2,626 research outputs found

    Oligosaccharides in Milk: Their Benefits and Future Utilization

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    The percentage of carbohydrate in the milk/colostrum of the mammalian is range from trace to over 10%, of which disaccharide lactose (Gal(β1-4)Glc) is usually constitutes the major part. Apart from the lactose (Gal(β1-4)Glc; Gal, D-galactose; Glc, D-glucose), the rest of carbohydrate components is composed of variety of sugars, commonly named as milk oligosaccharides. Human mature milk and colostrum contain 12 ~ 13 g/l and 22 ~ 24 g/l of oligosaccharides, respectively. In contrast, bovine colostrum contains more than 1 g/l oligosaccharides and this concentration rapidly decreases after 48 hr post partum. Most of human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) are resistant to digestion and absorption within the small intestine. Therefore they can reach the infant colon, where they can act as prebiotics that stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms such as various species of Bifidobacterium. They can also act as receptor analogues that inhibit the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the infant's colonic mucosa. A small part of the milk oligosaccharides is absorbed intact into the circulation and it has been hypothesized that these may act as immunomodulators. Generally, the bovine milk oligosaccharides are believed not to be absorbed by human adults or infants, thus making them available to be utilized as prebiotics or anti-infection materials. The colostrum of cows and other domestic farm animals is a potential source of free oligosaccharides, and oligosaccharides isolated from these natural sources can be utilized as functional foods or animal feedstuffs on the industrial scale

    How epidemic information and policy information impact anti-infection behaviors: a cross-cultural study under social influence framing

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    Three preregistered experiments examined to what extent information about an epidemic situation provided by experts and information about anti-infection policies promoted by governments/media influenced anti-infection behaviors. The above effects were examined among populations from different countries (in Experiments 2 and 3) and across self-construals (in Experiment 3). In three experiments, participants (N =706) were presented with a scenario where experts provided (or did not provide) information about an epidemic situation and governments/media promoted (or did not promote) information about anti-infection policies. After that, participants indicated their willingness to adopt anti-infection behaviors. Results across three experiments showed that both types of information independently increased participants’ anti-infection behaviors. In Experiments 2 and 3, we further found that the epidemic information had a larger impact on inducing anti-infection behaviors than the policy information, which was robust and consistent across countries and self-construals. Findings were discussed under the framework of social influence and in terms of practical implications for pandemic situations like the COVID-19.Social decision makin

    Analysis of Anti Infection Effect of Piperacillin Tazobactam and Cefoperazone Sulbactam in Elderly Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

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    Objective: to analyze the anti infection effect of piperacillin tazobactam and cefoperazone sulbactam in elderly patients with coronary heart disease. Methods: the experiment was carried out in groups from January 2019 to December 2020. The control group (cefoperazone sulbactam) and the study group (piperacillin tazobactam) were divided into two groups. The experimental patients were 98 elderly patients with coronary heart disease (49 cases in each group). Two groups of comparative indicators: pathogen clearance rate, incidence of adverse reactions. Results: the pathogen clearance rate of the study group was 94.63%, and that of the control group was 81.48%, which was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions was 3.57% in the study group and 16.33% in the control group, which was lower in the study group than in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: piperacillin tazobactam is better than cefoperazone sulbactam in the treatment of anti infection in elderly patients with coronary heart disease, which can better remove pathogenic bacteria, control various adverse reactions during drug treatment, and ensure the effectiveness and safety of drug use

    Antimicrobial Activity and Germination Conditions of the Medicinal Plant Argemone mexicana

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    Commonly called the Mexican prickly poppy, Argemone mexicana is a stress-resistant member of the Papaveraceae family of plants that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries by indigenous communities in Mexico and Western parts of the United States. This plant has been used to treat a wide variety of ailments, including skin diseases and intestinal infections, with reported antimicrobial properties. However, these properties are poorly understood and no bioactive compounds have yet been identified in the plant to account for this antimicrobial action. Herein, we describe the growth conditions and preliminarily characterize the antibiotic effects of different parts of the A. mexicana plant. We report that 2 mg of A. mexicana methanol root extract possesses antibacterial activity against the bacteria Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus, while the same concentration has no inhibitory effect on the fungus Candida albicans. Moreover, the methanol root fraction displays a stronger antibacterial effect, when compared to either the methanol seed or leaf fractions at the same concentrations and normalized to background solvent alone. Additionally, we show that when supplemented with 1000 mg/L of the phytohormone gibberellic acid (GA), germination rates of A. mexicana are significantly increased when compared to germination with either no GA or 100 mg/L GA. These preliminary results warrant further research into defining the antimicrobial properties and chemicals produced in the roots of these plants and are especially significant given the growing global concern of antibiotic-resistant ‘superbugs’ and lack of new antimicrobial drug discovery

    The plant biotechnology flight: Is Africa on board?

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    The development of plant biotechnologies has been very rapid in recent times, especially in the developed countries. The technologies have created a new branch of biotechnology known as molecular farming, where plants are engineered to produce pharmaceutical and technical proteins in large quantities. An evaluation of the status of plant biotechnology development in Africa revealed that majority of the countries that are involved in biotech activities are still at the level of tissue culture applications. This calls for urgent and sincere commitments on the part of the various stakeholders in Africa, especially the governments, to the development of biotechnology capacity

    A Study to Identify the Reasons for Farmers Inclination Towards Organic Farming: An Empirical Study

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    Food quality and wellbeing are the two significant variables that have steadily expanded consideration among everyday purchasers. Because of the presence of higher pesticide buildup, more nitrate, significant metals, chemicals, anti-infection buildup, and hereditarily altered life forms, expectedly grown food variations have huge antagonistic wellbeing repercussions. Besides, ordinarily developed food sources are less nutritious and contain lesser measures of defensive cell reinforcements. In the mission for more fast food, the interest in naturally developed food varieties has expanded over a long time because of their potential medical advantages and food handling concerns. Natural food creation is characterized as development without using substance manures and manufactured pesticides or hereditarily altered life forms, development chemicals, and anti-infection agents. The prevalence of naturally developed food sources is expanding step by step, inferable from their nourishing and medical advantages. Natural cultivating likewise secures the climate and financially affects a country. India is a country that is given native abilities and the possibility for development in natural farming. Even though India was a long way behind in the reception of natural cultivating for a few reasons, by and by, it has accomplished fast development in natural agribusiness. It has presently become one of the biggest natural makers on the planet. Subsequently, natural cultivating significantly affects the strength of a country like India by guaranteeing a good turn of events
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