143 research outputs found

    The Social Current Of Capitalist Dictatorship? Neoclassical Economic And Non-Marxist Sociological Conceptualization

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    The paper introduces the concept and social current of capitalist dictatorship to the broader sociological audience, aside from Marxist sociology. It conceptualizes, specifies and exemplifies capitalist dictatorship in the form of a mostly neoclassical economic and non-Marxist sociological conceptualization. Generally, it advances a conceptualization in terms of dictatorial rule of capital over non-capital, which it derives from neoclassical economic and non-Marxist sociological frameworks rather than the Marxist framework. Particularly, the paper conceptualizes capitalist dictatorship in terms of autocracy, oligarchy and plutocracy and kleptocracy within capitalism in accordance with neoclassical and non-Marxist frameworks. Also, it briefly outlines additional neoclassical economic and non-Marxist sociological conceptualizations in terms of dynasty, anarchy, conservative penal-police states and theocracies, fascist regimes, military dictatorships and warfare states in capitalism. The paper aims to contribute to better conceptualizing, theorizing and understanding capitalist dictatorship and represents one of the first attempts in this direction in the broader sociological literature, apart from Marxist sociology

    La Serbie et la perspective de son entree dans l’UE dans le contexte de la crise

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    Dans cette communication, nous analysons la situation de la Serbie, suite à la crise mondiale, d’abord financière, puis économique, qui s’est propagée des Etats-Unis vers l’Europe, compte tenu du fait que la Serbie, comme plusieurs de ses voisins issus de l’ancienne Yougoslavie, souhaite développer un ensemble de relations économiques, financières et politiques avec les pays de l’Union européenne (UE), Union dans laquelle ils souhaitent entrer dans quelques années. Cette analyse portera successivement sur les points suivants: les effets sur l’économie serbe de la troisième année de la crise et leurs conséquences sur le processus d’intégration européenne, l’importance de la relance de l’industrie manufacturière et de ses conséquences sur l’emploi et la croissance industrielle, les finances publiques, les prix et les investissements directs étrangers. Nous conclurons en analysant les conséquences de ces évènements sur le parcours à venir de l’économie serbe en vue de son intégration à l’économie européenne

    Eмпириско истражување на кибер безбедносната готовност на електронските и информациските системи

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    Оваа истражување ги презентира резултатите од емпириското истражување на сајбер безбедносната положба на малите организации во Северна Македонија. Резултатите се дадени како квантитативно одредена вредност во рамките на дефинирана таксономија заснована на теоријата на перспектива и сатус кво теоријата. Анализираната големина е однос помеѓу два клучни параметри на сајбер-безбедноста на една организација, сајбер-безбедносната подготвеност и перципираниот ризик за сајбер-напад од страна на носителите на одлуки. Истражувањето исто така содржи компаративна анализа помеѓу овие резултати и добиените резултати за време на други истражувања во ЕУ и САД

    Entrepreneurial sons, patriarchy and the Colonels' experiment in Thessaly, rural Greece

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    Existing studies within the field of institutional entrepreneurship explore how entrepreneurs influence change in economic institutions. This paper turns the attention of scholarly inquiry on the antecedents of deinstitutionalization and more specifically, the influence of entrepreneurship in shaping social institutions such as patriarchy. The paper draws from the findings of ethnographic work in two Greek lowland village communities during the military Dictatorship (1967–1974). Paradoxically this era associated with the spread of mechanization, cheap credit, revaluation of labour and clear means-ends relations, signalled entrepreneurial sons’ individuated dissent and activism who were now able to question the Patriarch’s authority, recognize opportunities and act as unintentional agents of deinstitutionalization. A ‘different’ model of institutional change is presented here, where politics intersects with entrepreneurs, in changing social institutions. This model discusses the external drivers of institutional atrophy and how handling dissensus (and its varieties over historical time) is instrumental in enabling institutional entrepreneurship

    Attitudes and perceptions regarding entrepreneurship around the world : a cluster analysis approach

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    Nowadays it is believed that entrepreneurship could be a driving force in growth and development. For the achievement of a relevant national entrepreneurship rate the social and economic business environment can be crucial. However, despite the international attention given to entrepreneurship, it is not known if it is a global phenomenon or if there are particular regions where the entrepreneurial activity is specially recognized by society. Applying cluster analysis statistical techniques to a dataset gathered by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and that includes, in 2010, 59 countries this paper intends to identify groups of countries with the same population attitude and perception regarding entrepreneurship

    Attitudes and perceptions regarding entrepreneurship around the world : a cluster analysis approach

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    Nowadays it is believed that entrepreneurship could be a driving force in growth and develop-ment. For the achievement of a relevant national entrepreneurship rate the social and economic business environment can be crucial. However, despite the international attention given to entrepreneurship, it is not known if it is a global phenomenon or if there are particular regions where the entrepreneurial activity is specially recognized by society. Applying cluster analysis statistical techniques to a dataset gathered by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and that includes, in 2010, 59 countries this paper intends to identify groups of countries with the same population attitude and perception regarding entrepreneurship