4,763 research outputs found

    Notes from underground: Lisbon after the earthquake

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    The Lisbon earthquake of 1 November 1755 occupies a canonical place in eighteenth-century studies, yet surprisingly little attention has been paid to what the rebuilding of the city meant, both culturally and materially. This article looks at the reconstruction of Lisbon in terms of its political, religious and social meanings

    a digital research tool for Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

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    LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-022139ROSSIO Infrastructure is building an open-access and free platform that aims to aggregate, organise and connect digital resources related to Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities located in Portuguese educational and cultural institutions. This paper aims to present ROSSIO infrastructure, the institutions involved, its main goals and the services it will provide, such as a discovery portal, exhibitions, collections and a virtual research environment. Underlying these services is a metadata aggregation approach that brings into ROSSIO the metadata on digital objects from the providing institutions. The aggregated dataset is transformed into linked data and enriched with entities from controlled vocabularies, which are defined by ROSSIO. We will detail this process, including the applications employed and how they interoperate. Finally, we will conclusively reflect on the potentialities of these services for public dissemination of science, taking into account the FAIR principles.publishersversionpublishe

    a digital humanities platform to explore the Portuguese cultural heritage

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    LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-022139The ROSSIO Infrastructure is developing a free and open-access platform for aggregating, organising, and connecting the digital resources in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities provided by Portuguese higher education and cultural institutions. This paper presents an overview of the ROSSIO Infrastructure, its main objectives, the institutions involved, and the services offered by the infrastructure’s aims through its platform—namely, a discovery portal, digital exhibitions, collections, and a virtual research environment. These services rely on a metadata-aggregation solution for bringing the digital objects’ metadata from the providing institutions into ROSSIO. The aggregated datasets are converted into linked data and undergo an enrichment process based on controlled vocabularies, which are developed and published by ROSSIO. The paper will describe this process, the applications involved, and how they interoperate. We will further reflect on how these services may enhance the dissemination of science, considering the FAIR principles.publishersversionpublishe

    Sebastião Phillipes Martins Estácio da Veiga, José Leite de Vasconcellos e a necrópole do Rossio do Carmo em Mértola

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    Separata de "O Arqueólogo Português", S. IV, Nº 24 de 2006Neste trabalho, depois de uma análise da documenmção existente, publicada ou inédita, foi possível rever a autoria de uma planta, conservada no Arquivo de Estácio da Veiga no Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, a qual, até agora, lhe tem sido atribuída, por todos os autores que a estudaram, a utilizaram, ou simplesmete a referiram. Esta planta, que representa a basílica paleocristã de Mértola e a necrópole que se desenvolvia tanto no seu interior como nas suas imediações mais próximas, reporta-se de facto às escavações ali efectuadas em Abril de 1908 por José Leite de Vasconcellos, estando directamente relacionada com um conjunto de fotografias até agora inéditas, que também se conservam no referido Arquivo. Tais fotografias ilustram diversos aspectos arquitectónicos da basílica registados na referida planta, bem como a disposição e caracerísticas de numerosas sepulturas, igualmente identificadas naquela , constituindo preciosas fontes documetais das escavações efectuadas no notável templo paleocristão. A autoria das referidas escavações encontra-se, aliás, ilustrada pela presença de José Leite de Vasconcellos em duas das fotografias, constituindo um dos raros registos que dele se conhecem desta etapa da sua vida, a poucos meses de atingir os 50 anos de idade.In this study after a thorough analysis of lhe existing documentation, published and unpublished, it was possible to review the authorship of a plan kept in Estácio da Veiga`s archive at the National Museum of Archaeology (Museu Nacional de Arqueologia) that, so far, been attributed to bim by all the authors who have studied, used or referred it. This plan, which represents the Early Christian basilica of Mértola and the necropolis located inside it and at its surrounding, reports to tbe excavations carried out by José Leite de Vsconcellos in April 1908, being directly connected with a set of photographs related to be mentioned archive and inedited so far. Such photographs illustrate several architectural aspects of the basilica, registered on the plan, as well as the setting and features of numerous graves, equally identified in it, making up valuable documental sources of this remarkable Early Christian temple. The authorship of tbe referred excavations by José Leite de Vasconcellos' is reinforced by his presence on two photos, representing one of the rare records from, this stage of his life

    O conjunto de metais da Idade do Bronze de Vila Cova de Perrinho (Vale de Cambra, Portugal central) 50 anos após a sua descoberta

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 11. "Estudios arqueométricos".O presente estudo enquadra-se num trabalho de reavaliação dos contextos arqueológicos da região de Vale de Cambra, neste caso particular dos contextos da Idade do Bronze, a propósito do conjunto metálico, encontrado há 50 anos, no lugar do Rossio, Vila Cova de Perrinho, freguesia do concelho de Vale de Cambra (centro-norte de Portugal). Inicialmente noticiado como um possível espólio de sepultura, nos anos seguintes, esse conjunto passou a ser considerado como um "depósito" pela literatura arqueológica, sem que nunca se tenham investigado convenientemente as circunstâncias do achado. Apresentamos um contributo para a compreensão deste achado, ainda presente na memória colectiva da comunidade local, integrando este conjunto metálico na realidade arqueológica da área do Rossio.With respect to a metallic group, found 50 years ago in place of Rossio, Vila Cova de Perrinho, county town of Vale de Cambra (Northern Portugal), this study relates to a reassessment of the work about the Bronze Age archaeological contexts in the region of Vale de Cambra. Initially reported as possible burial artifacts, in the following years this group came to be regarded as a "hoard" for the archaeological literature, without ever having properly investigated the circumstances of the finding. We present a contribution to the understanding of this finding, still present in the collective memory of the local community, integrating this metallic group in the archaeological area of Rossio.Respecte al grup metàl·lic, trobat 50 anys enrere a la Plaça de Rossio, Vila Cova de Perrinho, ciutat comtal de Vale de Cambra (Nord de Portugal), aquest estudi mostra una nova avaluació del panorama de l'edat de Bronze en contextos arqueològics de la regió de Vale Cambra. Descrit inicialment com possibles artefactes mortuoris, en els anys següents aquet grup va arribar a ser considerat un "tresor" per la literatura arqueològica, sense haver estudiat degudament les circumstancies del seu descobriment. Presentem una contribució al coneixement d'aquest descobriment, encara present en la memòria col·lectiva de la comunitat local, integrant aquest grup metàl·lic en l'àrea arqueològica de Rossio

    Supporting Content Discovery and Management in a Research Infrastructure

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    LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-022139The ROSSIO Infrastructure aims at aggregating, organis-ing and contextualising digital objects whose metadata descriptions areprovided by a consortium of Portuguese academic, public andprivatesector institutions in the domains of social sciences, artsand humanities.ROSSIO is the Portuguese representative of DARIAH, the Europeanresearch infrastructure for arts and humanities. A platform is being de-veloped to provide search and content curation services forresearchersand the general public, namely digital collections, digital exhibitions anda virtual research environment. The ROSSIO Thesaurus is being devel-oped to support content discovery and management in the platform. Thethesaurus is being modelled as a SKOS concept scheme, and it leverageson existing unstructured vocabularies, such as subject headings and the-sauri, produced by the ROSSIO data providers. This paper describes themodelling process of the ROSSIO Thesaurus, its integrationand role inthe infrastructure, its publication as Linked Open Data, and the resultsof this work after 6 months of development.publishersversionpublishe

    The Lisbon and Seville stations: their place within railway station typology and their impact on the organization of urban space

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    The introduction of railway transportation to the Iberian Peninsula entailed the construction of a series of structures which were essential to its functioning, from the railway lines themselves to water deposits, workshops, and stations. The latter assumed varying degrees of importance, depending on their location along the lines: those which were located in cities, being the starting points of railway lines, were bigger-sized and more important. While some stations were little more than mere halts, very simply built, their urban counterparts in the big cities constituted great public works and are considered, as a group, to be among the most characteristic examples of industrial architecture. In the 19th century, railway stations were the most visible picture of the novel architectonic programmes using cutting-edge technology, regarding materials – iron, steel, and glass – and also lighting, through the use of electricity. This turned them into privileged spaces for applying and demonstrating materials, styles, techniques, functions, and meanings that crucially altered the ‘street aesthetics’, leading to a profound renewal of both the morphological organization of cities and the urban landscape. In this article, we aim to make a comparative study between two stations in Lisbon (Rossio and Santa Apolónia) and another two in Seville (La Plaza de Armas and San Bernardo) to investigate, on the one hand, how they fit into the typology of their respective countries’ railway stations, and on the other, whether they had identical influence on the organization and enlargement of their cities’ urban spaces.Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia (UIDB/00057/2020

    Adherence to antibiotic treatment guidelines and outcomes in the hospitalized elderly with different types of pneumonia

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    Background: Few studies evaluated the clinical outcomes of Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP), Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) and Health Care-Associated Pneumonia (HCAP) in relation to the adherence of antibiotic treatment to the guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) in hospitalized elderly people (65 years or older). Methods: Data were obtained from REPOSI, a prospective registry held in 87 Italian internal medicine and geriatric wards. Patients with a diagnosis of pneumonia (ICD-9 480-487) or prescribed with an antibiotic for pneumonia as indication were selected. The empirical antibiotic regimen was defined to be adherent to guidelines if concordant with the treatment regimens recommended by IDSA/ATS for CAP, HAP, and HCAP. Outcomes were assessed by logistic regression models. Results: A diagnosis of pneumonia was made in 317 patients. Only 38.8% of them received an empirical antibiotic regimen that was adherent to guidelines. However, no significant association was found between adherence to guidelines and outcomes. Having HAP, older age, and higher CIRS severity index were the main factors associated with in-hospital mortality. Conclusions: The adherence to antibiotic treatment guidelines was poor, particularly for HAP and HCAP, suggesting the need for more adherence to the optimal management of antibiotics in the elderly with pneumonia

    Os hotéis de Lisboa no contexto das políticas

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    Este artigo tem como fim descrever o modo como surgiram os primeiros hotéis na cidade de Lisboa, no século XIX, a sua inserção na malha urbana, as razões que presidiram às opções tomadas, em termos de localização, face às políticas urbanas e aos estilos de vida dos seus clientes, estilos de vida convergentes com as manifestações de cultura urbana da época. Em termos metodológicos selecionou-se a técnica do estudo de caso baseado na inventariação e análise de documentos provenientes de uma grande variedade de fontes que se estendem dos Estudos Culturais à Sociologia Urbana, do Urbanismo e da Arquitetura à História de Lisboa e à da Literatur

    Digital Collections Service for the ROSSIO Infrastructure

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    Nowadays, especially during these challenging pandemic times, the need to have valuable cultural assets preserved online and available for current and future generations has grown exponentially. Cultural and educational sectors faced unprecedented obstacles as a result of the pandemic’s containment measures since many physical places such as schools, libraries, and museums had little choice but to close temporarily. Digital media has played a vital role in people’s daily interactions and was essential for the affected sectors to continue their work remotely. The pandemic has given an opportunity for cultural heritage organizations to show the benefits of digital collections and resources. By increasing access to a multitude of resources, spotlighting "hidden gems", preserving content, giving students digital materials to learn from, and providing users a different view on cultural heritage, the digital libraries and their digital collections have demonstrated how much they can enable a rich and diverse public domain. This Master’s dissertation was developed in collaboration with the ROSSIO infrastruc- ture, intending to create a service for their platform that allows the creation of digital collections made up of cultural heritage resources gathered by ROSSIO and its partner institutions. The developed service aims to give authenticated users access to an intuitive interface that includes the tools they need to create, edit, and share collections with the public, showcasing the best of Portugal’s cultural heritage in thematic collections that anyone can explore, enjoy and share.Hoje em dia, especialmente durante estes tempos difíceis de pandemia, a necessidade de ter artigos culturais valiosos preservados online e disponíveis, tanto para gerações atuais como futuras, tem aumentado exponencialmente. Devido às medidas de confinamento impostas durante a pandemia, tanto o sector cultural como o educacional teve de enfrentar desafios sem precedentes, uma vez que muitos locais físicos como escolas, bibliotecas e museus não tiveram outra opção que não fosse fechar temporariamente. Os meios digitais têm sido sem dúvida importantes para as interacções diárias entre as pessoas e foram essenciais para que os sectores afectados pudessem continuar o seu trabalho remotamente. A pandemia deu uma oportunidade para as organizações de património cultural mostrarem os benefícios de coleções e recursos digitais. Ao aumentar o acesso a uma infinidade de recursos, destacando "gemas escondidas", preservando o conteúdo, dando aos alunos materiais digitais para estudar e fornecendo aos utilizadores uma visão diferente sobre o património cultural, as bibliotecas digitais e suas coleções digitais demonstraram o quanto podem contribuir para um domínio público rico e diversificado. Esta dissertação de Mestrado foi desenvolvida em colaboração com a infraestrutura ROSSIO, com o objetivo de desenvolver um serviço na sua plataforma que permita a criação de coleções digitais, compostas por recursos patrimoniais culturais recolhidos pela ROSSIO e suas instituições parceiras. O serviço destina-se a ser usado por utilizadores autenticados, oferecendo-lhes um serviço com interface intuitiva que contém as ferramentas necessárias para criar, editar e partilhar coleções com o público, trazendo ao de cima o melhor que o património cultural português tem para oferecer, em coleções temáticas que qualquer um pode explorar, desfrutar e compartilhar com outras pessoas