758 research outputs found

    La vegetazione dell\u2019istituenda Riserva Naturale \u201cOasi di Lacchiarella\u201d (Parco Agricolo Sud Milano).

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    \uc8 stata studiata dal punto di vista fitosociologico la vegetazione della Riserva naturale Oasi di Lacchiarella. Sono state individuate 34 cenosi vegetali, ascrivibili a 12 classi fitosociologiche: Lemnetea, Potametea, Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea, Bidentetea tripartiti, Stellarietea mediae, Oryzetea sativae, Molinio- Arrhenatheretea,Galio-Urticetea, Alnetea glutinosae, Salicetea purpureae, Rhamno-Prunetea e Querco-Fagetea. Il grado di naturalit\ue0 e il valore floristico-vegetazionale \ue8 nel complesso basso, anche nelle formazioni boschive. Le cenosi si dispongono secondo un gradiente ecologico di umidit\ue0, caratterizzato da un progressivo svincolamento dalla falda. Le cenosi di piante infestanti o ruderali seguono una propria linea dinamico-evolutiva, pressoch\ue9 indipendente da quella di interramento dei corsi d\u2019acqua; entrambe comunque convergono verso le formazioni boschive

    Unraveling Atomic and Electronic Surface Structure and Dynamics from Angular Photoelectron Distributions

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    Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful tool in solid state sciences. Beside the direct measurement of the energy-momentum dispersion relation, the angular distribution of the photoelectron current reveals the structural environment of the emitting atoms via photoelectron diffraction effects. Moreover, in the case of molecular layers, the angular distribution of emission from molecular orbitals can be directly related to their charge density distribution via so-called orbital tomography. In the present paper we summarize our efforts undertaken over the past 12 years to add the dimension of time to these two methods via pump-probe experiments with femtosecond resolution. We give a comprehensive introduction to standard ARPES and time-resolved two photon photoemission and then focus on our efforts towards time-resolved versions of photoelectron diffraction and orbital tomography. Both, optimization of experimental parameters and data acquisition procedures, as well as new numerical tools are needed in order to realize such challenging full stop missing after experiments

    Unraveling Atomic and Electronic Surface Structure and Dynamics from Angular Photoelectron Distributions

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    Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful tool in solid state sciences. Beside the direct measurement of the energy-momentum dispersion relation, the angular distribution of the photoelectron current reveals the structural environment of the emitting atoms via photoelectron diffraction effects. Moreover, in the case of molecular layers, the angular distribution of emission from molecular orbitals can be directly related to their charge density distribution via so-called orbital tomography. In the present paper we summarize our efforts undertaken over the past 12 years to add the dimension of time to these two methods via pump-probe experiments with femtosecond resolution. We give a comprehensive introduction to standard ARPES and time-resolved two photon photoemission and then focus on our efforts towards time-resolved versions of photoelectron diffraction and orbital tomography. Both, optimization of experimental parameters and data acquisition procedures, as well as new numerical tools are needed in order to realize such challenging full stop missing after experiments

    Femtosecond manipulation of spins, charges, and ions in nanostructures, thin films, and surfaces

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    Modern ultrafast techniques provide new insights into the dynamics of ions, charges, and spins in photoexcited nanostructures. In this review, we describe the use of time-resolved electron-based methods to address specific questions such as the ordering properties of self-assembled nanoparticles supracrystals, the interplay between electronic and structural dynamics in surfaces and adsorbate layers, the light-induced control of collective electronic modes in nanowires and thin films, and the real-space/real-time evolution of the skyrmion lattice in topological magnets

    Functionalization of graphene related materials with biosourced C-3 and C-6 building blocks. From synthesis to applications

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    The functionalization of sp2 carbon allotropes is one of the hot research topics in advanced research on materials. Nowadays, carbon nanotubes and graphene related materials are extensively studied due to their exceptional mechanical and electrical properties. They are capable of substantially improving the properties of polymeric materials. Their functionalization is a crucial step, for allowing an even dispersion in the matrix. In this research, the functionalization of graphene related materials was performed with biosourced C-3 and C-6 molecules. They were glycerol and galactaric acid derivatives: pyrrole compounds (PyC) and 2-pyrones. The reactions for their synthesis and for the carbon allotrope functionalization were green and characterized by high atom efficiency, with a yield up to 96%. Indeed, the reactions were carried out in the absence of solvents and catalysts and adducts were obtained by simply mixing, with the help of either thermal or mechanical energy. The developed functionalization methods were successful for: carbon black, carbon nanotubes, few layers graphene. The bulk structure of the carbon substrate was left substantially unaltered: functionalization occurred in peripheral positions, at the edges of the graphene layers. Functional groups of defined chemical structure were covalently bound to the carbon material and stable adducts, up to very high temperature, were formed. Reliable hypotheses for the functionalization mechanisms were elaborated. In Figure 1b the supposed domino reaction based on the pyrrole compound, with the Diels Alder cycloaddition as the last step is represented. Such functionalization technique was developed as a pervasive technology, which allowed to pursue a variety of applications: (i) decoration with metals to obtain catalysts for the selective deuteration of pharmaceutical molecules as well as antibacterial ingredients (ii) rubber compounds for dynamic-mechanical applications (tires) (iii) conductive inks

    Nutritional factors affecting serum phenylalanine concentration during pregnancy for identical twin mothers with phenylketonuria

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    The effect of energy, protein, fat, and phenylalanine on serum phenylalanine concentrations during pregnancy for a set of identical twins with phenylketonuria (PKU) was examined. Blood samples were collected one to two times per week. The subjects completed a 3-d food record prior to each blood collection. The effect of the factors on serum phenylalanine levels was evaluated statistically using time-series analysis. Dietary intakes of the nutrients evaluated were similar for the subjects. For one subject, there were highly significant effects of energy, protein, and fat on serum phenylalanine levels. In contrast, these nutrients had no significant effect on serum phenylalanine for the other subject. Dietary phenylalanine had no significant effect on serum phenylalanine for either twin. Conclusions: There was no effect of phenylalanine intake and no consistent effect of energy, protein, or fat on serum phenylalanine. Other dietary or environmental factors or a combination of factors may impact serum phenylalanine levels of pregnant women with PKU

    Educação Patrimonial e Desenvolvimento Local: Relação Sociedade-Patrimônio em Santa Leopoldina

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    O estudo propõe a discussão do papel da Educação Patrimonial em processos de conservação de sítios históricos tendo em vista seu potencial como instrumento de geração e/ou fortalecimento de formas de participação social associadas ao sentido de identidade individual e/ou coletiva. Em uma perspectiva ampliada, o projeto pretende apontar sua importância em políticas culturais articuladas a planos de desenvolvimento territoriais e educacionais. Adota-se como campo de estudo empírico a sede municipal de Santa Leopoldina, Espírito Santo, particularmente área protegida por tombamento estadual (1983). A hipótese é estabelecida por se acreditar na dificuldade de criação de laços memoriais fortes por parte da comunidade local atual o que dificultaria a constituição de vínculos de identidade estruturados em conexão afetiva (sentido de pertencimento) inviabilizando, por sua vez, o despertar de interesse de preservação de quadros espaciais de vida. Assim, propõe-se pensar o par de temas Educação e Patrimônio, visando à elaboração de conexões entre memória, consciência, e ação social, em particular aquela vinculada à conservação de suportes materiais da memória coletiva. Para tanto, desenvolve-se roteiro metodológico aplicado em instituição de ensino localizada no perímetro da área de proteção patrimonial da sede municipal. O objetivo é, de um lado, compreender os fundamentos do instrumento em si, a Educação Patrimonial, e, de outro, suscitar o conhecimento e o reconhecimento da própria tradição para e em cada um dos sujeitos envolvidos no ensaio prático. Para isso, o desafio é diminuir a antecipação propiciada no/pelo campo teórico, permitindo, assim, o desvelar do sentido prático em sua potência. Palavras-chave: Educação Patrimonial. Sítio histórico. Educação formal. Santa Leopoldina

    The effect of interviewers' motivation and attitudes on respondents' consent to contact secondary respondents in a multi-actor design

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    In surveys using a multi-actor design, data is collected not only from sampled ‘primary’ respondents, but also from related persons such as partners, colleagues, or friends. For this purpose, primary respondents are asked for their consent to survey such ‘secondary’ respondents. The existence of interviewer effects on unit nonresponse of sampled respondents in surveys is well documented, and research increasingly focuses on interviewer attributes in the non-response process. However, research regarding interviewer effects on unit nonresponse of secondary respondents, more specifically, primary respondents’ consent to include secondary respondents into the survey, is sparse. We use the German Family Panel (pairfam) and an interviewer survey conducted during the fifth wave of the panel (2012) to investigate the effects of interviewer motivation and attitudes on respondents’ consent to a survey of their parents via a separate mail questionnaire. Using multi-level models, we find a substantial interviewer effect on consent rates when not controlling for interviewer characteristics. In a second step, we include variables which capture interviewers’ work motivation and attitudes. Our results show that being motivated for the job as an interviewer by interest in the work itself as well as attitudes towards persuading respondents are both associated with interviewers’ success in obtaining respondent consent to a parent survey. However, interviewer characteristics (including motivation and attitudes) are only able to explain a small part of the interviewer effect

    Attosecond timing of the dynamical Franz–Keldysh effect

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    To what extent do intra- or inter-band transitions dominate the optical response of dielectrics when pumped by a few-cycle near-infrared transient electric field? In order to find an answer to this question we investigate the dynamical Franz–Keldysh effect in polycrystalline diamond and discuss in detail the attosecond delay of the induced electron dynamics with regard to the driving transient electric field while the peak intensity is varied between 1 × 1012 and 10 × 1012 W cm−2. We found that the main oscillating feature in transient absorption at 43 eV is in phase with the electric field of the pump, to within 49 ± 78 as. However, the phase delay shows a slightly asymmetric V-shaped linear energy dispersion with a rate of about 200 as eV–1. Theoretical calculations within the dipole approximation reproduce the data and allow us to conclude that intra-band motion dominates under our experimental conditions

    Transcriptional and translational differences of microglia from male and female brains

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    Sex differences in brain structure and function are of substantial scientific interest because of sex-related susceptibility to psychiatric and neurological disorders. Neuroinflammation is a common denominator of many of these diseases and thus microglia as the brain ́s immunocompetent cells has come into focus in sex specific studies. Here we show differences in structure, function, transcriptomic and proteomic profile in microglia freshly isolated from male and female mouse brains. We show that male microglia are more frequent in specific brain areas, have a higher antigen presenting capacity, and appear to have a higher potential to respond to stimuli such as ATP reflected in higher baseline outward and inward currents and higher protein expression of purinergic receptors. Altogether, we provide a comprehensive resource to generate and validate hypotheses regarding brain sex differences that may support anticipated gender-based therapeutic strategies in the future.Aufgrund von geschlechtsspezifischen Ausprägungen von psychiatrischen und neurologischen Erkrankungen ist es von großer Wichtigkeit Unterschiede zwischen weiblichen und männlichen Gehirnstrukturen und ihren Funktionen zu untersuchen. Entzündungen im zentralen Nervensystem sind der gemeinsame Nenner von vielen dieser Krankheiten. Mikroglia als die immunkompetenten Zellen des Gehirns sind daher in den Fokus von geschlechtsspezifischen Studien gerückt. In meiner Arbeit zeige ich Unterschiede in Struktur und Funktion und im Transkriptom und Proteom Profil von Mikroglia aus frisch isolierten männlichen und weiblichen Mausgehirnen. Ich zeige, dass männliche Mikroglia in bestimmten Hirnregionen eine höhere Dichte aufweisen, eine größere Kapazität besitzen Antigene zu präsentieren und ein höheres Potential zeigen, auf Stimuli wie zum Beispiel ATP zu reagieren. Dies wird durch stärkere Auswärts- und Einwärtsströme über die Zellmembran unter normal Bedingungen und einer höheren Expression von purinergen Rezeptoren reflektiert. Ich stelle in dieser Arbeit umfangreiche Ressourcen bereit, um Hypothesen zu generieren und zu validieren, die sich mit Unterschieden zwischen weiblichen und männlichen Gehirnen und insbesondere Mikroglia befassen. Dies könnte für mögliche zukünftige geschlechtsbasierte therapeutische Ansätze eine unschätzbare Hilfe sein