16,452 research outputs found

    Innovation durch Adaption. Formfindung bei Herzog & de Meuron

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    Korištenje fotogrametrijskog materijala u izradi 3D modela i fototeksture

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    Primjena blizupredmetne fotogrametrije za 3D rekonstrukciju modela na temelju fotografija snimanih kalibriranom amaterskom kamerom stvara nove mogućosti dokumentacije, prezentacije i očuvanja arheoloških artefakata te pruža drukčiji, daleko isplativiji pristup tradicionalnim rješenjima konstrukcije 3D modela. U sklopu radionice organizirane u suradnji Geodetskog i Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu obrađene su fotografije replike dvodijelne posude pronađene na području Mikanovca koristeći softver Agisoft Photoscan. Rezultat rekonstrukcije je detaljan fotorealističan 3D model arheološkog artefakta

    Simulation of Image Reconstruction Methods Used in CT Equipment

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    Import 05/08/2014Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh a vytvoření simulátoru pro modelování rekonstrukčních metod obrazu využívaných u CT přístrojů a modelování artefaktů vznikajících během rekonstrukcí obrazu. K pochopení této problematiky je práce rozdělena do několika kapitol, kde nalezneme popis vzniku ionizujícího záření využívaného v CT přístrojích, jednotlivé generace CT přístrojů a princip vzniku obrazu pomocí CT přístrojů. Rovněž je zde matematické řešení problematiky jednotlivých rekonstrukčních algoritmů využívaných v dnešní době spolu s artefakty, které mohou vzniknout při rekonstrukcích. V dalších kapitolách jsou vysvětleny základní techniky zpracování obrazu dostupné v MATLABu a samotné řešení simulací pro rekonstrukci obrazu spolu se simulací artefaktů. Poslední část tvoří popis jednotlivých uživatelských rozhraní, kde jsou použity jak implementované funkce v MATLABu, tak vlastní návrh řešení rekonstrukcí obrazu vytvořený na základě teorie.The aim of the thesis is to design and create a simulator for modelling image reconstruction methods used in CT devices and modelling artifacts which arise during an image reconstruction. To understand the issue, the thesis is divided into several chapters, where we can find a description of the origin of the ionizing radiation used in CT devices, a description of each generation of CT devices and a principle of a formation of the image using CT devices. Then there is also a mathematical solution of the issue for each reconstructive algorithms used nowadays along with artifacts that may arise during a reconstruction. The following chapters explain basic techniques of image processing that are available in MATLAB and a solution of simulations of image reconstructions together with a simulation of artifact. The last chapter is composed of the description of user interfaces, where are used implemented functions in MATLAB and there is also an own proposal of a solution of image based on the theory.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn


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    Život kao artefakt: Matoševo autorstvo. Povodom knjige Dubravke Oraić Tolić Čitanja Matoša

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    Paper deals with a conception of Antun Gustav Matoš authorship, regarding his own definition of his life as a work of art. Performing his authorship in a variety of literary texts, letters and notices, he lived in extremes, being flaneur, dandy and a bohem, world traveler and a nationalist ideologist, what influenced reception of his work until recent period. Critical and historiographic, as much as other literary works related to AGM follow this „author-centered” positions regarding his life as a work of art, as much as his literary texts as a reflection of his life. Latest Croatian „Matosiana” book, Dubravka Oraić Tolić̕ Reading Matoš (Čitanja Matoša, 2013), attests some traditional critical assumptions regarding authorship of this canonical writer end expands them in a new context. Different theories of literary canon formation, especially those grounded on feminist or psychoanalytical approach, call in question usual strategies in creation and understanding AGMs authorship, aestheticism and anti-modernism.Paper deals with a conception of Antun Gustav Matoš authorship, regarding his own definition of his life as a work of art. Performing his authorship in a variety of literary texts, letters and notices, he lived in extremes, being flaneur, dandy and a bohem, world traveler and a nationalist ideologist, what influenced reception of his work until recent period. Critical and historiographic, as much as other literary works related to AGM follow this „author-centered” positions regarding his life as a work of art, as much as his literary texts as a reflection of his life. Latest Croatian „Matosiana” book, Dubravka Oraić Tolić̕ Reading Matoš (Čitanja Matoša, 2013), attests some traditional critical assumptions regarding authorship of this canonical writer end expands them in a new context. Different theories of literary canon formation, especially those grounded on feminist or psychoanalytical approach, call in question usual strategies in creation and understanding AGMs authorship, aestheticism and anti-modernism

    Utopia revisited - neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen?

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    The article is about an old and powerful occidental idea, utopia. Of how this idea experienced a revival nowadays, in adopting the form of a technical promise of true Promethean character: that everything is possible for everybody, assisted by technical means. That the individual’s liberation came within reach of reality, enabled by a combination about which we believe that it keeps our world going, namely free market and technological progress. That for the first time in human history, the modern variant of this myth is telling, a paradise of all for all has been realized, or does stand in our very vicinity at least, in becoming realized very soon.It is the nature of the utopian to erect a New World; in making one’s own history, the core of every utopia. The utopian comes in the near of an ideal state of Being, of an attempt to end history as such. Means: to end development as such, no matter the outcome, eu- or dystopian.An aspect of crucial importance for the viability of nowadays utopias is their dependency on technique. They are hidden utopias, disguised in the clothing of the technologically possible. That the meanwhile truly liberated occidental individual can choose the spaces in which to live, even virtual ones


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    Diplomová práce Mitosis je figurální plastika vytvořená pomocí duplikace sochy. Tyto duplikáty tvoří páry jež se na sebe mitoticky vážou. Páry jsou komponovány do spletité soustavy a tvoří tak kulovitý objekt. Na pozadí této práce je vnesení pohledu na lidskou populaci a její kulturu jako na samostatný organický celek.Mitosis diploma work is figurative sculpture created by duplication statues. These duplicates to form pairs at each mitotic bind. Couples are composed into complex system, and thus form a spherical object. Against the background of this work is to introduce perspective on the human population and its culture as an independent organic whole.

    Perspektiven architekturphilosophischer Entwurfsforschung

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