
Teacher Corrective Feedback In Teaching Writing At Eleventh Grade Students Of SMK Dian Kirana 1 Sragen


This research aims are to describe 1) the types of corrective feedback used by the teacher, 2) the function of corrective feedback, and 3) the dominant of corrective feedback. In reaching the objectives, the researcher used qualitative research to collect and analyze the data. The research was conducted in SMK Dian Kirana 1 Sragen. The researcher took 64 students of eleventh grade as the subject of this research. The researcher got the data of the study from event, informantion, and documentation. The techniques of collecting the data are observation that was held in eleventh grade classes, and interview with the teacher and several students, then collected the documentation such as students' worksheet and several data in observation. The result of the finding displayed that 1) the teacher used five types of corrective feedback in oral feedback, while in written feedback the teacher used direct feedback and indirect feedback (uncoded). Then 2) function of oral corrective feedback, there are : corrective feedback as guideline to students, giving motivation, developing interaction between teacher and students. In written corrective feedback has a function, there are : corrective feedback as guideline to students, giving motivated, feedback can assist students to analyze their error, and 3) the dominant types of oral corrective feedback teacher used explicit correction, then in written corrective feedback teacher prefer direct feedback more

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