Classroom Techniques Used By Tutors In Teaching Speaking At Saturday English Gathering Program: A Case Study Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta


This research aimed to describe: (1) the classroom techniques in teaching speaking by the tutors of Saturday English Gathering (SEGA) of UMS, (2) the purposes of using the techniques, and (3) the roles of the tutors and students. The subjects were the tutors at SEGA and the objects were the techniques used by the tutors. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques were observation, interview and documentation. Technique of analyzing qualitative data consisted of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. The result showed three techniques used by the tutors at SEGA, five purposes, three teachers roles and three students roles. The techniques were monolog presentation, dialogue, and discussion. The purposes of using the techniques for the students were: (1) to speak up more bravely, (2) improve students’ fluency, (3) drill speaking skill, (4) know more about grammar; and (5) know more vocabularies. The roles of tutors were explainer, facilitator, and commentator. The roles of students namely: the planner of their own learning process; learners were the member of the group; learners learned from teachers, students, and teaching sources

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