46,845 research outputs found

    Traditional Teaching About Angles Compared To An Active Learning Approach That Focuses On Students Skills In Seeing, Measuring And Reasoning, Including The Use Of Dynamic Geometry Software: Differences In Achievement

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    This research was about an intervention developed for students at the junior high school level, in which the researcher was teaching the concept of angles through paper exercises as well as dynamic geometry software (DGS), using an active learning approach. This research was to find out the impacts of the use of such an approach on students in their learning activities. The researcher compared two parallel classes at the same level, which were the first level of junior high school (age 13-14 years old). The experimental class was taught by the researcher according to the designed intervention. Meanwhile, the control class was taught by the collaborative teacher according to her regular teaching method without using DGS. The data were collected by means of tests (pretest and the posttest), questionnaires, and interviews. Analysis of the pretest scores shows that the experimental class did better than the control class did, but there was initially no significant difference. After the intervention, analysis shows that the experimental class did better than the control class in the end, and the difference was significant. Key words: Active learning, DGS, Student’s achievement, Traditional teachin


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    Traffic signal control is commonly used at road intersections to minimise vehicular delay. Fixed time control shows good results in conditions where there is a little fluctuation in traffic demand, however in time-varying traffic fixed time control becomes inflexible and inefficient. This may produce traffic congestion and lead to increased delays and air pollution. Demand responsive traffic signal control must be introduced to overcome these problems. However, all the available demand responsive traffic signal control methods such as Vehicle Actuated Controller (VAC), Traffic Optimisation Logic (TOL), Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation (MOVA) and Fuzzy Logic Traffic Signal Controllers (FLTSC) have been developed for non-mixed traffic conditions, considering only motor vehicles move in clearly defined lanes, neglecting motorcycles. These demand responsive traffic signal controls are not appropriate for the mixed traffic conditions of developing countries such as Indonesia, where the traffic streams consist of different types of vehicle with a wide variation in their static, dynamic and operating characteristics, and with a particularly high proportion (30% - 70%) of motorcycles. Also there is lack of lane discipline. This thesis describes the design and evaluation of an adaptive traffic signal controller based on fuzzy logic for an isolated four-way intersection with specific reference to mixed traffic in developing countries, including a high proportion of motorcycles. Four proposed controllers have been developed for different schemes. The controllers were designed to be responsive to real time traffic demands. The study identifies two traffic parameters as appropriate as input data for an adaptive traffic signal controller under mixed traffic conditions such as the proposed FLTSC: the average occupancy rate (%) and maximum queue length (metres). The literature study suggest that this data should be collected using advances video image processing. The proposed FLTSC uses maximum queue lengths and average occupancy rates collected during the previous cycle to estimate the number of seconds of green time required by each set of signal groups during the next cycle. The effectiveness of the proposed FLTSC was analysed using the microscopic traffic simulation model VISSIM. Prior to doing so, the VISSIM model was calibrated and validated. From the validation process it was apparent that the VISSIM model could be adapted to simulate mixed traffic conditions by use of the Packet approach. In this approach, motorcycles are modelled as a group of motorcycles. The performance of the proposed FLTSC was contrasted with a Fixed Time Controller (FTC) for different case studies on a simulated four-way intersection. The FTC is represented by the calculation as suggested in the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual. Separate analysis using TRANSYT show that this is a valid assumption to make. The simulation results show that the proposed FLTSC is generally better than the FTC in terms of the average delay of vehicles at an intersection, especially under time-varying traffic. Further analysis was carried out to compare the performance of the proposed FLTSC against a Vehicle Actuated Controller (VAC) for different traffic conditions on a simulated four- way intersection, East-West and North-South without turning movements. In order to analyse the performance of VAC, a refined VISSIM model was developed. This used the latest version of the VISSIM software and allowed individual vehicles (and particularly motorcycles) to be modelled in mixed traffic. The phase extension time is one of the most critical parameters to affect the overall performance of VAC (Bullen, 1989). To provide a fair comparison of the performance between the proposed FLTSC and the VAC, an investigation was carried out to find the most appropriate extension time for the VAC that was suitable for mixed traffic. The effect of motorcycles to the performance of the VAC was also investigated. Two schemes were carried out to observe it, namely: Scheme 1 where detector detects all vehicle types (DfT, 2006) and Scheme 2 where detector detects all vehicle types, apart from motorcycles. The simulation results show that the VAC System D (DfT, 2006) using an extension time of 1.2 seconds and the VAC Extension Principle (Kell and Fullerton, 1991) with a detector position of 30 metres and extension time of 3.0 seconds produced better performance than the other extension times tested for both schemes in terms of the average delay of vehicles. This is slightly shorter than current practice in developed countries. The simulation results indicate that the performance of the VACs with scheme 1 is generally worse than with scheme 2. The performance of the VACs with scheme 1 against scheme 2 tended to reduce significantly as the percentage of motorcycles in traffic increased. The study compares the effectiveness of FTC, VAC Extension Principle (VAC-EP), VAC System D (VAC-SD) and proposed FLTSC in various traffic conditions. The simulation results indicate that the average delay of the proposed FLTSC is close to the average delay of the FTC when used in cases with constant traffic flows but sometimes worse. However, in cases of time-varying traffic the proposed FLTSC is superior to the FTC. When comparing the simulation results of the proposed FLTSC, VAC-SD and VAC-EP, again the proposed FLTSC does not improve average delay, when traffic flows constant but produces better results in cases of time-varying traffic


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    Remaja putri berisiko terkena anemia karena sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan dan mengalami haid setiap bulan. Suplementasi tablet tambah darah merupakan salah satu upaya jangka pendek pencegahan anemia gizi.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tablet tambah darah terhadap perubahan kadar Hemoglobin pada siswi SMU di Brebes. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis Quasy Experimental dengan desain penelitian Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. Sampel adalah siswi kelas 1 dan kelas 2 SMU N 1 Kecamatan Brebes dan MAN 1 Brebes yang sedang tidak haid. Penentuan sampel dengan systematic random sampling. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pemberian tablet tambah darah selama 12 minggu yang diminum 1 minggu sekali dan setiap hari selama haid. Pada kelompok perlakuan ditambah Vitamin C dan Vitamin B6, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol hanya diberi Vitamin C dan Vitamin B6 saja. Pemeriksaan kadar Hb awal dan kadar Hb akhir menggunakan alat Hemocue dengan metode Cyanmethemoglobin. Pemantauan konsumsi makanan menggunakan metode recall 3 kali 24 jam. Pengolahan data konsumsi makanan menggunakan Food Processor dan pengolahan statistik menggunakan Program SPSS 11 dengan Uji T-Test Independent dan GLM Univariate. Hasil pemeriksaan kadar Hb awal pada kelompok perlakuan 25% siswi anemia dan pada kelompok kontrol 34% anemia. Hasil uji T-Test Independent yaitu tidak ada perbedaan perubahan kadar Hb antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p 0.938. Hasil uji GLM menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh pemberian tablet tambah darah terhadap perubahan kadar Hemoglobin pada siswi SMU di Kabupaten Brebes dengan nilai p 0,735. Konsumsi protein dan zat besi sebagai kovariat juga tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap perubahan kadar Hb dengan nilai p 0,775 untuk protein dan zat besi nilai p 0,276. Kurang efektifnya suplementasi TTD ini mungkin karena siswi kurang patuh mengkonsumsi TTD secara teratur, mengingat tingkat kepatuhan sebesar 8%. Pemantauan minum TTD pada remaja putri sebaiknya melibatkan orangtua. Untuk peneliti lain supaya keadaan kecacingan dan penyakit infeksi dikendalikan. Kata Kunci: TTD, hemoglobin, siswi SMU THE EFFECT OF IRON TABLET SUPPLEMENTATION TO THE CHANGE OF HEMOGLOBIN LEVELS (STUDY ON FEMALE STUDENTS OF SMU N 1 BREBES SUB DISTRICT AND MAN 1 BREBES Teenage girls have a risk to suffer from anemia because they are in growing phase and having menstruation every month. Supplementation of iron tablet is one of short-term efforts to prevent anemia. The purpose of this research is to know the effects of iron tablet supplementation to the change of hemoglobin levels in female students of SMU in Brebes regency. This research is Quasy Experimental research with Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. The samples are female students on 1stnd grade of SMU N 1 Brebes Sub District and MAN 1 Brebes that was not having menstruation. Sample formulated by systematic random sampling. The treatment is iron tablet supplementation during 12 weeks that was take once a week and everyday during menstruation. The treatment group also received Vitamin C and Vitamin B6, while in control group, they only received Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. The measurement of Hemoglobin levels are taken before and after supplementation use Hemocue with Cyanmethemoglobin methods. Monitoring of food consumption use 24 hours recall methods during 3 times. The data of food consumption is processed by Food Processor Program and data analysis was carried out by using Independent Samples T-Test and GLM Univariate design of SPSS 11. The result of hemoglobin levels before treatment in treatment group there were 25% female students suffer from anemia and in control group there were 34% female students suffer from anemia. The result of Independent Sample T-Test there is no difference on the change of Hemoglobin levels between treatment group and control group with p value 0,938. GLM Univariate result that is no effects of iron tablet supplementation to the change of hemoglobin levels on female students of SMU in Brebes regency with p value 0,735. There is no effect of protein consumption and zinc consumption as covariate to the change of hemoglobin levels with p value 0,775 for protein and p value 0,276 for zinc. Ineffetiveness of iron tablet supplementation possibly female students do not obey to consume iron tablet regularly; because the obedient level is only 8%. Monitoring of iron tablet consumption on teenage girls must involve their parents. The other researcher are recommended to controlling the intestinal worms and infection disease. Keyword: iron supplementation, hemoglobin, female students

    Pemerintahan dan Manajemen Sektor Publik

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    In carrying out the duties and functions of the Registrar, he is obliged to pay attention to the Registrar's code of ethics, especially when carrying out his duties while the conference is in progress, article 4 paragraph (3) explains: The Registrar is prohibited from activating his cellphone/cell phone during the conference in conjunction with article 3 which states that the Registrar is obliged to maintain his authority. "The Registrar/Substitute Registrar who activates the cellphone during the conference may be subject to a violation and be subject to disciplinary penalties in accordance with applicable regulations." This research aims to find out the reasons why the Bojonegoro District Court has not maximized the implementation of the Registrar's code of ethics and behavioral guidelines


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    This final assignment examines rigid pavement on toll roads. The purpose of this planning is to plan the pavement design and budget the costs that need to be incurred in toll road planning. So it is necessary to plan the pavement using the 2017 Bina Marga and AASHTO 1993 methods. The data required includes traffic volume data, rainfall data, technical data, soil data. After collecting all the data, planning is carried out using the 2017 Bina Marga and AASHTO methods. 1993 then ended with a RAB calculation that was in accordance with the thickness of the pavement planned for the Serpong – Balaraja toll road so that the design results using the 1993 AASHTO method produced a concrete slab thickness of 42 cm and a foundation layer of 10 cm, whereas in planning using the 2017 Bina Marga method the thickness was obtained. concrete slab around 30.5 cm, foundation layer (LC) 10 cm and foundation layer under class B aggregate 15 cm. Meanwhile, the cost budget plans obtained from each method have different results. For the 2017 Bina Marga rigid pavement method, the planned cost is IDR 73,721,843,085.0. Meanwhile, using the AASHTO 1993 method, the resulting cost plan is IDR 93,313,825,729. This cost budget plan has differences due to different rigid pavement thickness planning results


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Menganalisa hubungan antara minat belajar dengan kesiapan siswa menghadapi uji kompetensi; (2) Menganalisa hubungan antara hasil belajar mata diklat produktif dengan kesiapan siswa menghadapi uji kompetensi; (3) Menganalisa hubungan antara minat belajar dan hasil belajar mata diklat produktif secara bersama dengan kesiapan siswa menghadapi uji kompetensi . Jenis penelitian deskriptif analitik yang menggunakan rancangan korelasi. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas III SMK 45 Wonosari Jurusan Otomotif berjumlah 124 orang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 siswa yang diambil menggunakan Nomogram Harry King. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi dan regresi linier ganda. Data variabel penelitian telah dilakukan uji prasyarat analisis yaitu uji normalitas, uji linieritas, dan uji homocedasticity. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Ada hubungan antara minat belajar dengan kesiapan siswa menghadapi uji kompetensi dengan nilai r = 0,831 dengan kategori sangat kuat dan p = 0,000 karena p < 0,05 maka hubungan signifikan; (2) Ada hubungan antara hasil belajar mata diklat produktif dengan kesiapan siswa menghadapi uji kompetensi dengan nilai r = 0,302 dengan kategori hubungan rendah dan p = 0,000 karena p < 0,05 maka hubungan signifikan; (3) Ada hubungan antara minat belajar dan hasil belajar mata diklat produktif dengan kesiapan siswa menghadapi uji kompetensi dengan koefisien korelasi r = 0,831 dengan kategori hubungan sangat kuat dan dengan nilai koefisien determinasi = 0,691 maka persentase pengaruh minat belaja

    Peningkatan kadar kalium (K) pada Feldspar dengan metode pertukaran Ion sistem kolom

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    Feldspar banyak digunakan sebagai bahan pelebur pada industri keramik, salah satu syarat utarnanya adalah kadar kalium di dalamnya harus Iebih tinggi daripada kadar kalsium. Mineral feldspar yang banyak terdapat di Indonesia menunjukkan hal yang sebaliknya, sehingga perlu diolah agar kadar kaliumnya meningkat. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan peningkatan kadar kalium pada feldspar dengan metode pertukaran ion sistem kolom. Pertukaran ion sistem kolom dilakukan dengan memvariasi pH dan konsentrasi KC1 yang digunakan. Jenis mineral yang terkandung dalam feldspar dikarakterisasi menggunakan metode X-ray difi-action (XRD), sedangkan banyaknya kation K+ dan Ca2+ yang tertukar ditentukan dengan metode tak langsung yaitu dengan menganalisis filtrat. hasil pertukaran dengan spelctrofotometri serapan atom. Kondisi optimum pertukaran ion dicapai pada pH 11 dan konsentrasi KC1 15000 ppm dengan peningkatan kadar kalium sebesar 1,070 mek dan pengurangan kadar kalsium sebesar 1,15.10 mek. Feldspar is well known as a melting material at ceramics industries, the main specification is that the content of potassium must be higher than the calsium. On the other hand, Indonesian feldspar contains much calsium and lack of potassium so that ion exchange column system is used to increase the potassium content of the feldspar. The ion exchange column system was done by preparing the various pH and concentration of KCI. The type of minerals contained in feldspar had been characterized by XRD, whereas the changes of K+ and Cat concentrations were measured by analyzing the filtrate on undirect method by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometiy (AAS). Optimum condition of the ion exchange was reached at the concentration of KCI and pH, 15000 ppm and 11 respectively. In that condition the increase of potassium content was 1.070 mek while the decrease of calcium content was 1.15.104 mek. vi This dlocument is Undip Institutional Repository Collection. The author(s) or copyright owner(s) agree that UNDIP-IR may, without changing the content, translate the1 submission to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation. The author(s) or copyright owner(s) also agree that UNDIP-IR may keep more than one copy of thisl 1 submIssion for purposes of security, back-up and preservation. ( http://eprints.undip.ac.id

    The Artistic Management of Wong Panggung from Komunitas Magut in Yogyakarta

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    The Magut community is a traditional artists community which is committed to preservation and development of traditional art and culture, especially Wayang Wong as local wisdom which grows in the shadow of the predicate of Yogyakarta as a cultural city. The implemented management in this community is a combination of state supported management through Taman Budaya Yogyakarta and commercial management. The depth of ancestral wisdom in the formal unity of esthetic forms and spirituality embodied in the performance needs to be preserved and developed according to the demand of the present era
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