191 research outputs found

    Memory Strategies Used in Improving English Vocabulary Repertoire: A Case Study of Third Semester Students at Department of English Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    This study aims at describing memory strategy used to improve English vocabulary repertoire, a case study of third semester students at Department of English Education UMS. The purpose of this study: (1) to identify the memory strategy used by students in speaking class of third semester Department of English Education UMS, (2) describe the students preferences in using memory strategy in the classroom of speaking class. The participants are the best six students of speaking class the third semester students in DEE UMS. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. In this study there are three method to collect the data such as observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data was analyzed in data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results showed (1) there are four memory strategies applied by the students in learning vocabulary, namely: creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds, reviewing well, and employing action. (2) The students preferences in using memory strategy in the classroom of speaking class, namely: using keyword, associating, placing new word into a context, structural viewing, using physical responses, using imagery, and semantic mapping


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    The reserch is about Corrective Feedback Analysis. The aims of this research are: 1) to describe the type of corrective feedback that used by the teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surakarta, 2) to find out the purpose of corrective feedback. The data are taken from Teacher and the Students Second grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surakarta. The Method of collecting data in this research are Observation, Interview, and Students Work. The type of this research is desccriptive qualitative research. The researches identifies the types of corrective feedback by refering Teddick&Gortari theory and Karmin&Ivy theory for describe the function of corrective feedback, then describes the frequency of each type of corrective feedback by using table. The finding showed that the researcher found (42,85%) Repetition, (35,72%) Clarification Feedback, and (21,43%) Elicitation in Oral corrective feedback, while in written corrective feedback there are (72,85%) direct corrective feedback and (27,14%) Indirect corrective feedback. The result showed that there are three kinds of oral corrective fedback that used by the teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surakarta used Clarification feedback, Repetition, and Elicitation. In the written corrective feedback there are two kinds of feedback that used by the teacher, there are Direct and Indirect corrective feedback. The result also show that teacher apply 2 corrective feedback to help in checking students assignment and improving students writing ability

    Teacher Corrective Feedback In Teaching Writing At Eleventh Grade Students Of SMK Dian Kirana 1 Sragen

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    This research aims are to describe 1) the types of corrective feedback used by the teacher, 2) the function of corrective feedback, and 3) the dominant of corrective feedback. In reaching the objectives, the researcher used qualitative research to collect and analyze the data. The research was conducted in SMK Dian Kirana 1 Sragen. The researcher took 64 students of eleventh grade as the subject of this research. The researcher got the data of the study from event, informantion, and documentation. The techniques of collecting the data are observation that was held in eleventh grade classes, and interview with the teacher and several students, then collected the documentation such as students' worksheet and several data in observation. The result of the finding displayed that 1) the teacher used five types of corrective feedback in oral feedback, while in written feedback the teacher used direct feedback and indirect feedback (uncoded). Then 2) function of oral corrective feedback, there are : corrective feedback as guideline to students, giving motivation, developing interaction between teacher and students. In written corrective feedback has a function, there are : corrective feedback as guideline to students, giving motivated, feedback can assist students to analyze their error, and 3) the dominant types of oral corrective feedback teacher used explicit correction, then in written corrective feedback teacher prefer direct feedback more

    Classroom Techniques Used By Tutors In Teaching Speaking At Saturday English Gathering Program: A Case Study Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta

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    This research aimed to describe: (1) the classroom techniques in teaching speaking by the tutors of Saturday English Gathering (SEGA) of UMS, (2) the purposes of using the techniques, and (3) the roles of the tutors and students. The subjects were the tutors at SEGA and the objects were the techniques used by the tutors. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques were observation, interview and documentation. Technique of analyzing qualitative data consisted of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. The result showed three techniques used by the tutors at SEGA, five purposes, three teachers roles and three students roles. The techniques were monolog presentation, dialogue, and discussion. The purposes of using the techniques for the students were: (1) to speak up more bravely, (2) improve students’ fluency, (3) drill speaking skill, (4) know more about grammar; and (5) know more vocabularies. The roles of tutors were explainer, facilitator, and commentator. The roles of students namely: the planner of their own learning process; learners were the member of the group; learners learned from teachers, students, and teaching sources

    Classroom Techniques Used In Vocabulary Development Activities In English Classroom: A Naturalistic Study At Mts Negeri Surakarta 2 In 2015/2016 Academic Year

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    This study is carried out to describe classroom techniques used in vocabulary activities in English classroom at MTs Negeri Surakarta 2. The aims of this research are: (1) to describe the kinds of classroom techniques used in vocabulary activities, (2) the purpose of using each classroom technique, (3) the teacher’s roles, (4) the student’s roles, and (5) instructional materials used by the English teachers at MTs Negeri Surakarta 2. The kind of this research is descriptive qualitative research especially naturalistic study in analyzing the data. The methods of collecting data in this research are observation, interview and document. The finding of the study shows that there are some classroom techniques used by English teachers at MTs Negeri Surakarta 2 such as: memorization (vocabulary card system), synonym, selfdefining context, picture and drawing, antonym, and reading aloud. The teacher have roles as model, instructor, consultant, group organizer, evaluator, and facilitator. The student have roles as participant, demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, engage actively in learning, dialog and interaction with teacher, learner member group and learn by interacting with other, tutor for other learner, and shows respect. There are some materials used by English teachers, such as textbook, work book, dictionary, photocopy exercises, and powerpoint on LCD. The conclusion of this research is that English teacher at MTs Negeri Surakarta 2 used various classroom techniques which can improve the students’ ability. Various techniques can make the student interested in English teaching-learning process. It does not make the class monotonous. The students become more active and creative. Based on the result, apparently, classroom techniques used by the teacher have important role in the teaching-learning process

    Manajemen Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Di SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember

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    This research shows the problem about the management of school principal in planning, organizing, actuating and controlling the teachers’ performance so that their competences (especially pedagogical and professional competence) more to developed. The purpose of this research is getting the description about planning, organizing, actuating and controlling by the principal to improve the teachers’ competences at Muhammadiyan Senior High School 3 Jember. This research use qualitative method by describing the model of principal’s management in improving pedagogical and professional competences of the teachers. The result of this research reveals that the principal’s planning in improving teachers’ competences consist of 1) the arrangement of component and management in Teaching and Learning program 2) the teachers’ placement to the appropriate classes based on their capabilities. 3) the Computer Information Technology training and Peer teaching, and also 4) recruitment and counseling to the new teachers. The Principal’s organizing in improving teachers’ competence consist of 1) the management of customers satisfaction questionnaire 2) the management of training and supervision application 3) the management of Human resource development. The Principal’s applications in improving teachers’ competences consist of 1) the principal’s cooperation with stakeholders, 2) the management of students learning problems 3) supporting the teachers in professional development study. About the Principal’s supervisions, they consist of 1) the supervision of teachers and students activities 2) the supervision of teachers’ performances 3) the monitoring of training and peer teaching, and 4) the monitoring of teachers’ study permission

    Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di Kelas VII SMP Negeri I Sragi Kabupaten Pekalongan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas VII SMP Negeri I Sragi, kabupaten Pekalongan. (2) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas VII SMP Negeri I Sragi, kabupaten Pekalongan. dan (3) mendeskripsikan evaluasi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas VII SMP Negeri I Sragi, kabupaten Pekalongan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian etnografi. Peneliti mengambil lokasi di SMP Negeri 1 Sragi Pekalongan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan, wawancara mendalam, dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Perencanaan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia klas VII SMP Negri 1 Sragi Kabupaten Pekalongan, sudah dilakukan oleh guru bahasa Indonesia dengan mengacu pada rencana pembelajaran yang disusun oleh MGMP bahasa Indonesia Kabupaten namun tidak semua rencana pembelajaran guru menerapkan metode pembelajaran siswa aktif. (2) Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMP Negeri 1 Sragi Kabupaten Pekalongan, dilakukan oleh guru bahasa Indonesia dalam 3 (tiga) tahap kegiatan, yaitu kegiatan awal/pendahuluan; kegiatan inti; dan kegiatan penutup/akhir, dilakukan oleh guru dengan menerapkan berbagai metode, pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia yang menerapkan pembelajaran koopratif guru lebih mengutamakan pada terjadinya proses. Dengan metode pembelajaran berbasis siswa aktif terbukti dapat menumbuhkan rasa saling saling membantu dan siswa dapat memahami perbedaan pendapat yang ada diantara teman mereka, serta meningkatkan kerjasama dalam kelas. (3) Evaluasi pembelajaran metode Bahasa Indonesia di kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Sragi, Kabupaten Pekalongan, dilakukan secara bertahap mulai dari evaluasi sumatif (harian) dan evaluasri formatif (mid semester dan semester). Evaluasi dalam metode pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Sragi Kabupaten Pekalongan, dilakukan dengan menunjukkan hasil belajar yang di capai oleh siswa dengan skor tertentu

    Pengelolaan Tenaga Pendidik di Sekolah Dasar Negeri I Ringin Larik Boyolali

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan (1) perencanaan tenaga pendidik Sekolah Dasar Negeri I Ringin Larik Boyolali. (2) pengorganisasian tenaga pendidik Sekolah Dasar Negeri I Ringin Larik Boyolali. (3) pengarahan tenaga pendidik Sekolah Dasar Negeri I Ringin Larik Boyolali. (4) evaluasi kinerja tenaga pendidik Sekolah Dasar Negeri I Ringin Larik Boyolali. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian etnografi. Peneliti mengambil lokasi di SD Negeri I Ringin Larik Boyolali. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan, wawancara mendalam, dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) perencanaan kebutuhan guru berdasarkan rasio kebutuhan guru yaitu setiap 20 – 32 dibutuhkan 1 (satu) guru kelas, guru agama sesuai dengan agama yang dianut siswa, dan seorang guru penjasorkes. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kebutuhan guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri I Ringin Larik Boyolali antara lain jumlah siswa, rencana pengembangan sekolah, dan jumlah guru yang memasuki masa pensiun. (2 )Pengorganisasian tenaga pendidik dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah untuk menciptakan hubungan kerjasama dengan guru, staf, dan siswa untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan dengan efektif dan efisien. Struktur organisasi Sekolah Dasar Negeri I Ringin Larik Boyolali memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang garis wewenang dan tanggung jawab. (3) Pengarahan tenaga pendidik berfungsi membantu guru dalam memecahkan berbagai permasalahan pembelajaran, permasalahan pengembangan profesionalisme guru dan meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi kerja kepala sekolah. (4) Evaluasi kinerja tenaga pendidik merupakan kegiatan kepala sekolah melakukan penilaian terhadap pelaksanaan tugas-tugas guru berdasarkan pembagian tugas yang telah ditetapkan, dengan tujuan untuk menilai keberhasilan guru dalam menyusun rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, melakukan pengelolaan pembelajaran, membina hubungan dengan siswa, dan melakukan penilaian. Evaluasi kinerja guru dilakukan dengan menggunakan penilaian yang berorientasi masa lalu dengan menggunakan metode ratting scal, check point, dan performance test

    Vocabulary Learning Strategy Used By English Good Students : A Case Study At Seventh Grade In MTS N Surakarta 2

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    This study described the vocabulary learning strategies that is used by students when they learn new words. Strategies for learning vocabulary has an important role in English. This study involved six students from three female and three male students. This study used qualitative analysis of data. Sources of data were taken from MTs N Surakarta 2. Data were collected used a questionnaire developed using taxonomy consist of cognitive, metacognitive, and socio-effective. This study aims to find out how to improve the English vocabulary of students at MTs N Surakarta 2

    Instructional Design of English at Acceleration Program of SMP Negeri 1 Wonogiri: An Ethnographic Study

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    The objective of the research is to get a clear description of the instructional design of English at acceleration program of SMP Negeri 1 wonogiri in which covers about to know the syllabus used by the teachers, the objective of English teaching learning process, to know the materials, the classroom procedure, classroom activities, teacher’s and learner’s role, the media, and the evaluation. The research was conducted in Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Wonogiri, from August 2013 to October 2014. It is qualitative research in the form of ethnography study. The object of the research was the instructional design of English at acceleration program of SMP Negeri 1 Wonogiri. The data of this thesis were collected from several techniques including observation, interview, and document analysis. In analyzing the qualitative data, the researcher conducted method triangulation to examine the data from interview with the result of the observation, source triangulation to examine the information with the document, and the last is theory triangulation, it is to know the relation among the theories used in this research toward the data research. The efforts of study reveal an integrated syllabus which categorized into functional syllabus, text-based syllabus, and grammatical syllabus. The learning objectives are general and specific learning outcome. The instructional material is divided into text book, worksheet and hand out. The classroom procedure consisted of three stages namely exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. The classroom activities are oral repetition, identifying key words, answering questions, role play, problem solving, silent reading, questioning, skimming and scanning, constructing a new dialogue or conversation based on the example, and free writing. The media are LCD and tape recorder. The teacher's roles are motivator, guide, manager, explainer, and evaluator. The student's roles are participant, listener, evaluator, tutor for the other learners, and negotiator. The evaluation models are reviewing question, formative test, mid-test, summative test, and national examination. The research findings of this study imply that the instructional design of English at acceleration program of SMP Negeri 1 Wonogiri has been suitable with the theories of English teaching learning. Therefore, it is recommended that (1) the education stakeholders especially Dinas Pendidikan should give an addition of the frequency to conduct the seminars, trainings and also the short courses for all teachers, (2) School as the institution to conduct the teaching learning process should give the supervision directly to the educational practitioners, especially to the teachers, (3) The teachers should give much attention to method of teaching learning especially how to design the classroom activity, so the students will be highly motivated, the last (4) the other researchers develop some parts which have not been developed in this research
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