplexed super-resolution microscopy by designing the blinking behavior of targets with engineered binding frequency and duration in DNA-PAINT. We assay this kinetic barcoding approach in silico and in vitro using DNA origami structures, show the applicability for multiplexed RNA and protein detection in cells, and finally experimentally demonstrate 124-plex super-resolution imaging within minutes.We thank Martin Spitaler and the imaging facility of the MPI of Biochemistry for confocal imaging support
Precise Measurement of Magnetic Field Gradients from Free Spin Precession Signals of He and Xe Magnetometers
We report on precise measurements of magnetic field gradients extracted from
transverse relaxation rates of precessing spin samples. The experimental
approach is based on the free precession of gaseous, nuclear spin polarized
He and Xe atoms in a spherical cell inside a magnetic guiding field
of about 400 nT using LT SQUIDs as low-noise magnetic flux detectors. The
transverse relaxation rates of both spin species are simultaneously monitored
as magnetic field gradients are varied. For transverse relaxation times
reaching 100 h, the residual longitudinal field gradient across the spin sample
could be deduced to be pT/cm. The method takes
advantage of the high signal-to-noise ratio with which the decaying spin
precession signal can be monitored that finally leads to the exceptional
accuracy to determine magnetic field gradients at the sub pT/cm scale
Isotope Shifts of the 6d\,^2D - 7p\,^2P Transition in Trapped Short-Lived Ra
Laser spectroscopy of short-lived radium isotopes in a linear Paul trap has
been performed. The isotope shifts of the 6d\,^2D -
7p\,^2P transition in Ra were measured, which are
sensitive to the short range part of the atomic wavefunctions. The results are
essential experimental input for improving the precision of atomic structure
calculation. This is indispensable for parity violation in Ra aiming at the
determination of the weak mixing angle.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review A as a Rapid
Aspects of Cooling at the TRIP Facility
The TriP facility at KVI is dedicated to provide short lived radioactive
isotopes at low kinetic energies to users. It comprised different cooling
schemes for a variety of energy ranges, from GeV down to the neV scale. The
isotopes are produced using beam of the AGOR cyclotron at KVI. They are
separated from the primary beam by a magnetic separator. A crucial part of such
a facility is the ability to stop and extract isotopes into a low energy
beamline which guides them to the experiment. In particular we are
investigating stopping in matter and buffer gases. After the extraction the
isotopes can be stored in neutral atoms or ion traps for experiments. Our
research includes precision studies of nuclear -decay through
- momentum correlations as well as searches for permanent electric
dipole moments in heavy atomic systems like radium. Such experiments offer a
large potential for discovering new physics.Comment: COOL05 Workshop, Galena, Il, USA, 18-23. Sept. 2005, 5 pages, 3
On-line Excited-State Laser Spectroscopy of Trapped Short-Lived Ra Ions
As an important step towards an atomic parity violation experiment in one
single trapped Ra ion, laser spectroscopy experiments were performed with
on-line produced short-lived Ra ions. The isotope shift of
the 6\,^2D\,-\,7\,^2P and
6\,^2D\,-\,7\,^2P transitions and the hyperfine structure
constant of the 7\,^2S and 6\,^2D states in Ra
were measured. These values provide a benchmark for the required atomic theory.
A lower limit of ms for the lifetime of the metastable
6\,^2D state was measured by optical shelving.Comment: 4.2 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables
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