396 research outputs found

    Gathering Nutritious Edible Wild Plants Based on Societies Indigenous Knowledge from Sempolan, Jember Regency

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    Indonesia, as a mega biodiversity country, has various types of wild plants. Sempolan Village, part of Jember Regency, has fertile land to support the growth of a wild plant. This research investigates wild plants used as food sources by indigenous peoples in Plalangan, Sempolan Village. This study also conducts data on how wild plants were cooked, served, and enriched by nutrition notice. The method is qualitative descriptive analysis obtained from observation, interview, documentation, and literature study. So, research results found 26 species and grouped them into 19 families. In addition, the locality of these species is in yards, fields, and roadsides. The habitus identified is an herb (77%), tree (11%), shrub (8%), and liana (4%). Those foods categorize into 1) carbohydrates sources, 2) vegetables, and 3) fresh fruits. The carbohydrate sources mostly served as a side dish, compote, and flour by stewing and frying. The vegetables include 18 species served as complements of the main menu, which cooked for soup, curry, stir fry, ointment, and pothok. Fresh fruits comprise of 4 speciesàwere directly consume or make a salad. Furthermore, all food resources contain essential nutrients like vitamins, macro and micro minerals, and phytochemicals that are important for society's growth and healthy lives. Finally, Information on wild plants as a food source will increase food diversification as well as dishes


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    Metode pembelajaran merupakan faktor yang menunjang keberhasilan pembelajaran. Metode discovery dan Think-Pair-Share (TPS) adalah metode yang mempengaruhi siswa agar belajar secara aktif. Selain metode pembelajaran, kemampuan penalaran juga dianggap penting bagi pembelajaran, khususnya penalaran analogi untuk pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan hasil belajar matematika ditinjau dari kemampuan analogi matematis. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 26 Purworejo, dengan metode cluster random sampling didapat dua kelas sebagai sampel. Dari hasil analisis data dengan uji anava dua jalan dengan sel tak sama diperoleh hasil bahwa (1) ada perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara metode pembelajaran Think-Pair-Share (TPS) dan discovery, kemudian dengan beda rataan marginal diketahui bahwa hasil belajar metode pembelajaran Think-Pair-Share (TPS) lebih baik daripada hasil belajar metode pembelajaran discovery, (2) tidak ada perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa ditinjau dari kemampuan analogi matematis, (3) tidak ada interaksi antara metode pembelajaran dengan kemampuan analogi matematis. Kata kunci: metode pembelajaran Discovery, metode pembelajaran Think-Pair-Share (TPS), kemampuan analogi matematis, hasil belaja


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    One of the concept of development is sustainable, which means the process or development activity is an activity that is carried out on an ongoing basis with the main goal is to meet the needs of human life in order to improve the welfare of man. In carrying out development activities, the Government involves other parties such as private and public. This happens almost every development activity, not least the development of green space in Tangerang. Law No. 26 of 2007 concerning spatial explains if every district / city must have green open space at least 30% of its area, with the percentage of 20% of the public green open space which became the responsibility of the Government and 10% Private green open space which became the responsibility of the private sector and the community. Research methods used in this research is the mix method by using the technique of sequential explanatory, this technique is characterized by the data collection and analysis of quantitative data on the first stage, followed by the collection and the analysis of qualitative data at the second stage, in order to strengthen the results of quantitative research in the first stage. Research done in district of Tangerang to the number of samples as much as 68 respondents, with a research instrument using a detailed questionnaire. Researchers also use data results of in-depth interviews with resource-related, as well as other supporting secondary data that comes from books, journals, news media, and sources of other libraries. The results in this study indicate that there is a significant influence of the private sector with a percentage of 10% and the effect of a strong influence on public participation with a percentage of 20.8% influence in the development of open green space in the district of Tangerang. RTH development process will continue to be implemented, so that at the end of a planning period of development (2032) RTH percentage can reach 30% as mandated by law. Increasing the role of the private sector and community participation will continue to be pursued, the regulatory application process improvement will be done so that development planning activities can be run in accordance with what has been organized and planned in the regulation

    Improving student’s understanding on word order to form simple sentence in the simple present tense through scrambled word on flashcard a classroom action research with seventh grade of SMPN 23 Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011

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    This study is based on the importance of student’s understanding on word order but in fact the students’ ability in comprehending grammar is low. The problem of this research can be stated as follow: 1. How scrambled words are implemented to improve student’s understanding on word order of 7th grade students of SMPN 23 Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011? 2. Can scrambled word improve the student’s understanding on word order of 7th grade students of SMPN 23 Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011? Its purposes are: 1. To describe the implementation of scrambled word to improve student’s understanding on word order of 7th grade students of SMPN 23 Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011. 2. To identify the improvement of student’s understanding on word order after being taught through using scrambled word of 7th grade students of SMPN 23 Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011. This study is a classroom action research that was done in three cycles. Data collection was done using observation and test. To analyze the data on student’s understanding, descriptive quantitative analysis was used. Result of the study shows that by using scrambled word to teach word order at SMPN 23 Mijen Semarang, students’ understanding on word order can be improved. This successfulness can be seen from the result of students’ average score and good responses by students. The result after getting all of the treatment using scrambled word, the students’ average score increased. Students’ average score from the first cycle was 6.53, second cycle was 7. 78 and the third cycle was 8.33. The result of this study is expected to be information for teacher of English subject in teaching word order


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini difokuskan pada Pengaruh Organizational Trust Dan Employee Engagement Terhadap Job Satisfaction Pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Galuh, Kabupaten Ciamis. Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam penelitian ini meliputi : 1]. Bagaimana pengaruh organizational trust terhadap job satisfaction di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Galuh, Kabupaten Ciamis?; 2). Bagaimana pengaruh employee engagement terhadap job satisfaction di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Galuh, Kabupaten Ciamis?; 3). Bagaimana pengaruh organizational trust dan employee engagement terhadap job satisfaction di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Galuh, Kabupaten Ciamis?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh digunakan Analisis koefisien korelasi, Uji koefisien determinasi, Uji hipotesis menggunakan Uji Signifikansi (Uji t) dan Uji Signifikansi (Uji f). Hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil uji korelasi secara simultan organizational trust dan employee engagement dengan job satisfaction memiliki tingkat hubungan yang rendah dan berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diketahui bahwa hipotesis diterima, sehingga terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan organizational trust dan employee engagement terhadap job satisfaction. Artinya semakin baik organizational trust dan employee engagement maka job satisfaction semakin meningkat. Kata kunci : Organizational Trust; Employee Engagement dan Job Satisfaction

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Santri PP. NURIS Silo Melalui Wirausaha Produk Hidroponik

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    Jawa Timur merupakan provinsi dengan jumlah santri terbesar keempaat di Indonesia. Warisan budaya nyantri masih sangat lekat di masyarakat sehingga pertumbuhan pesantren senantiasa meningkat setiap tahunnya. Oleh sebabnya, pondok pesantren memiliki potensi sebagai agen pemberdayaan masyaraat. PP Nurul Islam (NURIS) merupakan pesantren yang telah eksis sejak 1969. Namun, pengembangan softskill santri sampai saat ini masih terbatas karena kendala finansial dan minimnya sumber daya. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan keterampilan santri melalui pelatihan dan pengembangan produk usaha berbasis hidroponik. Adapun metode pengabdian antara lain: (1) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan sosialisai kegiatan; (2) workshop, praktik, dan pendampingan hidroponik; dan (3) evaluasi kegiatan. Rangkaian kegiatan terlaksana selama 3 bulan, diawali kegiatan pembibitan sayur dan pembuatan instalasi hidroponik 120 lubang. Selanjutnya workshop materi kewirausahaan dan hidroponik, serta pendampingan dan hilirisasi produk. Evaluasi kegiatan berdasarkan kuisioner. Panen pertama sercapai setelah 2 bulan HST dengan keuntungan bersih mencapai Rp. 185.000. Keberhasilan kegiatan tercapai berdasarkan indikator 100% kehadiran, peningkatan wawasan siswa berdasarkan skor pretest-posttest serta penilaian kebermanfaatan, kemenarikan, dan kejelasan program
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