2,764 research outputs found

    Conception fonctionnelle de services d'entreprise fondée sur l'alignement entre coeur de métier et Système d'Information

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    National audienceThe enterprise organization must fulfil its strategy. Processes describing enterprise business core and enterprise organizational structure enable enterprise to meet this objective. This paper concerns business process driven design of customer oriented services. The description of business processes from customer instead of the production department allows indeed service set providing to the customer by the enterprise. In order to satisfy enterprise objectives, the service design procedure is so based on the Enterprise Architecture (EA) system point of view, whether services are computerized or not. Our service design procedure benefits from EA according to the enterprise strategy realization gap between the target Information System and the business core. This service design procedure adds an enterprise service automated design thanks to model driven engineering to the alignment so defined

    Towards Industrialized Conception and Production of Serious Games

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    Serious Games (SGs) have experienced a tremendous outburst these last years. Video game companies have been producing fun, user-friendly SGs, but their educational value has yet to be proven. Meanwhile, cognition research scientist have been developing SGs in such a way as to guarantee an educational gain, but the fun and attractive characteristics featured often would not meet the public's expectations. The ideal SG must combine these two aspects while still being economically viable. In this article, we propose a production chain model to efficiently conceive and produce SGs that are certified for their educational gain and fun qualities. Each step of this chain will be described along with the human actors, the tools and the documents that intervene


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    An "enterprise portal" a platform intranet access to corporatedata and system resource information together in one place.The enterprise portal is the gateway to the information systemof the enterprise for all staff and eventually partners. The issueof the portal is to seek to focus the user within the systemThe enterprise portal is the gateway to the data system Thisarticle's main objective is to develop a comprehensive anda balanced overview of the technical information portal andbusiness management knowledge, while showing how they arelikely to enhance productivity and accelerate innovation in theenterprise. Hummingbird hopes to help you identify many ofthe technologies that underpin the management of knowledge, while giving you a maximum element to support yourdecision-making process.On appelle "portail d'entreprise" une plate-forme intranetdonnant accès à des données de l'entreprise ainsi qu'à desressources du système d'information regroupées au sein d'uneinterface unique.Le portail d'entreprise est ainsi la porte d'entrée vers les données dusystème d'information de l'entreprise pour l'ensemble du personnelet éventuellement les partenaires. L'enjeu du portail est de chercherà centrer l'utilisateur au sein du système d'information.Ce article a pour principal objectif de dresser un panoramacomplet et équilibré des technologies de portail d'informationd'entreprise et de gestion de la connaissance, tout en montrant enquoi celles-ci sont susceptibles de renforcer la productivité etd'accélérer l'innovation dans l'entreprise. Hummingbird espère ainsivous aider à identifier un grand nombre des technologies qui soustendent la gestion de la connaissance, tout en vous procurant un maximum d'éléments d'appréciation pour appuyer votre processusdécisionnel

    Les autres univeristés du territoire catalan

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    L’approche variationniste à la pratique terminologique d’entreprise

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    Cet article présente un projet de recherche sur la terminologie des composants structurels de la motocyclette Aprilia, axé sur une enquête de « sociolinguistique en milieu de travail » et qui a pour but de décrire le rapport réel entre terminologie et variétés de la langue, tout en considérant les études de Rita Temmerman sur la « théorie de la terminologie sociocognitive ».La présence et l’utilisation de la variété vénète en milieu de travail a été vérifié à l’aide d’un questionnaire de sociolinguistique, distribué à 10% des actifs chez Aprilia S.p.A. L’examen des données, a finalement mené à une analyse contrastive entre la « stratification linguistique en milieu de travail » et l’architecture de la langue italienne standard proposée par Berruto.This paper attempts to shed new light on the possible relationships within terminology and language varieties, considering a more realistic approach to the linguistics facts and to the communication standards of a restricted “social network” from the viewpoint of Rita Temmerman’s theory on sociocognitive approach to terminological description. A questionnaire has been distributed to 10% of the working employees of Aprilia S.p.A, a motorcycle producer, axing on the prestige and visibility of the regional variety as main language of communication of the working place. The gathering and analysis of the data gave an interesting outline which led us to a comparison between the “linguistic stratification” of the firm and the architecture of the standard Italian language

    Identity and Autonomy in a Human Complex System

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    The work presented here is centred on the notions of language, of code as well as the interactions that allow to take into account the complex relations between different types of entities, actors, ... corresponding to the embedded cognitive networks . At this level, questions about the identity and the heterogeneity of actors particularly important to the globalisation phenomena can be examined through the negotiation mechanisms and collective decisions. The multiplicity of cognitive shortcuts used, related to the autonomy of actors and institutions or to their interactions, makes it possible to take into account the complexity of human systems.autonomy; cognitive shortcut; complex mediation; embeddeness; identity

    Commentaires concernant le contrat de société

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    Au chapitre du contrat de société et d'association l'Avant-projet n'entend pas modifier fondamentalement les institutions. Il se contente souvent de clarifier les droits des parties. Cet effort est louable et l'exercice est souvent réussi. L'Avant-projet est aussi généralement satisfaisant sur des points importants comme l'élimination de la distinction entre sociétés civiles et sociétés commerciales, même si le contenu juridique du nouveau concept d'entreprise reste à préciser. L'Avant-projet s'est attaqué aux définitions mêmes des sociétés et des associations. Les définitions proposées à l'article 2250 sont ambiguës et vont à l'encontre des définitions retenues aux articles 326 et 327 du Code. Sur ce point l'échec est total et compromet l'ensemble de la réforme. Une innovation mineure mais significative est signalée. Les articles 2270 et 2290 prévoient un mécanisme pour le règlement des différends sur l'évaluation des parts sociales. La nature de cette technique, expertise ou arbitrage, n'est cependant pas claire.The Draft Bill for reforming the Civil Code does not propose any fundamental change in the institutions of partnership or association. Most of all it clarifies the rights of parties — a worthy effort that has generally been successful. The bill is also quite satisfactory in its treatment of important points such as the elimination of the distinction between civil and commercial partnerships, even if the legal content of the new concept of an enterprise has yet to be specified. The bill has attempted to reformulate the definitions of partner ships and associations ; the definitions proposed in article 2250 of the bill are ambiguous and run counter to definitions contained in C.C. 326 and 327. On this point, failure is total and compromises the reform in its entirety. A minor but significant innovation is to be noted. Articles 2270 and 2290 provide a means for settling disputes by the assessment of a partner's share. The nature of this technique, whether by means of expertise or arbitration, is however not clear

    Le monde universitaire en Catalogne

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