330 research outputs found


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    The National Health Insurance (JKN), an Indonesian health care system, has been organized by BPJS Kesehatan using health care assurance mechanism. JKN system gave its service in collaboration with the existing health facilities throughout Indonesia. Primary health facilities named Puskesmas and Klinik Pratama, were playing role as the gate keeper of JKN system in order to provide basic health services optimally. The JKN participants satisfaction could be used as the indicator for measuring the success rate of the JKN system. The patient demographics was being one of several factor affecting the JKN participants satisfaction. This study aimed to examine the relationship between patient demographics and JKN participants satisfaction in Puskesmas and Klinik Pratama located in Sleman, Bantul and Yogyakarta city. This research performed the descriptive analytic using cross sectional survey design. The patientss demographics examined in this study were patients age, patients gender, patients education, patients employment, patients income, and membership status. The data taken quantitatively using questionnaires and equipped with qualitative data from interviewing the patients to obtain all the possible findings in the field. Sampling techniques for primary health facilities was performed by random sampling with total sample of 55 health facilities and purposive sampling with a total sample of 150 respondents. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square method to obtain the relationship between patient demographics and JKN participants satisfaction. The results showed that patients employment, patients income, and membership status were significantly related to the JKN participants satisfaction in Puskesmas and Klinik Pratama

    Validation of Finnish Diabetes Risk Score Indonesia Version in Yogyakarta

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) has developed as a major public health problem in the world. It is estimated that around 50% of diabetics have not been diagnosed in Indonesia, and only two-thirds of those diagnosed are undergoing treatment. This condition must be prevented. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) as an instrument for predicting type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This study was an observational study with a cross-sectional design on 60 research subjects who were indigenous people of Yogyakarta who live in Yogyakarta, which can be proven by Identity Cards by the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Validity was tested by the validity of criteria by type while using the area under the receiver-operating curve (ROC-AUC). In contrast, reliability was tested by internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha. The results showed that as many as 14 people or 23.33% experienced uncontrolled fasting blood sugar and 15 people had a risk score of FINDRISC more than 10. Based on the ROC AUC analysis, the value of 0.935 (95% CI 0.865 1.00) with a cut-off point of 10 with the value of Sn = 85%, Sp = 95%, PPV = 85%, NPV = 95%, +LR = 5.66, and -LR = 0.15. Based on the reliability test, the Cronbach's alpha value of 0.727 was obtained. The FINDRISC questionnaire is categorized as valid and reliable so that it can be a screening tool for understanding

    Development of web-based application of medicine management dashboard for pharmacists in primary health care using a user-centered design: evidence from Indonesia

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    Although the minimum standard of pharmaceutical services at the primary health centres (PHCs) has been determined, the quality of drug management at PHCs is not optimal. There is no information system in PHC to help pharmacists monitor drug management performance. This study aims to describe the systematic development of such an application. A descriptive study with a case study approach was conducted, consisting of three stages: user needs analysis, model and prototype development, and prototype evaluation. The first stage in the user-centred design method is through focus group discussion and observation. There were 13 institutions involved in the needs analysis and 9 institutions in the evaluation stage by purposive sampling. The institutions are health centres and offices in Yogyakarta from September 2021 to April 2022. Data were analysed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods. The research resulted in a prototype web application, PharmD, which functions as a drug management performance dashboard for pharmacists at PHCs


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    This article aims to find out the problems of supervision and accountability, as well as the strategy of the Cianjur Regency Government in carrying out supervision and accountability in ethical perspectives. This research was conducted using descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. The ethical perspective on supervision and public accountability within the Cianjur Regency Government is actually an "oasis" in the midst of weakening public confidence in the government apparatus. Through effective supervision, the Cianjur Regency Government will be able to anticipate and overcome various deviations that have so far remained a concern of the community. Whereas through good and right public accountability a professional, transparent, accountable, credible and corruption-free, collusion and nepotism administration can be obtained

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotika Profilaksis Dari Aspek Ketepatan Jenis, Waktu Dan Durasi Pemberian Pada Pasien Instalasi Bedah Sentral Sebuah Rumah Sakit Swasta Di YOGYAKARTA

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    Surgical site infection is one of surgical infection that frequently happened in hospital sothat the use of antibiotic prophylaxis must be safe. The research was conducted to know incidenceof adverse event at USAge of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery installation. We use concordancesheet of antibiotic prophylaxis either from accuracy aspect of the drug type, administration time,duration of USAge. Result analysis in the form of calculation relative risk of USAge of antibioticdissected pre prophylaxis to risk the happening of surgical site infections cases. Result thisresearch show that relative risk value of USAge of antibiotic to case of infection of operation hurtevaluated from inaccurate of type antibiotic 1,12 ( CI 95 %: 0,138-9,1), inaccurate aspect of gift time5,8 ( CI 95 % : 1,024 - 32,86) and from inaccurate aspect of duration of gift 3,21 ( CI 95 % : 1,043 -9,9)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengoptimalkan keuntungan perdagangan valas secara otomatis menggunakan robot trading namun tetap mempertimbangkan tingkat akurasi dan drawdown. Sistem evaluasi mengelompokkan kinerja robot trading berdasarkan sesi pasar perdagangan (Sydney, Tokyo, London dan New York) untuk menentukan robot trading yang tepat untuk digunakan pada sesi pasar tertentu. Sistem evaluasi ini berbasis web dengan perhitungan metode ELECTRE yang berinteraksi secara real-time dengan robot trading melalui web service dan mampu menyajikan grafik kinerja secara real-time pada dashboard dengan komunikasi protokol web socket. Aplikasi web diprogram menggunakan teknologi NodeJs. Pada periode pengujian, semua robot trading disimulasikan 24 jam di semua sesi pasar selama tiga bulan, robot trading terbaik dinilai berdasarkan kriteria laba, akurasi dan drawdown yang dihitung menggunakan metode ELECTRE berbasis web. Ide dari penelitian ini adalah membandingkan robot trading terbaik pada periode pengujian dengan kinerja kolaborasi empat robot trading terbaik di setiap sesi pasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan data historis pergerakan mata uang EURO terhadap USD sebagai periode pengujian dan 3 bulan berikutnya sebagai data validasi. Dari hasil penelitian, kinerja kolaborasi empat robot trading terbaik yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan sesi pasar dapat meningkatkan persentase keuntungan secara konsisten dengan tetap menjaga tingkat akurasi dan drawdown. Kata Kunci: Kinerja, Sistem Evaluasi, Valas, Robot Trading, ELECTRE This research aims to optimize forex trading profit automatically using EA but its still keep considering accuracy and drawdown levels. The evaluation system will classify EA performance based on trading market sessions (Sydney, Tokyo, London and New York) to determine the right EA to be used in certain market sessions. This evaluation system is a web-based ELECTRE methods that interact in real-time with EA through web service and are able to present real-time charts performance dashboard using web socket protocol communications. Web applications are programmed using NodeJs technology. In the testing period, all EAs had been simulated 24 hours in all market sessions for three months, the best EA is valued by its profit, accuracy and drawdown criterias that calculated using web-based ELECTRE method. The ideas of this research is to compare the best EA on testing period with collaboration performances of each best classified EA by market sessions. This research uses three months historical data of EUR against USD as testing period and other 3 months as validation period. As a result, performance of collaboration four best EA classified by market sessions can increase profits percentage consistently in testing and validation periods and keep securing accuracy and drawdown levels. Keywords: Performance, Evaluation System, Forex, EA, ELECTR

    Penentuan Waktu Reaksi Polimeresasi Asetilasi Menggunakan Katalis Ziegler - Natta

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    ABSTRAK Any chemical reactor is not possible to be designed without residence-time data of the reaction, as the content of the reactor is simply the product of the volumetric flow rate and residence-time. Further, a safety factor around 20% - 25 % of this content should be added to get the total volume of the reactor. The purpose of this safety factor is to create turbulence among the reactants thus increase collision frequency and speed up the reaction. The main objective of this work is to investigate the polymerization kinetic of acetylene using Ziegler-Natta catalyst. Through this polymerization kinetic, residence-time of acetylene polymerization can be obtained and by extrapolation the value of 20 minutes is considered to be adequate. Keywords: Waktu reaksi, Polimerisasi, astelin, Katalis, Ziegler-Natt

    Solidaritas petani pada masyarakat transisi: Studi pada petani di masyarakat Kampung Cicarita Desa Ciwaruga Kecamatan Parongpong Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    Petani selalu identik dengan gotong royong, kebersamaan, peduli, dan semua itu merupakan bagian dari solidaritas sosial. Begitupun yang terjadi pada masyarakat Cicarita yang berprofesi sebagai petani, walaupun tantangan besar sedang meraka hadapi. Seiring dengan banyaknya para investor lokal maupun asing yang masuk ke Kecamatan Parongpong khususnya Desa Ciwaruga Kampung Cicarita yang memmbeli lahan pertanian milik masyakat sehingga para petani kesulitan bertani. Di balik semua tantangan itu, para petani melakukan barbagai cara agar bisa tetap bertani, ada yang menyewa lahan, ada yang menumpang di lahan para investor yang belum dibangun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah agar dapat mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana wujud solidaritas masyarakat petani yang berada pada wilayah berkarakteristik transisi, yakni yang bertempat di Kp. Cicarita Desa Ciwaruga Kecamatan Parongpong Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Dalam teori yang diungkapkan Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), Durkheim menyatakan bahwa solidaritas sosial merupakan suatu keadaan hubungan antara individu dan atau kelompok yang didasarkan pada perasaan moral dan kepercayaan yang dianut bersama dan diperkuat oleh pengalaman emosional bersama. Sedangkan menurut Robbert M. Z Lawang (1985: 262), Solidaritas yaitu kesatuan, persahabatan, saling percaya yang muncul dari tanggung jawab dan kepentingan bersama diantara para anggota. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data primer di peroleh dari lapangan, baik dari hasil observasi maupun wawancara dari informan yang di ambil dari pihak-pihak yang terkait, yaitu para petani dan warga masyarakat setempat. Adapun sumber data sekunder di ambil dari buku-buku, majalah, surat kabar dan lain-lain yang mendukung penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terlihat bahwa di Kampung Cicarita RW 16 Desa Ciwaruga Kecamatan Parongpong Kabupaten Bandung Barat, keadaan sosial masyarakat secara menyeluruh terjalin rasa kekeluargaan dan sikap saling membutuhkan, pada masyarakat Kampung Cicarita, sikap tak acuh hanya akan merugikan diri sendiri, oleh karena itu sekalipun beragam profesi dan stata sosial, sebagian besar masyarakat Kampung Cicarita memegang teguh sikap solidaritas terhadap sesama, baik di wilayah Kampung Cicarita, maupun dengan kampung lain. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa solidaritas masyarakat petani di kampung cicarita sudah dan masih terjalin rapi, tinggal menumbuhkan sikap solidaritas pada setiap lapisan masyarakat lainnya, sehingga akan tercipta kerukunan bermasyarakat yang berkesinambungan

    Kinerja Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit X Purwokerto Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Proses Bisnis Internal Balanced Scorecard “Average Dispensary TIME Dan Waktu Pemberian Informasi Obat

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    IFRS (Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit) X Purwokerto adalah salah satu rumah sakit milik pemerintah yang bergerak pada pelayanan publik. IFRS X sebagai salah satu organisasi yang memasuki lingkungan industri kesehatan yang kompetitif harus dapat meningkatkan kinerja dan memberikan pelayanan terintegrasi secara lebih efektif, efisien, dan inovatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses bisnis internal IFRS X berdasarkan perspektif balanced scorecard, meliputi ratarata dispensing time, dan rata-rata waktu pemberian informasi obat. Desain penelitianini adalah cross sectional. Data kuantitatif didapatkan dari lembar observasi pada resep untuk rata-rata dispensing tim