112 research outputs found

    Isolasi, Identifikasi, Karakterisasi, dan Uji antibiofilm Derivat Asam Galat dari Kulit Batang Sterculia quadrifida R.Br

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    Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is used empirically by residents of Timor island to treat hepatitis, typhoid, ulcers, and to restore stamina. Information of active compound contained in the bark of faloak specifically unpublished. This study aims to determine the active compound contained in faloak bark that can be used as antibiofilm. The extraction was performed by soxletation method, the isolation was performed by gradien isolation method, the elusidation was performed by merging information from NMR and LC-MS spectra analysis. The biofilm inhibition activity test was performed by microdilution method formed on flat bottom flexible microplate U-bottom PVC 96 wells with staining using 1% crystal violet. The isolation process obtained 3 gallic acid derivatives, named isolate 1, isolate 2, and isolate 3. Test of inhibition of biofilm formation showed isolate 1 has IC50 of 46,87 µg/mL, isolate 2 has IC50 of 45,87 µg/mL, and isolate 3 has IC50 42,65 µg/mL.The biofilm test results showed that isolates 1-3 had high biofilm inhibition potency


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    A study on molecular docking-based virtual screening has been conducted to select virtual hit of compounds, reported its existence in fungal endophytes of Chaetomium sp. as cytotoxic agent of breast cancer. The ligands were docked into Human Estrogen Receptor alpha (HERa) as the protein which regulates the breast cancer growth via estradiol-estrogen receptor binding intervention. The results showed that two compounds bearing xanthone and two compounds bearing benzonaphtyridinedione scaffolds were selected as virtual hit ligands for HERa leading to the conclusion that these compounds were good to be developed as anti breast cancer


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    Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is one source of bioactive compounds that could be developed as chemotherapeutic agent. Empirically East Nusa Tenggara people use boiled water of faloak bark as a cure for hepatitis (types A, B, and C), and gastroenteritis. This study was performed to test anticancer activity fraction of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol of ethanolic extract from faloak stem bark for the type of breast cancer cell line T47D, and normal cell types Vero using cytotoxic 3- (4,5-dimetilazol- 2-yl) -2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test method. Ethanolic extract was subjected to column chromatography using different solvents polarity level as n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol. Testing the cytotoxic effects using the MTT assay in T47D breast cancer cells and normal Vero cells with EC50 parameter. Ethyl acetate fraction in inducing apoptosis and cell cycle modulation was observed with flowcytometry method. The test results cytotoxic fraction indicating the fraction of ethyl acetate has the lowest activity with EC50 of 24.88 ?g/mL and selectivity index of 15.58. Ethyl acetate fraction effects an accumulation of cells in S phase (27.43%) in breast cancer cells T47D which is able to induce apoptosis. These results demonstrate that the ethyl acetate fraction can be developed as a chemotherapeutic agent in improving the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment

    Penelusuran Potensi Aktivitas Sitotoksik Fraksi Kulit Batang Tumbuhan Faloak (Sterculia Quadrifida R.br)

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    People on Timor island use Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br.) bark as herbal remedy to cure diseases such as liver diseases, gastroenteritis and as stamina booster. This study aims to analyze the ability of anticancer fraction of faloak bark ethanol extract. The mashed bark of faloak plants extracted by maceration method using ethanol. The ethanol extract fractionated using preparative thin layer chromatography with mixture mobile phase which, chloroform, n-butanol, ethyl acetate with ratio (3: 4: 1,5). Chromatogram detected with visible light, UV254, UV366, and cerium sulfate reagent, then marked. Fraction obtained five fractions. Cytotoxic test against T47D cell and Vero cell conducted using MTT, IC50 and selectivity sndex (SI) used as an anticancer efficacy parameter. Fraction 4 showed moderate anticancer activity with IC50 of 21.89 μg/mL in T47D cell line

    Penggunaan Ekstrak Selulosa Alang-Alang (Imperata cylindrica L.) sebagai Bahan Pengisi dan Penghancur Tablet Paracetamol

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    Lebih dari 90% produksi obat di Indonesia bergantung pada impor bahan baku, termasuk selulosa. Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L.) memiliki kandungan selulosa tinggi dan potensial sebagai bahan pengisi dan penghancur tablet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi penggunaan optimal selulosa dari alang-alang dan mengamati kualitas granul dan tablet yang dihasilkan. Metode yang digunakan untuk ekstraksi selulosa dari alang-alang adalah delignifikasi. Selanjutnya dikarakterisasi dengan spektroskopi FTIR. Dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan tablet granulasi basah dengan tiga formulasi berbeda yaitu selulosa dan Avicel, pengujian karakteristik kualitas granul dan tablet serta disolusi. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode Simplex Lattice Design dengan Software Design Expert. Kombinasi selulosa alang-alang dan Avicel PH 101 dalam karakteristik granul mempengaruhi karakteristik distribusi ukuran partikel, % fines, dan laju alir yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan, sedangkan kadar air, sudut diam, dan kompresibilitas memenuhi persyaratan. Sifat kualitas tablet parasetamol kombinasi selulosa dan Avicel PH 101 tidak memenuhi persyaratan kekerasan tablet dan waktu hancur. Uji disolusi ketiga formula memenuhi syarat. Selulosa dari alang-alang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti sebagian Avicel PH 101 dengan perbandingan masing-masing 8,54% dan 6,46% untuk Avicel PH 101 dan selulosa untuk menghasilkan karakteristik kualitas tablet yang dapat diterima

    Combination of cisplatin, Hedyotis corymbosa L. and Tinospora crispa extracts as a new therapy for breast cancer cells 4T1 through in vitro induction and cell cycle modulation

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    Cisplatin is a chemotherapeutic agent with varying side effects. Berberine compounds in Tinospora crispa and ursolic acids in Hedyotis corymbosa L are known to have high cytotoxic activities. This study was aimed to examine the effects of the combination of cisplatin, the ethanolic extract of Hedyotis corymbosa L.(EEHC), and the ethanolic extract of Tinospora crispa roots (EETC) on enhanced breast cancer cell sensitivity by apoptotic induction and cell cycle modulation. Cytotoxic effects were tested using the MTT assay in breast cancer cells, 4T1. The combination test of cisplatin and the extracts yielded combination index (CI) and cell viability, and its effects on the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle modulation were observed by the flow cytometry method. The results of the cytotoxic test showed CI of less than one for 1 mg/mL EEHC, 6 mg/mL EETC, and 1.68 mg/mL cisplatin. The EEHC-EETC-cisplatin combination accumulated cells in the S phase (29.98%) and induced apoptosis in 4T1 cells. It proves that EEHC and EETC can be developed as co-agents with cisplatin to improve the effectiveness of breast cancer chemotherapeutic treatment

    Fraksi Etil Asetat Kulit Batang Faloak (Sterculia Quadrifida R.br ) Menginduksi Apoptosis dan Siklus Sel pada Sel Kanker Payudara T47d

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    Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is one source of bioactive compounds that could be developed as chemotherapeutic agent. Empirically East Nusa Tenggara people use boiled water of faloak bark as a cure for hepatitis (types A, B, and C), and gastroenteritis. This study was performed to test anticancer activity fraction of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol of ethanolic extract from faloak stem bark for the type of breast cancer cell line T47D, and normal cell types Vero using cytotoxic 3- (4,5-dimetilazol- 2-yl) -2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test method. Ethanolic extract was subjected to column chromatography using different solvents polarity level as n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol. Testing the cytotoxic effects using the MTT assay in T47D breast cancer cells and normal Vero cells with EC50 parameter. Ethyl acetate fraction in inducing apoptosis and cell cycle modulation was observed with flowcytometry method. The test results cytotoxic fraction indicating the fraction of ethyl acetate has the lowest activity with EC50 of 24.88 μg/mL and selectivity index of 15.58. Ethyl acetate fraction effects an accumulation of cells in S phase (27.43%) in breast cancer cells T47D which is able to induce apoptosis. These results demonstrate that the ethyl acetate fraction can be developed as a chemotherapeutic agent in improving the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment

    UJI ANTIMIKROBA MINYAK ATSIRI MASOYI (Massoia aromatica) TERHADAP BAKTERI Streptococcus mutans

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    Karang gigi merupakan salah satu keadaan patologis dari gigi. Salah satu penyebab karang gigi adalah bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Bakteri tersebut tidak bekerja sendiri tetapi didukung oleh beberapa faktor lainnya yaitu host (gigi dan saliva), substrat (makanan), dan waktu. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan dalam pencegahan tumbuhnya karang gigi adalah dengan mengontrol akumulasi plak pada permukaan gigi. Tumbuhan masoyi merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang tumbuh di Indonesia. Dari kajian teoritis yang ada, minyak atsiri masoyi (Massoia aromatica) mengandung senyawa yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas minyak atsiri masoyi (Massoia aromatica) sebagai antibakteri terhadap  Streptococcus mutans dengan melihat nilai KBM (Kadar Bunuh Minimum) dan KHM (Kadar Hambat Minimum). Penentuan nilai KBM dan KHM dilakukan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pada pengujian dengan metode kualitatif dilakukan  disc diffusion test, metode dilusi cair, dan metode dilusi padat. Sedangkan pada pengujian kuantitatif dilakukan metode mikrodilusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 8 konsentrasi yaitu 2000, 1000, 500, 250, 125, 62,5, 31,25, dan 15,625 µg/mL. Hasil penelitian dengan metode kualitatif menunjukkan nilai KHM didapatkan pada konsentrasi 500 µg/mL dan nilai KBM didapatkan pada konsentrasi lebih dari 2000 µg/mL. Hasil penelitian dengan metode kuantitatif menunjukkan nilai IC50 85,047 µg/mL dan IC90 491,481 µg/mL. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah minyak atsiri masoyi (Massoia aromatica) terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus mutans
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