22 research outputs found


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    Kabupaten Buru merupakan penghasil hotong terbesar di provinsi Maluku. Sebagai daerah penghasil hotong banyak petani yang menggantungkan mata pencaharian dengan membudidayakan tanaman tersebut. Dilihat dari manfaatnya, hotong merupakan jenis makanan sehat yang rendah lemak yang baik dikonsumsi oleh segala usia. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk membantu petani hotong meningkatkan nilai jual hotong yang dihasilkan dengan mengolah hasil panen hotong menjadi tepung. Pengolahan tepung hotong diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian rumah tangga petani karena selama ini hotong hanya dijual dalam keadaan mentah kepada pengepul atau pembeli langsung dengan harga murah, serta hasil produksi tidak seluruhnya terjual habis. Selain itu mitra akan dibantu dalam hal pengadaan tepung, pengemasan dan pemasaran produk olahan hotong dengan harapan dapat menigkatkan kesejahteraan petani hotong. Kendala yang dihadapi mitra yaitu setiap masa panen hasil pemasaran hotong tidak selalu mencapai nilai maksimal selalu menyisakan hasil produksi hotong yang tidak terjual mencapai 35 persen dan akhirnya dikonsumsi sendiri padahal untuk memproduksi hotong bisa mencapai 4-5 bulan. Permasalahan produk yang dijual dalam bentuk mentah akibat rendahnya pengetahuan petani hotong dalam melakukan diversifikasi hasil pertanian. Kegiatan dilakukan pada program PKM ini berupa pengembangan, antara lain: pelatihan pembuatan tepung serta pemanfaatan tepung hotong sebagai bahan pembuatan kue, upaya ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kerugian petani akibat rendahnya distribusi hasil panen. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan bertambahnya pengetahuan kelompok petani hotong dalam mengolah hasil panen dalam bentuk tepung serta pengayaan pengetahuan dalam pemanfaatan hotong sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan kue. Kondisi ini diharapkan menjadi pemicu berkembangnya usaha pembuatan tepung hotong yang menguntungkan serta berkelanjutan.

    Konsumsi Menuju Konstruksi Masyarakat Konsumtif

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    This article aims to analyze public consumption actions as a practice model that will create a new model in understanding consumption patterns to become consumptive. The pattern of public consumption in its development has shifted due to the availability of modern technology and facilities. The approach used in this paper is library research, with data analysis techniques in the form of content analysis with the aim of obtaining valid inferences and can be re-examined based on the context. the presence of technology as a representation of facilities in meeting needs is able to encourage the creation of social change, such as the spread of consumerism culture, changes in dress and lifestyle modes where these conditions are institutionalized in the cultural structure of society so that consumption of goods is not based solely on the logic of needs, but will include substantial someone's emotions. The situation systematically shifts traditional values and leads to global behavior. Consumption towards the construction of consumptive society is a conceptual and historical illustration for all of us to further understand the shifting consumption into consumptive practices


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    The village Kalesang Program is a government business of Buru Regency to improve the lives of the village community with participatory planning patterns that come from the government and society. The Kalesang village includes the planning and implementation of Village development conducted jointly between the Government and the village community. This research is a qualitative study aimed at describing the implementation of the village's Kalesang program as a poverty alleviation instrument in rural communities. The research location focuses on Lala, Namlea and Marloso with the consideration of different social-economic characters with other villages in Namlea subdistrict. The number of informants interviewed was 45 people divided into communities, village apparatus and community leaders. Analytical techniques used to follow the concept of Miles and Huberman where activities in the analysis of qualitative data are conducted interactively and continuously. The results showed that the village's Kalesang program was able to become a development instrument and empowerment that was able to foster cooperation from the Community and government to plan and implement development and to keep watching it Through active participation. The end goal of the village Kalesang in the form of poverty testing made easy in the frame of harmonization and synergy between the government and the community to cooperate in resolving the problem of Village development

    The Pandemic A Leap Of Faith - Covid-19 Vaccine Fatwa in Indonesia Religious Institutions Independence and Rival Politics

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    Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, and we celebrate plenty of things together with our loved one without worry. The 2019 is just two years ago, but in certainly feels like longer than that. Now, we are at the year of 2021. The pandemic has beeb with us for 17 months now. The countres all over the worlds loosen and tighten its boreder as the pandemics evolve into certainty when the vaccinations held. Indees, the catastrophic of the pandemics didn't just leave us behind, many of us losing out loved one and in grief. Yet we are still hopeful of the future especialyy when Science nurtured our thinking while God is with all of us at heart

    Effectiveness of Early Marriage on The Protection of Children's Rights

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    The aims of the study are as follows: (a) What factors influence early marriage? b) What are the effects of early marriage on the rights of children? This is normative legal study, i.e., legal research that seeks to identify procedures, standards, or das sollen. This research was undertaken through library research in order to gather secondary data, including primary and secondary legal texts. Primary legal materials are binding legal documents, such as marriage and children's rights legislation. Comparatively, secondary legal materials are those that provide an explanation of the primary legal resources. The findings of the study indicate that marriages done below the legal age restriction are prevalent. Marriage demands psychological maturity, thus age restrictions are extremely crucial. Multiple factors, including environmental factors, health considerations, family parenting factors, and economic aspects, contribute to the occurrence of early marriage. Early marriage will have an effect on the non-fulfillment of statutory children's rights, such as the child's right not to be separated from his parents, the child's right to receive an appropriate education, and the child's right to obtain protection

    Program Kalesang Desa sebagai Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan pada Masyarakat Desa

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    The village Kalesang Program is a government business of Buru Regency to improve the lives of the village community with participatory planning patterns that come from the government and society. The Kalesang village includes the planning and implementation of Village development conducted jointly between the Government and the village community. This research is a qualitative study aimed at describing the implementation of the village's Kalesang program as a poverty alleviation instrument in rural communities. The research location focuses on Lala, Namlea and Marloso with the consideration of different social-economic characters with other villages in Namlea subdistrict. The number of informants interviewed was 45 people divided into communities, village apparatus and community leaders. Analytical techniques used to follow the concept of Miles and Huberman where activities in the analysis of qualitative data are conducted interactively and continuously. The results showed that the village's Kalesang program was able to become a development instrument and empowerment that was able to foster cooperation from the Community and government to plan and implement development and to keep watching it Through active participation. The end goal of the village Kalesang in the form of poverty testing made easy in the frame of harmonization and synergy between the government and the community to cooperate in resolving the problem of Village development


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    Sebagai subjek pembangunan tentunya warga masyarakat hendaknya sudah dilibatkan untuk menentukan perencanaan pembangunan sesuai dengan kebutuhan objektif masyarakat yang bersangkutan. Dalam arti bahwa perencanaan pembangunan yang akan dilaksanakan dapat menyentuh langsung kebutuhan masyarakat sehingga program perencanaan pembangunan desa yang akan dicanangkan, masyarakat dapat berpartisipasi seoptimal mungkin. Ide-ide pembangunan harus didasarkan pada kepentingan masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya yang menunjang terhadap pembangunan nasional. Ide-ide pembangunan desa inilah yang akan ditampung oleh Badan Pemusyawaratan Desa (BPD) dan akan dimufakatkan bersama dalam musyawarah pembangunan desa sehingga dapat direncanakan dengan baik antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat. Hal ini pada akhirnya akan menumbuhkan prakarsa dan swadaya masyarakat serta partisipasi aktif nantinya pada saat pelaksanaan pembangunan desa


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    Badan Usaha Milik Desa yang selanjutnya disebut BUMDes adalah suatu lembaga/badan perekonomian desa yang berbadan hukum dibentuk dan dimiliki oleh pemerintah desa, dikelola secara ekonomis mandiri dan profesional dengan modal seluruhnya atau sebagian besar merupakan kekayaan desa yang dipisahkan. Pada akhirnya BUMDes dibentuk dengan tujuan memperoleh keuntungan untuk memperkuat Pendapatan Asli Desa (PADes), memajukan perekonomian desa, serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa. Seperti diungkapkan oleh Ngesti D. Prasetyo, bahwa keberadaan BUMDes sangat strategis yang pada akhirnya BUMDes berfungsi sebagai motor penggerak perekonomian desa dan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa. Harapan dengan adanya BUMDes, adalah pembentukan usaha baru yang berakar dari sumber daya yang ada serta optimalisasi kegiatan-kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat desa yang telah ada. Di sisi lain akan terjadi peningkatan kesempatan berusaha dalam rangka memperkuat otonomi desa dan mengurangi penganggura