250,349 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya peneleitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggolongan perbarengan tindak pidana atau gabungan tindak pidana (concursus) dalam hukum pidana dan bagaimana pemidanaan terhadap pelaku perbuatan berlanjut dalam Pasal 64 KUHP di mana dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Penggolongan perbarengan tindak pidana atau gabungan tindak pidana (concursus, samenloop) ada tiga (3) golongan yang terdapat dalam Pasal 63 sampai dengan Pasal 65 KUHP, yaitu: perbarengan peraturan (concursus idealis) yaitu sesuatu perbuatan termasuk dalam lebih dari satu ketentuan pidana; perbuatan berlanjut (voortgezette handeling) yaitu antara beberapa perbuatan ada perhubungannya, meskipun perbuatan itu masing-masing telah merupakan kejahatan atau pelanggaran, sehingga harus dipandang sebagai satu perbuatan yang berturut-turut dan berlanjut, dan perbarengan perbuatan (concursus realis) yaitu ada gabungan beberapa perbuatan, yang masing-masingnya harus dipandang sebagai satu perbuatan bulat dan yang masing-masingnya merupakan kejahatan yang terancam dengan pidana pokok yang sama. 2. Pemidanaan terhadap pelaku perbuatan berlanjut (voortgezette handeling) sebagaimana yang sudah disebutkan dalam Pasal 64 ayat (1) KUHP yaitu pada prinsipnya berlaku sistem absorbsi (penyerapan) yaitu hanya dikenakan satu aturan pidana, dan jika berbeda-beda dikenakan ketentuan yang memuat ancaman pidana pokok yang berat.Katakunci: perbuatan berlanjut; pasal 64 kuhp


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    ABSTRACT Ator Frinza Sasana. THE APPLICATION COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL OF TWO STAY TWO STRAY TYPE TO IMPROVE THE ACTIVENESS STUDENTS IN THE SUBJECT OF INTRODUCTORY OFFICE ADMINISTRATION OF THE OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 1 GRADE X IN SMK N 1 KARANGANYAR AT THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016. Skripsi. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. March 2016. The purpose of the research was to know the improvement of the activeness learning students in the subject of Introductory Office Administration of Office Administration 1 grade X SMKN 1 Karanganyar through the application cooperative learning model of two stay two stray type. This research was a classroom action research (CAR). The research was conducted in two cycles, where on each cycle consisted of: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subject of research was the Grade X Office Adninstration 1 in SMKN 1 Karanganyar consisted of 36 students. The data source was taken from the teacher and the students. The technique of data collection was done through several activities such as: observation, interview, and analysis of document. The validity of the data using data triangulation techniques and triangulation methods. Data analysis using descriptive comparative and analysis techniques. The results showed that through the application learning model of two stay two stray type could improved learning activeness of the students. On Oral Activities increased by 87,04% at the first cycle and 93,06% at the second cycle from 11,11% at the pre-cycle. Writingl Activities increased by 83,33% at the first cycle and 94,44% at the second cycle from 33,33% at the pre-cycle. Mental Activities increased by 87,50% at the first cycle and 93,06% at the second cycle from 33,33% at the pre-cycle. The conclusion of this research was the application learning model of two stay two stray type could improved the learning activeness in the subject of Introductory Office Administration of Office Administration 1 grade X SMKN 1 Karanganyar. Key Word: Classroom Action Research, Learning activeness, Two Stay Two Stra

    Adaptive Step Size for Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm

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    We implement an adaptive step size method for the Hybrid Monte Carlo a lgorithm. The adaptive step size is given by solving a symmetric error equation. An integr ator with such an adaptive step size is reversible. Although we observe appreciable variations of the step size, the overhead of the method exceeds its benefits. We propose an explanation for this phenomenon.Comment: 13 pages, 5 Postscript figures, late


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemahaman konsep siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media animasi pada materi pencemaran lingkungan berbasis kurikulum 2013 . Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa jenjang SMA kelas X di SMAN Jatin angor dengan jumlah siswa kelas X - 8 sebanyak 30 siswa. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain One - Group Pretest - Postest Design . Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes pemahaman konsep siswa berupa soal - soal objektif berjumlah 15 soal yang disesuaikan dengan indicator pemahaman konsep dan indi k ator pembelajaran yang diberikan sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media animasi . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan siswa dalam menjawab soal - soal pada materi pencemaran lingkungan telah memenuhi indikator pemahaman yang dikembangkan dengan rata - rata persentase indi k ator kemampuan mengklasifikasikan objek menurut sifat - sifat tertentu sesuai dengan konsep 74.6%, indi k ator member contohdan non contoh dari konsep 93.3 %, indi k ator kemampuan menyatakan ulang sebuah konsep 70.8%, dan indi k ator mengaplikasikan konsep atau algoritma pemecahan masalah yang mendapat persentase terendah sebesar 60.8% . Hal ini dimungkinkan karena pada indi k ator ini si swa belum mampu menalar lebih lanjut terhadap masalah yang disajikan. Kemudian terdapat peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa setelah mendapat pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media animasi yang ditunjukkan melalui perbedaan selisih rata - rata skor pretest sebesar 2.53 dan skor post test sebesar 3.15 . Kesimpulan dari penelit ian ini yaitu terpenuhinya empat indicator pemahaman konsep yang dikembangkan serta media animasi dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa. Kata Kunci: Media Animasi , Berbasis Kurikulum 2013, Pemahaman Konsep

    Dupla Consciência do Ator e Imaginação Recreativa

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    Many actors report a form of dual-consciousness when playing roles on stage: they react to the given circumstances as their characters would do, but they do not forget they are on the stage. This paper analyzes the concept of dual-consciousness and argues that actor dual-consciousness results from the actor’s imaginings, which both recreate the experience of the character and inform the actor about the non-reality of the experience. Keywords: Acting, actor, dual-consciousness, recreative imagination, experiential identification.Muitos atores relatam uma forma de dupla consciência ao interpretar papéis em cena: eles reagem a determinadas circunstâncias como seus personagens reagiriam, mas não se esquecem de que estão em cena. Este estudo analisa o conceito de dupla consciência, e argumenta que a consciência dupla do ator resulta de sua imaginação, que tanto recria a experiência do personagem quanto informa o ator sobre a irrealidade da experiência. Palavras-chave: Atuação, ator, dupla consciência, imaginação recreativa, identificação experiencial.Muitos atores relatam uma forma de dupla consciência ao interpretar papéis em cena: eles reagem a determinadas circunstâncias como seus personagens reagiriam, mas não se esquecem de que estão em cena. Este estudo analisa o conceito de dupla consciência, e argumenta que a consciência dupla do ator resulta de sua imaginação, que tanto recria a experiência do personagem quanto informa o ator sobre a irrealidade da experiência. Palavras-chave: Atuação, ator, dupla consciência, imaginação recreativa, identificação experiencial

    The calcium-free form of atorvastatin inhibits amyloid-β(1–42) aggregation in vitro

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    Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the presence of extraneuronal amyloid plaques composed of amyloid-beta (A beta) fibrillar aggregates in the brains of patients. In mouse models, it has previously been shown that atorvastatin (Ator), a cholesterol-lowering drug, has some reducing effect on the production of cerebral A beta. A meta-analysis on humans showed moderate effects in the short term but no improvement in the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale behavioral test. Here, we explore a potential direct effect of Ator on A beta 42 aggregation. Using NMR-based monomer consumption assays and CD spectroscopy, we observed a promoting effect of Ator in its original form (Ator-calcium) on A beta 42 aggregation, as expected because of the presence of calcium ions. The effect was reversed when applying a CaCO3- based calcium ion scavenging method, which was validated by the aforementioned methods as well as thioflavin-T fluorescence assays and transmission electron microscopy. We found that the aggregation was inhibited significantly when the concentration of calcium-free Ator exceeded that of A beta by at least a factor of 2. The H-1-N-15 heteronuclear single quantum correlation and saturation-transfer difference NMR data suggest that calcium-free Ator exerts its effect through interaction with the (KLVF19)-K-16 binding site on the A beta peptide via its aromatic rings as well as hydroxyl and methyl groups. On the other hand, molecular dynamics simulations confirmed that the increasing concentration of Ator is necessary for the inhibition of the conformational transition of A beta from an alpha-helix-dominant to a beta-sheet-dominant structure