16,466 research outputs found

    Uraian asimatik yang didapatkan metode laplace dan metode steepest descents

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    Dalam perihal asimtotik dikenal beberapa metoda un-tuk mendapatkan uraian asimtotik dari bentuk.-bentuk fungSi tertentu. Dua di antaranya adalah metoda Laplace dan metoda Steepest Descents. Dalam makalah ini hanya disajikan empat contoh permasalahan yang penyelesaiannya didasari oleh suatu teorema berbentuk

    Transformasi fouries cepat dengan algoritma decimation-in-time dan algoritma decimation-in- frequency

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    Didalam mengeriakan Transformasi Fourier Diskret apabila terdapat data masukan yang sangat besar., misal N „maka akan terdapat operasi matematika sebesar N2 perkalian bilangan kompleks dan N(N-1) penjumlahan bilangan kompleks sehingga sangat tidak efisien Oleh karena itu dikembangkan suatu metbde cepat untuk menangani hal itu Metode tersebut adalah Transformasi Fourier Cepat dengan dua algoritma yaitu Algoritma decimation - in - Time dan Algoritma Decimation in Frequency . Dengan kedua Algoritma tersebut hanya akan terdapat operasi matematika sebesar N/2 2log. N perkalian • ix This document- is Undip Institutional Repository Collsectbon. I he , (s) or copyright owner(s) agree that UNDIP-IR may, withal:J. t chpnging the content, translate the submission to any medium or format for the purpose of preservatio


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    PT. Blambangan Foodpacker Indonesia is a company of fishery industry that result a product, its product called by Sarden. This company supplies its product trough two sources area. They are Muncar and Banyuwangi. The supply of product in this company is rise, so it needed a planning of product distribution. The aim of this distribution is to minimize the cost of product delivery. Based on that fact, so it necessary to apply the transportation method. It is done to determine the suitable product allocation and to minimize the delivery cost. There are same steps to apply the transportation method. The first, we predict the supply for July – September 2006 by using trend linier and trend exponential method. Then we chose the value of least MAPE. Next, the result of forecasting is processed by NWCR (North West Corner Rule) method. The last, testing by MODI method so it can be gotten the optimum allocation From the result of processing data can result the optimum solution by cast total Rp 924.603.000, 00. It can be compared before applying the transportation method. It is Rp 926.590.000, 00. So, it is gotten the saving Rp 1.987.000, 00. Another that method, we can also use software QS to get the saving

    Scientific Cum Doctriner Approach; a Collaborative Perspective in Islamic Studies

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    Islam is not a mono-dimensional religion, therefore studying Islam with all its aspects is not enough with the scientific method, ie philosophical, human, historical, sociological methods. Likewise, understanding Islam with all its aspects can not be-be doctrinaire. A scientific and doctrinal approach should be used together (Scientific Cum Doctrine


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    Tujuan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk merancang prototipe robot material handling yang berfungsi untuk memindahkan material dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Metode perancangan prototipe robot material handling dimulai dari menggambar desain, melakukan analisis teknik, menentukan bahan yang akan digunakan, menentukan komponen yang diperlukan, pengerjaan pembuatan komponen, perakitan robot, pemrograman robot, dan yang terakhir melakukan uji kinerja robot. Kapasitas maksimum robot sebesar 97,5 gram. Jangkauan gerak vertikal maksimum robot 20 cm dan jangkauan gerak horizontal maksimum 36 cm. Kontroler yang digunakan adalah mikrokontroler ATMega 16. Aktuator menggunakan motor DC dan motor servo HS-311 Standard. Daya input yang dibutuhkan 7,5 Watt. Kata kunci : prototipe robot material handling, kapasitas maksimum robot, jangkauan maksimum robot


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    PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa Branch of Semarang is logistic state-owned corporation. This company has a lot of potency to conduct fix assets investment because it has much capital. Fix assets investment aim to improve company profit and to use company capital in order that it is not saved in the form of current assets. The company will conduct fix asset investment by making a warehouse in Blora. The object of this research is analyzing the measure of the next fix asset investment and liquidity ratio, before and after fix asset investment. This research is a descriptive analysis with time series data by balancing sheet and profit report in 2002 until 2006. The Data Method analysis use qualitative method and quantitative method with liquidity ratio, including current ratio, quick ratio and cash ratio and investment appraising method, including payback period, Net present value, Internal Rate of return, and Accounting Rate of Return. The result of this research is the company ratio liquidity is very high. It is be because the company is not conducting fixes asset investment so the capital is saved in current assets in a large number. This condition shows that company cannot use their capital to improve their profit. Based on appraising investment method, the next company fix asset investment by making a warehouse in Blora can be accepted because the revenue of investment is higher than cost of investment. Beside that, company ratio liquidity showing that this company has capital to paying the current liabilities (by cash money) so the capital not be useless. From the Research, the writer suggest the next research to analysis the next fix asset investment by making a warehouse in another city besides Blora which has a lot of potency to improving the company profit in the next future

    Mathematical Thinking Undefended on The Level of The Semester for Professional Mathematics Teacher Candidates

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    Mathematical thinking skills are very important in mathematics, both to learn math or as learning goals. Thinking skills can be seen from the description given answers in solving mathematical problems faced. Mathematical thinking skills can be seen from the types, levels, and process. Proportionally questions given to students at universities in Indonesia (semester I, III, V, and VII). These questions are a matter of description that belong to the higher-level thinking. Students choose 5 of 8 given problem. Qualitatively, the answers were analyzed by descriptive to see the tendency to think mathematically used in completing the test. The results show that students tend to choose the issues relating to the calculation. They are more use cases, examples and not an example, to evaluate the conjecture and prove to belong to the numeric argumentation. Used mathematical thinking students are very personal (intelligence, interest, and experience), and the situation (problems encountered). Thus, the level of half of the students are not guaranteed and shows the level of mathematical thinking

    Comparative Advantage: Theory, Empirical Measures And Case Studies

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    This paper consists of three main parts i.e. theory, analytical tool and case studies of comparative advantage. Firstly, we review the theory and various empirical measures of comparative advantage. We would argue that for the catching-up economies, like ASEAN countries, the meaning of “leading exported products” could be examined from the two points of view i.e. international competitiveness and country’s trade balance. Secondly, we combine two indexes of comparative advantage, i.e. Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA) index by Dalum et al. (1998) and Laursen (1998), and Trade Balance Index (TBI) by Lafay (1992), which represent well the two points of view, to propose an analytical tool, namely “products mapping”. Thirdly, this analytical tool is applied to analyze exported products (defined as 3-digit SITC Revision 2) of the ASEAN countries. This paper concludes that in the cases of ASEAN countries, the higher the comparative advantage for a specific product, the higher the possibility of the country as a net-exporter becomes. This finding strongly supports the theory of comparative advantage.Revealed Comparative Advantage, Trade Balance, Products Mapping.

    A case study of misconceptions students in the learning of mathematics; The concept limit function in high school

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    This study aims to find out how high the level and trends of student misconceptions experienced by high school students in Indonesia. The subject of research that is a class XI student of Natural Science (IPA) SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan with the subject matter limit function. Forms of research used in this study is a qualitative research, with a strategy that is descriptive qualitative research. The data analysis focused on the results of the students' answers on the test essay subject matter limit function with the number of students by 16 (sixteen). Data collection techniques used are shaped test methods essay, interview method to students who have misconceptions, and methods of documentation of the test answers. Examination of the validity of the data using a triangulation technique that compares the data written test results with data from interviews. The results of this study can be described as follows; (1) The level of misconceptions experienced by students belonging to the category of low, amounting to 12.18%. However, students who do not understand the concept quite high at 40.38%, and the others are students who understand the concept that is equal to 47.44%. (2) The misconception most experienced students lie in subconcepts explain the meaning of limit function at one point through the calculation of values around that point, that is equal to 20.51%. The tendency misconceptions experienced by students is located on errors and operating concepts that misconceptions students that there should be no limit in the completion of the writing of the emblem and misconceptions about the limit students to conclude if the limit value of 0 is no limit to the value of the function

    A Gravity Model Approach of ASEAN+3 Free Trade Agreements on ASEAN’s Trade Flows: Trade Creation or Trade Diversion?

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    ASEAN has extensively cooperated with East Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and China (hereafter called Plus Three Countries); then consecutively formed AJCEP, AKFTA, and ACFTA. Currently, ASEAN+3 (ASEAN and Plus Three Countries) is proposed in order to extend the socio-economic cooperation, most of all trade. Nevertheless, trade does not necessarily improve the welfare of all parties as the consequences of trade-creation and trade-diversion effect. The aim of this research was to analyze: (1) whether trade ASEAN+3 free trade agreement improve or worsen trade of ASEAN; (2) whether the change occurs through trade-creation or trade-diversion channel. A gravity model approach using panel data is employed to analyze the impact of ASEAN+3 free trade agreements on ASEAN‘s trade flows during the years of 2000—2014. The results revealed that GDP, GDP per capita, distance, common language, and contiguity have a significant role in determining trade within ASEAN+3. Additionally, this study designated that there has been trade creation within ASEAN+3 subsequent to AJCEP, AKFTA, and ACFTA. In spite of vigorous result of creation effect, all the models are likely to failed in negating trade diversion. To sum up, the ensuing agreements of ASEAN+3 have been positively promoting trade in southeast and east Asia
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