3,090 research outputs found

    Junior High School Students’ Abstraction In Learning Geometry

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    Abstraction is a fundamental process in learning mathematics. Although it is a fundamental process but it is still an unfamiliar issue in mathematics education. On the other side, geometry, one of the fields in mathematics, consists of abstracts ideas having big portion in Junior High School. It is known that in this stage most students’ still thinks in concrete orientation. That is why it is necessary to know how the abstraction process in learning geometry. The aims of this research are capturing the students’ abstraction process during geometry instruction process and capturing students’ abstraction process during solving geometry problems. It is a qualitative research study. This research was conducted at Public Junior High School I Cimahi in RSBI classes, which subjects are students in grade VII. The data were collected by observation, test, and interview. Further the data were analyzed using analytical induction and constant comparative techniques. The results of this research are (1) the type of students’ abstraction process when learning geometry is a theoretical abstraction process and (2) the students’ abstraction process in solving geometry problems in that class is a type of abstraction, namely empirical abstraction process. However, the student’s abstraction has emphasis in terms of aspects of abstraction. The aspect of identifying objects’ characteristics through field experiences is more dominant than others. Key Words: Abstraction, Geometry, Empirical abstraction, Theoretical Abstraction


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    ABSTRACT NURHASANAH. 8105123271. The influence of Compensation and Work Discipline to Performance of Employees at PT Pos Indonesia Jakarta Pusat. Skripsi. Jakarta: Study Program of Economic Education, Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta. June 2016 This study aims to determine whether there is influence compensation and discipline to performance of employees at PT Pos Indonesia Jakarta Pusat. This research was conducted for three months from March to May 2016. The method used is survey method with the correlational approach. The population in this research were all employees at PT Pos Indonesia Jakarta Pusat. Population affordability are all employees of the SDM and general division amounted to 124 employees. The sample used in this research was 89 employees using simple random sampling technique. Data variable Y (Performance) are secondary data obtained from personal value data in April 2016. While the variable data X (Compensation) instrument used was questionnaire using Likert scale models as well as variable data X (Discipline Work) is secondary data obtained from the assessment of labor discipline by using Semantic scale of 1-7. Before use, be tested construct validity through a validation process that is the calculation of corelation coefficient score of grains with a total score and reliability tests with Cronbach Alpha formula. Results X2 variable reliability of 0,912 and prove that the instrument reliable. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 begins with finding test requirements analysis is the normality test using methods Kolmogorv Smirnov Z and can value X 1 1 amounted to 0,200, X 0,070 and Y was 0,142 of which were greater than 0,05 then data normal distribution. Then look for a test the classical assumption of multkcolinearity and heteroscedastisity test. From the multkolinearity test results Tolerance of 0,455, value greater than 0,1 and VIF is 2,197 less than 10, it can be concluded that there was no trouble multikolinearity. Next look for heteroscedasticity test with Spearman’s rho test, which resulted is significance value X1 0,900 and X2 0,816. Because the significance value greater than 0,05 then there is no problem heteroscedasticity. Then regression equation obtained was Y=21,392+0,171X1 +1,852X 2 2 . Test the hypothesis that the F test in the ANOVA tables, known Farithmetic 56,430 > Ft 3,1025. T test produces t arithmetic of compensation 3,084>t table 1,987 and t able of work discipline by 9,476>t table arithmetic 1,987. Then test the coefficient of determination obtained results of 78,4%. It is concluded that there are significant positive and significant correlation between compensation and discipline to performance of employees at PT Pos Indonesia Jakarta Pusat. Keywords: Performance, Compansation, Work Disiciplin

    Pelaksanaan Hidden Curriculum (Kurikulum Tersembunyi) Dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa Di SMP Al-Washliyah 5 Hamparan Perak

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    Berdasarkan rumusan masalah penelitian ini bertujuan; (1) untuk mengetahui bentuk hidden curriculum yang terdapat di SMP Al-Wasliyah 5 Hamparan Perak. (2) untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan hidden curriculum dalam membentuk karakter siswa di SMP Al-Wasliyah 5 Hamparan Perak. (3) untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan hidden curriculumdalam membentuk karakteristik siswa di SMP Al-Wasliyah 5 Hamparan Perak. penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuallitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, dalam proses pengumpulan data, penelitian menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi


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    Abstrak — Dengan berkembang pesatnya teknologi komputer dan informasi, maka peranan komputer dan web dalam menyediakan layanan informasi menjadi faktor penting untuk menunjang kerja berbagai institusi dan perorangan. Selain itu teknologi telekomunikasi – khususnya jaringan seluler – telah menjadikan kontak antar perorangan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dari mana pun dan kapan pun. Aktivitas keseharian terasa lebih mudah dengan adanya perangkat telekomunikasi yang disebut dengan telepon seluler. Maraknya penggunaan ponsel untuk berkirim SMS, memunculkan gagasan untuk membuat layanan informasi berbasis SMS. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada perancangan aplikasi sistem administrasi sekolah dan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi SMS Gateway. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara mempelajari bagaimana sistem administrasi sekolah pada umumnya bekerja, komunikasi sistem informasi tersebut dengan SMS Gateway, dan program antarmuka user untuk dapat mengakses aplikasi. Pengembangan aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas penyampaian informasi administrasi sekolah yang ditujukan kepada guru dan siswa. Kata Kunci—SMS Gateway, Sistem Informasi

    The analysis of causes of divorce by wives

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    This study aimed to find out the background of the life of women until the marital process, the factors causing wives to sue their husband for divorce, and the overview of women’s life who sued their husband for divorce. The research uses descriptive qualitative method and for collecting data were doing interviews. The subjects of this research were ten people. The results showed that most of their propensities to divorce were because: (1) the husband did severe persecution that was harmful to the wife; (2) the husband left the wife for 2 (two) consecutive years without wife's permission and without any legitimate  reason; (3) the occurrence of dispute and the quarrel between the husband and wife as well as there was no hope of living in harmony anymore in the household; (4) the husband committed adultery (cheating). Based on the results from the study, divorced women feel free from her husband's bad behavior


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    NURHASANAH. The Relationship Between Internal Locus Of Control And Student Achievement Motivation In The First Grade Of Accounting Department In SMK N 14 Jakarta. Script, Department Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2013. This purpose of research is to determine weather there is a relationship between internal locus of control and student achievement motivation in the first grade of accounting department in SMK N 14 Jakarta. This research is held in SMK N 14 Jakarta for three month begining from April till June 2013. Hypotesis of this research is: “There is a relationship between internal locus of control and student achievement motivation”. Research methode is using survei methode with corelational approach. Population of this research is student in the first grade of accounting department in SMK N 14 Jakarta. Sampling tehnique is proporsional random sampling tehnique with amount 55 sample. Requirements analysis test is  doing before hypothesis test, they are normality test error estimation regression Y on X and regression linearity test. Normality tests conducted using Liliefors test and obtained L arithmetic (0.0446) < L (0.1195), its means that the samples come from normally distributed population. Regression linearity test using Anova Table (Analysis of Variance) that compares value of F iv    table arithmetic and F and obtained results that were formed regression equation is linear. Where the F table (0,72) < F (1.90) then Ho is accepted Hypothesis test is using the significance test of regression, correlation coefficient test, test the significance of the correlation coefficient, and the coefficient of determination test. The significance test of regression using Anova Table (Analysis of Variance) that compares value of F table arithmetic and F table and obtained results F arithmetic (104.28) > F (4.02) which means that the regression equation obtained is meaningful or significant, and Ho is rejected. Results of correlation coefficient test obtained r value of 0.8157 and included the category of relationship is very strong. The significance test of correlation coefficient using t-tests obtained T arithmetic table (10.2669) > T (1.671), Ho is rejected and the mean correlation coefficient was significant. And the coefficient of determination test obtained for 66.54%. From the above results, the researcher can conclude that there is a relationship between internal locus of control and student achievement motivation in the first grade of accounting department in SMK N 14 Jakarta

    Fasilitas Rumah Belajar Terpadu Bina Insan

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    Rumah Belajar Terpadu Bina Insan merupakan binaan Darma Wanita Politeknik Bengkalis (DWPB). Rumah belajar ini belum memiliki fasilitas yang layak untuk digunakan anak-anak yang akan belajar. Sehingga perlu dibangun fasilitas pendukung kegiatan pembelajaran melalui berbagai kegiatan. Salah satu kegiatan tersebut adalah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM) yang dilaksanakan oleh tim dosen dan mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan. Fasilitas yang dibuat terdiri dari gazebo atau pendopo, ayunan dan perosotan. Seluruh fasilitas dibangun dengan mempertimbangkan factor-faktor efisiensi dan keamanan ketika digunakan. Gazebo terbuat dari bahan kayu dengan 4 (empat) tiang semi permanen dengan ukuran panjang 2,5 m, lebar 2 m dan tinggi dari permukaan tanah kelantai 40 cm. Ayunan terbuat dari besi pipa schedule 40 size 1 inc, flat bar 2 inc dan plat 10 mm. Adapun dimensi ayunan terdiri dari panjang 200 cm, lebar 80 cm, tinggi 170 cm serta panjang atap 200cm x 180cm. Sedangkan untuk perosotan terbuat dari bahan fiberglass dengan tangga dan rangka pegangan terbuat dari besi dengan sistem knock down bersifat portable. Dimensi perosotan terdiri dari panjang 170cm, lebar 47cm, tinggi 90cm dan tebal 45mm

    Sharia Supervisory Board in Limited Company-Based Sharia Banks

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    This paper aims to examine the function of the Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) due to the inconsistency of laws and regulations concerning this body. Law No. 21 of 2008 on Sharia Banking has required every Sharia Bank and Sharia Business Unit in the Banks to form an SSB. However, Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies has not regulated the SSB as a corporate organ. This paper analyzes laws and regulations on the SSB and court decisions on cases resulting from legal inconsistencies, with the organizational structure and fiduciary duty theories as analytical frameworks. This study finds out that legal ambiguity results in the absence of coordination between the SSB and other bodies in the organization. Thus, this prevents the SSB from optimally carrying out its functions and roles. Among the consequences is the inability to ensure sharia compliance in business contracts leading to lawsuits to cancel the contracts.
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